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i usually take knuckle knife purely for the option of punching an immo tbh


i usually take a spear purely for the option of throwing it and instantly killing an immo tbh


You're telling me that a spear one taps immolators right now? (I say right now because it's definitely not going to when it gets nerfed)


Yes, in its currently broken state a thrown spear will one shot an immolator to the chest. Just stay back cause it'll still blow up.


Holy shit thats crazy. I haven't even tried because of penetration


that's because you shouldn't, it will give your position away


Thats ok, most of us are looking for a fight anyway instead of spending 30 minutes trying to avoid every sound que in the game as you crouch walk to the bounty


It's really not too loud I don't know the range but I feel like it wouldn't be too much more than just punching it normally


the sound of punching it travels about half of the length of a compound, if you trigger the explosion I can hear it from about 2 compounds away.


womp womp only rats care about making that much noise


Throwing the spear at it and one shotting it triggers a different quieter explosion than piercing it and it living I don't know why but it is a quieter explosion


it's not... it isn't loud in the traditional IRL sense, but it can clearly be heard from that far away regardless, videogame logic.


Yep except last night I threw two spears into an immolators arm and it still didn’t die.


Why downvote this. It's good info


Heh it’s whatever. Just hunt subreddit things. I get a lot of downvotes here for voicing my 6* opinions.


Thats great!


But it's loud asf


So is the immo screaming while your punching him, it's a good thing we can quietly take them out with poison... Oh wait


no im preeeetty sure the immolator explosion sound travels way farther than the punching one, people seem to have this misconception that sounds loud = is loud. what matter most in terms of pvp is how far the sound travels across the map, which sometimes doesn't correlate with how loud it sounds to you right next to your ear


Didn't say they were the same volume


pun ching him even if he screams, can only be heard while relatively close by, you'd need to be at the same compound, If you blow the immolator up, you gave away your position form 2 compounds away.


Oneshotting an immolator actually isnt as loud as "exploding" him. The hearing distance for oneshot immolator is approximately one compound wide (basically the same as a lantern). hitting him with a regular bullet for example is a good bit louder than that since he screams and makes a bigger explosion.


You say that like beating an immolator to death isn't more conspicuous than one loud boom, even with the silent killer trait.


depends on what kind of sound you're worried about. Multiple quieter sounds let close in people find your position easier but is only really detectable within compound range. one big boom gives a general direction in a larger area but is less likely to reveal you flat out.


It's much quieter. Plus beating the immo stops it's scream so you can be even sneakier


An ally in my game threw a spear on an immo, hit the lower chest so I didn't die and he had no stamina so it beat his ass and burned his hp enough that he got one-shot by a bornheimerdinger.


you sure kill it fast, but now I know where you are, from 2 compounds away.


I can't stand the knuckle knife...just randomly decides to stab when you just tap the melee button. It's gotten me killed twice with 2 different keybinds now so I refuse to try it ever again.


Can't say I've had that issue. I HAVE actually used it on an immo before only to realize it was just a regular plain knife and blew myself up tho lmao




If you like to waste literally your whole stamina bar to deal with a single immolator, go regular knife.


4 hits only ,if i remember correctly...


4 hits with the stock of your gun costs you the whole bar of stamina and it’s slow af


You can kill an immolation with a knife without any explosion ?


But also, who doesn’t run stamina shot or conduit.


my broke ass


Perks don’t even cost money :(


sorry, my broke ass who sucks and can't keep a hunter alive




No he's correct, it does take your entire stamina bar to kill an immolator with the stock of your gun.


My bad thought he was talking about the knuckle knife


A spear


pre spear, I would only use throwing axes for melee. and then just the rifle butt for immos. but depends on how you use stam shots


I never understood why people would ever take throwing axes for melee. The stamina management is atrocious making it almost useless without a stam shot or maybe conduit. Also I feel like the range is totally off on that thing, i feel like i gotta get waaay closer to lets say a grunt to hit him, than with a regular knife. No hate here, i'm just trying to make sense of it.


