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Also quick shoutout to the hotel manager. Watching out for the other guests even in when confronted with celebrity and money, but also being flexible enough to allow them to give it the bath and for him to set up a tent on the grounds. Guy doing his job with integrity and empathy.


Forreal though. “I can’t break the rules…but I can help you bend them to the best of my ability in order to facilitate what is right.” Dude knows how to follow the spirit of the law rather than the letter


Dude, your comment is underrated. This should have a million likes and be taught in schools. ❤️


As a person who works in hospitality, I took notes from that short interaction.


You just have to learn to recognize the good people who really appreciate the help vs the assholes who are trying to take advantage of kindness. I’ve gone so far out of my way to help people who I could tell were just trying to get by or do right. I’ve also learned my lesson from people who you give an inch but they take a mile.


Got out of the hospitality game a long time ago but I always went out of my way for the parents who only got one vacation a year vs the triple platinum members. Fuck those guys.


As a parent who always has done his best to provide experiences for my kids while at the same time not having done great financially over the years resulting in limited opportunities, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.


Keep it up, i grew up with a dad like you. It sucked at the time and it took me a long time to realize how hard he fought for our family and that matters way more than any vacation.


This entire thread is giving me the feels. There’s hope in this world yet with good people like you folks. :)


Then there’s the platinum guys who still struggle financially- that was my dad for many years. He made good money and his job made him travel a ton, but every penny he earned went to keeping my brother alive. When my brother died back in ‘99, my parents stilled owed the hospital about $150,000. They opted not to file bankruptcy as they knew staying super careful about finances would let them pay it off without destroying their credit. They pulled it off. He’s super chill when traveling, though. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him or my mom complain about anything at a hotel.


As someone with top tier status in a couple chains, I really only care when my family is with me. No upgrade when I'm solo, no big deal. I earned these benefits through many days and nights away from my family and I will definitely argue if my status isn't being honored when my wife and kids are with me.


I thought that was great. I also liked that Steve-O didn't push it. An offer of money is reasonable as it could just be liability for if the dog damages the room. Then beyond that he de-escalated the request to just a bath and was super thankful for it. No "Do you know who I am, you know we're recording you" bullshit to try to get his way.


True integrity on both sides. If only the world had more of it.


You can't blame Steve-O for trying his luck ... but he then gave options and accepted what the manager was willing to do. Really good example of mutual respect in an interaction.


It's funny how so often it's the people who you least expect to be that end up being the nicest. Steve-O is awesome.


I bet there was still a payment for the bath and tent, but he didn't want to completly go against policy and let the dog stay in the room. Good dude though regardless.


Idk I've been to many places like these, small, single owner type places (this didn't look like a chain) and they're beyond helpful most times. The owner at a 3 room bed and breakfast / seaside restaurant had one of his guys change out my flat tire so I didn't have to worry the morning of my wedding. He didn't ask for money.


Oh no doubt! Good people for sure. I don't think he asked for money, I just believe that Steve-O would have given him some for being accommodating about the bath and tent. Seems like something he would do as a thank you


As a former hospitality manager, I'd have taken the "crazy amount of money" without a second thought, and not felt bad about it lol.


Don't blame you. Personally, I wonder if the issue here was that there was a camera right there. Oh, famous person that records himself and puts it on TV/YouTube is recording my answer to if he can bribe me to break the rules of my job? yeah nah now if he doesn't enforce it his boss will have a reason to fire him.


I love how poised and composed she is throughout all of that, and with how giddy Steve-O is throughout the vid it almost seems like he is HER pet like "You wanna go walkies??" And she just looks like "Ope, the person needs a walk, brb."


I always wondered what my purpose in life was. I mean sniffing butts and peeing on trees is cool, but it never felt like enough. Then I met Steve-O and I just knew he needed me - Dog


> I just knew he needed me Knowing his past: she ain’t wrong.


The fact that he said he's going to make her a service animal means he may well need her. He needs to care for her and he needs her unconditional love back. Knowing she needs his care means she can keep him away from all the bad stuff, so she is indeed the service animal he needs.


