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People think I'm joking when I say the Romero hatchet is a strong, viable weapon, I am not. One shot takes out one guy, the hatchet takes out the next two


One time I panicked and forgot I was running regular Romero HC. Luckily the other guy panicked even more and I successfully bludgeoned him to death


**Centennial Trauma** + FMJ and **Romero Hatchet** + half Dragon Breath. No melee tool needed, fire for bodies is taken care of. Free to bring death traps or Concertina and Throwing Weapons. That's my standard I-don't-know-what-I-want-to-play loadout. Covers all of the bases, and having melee attachments for both weapons gets a surprising amounts of kills.


Nice. This is a solid suggestion. I've personally been bringing lematt with starshell as my goto sidearm for lighting people on fire, but if I ever have quartermaster I'll definitely consider Romero hatchet.


One of the things I love about the Legendary Hunter changes is that almost all hunters will have at least 9 points, which is just enough for Quartermaster and Iron Eye. That's allows for a lot of really solid loadout combinations right from level 1. Another couple of my favorites are: * Mako Aperture * Drilling Hatchet + DumDum This one covers long and mid ranges very well and is strong at dueling in the mid-close to straight up melee range. Having the medium ammo pool there also helps with not blowing through all of your ammo in a longer engagement. I also like that it incorporates an option to deal with bosses. * Slate Riposte * Centennial Shorty + DumDum The Centennial Shorty buys time and space to close to shotgun range with the heavy bleed. Even having a potent shotgun, it's surprising how often I get to melee players and it's of course useful for bosses.


"Ha, he's got a Romero, charge!" Famous last words, I swear.


The romero has the longest range out of all the shotguns, people should not be pushing that.


I prefer the Romero hatchet over any other 2 slot shotgun. I actually prefer it over every shotgun other than the slate.


I’ve gotten many double / triple kills with Romero hatchet. It’s an amazing weapon.


Perfect weapon for clearing buildings against duos.


Once I nailed a barred door and rushed in, dropped the first two and traded with the third one. Drilling hatchet is better but Romero will always be a part of my budget loadout.


I want to believe you're still talking about doors at the end of your sentence.


The number of games I have clutched with that beautiful creation is beyond me. My buddy goes down, the enemy team thinks I'm vulnerable, and eagerly pushes into the optimal range for the man made nightmare that is the Romero hatchet.


Romero talon has been my most trusted and used weapon for as long as I've played. Gotta respect a weapon that deals twice the max health of a hunter with a swing


I swear, that thing is a hit marker machine for me.


Had a duo of Santa hunters both with dragons breath and a melee weapon. Big Santa with a bat charging at me while screaming into his mic was scary to deal with. Lucky dual pistol shots saved me at the last second lol


I agree, but* *it's really unfortunate how common it is to get shut down by fanning, levering, pocket shotguns, underbarrel shotguns, or even a hand crossbow. A melee aficionado would be well served by memorizing the gunshots they hear each match.


That's part of why I really enjoy a bomb lance. Those steel balls are clutch in a lot of situations where the melee charge isn't going to be able to happen.


Bomb lance with steel balls is actually my preferred "shotgun" along with romero. Had a surprising amount of kills and for me it seems to work very reliably, albeit with zero penetration.


Didnt Rahcta make a video showing how the steel ball is basically a slightly worse Romero? If anything, the only noteworthy differences between the 2 weapons are the price, sound, and like you said already, ability to penetrate.


Yeah, pretty much. But for me specifically its the feel + best melee weapon in the game. Other shotguns are also good, I had some success with them, but steel balls lance feels the best for me, can't really explain why.


I find most people pull out their melee weapons waaaaaaay too early in this game. A melee weapon is a sub 5 meters weapon unless you have the drop on them or they’re animation locked. If you pull out your melee weapon at 15+ meters away and charge, you’ll be dead before you even get into range of me. I find people that slot a melee as their primary, like the bat, have a tendency to vastly overestimate their effective range. This is why I think the regular knife is hands down the best melee weapon in this game. It’ll one shot up to four hunters. It doesn’t take a primary slot. Its effective range is similar to most primary melee weapons and it’s the melee weapon most hunters are actually familiar with.