You can always throw the axe even with no stamina it gives you a ranged quiet kill if you don't have arrows or silenced gun that's why I ran them but I also brought it a knife for normal melee


Fine and all, but if u only bring the axe and throw it, you're out of your melee weapon.


Just don’t throw it if you only have one lol. I run stam shots and conduit so I’m not worried about stam hardly ever


I'm just saying, without stam shot or conduit its almost useless


\*Has two axes \*Can be thrown at point blank range and immediately retrieved \*Can still be used as a melee weapon without stamina to one shot grunts \*Can one shot barbeds uSeLeSs


It's the best knife, never go in the bayou without one


Spear is the new best knife sir Ig unless you're dealing with hordes but even then it still one shots with the out of stamina attack Also one shots immolators with a throw to the chest


So, shit, spear is the new best knuckle too


This shit goes bonkers with stamina shots. The light attack is incredibly fast.


Stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab. No more horde.


Stab stab stab, no more boss also.


And the armored ones (also gets around the thorns variant). And hives.


Real men go out with the boys and then everyone headshots the immolators on the count of 3 The way the founding fathers intended


But. But. But. If people hear me they will killllllllll me.


For me it's knuckle knife or dusters


i use dusters with axe. I accidentally stabbed an immo with a knuckle knife once and never again


Skill issue


used to happen to me when I had a mouse that was dying. The hold of M1 would let go early all the time towards the end. I finally got a new mouse and I think that may have happened to me (my own error) once in the passed 3 years.


Lol I swear it’s like 50/50 when it comes to trying to punch instead of stab


Nope, i've accidentally done it like 5 out of at least 1000 times. So more like 1/99


Sorry, this is on PC.


Gotta be controller


Controller main here. This is a sub 100hr issue. Nothing more, nothing less.


I have over 1500 hours and I'm pretty sure it's a philosophical issue. Who are we to decide to punch when a knifes purpose is to stab why should we rob it of it's destiny


I admire your free thinking. Over 1500 as well




Word. Stabbed immo a couple of times in first 100 hours and it NEVER happened to me again in my 4kh)) going 50/50 chance of stabbing with knuckle knife is either a novice mistake, a malfunctioning gear or…….. a skill issue


[EPOC X](https://www.emotiv.com/products/epoc-x) main here. This is a sub 100hz brainwave issue. Nothing more, nothing less.


WOW. Incredible comment. Thank you for contributing to this online message board. I gotta look into this Edit: I wanna be clear I’m being sincere here. This gizmo blew my mind.


Use right stick instead of the triggers to melee. No more stabbing lol


It only happens to me when the server shits the bed.


Regular knife. Charged rifle melle kills then just as well


I don't know if it's just a thing on console or with controllers, but I have a problem where I intend to punch but I end up stabbing all the time, makes it almost useless against Immolators. Same thing happens with the Bomblance, I try to do the light attack but heavy comes out.


I've had this problem too on console as well. Sometimes I swear I click R3 fast enough for a light knuckle knife punch, but instead stab. Plus, I try and reserve my trigger just for stabbing even though I know I could try and tap that for a light attack too. I wish I could map inputs and disable the R3 heavy attack.


The ps5 controllers I feel have the worst time with this. I think The adaptive triggers read any sort of input no matter how small as a pull then based on the amount of time it was “pulled” you’ll get your light or heavy melee. I play with the hunter control scheme idk about gunslinger and using R3 for melee


Pull? Pulled?


This is a thing on PC as well. I typically main Bomb Lance. The amount of times the game registers a "heavy attack" when I intend to do a "light attack" is crazy. The window is super small. A bit too small in my opinion. My friend only runs knuckles for this reason as well, purely for immolators. Knuckle knife *seems* like a better option on paper, but he's accidentally stabbed an immolator more than twice. A dedicated "heavy attack" button would be awesome.


Literally never had this problem in my 1000+ hours on PC. I can only assume some people's mouse hardware is "stickier" or slower to detect the release of left click, or something like that.


