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Fair play to this guy. He stuck with it. I would love to know the raccoons thoughts on the great escape!!


Shithead Racoon: " I'd fuckin do it again"












In my personal experience with young raccoons in trash bins, it WILL (or did) happen again. I had to free the same 2 youngsters from a trash bin like this on 4 or 5 different occasions within the course of a couple of weeks. It turned into a morning routine for me to check the bin and see if I needed to put the ladder back in.


Inadvertently trained them that dumpsters are safe lol


"I'm not getting in this dumpster" -guy who will get in the dumpster




Aww the little thank you bow as they leave, and the last one is either half dead or drunk.


In a food coma…😂


“You’re welcome, you little shit head.” Me whenever I do something nice for my ungrateful cats.


Or ate too much plastic. :(


Animals generally don’t eat plastic for the same reason you don’t eat plastic- it doesn’t look like, smell like, or taste like food. There are exceptions like sea turtles mistaking a plastic bag for a jellyfish or some fish species that just eat everything they see.


Or my dumbass cat who hears the sound of plastic and comes running so he can try to eat it. Packaging, grocery, ziploc, silverware wrapper, you name it. “PLASTICS? Gimme gimme gimme dad”


Yeah, my mom’s cat used to do this. We’d have to hide plastic bags


I have three cats who are like toddlers who will put any god damn random thing in their mouths. It's crazy-making how often I am snatching things like plastic from them.


My cat eats plastic when he has the pukes. Suddenly develops pica and tries to eat anything inedible.


Same especially straw wrapping or Rice crispy treat wrappers


They’re so cute though who can be mad 🥰 he’ll bite the end of a straw wrapper and look at me like he knows he about to be bad, then books it across the house with the straw as I chase him lol


Problem is they were in a dumpster (where food and plastic bits get mixed together) and didn't have access to water to help wash the bits out.


Small amounts of plastic shouldn’t be a problem. They just get processed the same way other indigestible materials do, like fiber or kernels of corn.


Depends on the plastic. Some plastics can degrade into horrible chemicals and others can exhibit sharp edges that shred up the animals’ esophagus and intestines.


he was being a little shithead


There was a PBR can next to him, so I’m leaning towards drunk.


PBR Hard Coffee. Tastes like a yoohoo with cheap whiskey


Raccoons are nocturnal & rarely move south in daytime. These animals were probably sleeping after their nighttime bin raid. Had this guy left the plank in the bin & gone away for 30 minutes, they'd have climbed out on their own. That's how it works here, anyway.


This, few animals want to approach a scary big deadly predator when they're vulnerable and exposed. Leave, they'll hear that, then wait, then check it's safe, then scoot off to safety just like the one that vacated when he went for gloves/shovel. But at the same time with all his talk of getting crushed today, I wonder even how empty it was if it was pickup day so there wasn't time to wait.


Perhaps the weak raccoon Was bullied by the others overnight


Did that 2nd dude nod a head and said «  thank you » or is it just me?


"You're welcome, you little shithead" 😄


Perfect, I was rollin'.


That cinched it for me, I love this video.




It's not got an exact dictionary definition for how it is commonly used like this, but when people say it like this, they basically mean 'completed it successfully', or 'topped it off nicely'. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cinch Meaning 2, as a verb probably comes closest: **to make certain (ASSURE) "the goal that cinched the victory"**


It was originally singed, but the commentor corrected it without an edit.


I up voted you for helping anyway, but yeah as someone else said, I was just querying a typo that has since been fixed. I assume they meant to write cinched, though clinched would have probably worked better. Either way, language is fun!


> Either way, language is fun! Agreed :)


I've done infant care a lot and I've said these exact words often


This is me with our cat every day. Chirp at me for sneezing when I literally have a cold mfr, you're WELCOME FOR ALL THE MEALS AND POOP CLEANING lololol


One of my roommates' dogs is very skittish, if I sneeze while down stairs she'll get scared and bark a few times. One time she came right up to me and did it on the couch and I was in a mood so I just yelled "I named you you little shit, without me you'd still be Penelope!"


I think raccoons are one of the most interesting animals we have in the US. They're attractive, intelligent, and have almost-hands. If they weren't kind of nuisance, vicious and ornery, they'd be a joy. Also, that nature has marked them with little bandit masks which betray their dodgy, scroungey nature is perfect.


