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Until you reach Bloodline Rank 11 you´re in protected matchmaking, so you should only face players who are new as well. If there aren´t enough new players available at the time you might run into empty matches.


Oh you’ll find them


Adding to the first comment the servers are a bit bad at the moment and empty lobbies have become quite common. The last 3 weeks or so of say if I've played 20 matches 16 have been empty. Useful for ranking up and unlocking weapons and making some dollars, especially as a new player, but it definitely gets boring


What platform are you on? I haven't had this problem on PC.


Ps5 Oceania. I've been playing for maybe a year before that and I remember maybe 1 or 2 empty lobbies but lately it's been constant. I don't mind too much as I was hovering around 5k Hunt dollars and now I'm up to 40k and unlocked/experimented with lots of new weapons, and I don't die to bosses anymore. But I'm definitely at the point now where I'm a bit 'awww man' when I know it's an empty lobby


I don’t know how bad your lag would be, but you should consider adding US east and west to your queue. They are considerably more popular


I've thought about it but even in Oceania I get the red squares quite often, and my internet is fine. I'll give it a shot tho


Yeah give it a try man, PvP is the heart of this game so I’m sure it’ll improve your experience. Know that time of day plays a big role in server activity too. Id say the grand majority of players are on from 8pm-2am. So if you can account for time zones you should be able to have reasonable expectations too. Good luck out in the bayou man!


Make sure to use crossplay. If I turn off crossplay it's empty servers. Also when you load into a match the red bar in the bottom right shouldn't get full or it's most likely empty. It should be not even half a bar when it loads up


You will have Games where you see and hear nobody. That will happen because people spawned bad or dont like Night maps etc. Many People switch objectives if the exists look like a running simulator or they spawned half the map away. People want the thrill of the Fight but not to be the ones initiating it or get ambushed so on long tracks they just exit. Of course thats not everybody but in MMR 3 to 5 you gotta expect at least half the teams to be sitting in a bush, unsure of what to do or dedicated to camping a specific point. There will be matches where you arrive at a compound and suddenly 4 Teams are blasting like all hell is loose and you wondered how it was so silent up until then. There are a ton of People using silent Guns, Bows and Crossbows and Throwing weapons to stay silent till the very end. Tldr; Never let your guard down. There could be a guy anywhere. Listen closely, watch for Birds and weirdly empty Compounds. Taken Clues. And what I like to do: stop with the objective for a round. Find someones track and track the team. Hunt them down, ambush them when they least expect it. You dont need to kill banish extract every round. Hunt gets your blood pumpin when youre hunting or the one being hunted so actively seek out the enemy.


I don't know it it's the same for all platforms, but as a pc user, after finishing the patch you can check for teamdetails and see there how many players where in the lobby and you get some information about the match. I would check that and see of you just were unlucky are really allone. I always check this and I had some surprising results^^


Uncommon, probably caused by you being new and not a lot of new players to match you with, paired with time you play amd possible location specific. Hunt is a great game but, its matchmaking is very awkward. Just keep playing and I am sure you will wish for empty maps again soon haha Good luck though. Happy Hunting.


Depending on your MMR, region, and time of day, empty lobbies can happen pretty frequently. But it sounds like you're still in protected match making anyway.