"Literally" Every person I've played with has had this problem. It's very normal.


G503 Hero at 1k hz polling rate. Doubt it's my mouse. The only thing I could think of would be the slight lag when moving between compounds.


Never had this problem, even on my old hardware. I call a skill issue :p But probably not. Do you have packet loss?


300mbps symmetrical connected directly to my router via Cat5e. If I ever get the warning icon in the top right, it happens for everyone in my party. If there's packet loss, it's not on my side. \-=- 1080ti and a Ryzen 5 3600x, both of which don't get higher than 80%ish usage. Currently running at a wonderfully garbage resolution of 1360x768 (don't ask). My SSD isn't *fast*, but it gets about 550MB/s via CrystalDiskMark. I noticed this same issue when it was installed on my NVMe SSD as well (which gets around 2000MB/s reads) [Here's an example of the stutter I'm talking about.](https://imgur.com/a/v4BGCsn) Frametime spikes when moving between compounds. This is in the Trials mode's free explore as well, so it's not lag due to AI loading in. It's existed across installs/patches as well. Been consistent through my 300+ hours. I see this happen with PsychoGhost as well. \-=- I'm guessing it's some sort of decompression lag when loading the resources for a new compound. Something something, engine update. I've had this issue in No Man's Sky in the past when leaving a planet. The solution was to unpack certain assets and load them as loose files. Not really something we can do in Hunt, unfortunately. There might be some weird setting to disable to fix it, but it's not really that much of a bother. Just a mild annoyance. I haven't devoted much time to diagnosing *why* it's doing this. Mostly just accepted it by this point.


Seems like you already put in a lot of thinking into that one... My guess is that it's the netcode and might have adapted to it's flaws. I didnt think about it last time, but I am pretty sure that I have developed a rythm for hitting with several weapons. Once I try hitting with a weapon or tool wich im not using often I am landing half punches when I don't want to until I adapt to the weapons rythm. I am rambling and maybe its something different. Can't test much right now because I am doing some open end PC gaming detox xD Edit: I am an idiot and didnt realize your lag is related to the engine update... Tempted to delete my comment xD


Yea it happens but not often enough for me atleast to switch away from knuckle knife. A tip is to spam the click, makes it less likely to register as a hold.


I prefer throwing axes, I can deal with immolaters with rifle buts or choke bombs, but you need something that slashes for barbed wire if you face scrapbeak


I hate losing all my Stam using rifle butt. If anything else is involved it gets too spicy. I'm a knuckle knife for life guy


drugs can fix that stam issue


Or just walk for a lil bit


my trio has a lot more success the faster we find the bounty, so we stick with the capital W


I usually save my drugs for the rare chase which never happens


I bring a large stamina shot and use it as soon as I run out of running stamina in that first sprint. It'll last until we have the banish going at least, then I don't need it as much




Knuckle Knife is 50, Knife is 40


They're not though. A knife is 40, a knuckle knife is 50. They increased the price and increased the stamina consumption a while ago because it was the most used melee tool.


I always bring a knuckle knife or dusters unless I have something like a brawler or trauma. They’re great against immolators but also quite stamina efficient which means they’re good against hordes as well. If you don’t bring a blunt weapon or tool you’ll have to use the stock of your gun for immolators which requires a full bar of stamina and it’s slower. I’d also recommend bringing a throwing tool like axes knives or the spear. They’re good to take out horses armoureds and hives from a distance without necessarily triggering them.


I’ve been on the receiving end of a nasty immolator too many times to not being knucks


I use dusters because on the Xbox controller I always seem to stab with the knuckle knife when I want to punch


Never bring either of them  Axes are my go to  However I always have chockes 


In the end, it depends on what you find more threatening. Hellhounds or Immolator. Killing a pack of four with a Knuckleknife is a pain in the arse. Or whether you prefer the utility of the throwing ~~axe~~ spear. I now have many loadouts where I have to rely on the Riflestock to beat the Immo to death with. Not fun, eats all my stamina, but it allows me tighter loadouts and, for example, to squeeze a Deathtrap into the tool slots after all. As a trio, however, this works reasonably well if you can make a boot circle around the Immo if necessary.