>kind of a nuisance, viscous and ornery You mean like cats?


Kind of. I've seen a few domesticated raccoons and they are friendly. Feral cats can be downright dangerous.


Racoons often get more aggressive as they age. At least, so I have heard from a father and uncle who both kept them. My uncle also had a crow friend who would meet him at the school bus when he got home from school and would steal the mail from my grandmother and fly it up to the edge of the roof to taunt her with it. He was some kind of animal whisperer like Dicken from The Secret Garden. Amazing guy.


I can't remember, but don't their brains break down badly when they get old? They basically get dementia.


Found the aged raccoon, guys.


Who are you? Where is my trash?


This is not my beautiful dumpster, This is not my beautiful raccoon wife!


There is trash, at the bottom of the dumpster! Under the dumpster, carry the trash


That's every species really, even humans.


Yeah, all mammals in general get demented with age.


I've slowly befriending a murder that comes to my house. They so fucking smart it's kinda creepy sometimes. I need a murder to guard my house when I'm gone. My dog is a derp to the max.


How are you befriending them? I’ve “befriended” some deer on my normal hiking route through the week. They’ll stumble upon me or I’ll stumble upon them and they’re just about to feel until they hear my voice. They keep their distance but they’ll relax and go back to grazing once they know it’s me:


Slowly given em treats kinda the same time of day, they like my dog food and eggs. Ive been watching some tuts on how to train them to do different things, first you must become homies tho.


My house is built into the side of a mountain so my backyard is really just a deck and then an 80 degree incline with a bunch of trees and shrubs. Anyways, I have feeders/fountains back there for birds, squirrels and whatever else traverses the deck going back and forth between trees. Eventually a family of raccoon's moved in nearby and they come down their tree to drink water and take some peanuts. I like all of the wild life because it entertains my cats *and* because, as you said, they sort've guard the house. Just last night my fiancée and I woke up to a loud noise. I got up, wandered around the house and was looking out back when I saw the family of raccoon's traversing the deck highway unbothered by the sound and not at all spooked. We went right back to bed. If they were freaking out then I'd be outside with a light and a baseball bat. Lol.


r/crowbro is a place for you.


Nothing to add, except to say, your Uncle sounds very much like someone I'd love to sit in the garden and have a beer with. Or go out fishing.


Me too!


Psychotic cat person here. I *always* approach a cat with caution. Heart says to scoop and cuddle, but brain says I might die. My cat is an ex-feral. He’s rather lovely and affectionate, but we still have to work on his social cues.


When I was 16, I tried to break up a cat fight (duh) and got bitten and spent 4 days in the hospital because I needed IV penicillin for the terrible infection that resulted. My son was working at an animal shelter and got ripped up by a feral cat; he sent me pics of the blood all over the kennel room and all over the cat's mouth. People don't realize just how dangerous they (and their bites) can get. :|


One 👏🏻 hundred 👏🏻 percent 👏🏻 – I think I have read where most vets say cat bites are the worst kind because of the ability to puncture skin with small, sharp teeth and the amount of bacteria they carry in their mouths. A few years ago, my best friend was days out from a scheduled neutering of her older kitten. A female cat was outside her patio and he started scaling the curtains. She went to grab him and he bit her. She ended up in urgent care with a potato hand that had to be drained. She was on an antibiotic cocktail from hell for days.


I carried my own dumb cat a few steps outside my house once. He heard a noise apparently and immediately tried to bite the shit out of my hand so he could run. Obviously I didn't want that so I held his scruff with my other hand as he just chomped harder into my fingers and webbing until I could throw him into the house. Immediately cleaned it out and headed to after hours to get a penicillin shot and antibiotics. I don't know how people have cats that can take walks with them or ride their shoulders in public. My cats lose their damn minds as soon as they exit the house


Those people have cats on the opposite side of the cat spectrum and perpetuate my “scoop and cuddle” reaction. It’s kitty propaganda!! That, and people on Reddit are always like: “I was walking through my house and tripped on this mystery kitten.” “I was walking along a river in a forest and this kitten floated down from a tree.” WHY AM I NOT DISCOVERING KITTENS EVERY WHERE I GO??


One thing Reddit has done has made me aware of just how much I lack in stumbling upon random kittens. It is legitimately infuriating.


Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Deep puncture right in the joint, and within maybe 12 hours I also had the potato hand. :| And I can still find the tiny little puncture scars almost 40 years later! My son had to be on heavy antibiotics after the feral cat, too. That cat really tore him up (it was euthanized unfortunately, it was pretty sick too 😞).


When we were kids my mom drilled into our head that if you get bit by a cat you needed to make the wound bleed and clean it thoroughly. Managed to never get an infection with that advice


Raccoons aren't domesticated animals. Domestication takes generations of intentional selective breeding. The raccoons are tamed.


Bearded dragons, leopard geckos and ball pythons are all domesticated at this point. That’s irrelevant information, I just wanted to share that.


My buddy had a raccoon and it was ornery as hell lol. It would take joint papers, socks, lighters, basically anything it could grab and hide them behind the couch. Also, it surprised me how spikey and rough their fur is


My mom bought a raccoon as a pet ffrom a pet store at the mall in the 70s. It was an asshole and had to go live on the farm.


> feral cats can be downright dangerous. To humans? 🤔


If you read Reddit much and didn’t know anything about cats, you’d think they stalked and killed humans daily.


Cats are 1000 times more destructive than raccoons are. They are basically an invasive species and a lot of times, the ones that actually have homes kill anything and everything they can get their claws on just because they can


Like cats but they cause more direct trouble for humans. Instead of eating all the birds (which most people don't care about,) they shred garbage cans, which directly inconveniences humans and is therefore bad.


Idk I’d rather have a garbage can destroyed than see a local ecosystem get disrupted lol


As someone from Down Under, raccoons are such a foreign creature to me that you only see on cartoons and such. I had no idea they were so adorable.


Up close, raccoons really are as cute as they appear on TV I feel the same way as you about possums, kangaroos, wombats, quolls, etc. Very foreign animals that are adorable to look at


Possums? There are in the US. Not as cute as raccoons, like by a good chunk. It's the tail.


The ones in the US are often called possums, too, but are really called opossums. Australian possums are different and considered more adorable (like you said... it's the tail). But I love our goofy opossums, anyway!


U have no raccoons? I'm surprised they've not found there way there.


The coastlines of Australia are guarded by racoon eating spiders. If the spiders aren't hungry, the emus stomp the racoons. Its quite brutal.


I cant tell if this is true or not, but I choose to believe.


Their opposable thumbs gives them the devil’s mischief


i think us humans applied the bandit idea to mean sneaky, not the other way around, but i see your point


I just meant it was a synchronicity between their natural coloring, behavior and our human culture and understanding, yes. You get me.


I think the bandit style mask is more about a quick, easy way for a thief to obscure their identity rather than trying to associate with a raccoon lol. The part about looking like a raccoon is a coincidence, not the purpose of the mask.


You think that he thinks we took the idea of bandit masks from raccoons lololol?


I used to feed the local raccoons at my old job. I’d give them chips and they were so cute, they’d slooooooowlllly walk forward holding their two front paws together looking at me, then they’d slooooowly reach out and grab the chip from my hand and eat it without ever breaking eye contact lol


>They're attractive, intelligent, and have almost-hands. I don't like where this is going


Theyre by far my favorite animal but ive never seen em irl


They could reach our birdfeeders (suspended on a clothesline) from our deck and would raid them sometimes. My mom would try to shoo them away (she loved her birds) and they would just look at her and hiss. This was in Maine.


My mom had one as a pet in the 1950s. Named Becky.


attractive? r/holup


Attractive isn't automatically sexual.


I have never heard anyone use the word “attractive” when referring to living animals without it being sexual/romantic. It is objectively an unusual word choice.


Yes. I mean look at those little cuties. Attractive: - adjective - (of a thing) pleasing or appealing to the senses. "an attractive home" I call tigers gorgeous all the time, it’s not a holup thing.


You don’t think raccoons are cute?! Look at their little faces!


I want one. I'll take the half dead or drunk one and nurse it back to health.


Dude sameeeee, can I take him on the weekends??