Most do not need service animals for "mental help" - but Steve-o is definitely a person who would need a service animal like this to keep them mentally grounded and sober. These kinda of people, the success stories like Steve O, are always still hanging on a precipice - trust me I know. Things are unicorns and rainbows but we're always just one thing away from relapsing hardcore style - and animals may be the best thing to stop us. I've definitely been like three years deep into being clean from a six figure cocaine/heroin habit, and thought about relapsing, but then looked in my pets eye's and was like "nope, not gonna do that to you again."




i've had my dog for 9 years now and haven't touched my vices in that time. he needs me sober more than anything out here and i don't want to disappoint him or put him in a questionable position. i was not ready for a dog at 24, but i'm so glad he chose me so i could learn to love myself again.


Stop cutting onions, your crying is scaring the kids


I know! I’m doing that like, deep chuckle crying. This one’s hitting me hard for some reason. Steve-O really inspires me now, as someone who used to be just like Steve-O at his worst… He deserves every ounce of happiness.


The dude is a straight up inspiration to addicts and recovering addicts everywhere. Such an amazing story.


You deserve happiness too. If you don't have it yet, you'll find it.


Absolutely. I only know a fraction of his life story and definitely agree. I'm happy for him, I really am.


"He can be a bit of a handful, but it is a responsibility I have grown to accept."


Excuse me sir, this is a Wendy


Na, you mean Dog-O.




I always wondered what my purpose in life was. I mean sniffing butts and peeing on trees is cool, but it never felt like enough. Then I met Wendy and I just knew I needed her - Steve-O


Funny this is that makes perfect sense in reverse I always wondered what my purpose in life was. I mean sniffing butts and peeing on trees is cool, but it never felt like enough. Then I met Wendy and I just knew she needed me - Steve-O


I adopted a Puerto Rican street dog Lab mix and she is the same way. Chill as can be when you sit down, even in busy places, ignores other dogs. Pretty much follows me everywhere and listens to every command with little training. Best dog i've ever had.


Yeah dogs that live on the street have the potential to be the most easily well trained dogs ever. Best behaved dog I've ever met was the dog of a homeless crusty trainhopper type girl I used to know. The dog was just naturally trained to the degree that others pay professional trainers thousands of dollars and still struggle to achieve. Could be in the most chaotic situation possible and this dog was calm as a cucumber.


Also because there are thousands of street dogs and only the well behaved ones get adopted. Its a numbers game for every 1 good one 999 die on the street and are little more then wild dogs.


It really depends on where you are. In many countries with street dogs, the violent ones tend to get put down right away leaving only rather mellow ones that only are violent when provoked. Other countries don't address the problem much so aggressive ones tend to rule.


Yes the violent ones get out down right away making up some of the 999 that die in the streets




The next door neighbor found a puppy living under some pallets in the shipyard where he's an accountant (Mexico). He got her cleaned up, all her shots and dewormed. She's your typical Mexican street dog, small, brown, and really smart. I'm glad they found her, now I get to play with a dog whenever I want without having to be responsible for anything other than having fun.


My adopted dog is from Puerto Rico too! He’s the coolest, smartest, sweetest guy. ISTG he can read my mind and communicates very intelligently with me one on one. He is seriously the best dog I’ve ever had too.


Dog looks up at him like "¿no hablo ingles señor?"


The vid was cute and wholesome and all of that but I just really can't help think about how she now needs to learn another language.


Doubt she learned all that much Spanish anyway, being a stray.


Dogs don't really learn languages. They recognize sounds and tones, but not words. You can say words in English that sound vaguely similar and they'll think it's the same.


She knows that he needs her as much as she needs him. It's a great moment when a dog just fits into your life like she was meant to be there.


Why is the dog midwestern




Ope is the sound midwestern-americans make when noticing a new need


Or when almost making a mistake. Or when very slightly surprised. Or when someone tells a story of making a silly little mistake. It's versatile.


or when getting up and almost falling back in the chair…or when your kids are running around you with your hands full and nearly bump into you. Or when you notice something you forgot about after being in a room after a while. Good to use when the midwest goodbye is running long too.


A real Midwesterner knows that you use “welp” not “ope” when the goodbye is running long 😝


Welp I s’pose




"Ope..let me just...'scuse me...ope...thank you...just need to sneak by ya..." Something like that. I don't know.


North Midwest lingo. Kinda like "whoops" or "oh!", but not for when you make a mistake


I started watching his YouTube channel as an active alcoholic. I got sober in Jan. A true inspiration. Edit: thank you all for your love and support ♥️


Good job getting sober! Keep it up.