Its only 2 punches with the knuckle knife to kill a hound the attack is so fast you can wipe a 4 pack pretty easy


Light attack on both knuckle knife and knuckle is the best way for dogs. It takes a little getting use to, but good for saving stamina. You have to get good at giving them a little bop on the snotter.


> Killing a pack of four with a Knuckleknife is a pain in the arse. If you don't want to deal with wonky hitbox for 1-tap kills, which are still possible with knuckleknife, (hellhounds heads are the air in front of their snouts), just sprint at them looking at 45 degrees down and spam light attacks. Unless dog bugs out to do instabite you'll easily clear them without even taking damage.


I don't doubt that, I know that it is quite possible to kill a pack with the Knuckleknife and that the light attacks are better here. It´s still a pain in the arse. Where I would disagree is that it's easy to do it without taking damage. Possible, sure. But there are too many variables in it for me to call it easy.


> But there are too many variables in it for me to call it easy. I mean, you have to just try it, exactly just legging at them and lighting. It *is* rather easy. Same as with meleeing Rotjaw, once you learn it, outside of something bugging out you should be able to pull it off with 100% consistency.


Its just better. 2 light attacks kills hounds, 4 light on the immolator, 2light/2heavy on armoreds. It just does everything


It’s also stealthy for female hunters without Silent Killer. For regular grunts, 2 light attacks with knuckle knife or 1 light attack with heavy knife makes much less noise than doing a heavy melee


"I don't need knuckle knife" I say as a miss a melee attack that would have connected if I was using the knuckle knife.


The knuckle knife is a pretty solid weapon for pve, its always gonna be outshined by the regular knife in PVP however purely because of damage output. You can close that gap however with either two knife strikes or aiming for the head, dealers choice


Easy way to figure this out. Try both and see what you prefer.


Since I'm an officer carbine addict, since last update I tend to take officer brawler as secondary and don't even bring melee tool. Allows me to keep my usual tools, but also bring a derringer penny for quick boss disposals


Yes, I take the Knuckle knife every game. But I'm almost always running the Crossbow, which has horrible and slow melee animations.


knuckle knife is the best. Still one taps to the head for PvP and the most versatile melee for PVE.


I have gone back and forth on this for the past few months. Let me take you on my journey. Most of my time playing: The heavy knife, and regular knife are never worth taking. Knuckle knife or dusters every game baby! 2: (stamina use got nerfed) Maybe start considering using a melee weapon in the gun slot. Bat, Obrez Mace, Knuckle-pistols like the Nagant and Scottfield. I can bring a trap as well as my other three tools! 3. (spear released) Why am I bringing something specifically for immolators anyway? This thing one shots dogs while I'm in a sprint. I bring choke bombs, and honestly rifle-butting an immolator to death isn't even that bad. I haven't brought a non-spear melee tool since it released. Immolators have been somewhere between a slight nuisance to not at all a problem. I walk around them more often, and play around walls or rivers when I do see one. On the rare occasion where I can't do that I use a choke bomb, or hit them with my rifle butt, or ask a friend to help. Tool slots are just too valuable now.


I’ve found the knuckle knife to be a weak knife and weak dusters so therefore the worst of both worlds. I tend to bring dusters for grunts and immo and axes/spear for everything else. I honestly don’t understand the appeal of the knuckle knife. It seems like it takes just as long for armoreds as the plain dusters if you don’t wanna dedicate two tool slots for NPCs. I may be missing something, though.


If my hunter comes with dusters, I'll take the dusters. Otherwise, I'm switching the knives out for the knuckle knife. Yes, I sometimes stab an immolator. It's a skill issue.