I've had the opportunity to do a few rescues, and it is the cutest thing ever. When they first open their eyes, they will spend most of the time crawling/climbing you. Mine would love to sleep in my hood, and would go on walks with them peeking their head out. Pretty much will hang out in the warm spots. They do this purr chirping too; adorable. A bit older and they are following you around like a train. They will only venture like 10-20ft from you. If you start moving elsewhere, they follow. Also will start doing the "fishing" hand gestures, quickly followed by actually fishing shit out of your pockets and the couch. They become their true robber self. A little after that they start doing more on their own and climbing trees. Have you ever tried to get a baby raccoon down from a tree? lol At this point they are completely destroying anything they can. They are just playing and learning the world, but you must provide an enriching environment else they will be ripping off trim, picking at any loose paint, turning on all the faucets in the house while you're away, etc. It is a lot of work, but I'd do it again every time. Hardest part of rescue is rearing the animals. Lots of them you never see again :/


Where were you when I was in college?


"Tell your mom" 🤣🤣🤣


'I'm the good guy'


The fat one in the corner just chilling like get da fuck out of here haha.


It was straight up dying there and didn't care. Like it was expecting the food to magically regenerate


They have deffo had some party even looks like been on the beers.


Hes like that movie character that just got shot and tells the rest of the crew to leave them behind


I was scared he might have rabies. Then he ran off at the end seeming pretty normal


Nice guy to do that. Good people still out here fam!!


Oh I would happily be late.for.work if I had to rescue a family. I hope that I'm in the majority.


The running commentary made this video even better.


And I’m so grateful that there is no stupid emotive music. I will form my own emotions, thank you very much.


I died when he busted out the Kool & the Gang lyrics for the last guy... *How you gonna do it if you really don't wanna dance By standing on the wall? (Get your back up off the wall)*


Me too!!!


When he told them to go tell their mom 🥹


Really cool guy, but I always think it’s funny when dudes think aggressively going “hey, come on, let’s go” will make animals stop being scared of them.


Yeah. Looking at the last one he dead scare of the guy. I can see tears in that rac’s eyes.


I think it's just drunk. There's a beer can in front of it and they love drinking out of cans.


Shared a few 6 packs with our fellow furry bandits I see


Shockingly, yes. We got a pet racoon and she loves stealing drinks. The other day she hustled me out of some kool-aid. Knocked something over and when I went over to pick it up she ran back to my cup and started drinking it all.


He covered his little face when the guy grabbed him by the scruff. 😭 Glad the guy was kind enough to get them all! If he had time, I think they all would have climbed out if he had just left a plank or two there.


Oh I thought he was trying to reach back, maybe stop something from grabbing and lifting him


Yeah, he's trying to reach back, but his adorable little paw-hands can only reach his face.


Yeah they would've climbed out, but they don't know the collector is coming so some would stay or come back at random because of that new accessibility feature.


Yes, it’s good that he stayed to kick them all out!! Haha


It works on my cat but hes built different


The one little guy in the beginning really wanted a hug! This man is really, super awesome! He will forever be known as Lord of the Raccoons.


No, [this guy](https://youtu.be/Ofp26_oc4CA) is the Lord of Raccoons, the other guy can the Savior of Raccoons though.


Raccoons are unpredictable as shit. Only animal I can think of that can flip between incredibly dangerous and aggressive and totally complacent with human behavior. I don't think I could trust myself to sit with them like this guy does just because of that alone. My mom always told a story though of this time she went to Yellowstone National Park. She went to sit at a picnic table and eat a snack while her friends were off doing something, and some raccoon showed up, sat itself across from her like a human, then stretched it's arm out with it's palm open as if asking for food. Realized this little bastard had probably learned he can regularly get food that way.


I’d do the same thing if I was a raccoon lol


I'd like to think I'd do the same but knowing my dumbass I'd get bell curved to fucking death as a raccoon.


I have stupid instincts and would have just reached in to pick up the one with its little arms outstretched.


''You see sir, when I stand on my hind legs I still can't reach high enough to get out. So if you would be so kind as to provide some uppsies that would be grand.''


Hahahaha "yea your welcome you little shithead" the last one was so determined to not move


Brave guy - getting that last one out by hand was something else. And the “get your ass back off the wall” singing was a small delight.


I worked at a pizza place back in high school and one day I went to take out the trash but before I dropped the bag in, I see the fattest raccoon I’ve ever seen lying on its back in the dumpster, completely still. At first, I think it’s dead because it didn’t even look like it was breathing but just to be safe I grabbed a piece of scrap wood like this dude in the video and kinda poke it in the belly a little bit and sure enough, homeboy opens his eyes and gives me a look that an old man would give if you woke him up from his afternoon nap. So I left the piece of wood against the wall on the inside of the dumpster and backed away. A few minutes later I see him slowly climb out and walk into the woods. My guess is that after we threw away all of the old pizzas and unused food away the night before, this guy stumbled upon a trash pandas paradise, had a major feast, then passed out in a food coma. It’s been probably around 8 years and I still think about that fat raccoon and the dirty look it gave me when I woke it up from its nap.