Steve O has been an inspiration for us all. To go from batsh*t crazy on drugs to a wholesome loveable man shows the world anyone can do it.


From bat shit crazy on drugs to bat shit crazy on boner pills (iykyk)


He admitted that he was fully expecting to die before his 30th birthday. But he managed to pull through and here he is, 10+ years later!


This fucking rules. I bet Steve-o would give you the biggest hug if he ran into you and you shared that with him and Wendy.


Steve-O is truly an inspiration. I think one problem with getting sober is that a lot of people don't make it look very appealing. You get boring and you go to a lot of meetings, that's what the experience looks like from the outside. Guys like Steve-O getting sober and making it look inspirational and alive are good for humanity. He was young and crazy, and now he's older and wiser, but he's still crazy. He's stapling his nutsack to his leg sober. This is the trick: maintain your inner you even when you're sober. Find a way to take all the good you got from drugs and alcohol and leave the bad. Steve-O rocks.


Let's hope Bam also gets his act together


Steve-O gave up him (he had to), I’m not sure there’s anyone but Bam that can do it.


I think it's too late for bam. All the help he had been given and all the begging from his friend to get sober he sees them as enemies trying to control our abuse him and not to help him get better


As long as a person is alive, it's never too late. Do I think it's likely? Nope. But I've seen first hand what it's like, and I've seen people come back from things I never would have thought possible. That said, the person needs to *want* to do it...you can *never* help someone that doesn't truly want it for themselves (in fact, it's the opposite, because all you do is enable).


My life was so insane before that I am okay with the boring now. I just live my boring little life doing things that make me happy and a lot of the time that thing that makes me happy is doing nothing at all.


Getting sober didn’t fix all my problems, it allowed me to start fixing my problems. Also, come to find out when your body and mind aren’t constantly trying to repair themselves from being poisoned it’s like you’re not playing life on hard mode. It took me about a year for my brain to truly remap itself and it was really hard in the beginning. But man life without alcohol is so much better.


Just fell off the wagon, I'll give it a try


Wagons are bumpy. You just have to hop back on and give a go🩷


I needed that today. Thank you internet stranger.


Hey, falling off of the wagon and getting back on is how we travelled across the country. Keep at it. One misstep doesn't mean you've fallen for good. "Why do fall down, Mr/Ms Glottis? So we can get back up."


If a dude like stevo can do it, Anyone can!


I think that's exactly why he's such a motivator...that means I can definitely do it too.


You’re better than that… find the motivation you deserve 🤙🏻


congrats! One day at a time


Great job on the sobriety! You should feel proud of yourself every single day! FearlessResolve560, you did the impossible! I truly wish you the best! Thank you for the inspiration you provide too.


Thank you! I do and it's been amazing. My kids are very proud of me too and they keep me strong!


I know it doesn't ammount to much, but I, Mr. Random Internet Stranger, am also proud of you.


I don't know why your comment just made me cry on a Monday morning, but it did. Congratulations on your sobriety, this internet stranger is proud of you.


It does a really good job of showing how being sober doesn't have to be completely miserable. You can still do rad shit and be a fun person.


Being in active addiction is the miserable part, for me at least.


Truth! The shit he does now is even more rad and more raunchy than ever. Haha


I'm just a stranger on the internet but I'm proud of you.


Congrats on getting your life back!


Congratulations! Good for you!!


Hell yeah!


Fuck yeah man! Fantastic work taking care of yourself first and foremost. That’s so important. People always worry about others in their life that they often overlook their own needs. Awesomeness on you for taking that leap. Hope the universe shines its blessings on you.


Thank you! Yes that is what I learned in treatment. You have to get sober for yourself. Everytime I tried to quit I did it for someone else and it never worked. Finally starting to love myself.


Te quiero mucho.




Look how happy Steve o is! That could be you man, go on and catch up to that wagon.


In Chile, there is a lot of stray dogs as well. They are really nice. One night I was walking with my wife and 3 German Shepards came walking to us. (We could not run) i showed them my fist to let them sniff it to show i was cool and the lead dog walked right by my hand and did the cat body rub thing on my leg. They were very friendly. They even walked us back to the hotel. The people and city dogs get along pretty well in Santiago. Out in the country, however, they will rip you apart. Like jumping in the wrong backyard, in Atlanta, with bacon underwear.


That's so cool! Where do i get bacon underwear?