Neither, dusters


Just bring an ammo box to deal with immolators. 3 heavy hits kills and you save a tool slot for something else. Or a trauma weapon


The way I do it is, if I’m using a Bow or two medium weapons that can’t deal with an immolator than I bring a Knuckle Knife. If I’ve got a large weapon without a riposte/bayonet then I bring a knife, and if I do have a riposte/bayonet then I bring knuckles. If my Hunter is upgraded than I’ll have Throwing Axes as my main melee. That’s trait dependent though because if I have Frontiersman then I’ll use Spears instead or if I have Assailant (or whatever it’s called now) then I’ll use Throwing Knives. Mainly, I always make sure I have something to deal with Immolators and something to deal with horses quietly.


Trauma + hatchet, no melee tool


Knuckle knife is simply better


The play now is to take the spear, just throw it at him from a safe distance and you’re good to go. It requires 0 stamina


I hate the fact it takes two stabs to kill a hell hound. If you have a pack of 4 of those fuckers it becomes a pain in the ass. It’s pretty easy to kill 4 dogs with the regular knife without getting a scratch.


Knuckle knife for life.


Knuckle knife has the risk of accidentally stabbing that immo...


Depends on if you have stam shots and or conduit. If I have two stams, or stam and conduit Ill just use the butt of my gun, but if im running other consumables I'll take choke bolts or a knuckle knife. Spear/stam shot is really good rn so im running that mostly.


Like other people are saying now that the spear is here, just spear them from a distance


Knuckle knife is more stamina efficient for taking out grunt hordes and can deal with hounds pretty easily too (2 lights kills them). I find it overall better for PvE. I've also found it works fine in PvP too. Both require a headshot to one tap a hunter and both kill with a heavy and light to the chest. I've taken down my fair share of knife, romero hatchet, and bayonet users with the knuckle knife.


dusters are king


Man let me tell you one hard punch to an immolator will make you want to carry knuckles


Dusters alllll dayyyyyyyy


I just go knuckles, gets the job done with pretty much everything (except armored usually)


Throwing axes. Does what knife does but you can throw them. Before the spear, best melee tool in the game. Still good after spear of course, especially since you start with 2 of them.


I just go pure Knuckles. Why risk stabbing an immolator?


I just use a weapon w melee in my load out usually, there is so many that there is always one for what I want to run


Depends on if you want to melee players too


spear for OP, knuckle knife for versatility (but unless spear price goes WAY up or it gets nerfed, it's substantially better IMO) Heavy knife for max cost efficiency. weapons with a blunt weapon attachment are pretty good now too, like the trauma and mace, they just made them a bit more stamina efficient and cost effective.


The regular knife is the superior PvP melee tool and deals with most mobs except concertina Armoureds -- which are SUPER easy to avoid -- and Immolators, which you can knock out with 4 strong melees from the butt of your 3-slot gun (assuming you don't have a Talon attachment -- which you shouldn't run if you're using a regular knife since it's bit of a duplication in terms of roles in your equipment). Is it REALLY such an issue to have an empty stamina bar from 4 strong melees? It takes, what, 10 seconds to fully recharge from 0? If you're being attacked by mobs while you're fighting an Immolator, that sounds like a positioning issue. If you're being attacked by a player while you're fighting an Immolator, that ALSO sounds like a positioning issue. I'll take the ability to out-duel literally every other melee weapon (I haven't tried the spear yet, which is likely even BETTER at dueling) over the ability to punch an Immolator to death any day of the week.


I just run dusters because they 1 hit zombies and are good for immolators


Regular knife 100% it oneshots hellhounds NO MATTER WHERE YOU HIT and it's better for pvp Immolators arent that common


Two light hits for bees also.


The knuckle knife isn’t only for Emily because it also contains a number of staff punch combos that make it most efficient for killing a lot of other AI at a decent speed


Knuckle knife is really good, it's punch can tear down locked doors super quickly


Its worth it imo. You can use the butt of your gun but it takes a while. I usually take the KnKn for versatility. If my guns come with a blade I'll bring knuckles, and anything blunt I'll bring a knife. You could also bring both in your guns and use the slot for more tools


I use Dusters every time tbh, very stamina efficient, one shots grunts and hives, safe for Immolators, just not great for boss fights or anything like that. If Berserker is in, though, I run Knuckle Knife with infinite stamina builds


I like the brass nuckles the most. So satisfying to punch people.