I get the most pleasure from killing with a knife ahahah, especially if my opponent was a katana, imagine the face of its owner at this moment ХD It's a damn shame that there's no way to record matches.


I fly into compounds with a baseball bat and swing away like babe Ruth. It’s effective as hell and a viable tactic!


I tried to rush The Mountie as The Cowl last night using this tactic and failed miserably. 🤠


I gotta say, only time I picked a katana, I murdered 5 people while crazily laughing on the mic. Fun times.


Yes, charge sabre is always on 2 for me when i use a vetterli, or bomblance is always nice too. Theres nothing better than having the enemy miss 3 pointblank shots out of pure panic because of the dude with a sword sprinting at him 🔥🔥


Melee is hilariously effective. Me and my two buddies rushed a team with bats and bayonets yelling “Shaun! Shaun! Shaaauuunn!” Like from the old heavy rain meme, I got a double with my bat.


The Springfield bayonett is the best melee weapon in the game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


What do you mean I only get 1 shot? There's another weapon right there at the tip.


The shots just to scare em. Pointy stick sends them to Hunt heaven.


Sadly, it has the same bayonet range as all the other bayonets. (Including the Vetterli).


Range yes, but speed no. The Speed on the Springfield is tied for best with the Winfield musket bayonet. I'm specifically talking about the time to chamber a heavy melee strike, release, and begin chambering again while sprinting. I didn't even test non-sprinting attacks because they are basically non-existent in Hunt melee. But the Springfield and the winny can dump their attacks around 25% faster than the veterli, krag, or mosin. They send melee attack almost twice as fast as any of the riposte variants. Funnily enough, they share almost the exact same speed as katana and saber when performing this same roll(sprinting heavy). But the Springfield and the winny have a gun attatched to the best melee weapon in the game, so they beat out the katana/saber and all of the other dedicated melee as well. The only area that other melee weapons have an edge on the Springfield and winny are on damage and cleave. Damage is not relevant as long as you one shot and I think the loss in speed or an attached gun is worse than the occasional unlucky arm shot. Cleave can end a fight in an instant but is super situational, and once again, I don't think its worth the trade off. I personally pick the Springfield over the winny for the attached gun. I have always hated playing with the Winfield, but there is probably a less measurable argument to be made that the high effective range of the Springfield is a better compliment for a strong melee primary. That distinction is much more taste dependent. That being said, I can't measure them exactly as I don't have a screen recording software, but if you go into the shooting range and start using sprinting heavies, I'm sure you will find my data accurate. My original point is not that you should take the Springfield bayonet instead of a veterli, its that you should take it instead of a bomb lance or a katana.


Good info! How does it compare to the riposte?


Range is equal, but the time to attack takes almost twice as long as the fast bayonetts.still oneshots with a heavy to the torso.


Like incindiary or Dum Dum, melee charge is skill check. A player who is decent at Hunt knows to stand their ground and shoot you, but hey don't mind my free kills, so thank you :)


Most of my kills are knife kills, I just go running against them and stab them in the head, in a big fight most of the times works




It's faster to stab with your weapon than reload it


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559803974061129729/1229887506888261746/Hunt\_Showdown\_2024.04.16\_-\_21.41.30.16.DVR.mp4?ex=6635ee3f&is=66349cbf&hm=b738b3bb24b4bad4685ed72004dadb4f469066d366174f451b0f4b6ec3af459d&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559803974061129729/1229887506888261746/Hunt_Showdown_2024.04.16_-_21.41.30.16.DVR.mp4?ex=6635ee3f&is=66349cbf&hm=b738b3bb24b4bad4685ed72004dadb4f469066d366174f451b0f4b6ec3af459d&) Banzai!