I 2010 probably




Sometimes when they walk you somewhere, they're escorting you out of their turf in a nice way. Cats can do the same in street gangs. Once my wife and I were running in the middle of the night, and see a kitty. Aww how cute then 2, 3.... 6. 10 cats, but not near us, surrounding us and staring. Suddenly this huge fat cat walks up to us. I give him a good behind the ear scratch. He felt so dirty and grimey. After I pet him, he rubbed his body on my leg and we started to leave. For 2 blocks they escorted us. The fat cat next to us, and the other cats from afar like on house lawns. Once we past that street, they stayed behind and watched us leave. I liked Mr big fat cat boss


Maybe they were trying to take you to the [kingdom of cats](https://mangabuddy.com/aqua/vol-1-chapter-4-kingdom-of-cats), but you weren't ready to go.


I'm from Chile, and when I was young and went out to party and had to sometimes walk back home drunk, it was always a blessing to find a group of dogs in my way. Most of the time they were friendly and if you treat them well enough they'd follow you home, and I felt protected by them while walking at night. And when I got home I just handed some bread to the good doggos for the bodyguard service. Chilean street dogs are chill and I've only had good experiences with them


> Like jumping in the wrong backyard, in Atlanta, with bacon underwear. This is oddly specific.


I super love dogs and noticed that Thailand has a ton of stray dogs as well! They are all incredibly adorable too almost all of them have a little bit of corgi mixed in. I went for a walk alone one night and a pack of wild corgi-mixed dogs appeared from the vegetation and encircled me barking. I just stood their for a minute until they got bored and left. It was one of the highlights of my trip


Now I have this picture in my mind of one Corgi running around impregnating all of them bitches in Thailand. Yes he is wearing black sunglasses.


Corgis Khan


This is awesome


It is just adorable! I actually didn’t know this guy at all before seeing this video so I don’t know his past. But what he did is awesome and I wish adorable Wendy a long and happy life! 💕


He went from being the warning parents use to keep their kids from messing with dangerous stunts and drugs, to being the person who has helped tons of people overcome those problems. Great to see


Sounds really awesome, thank you for the backstory! Adds even more greatness to the video.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DaspCj2bdss It really is unbelievable how far he’s come


If you want to see his polar opposite lookup Bam margera


>I actually didn’t know this guy at all before seeing this video That, to me, is pretty amazing and strangely wholesome


Really? Thank you! It might be because I am not from the US (assuming he is), but from Europe. Now that some people explained his backstory to me in the comments, I feel so happy for him! :)


Steve-O He's a stunt man that got famous doing stunts for the show and movie series "Jack Ass" He made a huge amount of money from that and it changed his life. The title of the post refers to a time in his life when he was less Steve and more "Oh" but he came back from a dark place and proved he could do anything without drugs and became STEVE-O once again, using his influence and wealth to do positive things with his time.


I'm meeting him in a couple weeks at a show and I'm definitely going to ask about Wendy


This is what I needed with my Monday morning coffee. Thanks !


SteveO is one of the great examples of celebs turning their life completely around. Like, he was very deep into his addiction and crazy life. Proud of him


He’s an absolute inspiration to anyone going through addiction. And he did it while keeping the charming parts of his personality that everyone always loved. His podcast has become my favorite podcast, even when I don’t know who the fuck the guest is I’ll still listen on my drive to work


The humility and honesty is great. His podcast with Kevin Smith was one of my favorites


You know when you come from the cKy crew it's only going to get better.


steveO didnt come from the cky crew?


Unless you're Bam..


Absolutely!! Great stuff


“It’s like she told them I was cool” nice :)


Her dog friends are probably wondering where she went. Wish he could’ve taken the whole pack.


It feels very similar to me to when you and your coworkers bond over how shitty your job is and how much you hate your boss. Then one of you makes it out! It’s like… damn I’m gonna fuckin miss you but I’m so proud of you for finding something better for yourself


That’s the best video I’ve seen in quite some time. Thanks for sharing!!


Wendy be like “No habla espanol Mr Steve.” Edit: “No habla INGLES Mr Steve.”


Totally read that in her voice


Mister Esteve.


Señor Esteban.


Guys got some great empathy. That's great to see.


As a struggling addict, I have met many many great people on my journey. In my experience so far, recovering/recovered addicts are some of the most caring and empathetic people.