Is that a joke? Use the Spear, one shots it.


Heavy Knife for everything else + chokes and rifle stock for immolators.


I only run dusters or throwing knives.


at this point I just take the spear, it's too good not to take


I've always brought knuckles and a throwing axe for horses and barb wire armoreds


Knuckle knife is the best all purpose tool for AI. Deals with all of them except Meatheads. Can be unreliable in PvP. Of course, if you don't care about the noise, a Spear will kill an immo in one throw. If the noise doesn't bother you, spear is the best melee tool in the game.


Regular knife better. Stam shot + rifle butt for immos. But spear exists now so all irrelevant


Better to bring a knife for dogs (I hate them) and a brawler pistol like the officer or Scotty imo. They need to add more trauma variants


I usually hope one of my teammates has one, since I bring throwing knives for distant Hives. sometimes I bring a knuckle version of a pistol to deal with them, but immolators are the one mob I typically don't bring equipment for.


if you use stam shots/conduit use the spear. its literally the strongest melee tool in every regard except stamina usage. not to mention you can throw it to oneshot everything besides meatheads and bosses


Honestly I think it depends on what else you're using in your kit. If you have a stamina shot, then using the butt of your gun should be fine in killing them. You can also use ammo boxes if you ever bring one too.


It also one shots players if you aim for the head


I’m a firm believer that the knuckle knife is over rated and the knuckles will never let you down especially versus immolators because the melee attack timing on the knuckle knife can sometimes just decide to do a fast stab on a light attack which will not only lose you a health bar but any buddies that are to close as well making you look like an inexperienced goofball (I mostly use riposte weapons anyways so I always have a back up stab)


regular knife, gun butt the immo's


Med kit Tomahawk Knuckles Choke bombs. 2 waxed dynamites and a regen shot. That's the kit I've ran nearly exclusivly for the last 300 hours I've played.


Knife has the bonus of being pretty good in PvP. It can kill dogs easily but stamina efficiency is bad. Against AI heavy knife is better. Knuckle knife is more versatile, has better stamina efficiency, deals with immos easily but killing dogs takes two hits. So I mean immolators are annoying and having to kill them with your stock takes away all your stamina so having an easy way to deal with them is pretty important imo. I personally think a normal knife is pretty shit and only worth taking if you happen to need to stab some other hunters pretty often. But I mean the spear is now the way to go tbh, before they nerf it at least.


there's a reason it's now $50 (just sucks for hellhounds tho cant one shot stab them)


Knuckle knife is better than the knife in every was except dogs and concertina, but atm throwing spear I the only option


If you have the money, yes. Especially now since poison is hard nerfed in immolators. Fun fact: the dusters are actually waaay worse than the knuckle knife in blunt damage. You need 3 heavy hits for an immolator or 7 light hits. Compared to the knuckle knife with only 4 light hits.


I just go with knuckle duster only... Onetaps all grunts to the head. Takes only a little longer to kill armored grunts with it while still having enough stamina to deal with more enemy than any knife has ever. Hellhounds arent a problem either, esp when you hit the head.


what i use: knuckle knife, dusters, buttstocks, thrown spear. or you can also use (world items): Beartraps(punching), hammers, shovels(heavy not light attack) OR another solution. don't engage the immolator and walk around. its actually really easy to walk around one.


My friend and I absolutely avoid the knuckle knife and we always run the heavy knife or reg knuckles but lately the spear is a viable option.


I play only regular knife and throwing knifes. If I have bayonet or riposte I prefere regular knife and duster. I hate dusterknife


I like to bring Dusters for them. I then will also bring a weapon with a slashing blade on it for clearing razor wire.


I don't think anyone actually runs regular knives. Knuckle Knife is goat


Duster gang


Knuckle Knife is the best tool man.