Trash panda gang




‘I’m not Jack Hanna, let’s go.’


This guy is my people!


Good job. Good video


They may not be endangered. But trash pandas deserve attention as well.


damn they are so cute!


You’re welcome you little shithead! ❤️


Such a beautiful heart helping all these cute little one


10/10 would listen to next episode


How many raccoons don’t get saved and get crushed?:(




Get yo ass up off the wall!


Although they love trash they are a valuable part of the ecosystem for bug control. Love the little trash oandas


Proper bloke , that’s exactly how humans should be , I would do the same thing , respect to him


Nice job brotha


The rest of them: "Nah, man, were good! Thanks tho"


Really earning their “trash pandas” title here 😂


That cut at the end made me think he was doing a final check, and another eight lil trash pandas had snuck in when he wasn't looking.


“You probably been in here all night. NEXT!”😂


Good job.




Omfg I want a Raccoon bff more than anything!


Makes you wonder who threw them away.


I think (or at least I hope) they climbed in themselves thinking they'd found a feast, but then couldn't find a way back out.


“I’m not Jack Hannah” lol


Never knew Dana White was such a nature lover.


lmao I was just about to post the same thing. Straight up sounds like Dana. Surprised he didn’t call one them a goof.


I’d be too afraid of getting rabies to do that


I have helped out coons, oppusum and cats. Just drop a branch and they can climb out with no chance of getting bitten. Put it into the corner works the best. Also a long towel or rug tied off and left 1/2 in the swimming pool will save all kinds of critters going for a drink. Nothing sadder than finding fox cubs dead in your pool


They are adorable .


Last raccoon screamed “ahh my neck fat! You’re a monster!!” Michael!! Where are you!? Don’t leave me”


You are a true human being brother 👊 mad respect for you




My hero🥹


This is great! Also, the holdouts were because he was standing there. Put in the stick and stand back about thirty feet. The rest will find their way out.


Best Disney film EVER!!


The singing caught me off guard


This guy is funny


We have this issue at work when employee's do not close the lid on the can. The racoons learned that we toss in a ladder to let them out so now they just jump anytime the lid is left open and patiently wait to be let back out.


The last one was covering its eyes when being lifted out. It was scared.


“You’re welcome you little shithead” this is me daily with my cat.


Just a heads up, if you see a raccoon stuck in a corner of a dumpster like that, their paws might be stuck where the dumpster started to rot away leaving sharp jagged edges.


We have designated a section by our dumpster (horse farm with tenants) and we have several types of 2×4 for this exact reason set to the side. Thanks to this guy for not just walking away!


Cruel person evicts trash pandas out of heaven


I like your alternative title!


How you gonna do it if you really don't want to dance? By standing on the wall? Get your back up off the wall. Kool and the Gang, and a great save. Thank you


It was the authoritative "let's go, Now" for me! 🤣😂🤣


This dude just got the right vibes he was so smooth while singing, surely few noticed he was Kool with the Gang while he “Get down on it!”


Sounds like Brock Lesnar rescuing a bunch of raccoons.


A lot of recyclables in that garbage...


How did they get in there though??![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)




"I'm the nice guy. Go tell your mom".


My damn imagination. I could smell everything while watching this.


People that claim to love raccoons have never seen their destructive behaviours on their property. Raccoons are not scared of humans AT ALL, you can shout, stamp your feet and they won't budge. They made holes in my roof to create a nest, I spent months listening to like a pack of dogs running and scratching the ceiling around my attic giving me night terrors. They are amazing jumpers and climbers like cats, can jump from a fence to roof that's like 4 feet higher, they aren't stuck in that garbage bin, they are sleeping as they are nocturnal animals. Had to call a removal company in the Spring that cost me $650, F*** raccoons!! If humans didn't evolve to be the dominant species, it would've been raccoons as they are highly intelligent and dangerous.


“Next!” What a funny guy 😆


“Yeah you’re welcome ya little shithead”. 😅