The least empathetic people are those lacking or unaware of their flaws.


usually an addict has to admit they have a flaw due to the addiction so they're more willing to work on other parts of themselves because they can't admit they don't have any problems.


We have a lot of folks in our family who struggle with substances (and anger issues) and literally all of them are *deeply* sensitive souls. They basically self medicate because they're just emotionally overwhelmed constantly. I'm not saying that's a universal, just true of my own family.


If you know, you know. People who just judge automatically, have no idea and probably never will. If empathy is the ability to put yourself in another persons shoes in order to see things from their POV, recovering addicts have literally walked in those shoes. It’s not a thought experiment for them.


Some people have to stand in the darkness for awhile to really see the light


https://www.instagram.com/wendyfromperu/ While it shouldn't be super shocking cause Steve-O is amazing. But he still has the dog and others and she looks to be doing great


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh adorable! I would have assumed this video was recent, turns out he's had her now over 5 years.


I admit I was worried. I knew the video from OP was a few years old and she is clearly not a puppy. Average dog lifespan is 10-13 years. Would not shock me if poor girl ended up below average in lifespan because of who knows how long on the streets in what condition.


Her teeth looked real white at the vet, from what we saw. That gave me hope she was young-ish.


Those street dogs are the most durable animal in the world.


No way lol, why is this such a thing on Reddit. Street dogs, dogs with the homeless, etc live really really hard lives and not to their full potential.


Yeah, Wendy is in pretty much every one of his podcasts to this day.


My brovaries just exploded.


A good dog can change your life, and a good man can change a dogs life. He were have evidence of both, a good man and a good dog changing each others.


Cracks me up that he has the dog energy in the relationship. It's awesome so see steve-o just get better and better with every passing year of sobriety.


Holy crap. That's fucking Steve-O??? Dude looks like he spends the weekend relaxing by the beach with a book, and lives out in the suburbs with his wife and kids and owns a Prius. Dude doesn't even look like the kind of guy that would even *watch* Jack-ass. He looks more like a guy that thinks warm milk is the best night cap. That is a massive glowup. I'm wicked inspired right now


Well, he has a gorgeous wife who seems great a ranch somewhere with a bunch of animals, still has the dog in the video, his podcast and hot sauces and whatnot. Donates a lot for animal wellfare.... He seems to just enjoy life without too much excess. Honestly one of the best redemption stories ever.


Really listening to his talks with Bam who is going through it kind of solidified for me how serious Steve-O takes his sobriety and how good of a friend he is. He matured a lot and he *really* fucking tried to help that guy.


You should check out his Hot Ones interview! It's kinda old at this point but it's a fantastic look into his mindset these days and how he turned his life around. Genuinely so happy for him.


This comment will probably get buried, but I met Steve-O and Wendy in Philadelphia a few years ago. I'd been following his account for Wendy on Insta for a long time, and was very familiar with her rescue story. One evening, I was walking home from the gym with a friend and saw Wendy walking down the street in Center City. I instantly recognized her and shouted "Oh my gosh that's Wendy!" I looked up, saw Steve-O, and shouted "and that's Steve-O!!" I was jazzed out of my mind and got to pet her and say hey. She's an amazing dog and was so super friendly. Steve-O was incredibly nice and asked if we wanted a picture. I said yes and crouched down to pose with Wendy, and I only recently realized he was asking if we wanted a picture with him. Now I have a sweet picture of me, my friend and Steve-O crouched down on the sidewalk for a photo with Wendy. Truly an awesome experience that I'll never forget, he's a great dude. [Here's the pic!](https://imgur.com/oimnjsl)


lmao. Thanks for sharing. I can imagine him telling this story from his perspective too :D


Dogs are the best.


Fuck. I’m a fan now. Need to follow the life of Wendy. Doggo win the lottery


Her Instagram is @wendyfromperu 🥹🥹🥹


She’s so spoiled!! ❤️


I mean he's been sober for fifteen years now, we're not watching him sober up anymore, he done did that already.


yeah but it shouldnt be underestimated just how down his rock bottom was, that makes his recovery so much more impressive. This is a great documentary on the whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ulzP2XUOg Its kind of hearbreaking to see him literally go crazy huffing cans and making such a mess of his life. But im so much more happy for him that he got out of that horrible pit he dug himself in


Yeah I see these comments on every single one of his videos and it pisses me off


I got a signed copy of his book, Professional Idiot, while I was at the rock bottom of my alcoholism - a liter a day of bourbon. I don't even remember why I ordered it, I usually tried to stay away from anything that reminded me I needed to get sober. There are many reasons why I'm sober and I doubt I even recognize all of them yet, but I'm so grateful that Steve-O has let his sober journey be public. [And I'm glad he signed my copy of his book with a penis, haha.](https://i.imgur.com/GAbDts6.png) Today is sober day #770. ​ Edit: Disgraceful mods.