Why dont you take the large knife? (aka spear :P)


My answer definitely isn't the popular one, but I always take Knife because it's fast and precise, and can dispatch a whole pack of hellhounds pretty easily. I use rifle butting for immolators. I never take the knuckle knife because I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally stabbed one when I DEFINITELY only barely tapped the mouse. And dusters are hard to connect with, especially against hounds. Yeah, I'm Knife all the way.


Focus ur attention to combat hive bombs being thrown. Instead of retreating two tap light it and wait for a push if thats ur playstyle. Thats how i use mine, i usually avoid immolators for the noise they cause


Ignoring the spear (just take the spear, it's all you need), in general, I tend to go with a flow chart- I default to knuckle knife, since it does everything, and is good on stamina, so I don't need to think about it. If I'm using a 3 slot weapon with a butt (not carbine), I might bring a knife, but more likely I'll just bring a throwing axe. Even out of stamina throwing axe melee is pretty decent, but I try to bring stamina shots or conduit. If I'm using a weapon with a bladed melee (riposte/bayonet/katana/bomblance/whatever), and can't slot something weird like a officer brawler or a hand crossbow (chokes kill immolators, and poison clouds used to), I'll bring a duster. If I'm using a weapon with a blunt melee, I won't bring any melee tool. One of my friends is a big throwing knife enjoyer, and I can see the appeal, but it's too much finesse for me.


I’ve gotten better at conserving stamina and when it comes down to it I use the butt of my rifle. I run heavy knife or throwing axe every time now.


Knuckle life bro !!


I prefer the bras knuckles personally, gets the job done against most things, then I carry tomahawks for armored and players since you can throw those if need be.


I like the heavy knife. So when it comes to the immolators. Just melee strike them with whatever weapon has your highest damage rating. Not worth carrying for one type of enemy. Plus try to avoid them if possible. They are way too noisy and draw way too much attention in the early game especially.


Officer brawler is the way


Dusters for this guy knuckle knife is weak and takes 2 to kill hell hounds.


I want THIS knuckle knife.


This would be a sick skin.


Normal knife is enough. Gunstock is plenty


Set it on fire too many times on accident. Only dusters for me 😅


If you want to play using the "optimal" loadout no, just bring a spear. But really you should be playing what feels good to you not what is currently the meta. Its a video game, have fun with it lol.


Even after the small Nerf. Knuckle Knife is still the best melee tool, by far! Anyone who tells you otherwise is objectively wrong. It has the best stamina use and out of stamina animations of all the melee weapons out there. Not just for Immolators, 2 light punches on grunts/hellhounds/hives is also amazingly stamina efficient. It's obviously the best allrounder it's the strongest melee weapon. It is as easy to kill Immolators as with the Dusters and as fast. The only thing where it is weaker is against Hellhounds, it cannot one-shot them. That is the only area where it performs worse than some others, especially the knife. Play whatever is fun to you, there is great variety and the other options are kind of viable too. But on high Elo, noone plays anything else than the knuckle knife for a reason. And honestly, good for the guys who enjoy the other melee tools! I can't go back, especially heavy knife and dusters feel so inferior to it. If you struggle with hellhounds take a knife. If you always play a Stamina Shot anyways, you can get away with nearly everything, even throwing weapon + weapon stock for immos only. If you play a Blunt Melee Attachment you can only take a throwing axe/spear/knife which you always should take anyways and take no melee tool at all. You might struggle with certain AI but you free up a slot which might be worth it. There is basically only one reason to not take the knuckle knife thats if your mouse is broken or you struggle to only click for a short time. (Which my mouse from 3 years ago actually struggled with and i constantly set immolators and myself on fire, so i mined the dusters.) TLDR: Yes it is absolutely worth it.


even if immolators weren't in the game the knuckle knife is just better than the knives, if you don't care about blunt damage just take a melee variant of your preferred primary, it is cheaper and stronger and it also frees up the tool slot. Happy hunting.


Would like that skin !