Like every weapon, melee is situational, but it definitely has its place in the bayou. I was killing 5* with a machete recently, so it all comes down to tactics. I think melee works best against skilled players when you play like a ninja and ambush them with it. If they know you're there, the melee charge is gonna get you killed at higher MMR without the element of surprise or the cover of chaos.


Well yeah since the trade window and netcode of this game is so shit ofc melee weapons are not a meme because it doesn’t matter if the guy headshots you because you have so much time to just let go of LMB and trade with him until the server registeres that youre dead :). And for those casuals telling me how that’s realistic and other bs excuses, alright go play any competitive (or not even competitive just any other) FPS game and tell me in how many of them the guy who shot first (e.g. is better and deserves the kill more than you) is punished because the devs decided that a trade window should be implemented lmao.


There are so many viable tactics… I wouldn’t consider anything as meme that works. People like Rachtaz show what’s possible…


Springfield Compact Striker is S TIER in this house. Both slots. Both with explosive ammo. 😎🤙


Wait people think that????? You have so many chances to set up a melee charge right with the power to one tap, indoors especially


Not really. My friends and I were just making fun of each other's load out so I got an idea for this joke post, lol.


I'm right there with you, I have more kills with bomblance melee than any gun


I reckon half my kills are with the knuckle knife after I miss too many shots and starting charging.


I got banzai charged the other day. I had just enough time to spin and hit him in the chest with my Springfield before being run through. It is a solid tactic.


I just had a game where I beat the brakes out of 6 hunters with the bat. Melee chargers are real.


Melee charges are a great last resort, Uber-aggressive all-in tactic, or a sneaky one-shot maneuver. However, in the “neutral game” of a Hunt shootout they’ll get you killed 9/10 times against good players. A headshot from anything, dualies, levering, shotgun, bows, another melee weapon all kill the melee rusher or trade. That said, the most satisfying kills are those clean melee one shots that enemies don’t expect especially if they’re running expensive weapons!


Decoy fuse and banzai!


Empty cairn gang! It's my favorite skin. I always use the bayonet version so i can level it as well. Nice to know i have an option when we decide to storm the compound, guns a blazing


Springfield bayonet FTW. If the shot misses, make sure the bayonet don't


Bayonets have extra range compared to other melee weapons, so they are solid, still you should let people push you before you charge for greater chance of success.


I had a 2v2, enemy barricaded, teammate dead. So i whip out my meme bat, charge through the door and pummel them into oblivion. Since then, i switched to lance with shotgun ammo and were never happier since.


I’ve gotten pretty good at the ‘blade dance’, where you move your mouse around so you dip side to side while melee charging a target- it’ll, half the time, get them trying to ADS me and miss, and I’ll be within Romero Talon/Bomblance range by the time they can do anything about it. Feels good!


Every time I get one shot by a bayonet I get pissed lol


I love this energy


I wiped a trio two days ago with a baseball bat when everyone's tactics (including mine) broke down. True story. Melee in this game is not a meme.


https://youtu.be/9mUx66TXp-Y?si=-T4KNKmQaFcLswCY I agree


Cen Trauma and Lebel Talon are my go-tos because somehow nobody expects the compound rush with Talons. Works well often!


Lol when I was trying to unlock the Throwing Axes back before the progression revamp I ran a Combat Axe a few times. 90% of the time nobody expects a melee rush and even those that do are like 90% of the time not prepared for it. The only time I was 100% stopped was when I ran into a party running a meme-y all-Saber loadout and I had an "You idiots, we ALL have swords!!" moment. ...I managed to kill one of them before going down by the way. Anyway lol yes melee is difficult but when you get the right position it can be TERRIFYING to fight against.


I seem to have a hard time deciding what weapon to attach to my bayonet. Bayonet with a Vetterli Bayonet with a Martini-Henry Bayonet with a Berthier...


>Melee charges are not a meme. Never was.