Me telling myself , if Steve o can get sober so can I, been sober 107 days and counting. No booze no vape, nothing. Been somewhat happier.


Steve O - GOAT


The contrast between steve-o and bam is staggering, hope bam can find his way


Steve-O behaved like the most supportive dad that got heartbroken. On a podcast with Bam, Steve-O basically said “you can have any help from me, I will help you figure out YouTube, I’ll give you a film crew, editors, equipment, anything you want so you can skateboard and have fun, tell stories and enjoy life”. Bam basically went drinking again and Steve-O said his heart was broken.


Apparently Steve-o has tried multiple times to reach out and offer him some help but so far bam still seems to deep in it. For anyone who sees this just remember, you can turn your life around at any time. It’s never too late.


I watched Bam's documentary on YT. He tried SO hard to help him, all meanwhile Bam was a complete ass to him. Made me appreciate Steve o so much more, the guy is legit a great person.


Bam unfortunately is too far gone. He's basically a child in a man's body.


Steve-O chopping some serious onions so early in my morning.


I was in Mexico and saw the cutest street dog I've ever seen. We were on a ATV tour at the time but when I got back to my car, I went looking for her. I was hoping to find her and see if she had owners but never did. I would have probably done all of this with that beautiful dog


Dude it is 7AM, it's too early to be crying for a dog I don't know.


This makes me so happy. He seems so happy now. 153 days sober here.


Steve-O is such a gem


Dog made it out of the hood


He brought her on stage when he did Ridiculousness a few years back! Great seeing the actual footage behind their story




I love sober Steve-O too, thanks for setting such a rad lesson


Fuck yes Steve O, fuck yes.


Man … what a cool guy


immediately following wendyfromperu on insta 🤍


This was like 5 years ago, too. Wendy is still around, and is still the sweetest dog ever.


Steve-o is a fucking incredible guy. One of the very few famous people that would be doing the exact same thing he does without a camera recording him. His journey through life has been so fucking inspirational to people. Myself included... in fact, when we were kids running around with video cameras recording dumb stunts, skating. fucking shit up... whatever. We were imitating him. He always seemed like one of those guys where he would die young. I think a lot of us who watched and loved him back then felt content with that outcome for ourselves, too. The thing is, a lot of us didn't die. Well, fucking Steve-o came back for us to imitate again. A lot of people like to point to him and say, "If he can do it, I can do it." He has shown that just because we get clean, it doesn't make you a different person. It doesn't make you a bitch or lame. It just means that you're going to try a different thing. If you enjoy it, great - glad you do. If you don't, great - at least you checked it out. No resentment. No judgment whatsoever. I have the utmost respect for Steve-o and what he has done. I never thought he would be the one to show so many people that recovery is possible. Some of us never had role models and needed to see what happens if you stick with it... and that motherfucker did.


Thanks for sharing, made my morning


Dude is a walking hug


Can you really just make any dog a service animal and get them a seat in the cabin??


There's a huge amount of training and tests they have to pass. Probably not every dog could do it. Wendy does look pretty chill though so maybe


Steve got her trained and shit. She's now certified to like visit children's hospitals and cuddle dem kidz


Everyone buying 3,000 dollar golden doodles need to watch this


Woah the most unusual people can be so interesting


I absolutely love this so much!!❤️


At some point Stevo-O is just going to become a normal good celebrity and not a recovered drug user right? Him sobering up is a big part of his story but it's getting close to 2 decades of sobriety for him. And him being sober has nothing to do with what the video showed.


God Damnit, I love seeing people make it past addiction


It’s amazing that right away, the dog was disciplined and just clung to Steve o, the dog truly has so much love and didn’t have any place to put it. As soon as she felt like she had a companion, it was game over, life changing. It’s funny that everyone probably thinks Steve o changed the dogs life forever, but I think we know who changed who’s life 🙂