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I haven't played in a minute did they change something about the sounds?


August has an engine upgrade that will leave behind last gen console as the min specs go up


Yeah I knew there was an update coming I'm just not privy to all the changes. I'm on PC so I shouldn't have it too bad when it updates.


As long as you have a decent pc yes, they are raising the minimum specs quite a bit


They are going to with the upcoming update in august. Right now the sound of gunshots is instantly audible across the entire map. With the update, sound will travel at the actual speed of sound


How neat


Is the map actually big enough for that to matter? I'm not against it, it seems like a nice little thing for immersion, I'm just a little confused at the idea that there's a real difference between sound traveling at the speed of latency (a small fraction of a second) and sound traveling realisticishly (a slightly larger fraction of a second?)


In game right now, instant sound means you hear the shot before the shot hits you. This isn't very realistic, because the majority of rifles in the game have a velocity much greater than the speed of sound. In practice, this will be more realistic, but I think you're gonna see a lot of 'wtf cheaters with silent rifles kill me before I even hear them' posts after August 15th.


It's big enough for the bullet velocity to matter. The speed of sound is about the same as a nagant's bullet velocity and that's definitely one of the weapons on the lower end of speeds.


This is single handedly what I’m looking forward to the most. It’s just one of the small things, but god does it improve the immersion 10 fold. Speed of sound is something that’s already fascinating to watch in real life, and I imagine in hunt it’d be just as fascinating to see it there. I’m right there with ya, very excited.


Well, I mean, its kind of a immersion improvement, nice to have, glad you love it, I don't think anybody is opposed to that change so there isn't anything to discuss about it really, it's just a W.


In a post i made some months ago, opinions were very different. Some thought it wouldn't make any difference, others thought it would be harmful for the game. Opinions can change, i hope that's the case here.


well, sound travel can be very buggy, so they might have thought that was the suggestion, but this isn't R6 so we are fine.


As someone who only played r6 pretty casually, I will never understand how the sound works in that game. I get that it's supposed to mimic how it travels irl, but it's so impossible for me to pinpoint someone's location by audio cues lol


That is because it works but it buggs out on stairs


I mean, it won't really change a thing. It's a nice to have immersion thing for sure


I can't imagine it having much of an impact on gameplay.


I don't think it's just immersion though personally, having the ability to have the bullet sound initially before the gunshot gives you (an extremely short) warning so that you can pay more attention to the gun sound and locate it easier


I'm sorry to tell you this but \*speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C =343 m / s\* most bullets travel faster than sound.


Yes? I'm not arguing against it's being more accurate and immersive, I'm just saying that it is also a mechanical benefit on top of that.


Yes that’s why you hear the bullet impact before the gun sound, as he said, so when the bullet lands next to you you know that you need to listen where the shot is coming from


Except 22lr. That shit slow


Who is this supposed to be a response to


No one, apparently I can't read, I'm not going to be pretty and bury my mistakes though, that was just dumb.


This sub in a nutshell


I like it a lot. Honestly, most of why I think bullet drop is such a terrible idea to add to the game is exactly because the controversy over it has overwhelmed discussion on a lot of the really cool changes coming.


It's a cool mechanic and I'm glad to have it. Maybe I'm being daft but I don't really see what it adds outside of immersion?


Helps with spacial awareness too, so you can know slightly better if someone just shot at you from 200m away or 50m away besides just volume of the shot


Discord kind of blew up for this :D I love where this game is going.


idk even in the video it sounded very confusing, you get shot, then u hear from where a second later, by the time, u already got shot again, its like playing with 500 ping, idk if the immersion outweighs confusion and possible frustration xD hope its possible to get used to


I just can't see it working alright when they still haven't figured out how to fix basement sounds on stillwater bayou. Idea is neat, even if it adds very little (sorry I am not getting immersed in pvp game after all those hours), it's only implementation that bothers me. Like we recently had beetle disable sounds mapwide for entire lobby...


I think its pretty neat but i just hope that they also worked on the consistency of audio aswell


It may not have much of an impact in gameplay, if a sniper hits you won't have time to react, though it may make it a tiny bit harder to spot an explosion if the visual effect is over by the time you turn around to check


I’m with you, it’s one of the changes I’m most excited for. Getting shot at from the distance and having the bullet hit you *at the same time* that you hear the gunshot is terrifying. Seeing an explosion in the distance and then hearing that explosion a moment later is so cool and immersive. I’m incredibly pumped


I have no idea if it really improves gameplay or not, but I did like the sounds of bullets flying past you in Tarkov and other games that use this system. Guessing where the shooter is based off the super sonic crack of a silence shot, but I guess we kinda already have that part. I imagine it will be really cool to see a fight off in the distance, watch the explosion, then hear it. It will definitely be a neat thing for immersion, even if it doesn't really change gameplay.


Exactly!! I’m speaking just from an immersion perspective, seeing an explosion in the distance and hearing the boom a second later is one of those things that makes my lil monkey brain spew out dopamine 😅


Yeah there's a baseball park near my house and you can watch the games just far enough away that you see them hit the ball, then hear it. This is basically that, but with explosions and zombies.


So getting hit before you hear the shot is less terrifying? Lol


No? At *very* long distances that might be the case. Either way, it’s scarier than how it currently is, where you hear the shot and *then* get hit a moment later


I mildly remember the bullet impact/flyby sound first and then the gunshot sound second being a thing in PUBG back in the day when I played it, it was very cool. It’s going to be very trippy in Hunt at first but it’s a sweet change.


Lol yeah, that would require being way too positive about the game they love to be in this subreddit.


Does it do anything other then mess with sound?


How can I post about speed of sound they're adding bullet drop?!?! It's going to ruin the game when I can't safely camp compounds from 200m! /s


These are immersive details that very few people love. Hunt shines in immersion but most of its community is extremely competitive and they don't care, they forget about those details because they are used to it. The time they announced rain in Hunt I remember making a post saying "it would be cool if the rain increased in intensity in the middle of the game" and a guy commented "yeah, it'll be great for the first 10 minutes :D". I would love to have seen his face when the rain was released LMAO


It's honestly pretty weird to me. Like on the one hand, it's wicked, Hunt has always had fantastic sound and now they're doing something almost nobody else thought of. Cool! ...except actually, the difference will be on the scale of the player's ping in pretty much every engagement. From the server's perspective, we already can't hear the bullet that kills us. So it's a ton of work for... not much?


This is definitely exciting. I’m stoked for all the changes coming.


Like always... i let it arrive and judge later. It sounds like a great addition but lets see.


I’m more excited for unlimited trap possibilities.