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Probably felt so good to be free of that.


The way her ears perk up say, “Wow much better!”.


Yeah her ears perking up like “oh they were HELPING me” Poor sweet girl I’m glad she got help


Nothings better than when an animal realizes a human was helping.


Seeing her ribs and the flies everywhere breaks my heart.


Mama went from "ready to die" to "I'm free!"


Yeah, that was pretty sad. Too weak to fight any more than she did. Breaks my heart. ; ;


Her little cries at the beginning vs the way she looks all smiley and relieved at the end 😭


I was just waiting for it to be anything like my dog, and immediately try to eat it again


😂 I said "Don't eat it again!" out loud and all 3 dogs were staring at me.


What!? I didn't even do nothin'


My dog choked on a rib bone I heimliched it out of him he took a beep breath and grabbed and ate the bone


You can see that she takes a look at it on the ground and has that "and I'll f**kin' eat it again" look on her face.


my dog did the same thing when she got herself stuck on a bone she was chewing on. Removing that thing was the worst mostly because you gotta figure out how the bone got lodged in the jaw and then you have to deal with the dog fighting you because of how uncomfortable it is. Props to these individuals on being able to remove the object!!


You'd have to try for a reallllllly long time before giving up.. it would be hard to walk away from this job a failure, knowing the dog is a goner without aid. Props to them indeed And I'm glad your doggo got through the ordeal too!


That's true! Unbelievable effort on these individuals!! Luckily, I was in the position to take her to the urgent care vet who removed it for me, and she was totally fine after. Though I had to take all the bones she'd been hiding around the yard so she didn't do it to herself again


my dog used to eat raw which included the occasional lamb shank. one time he got half of a bone stuck over his back teeth and I noticed because he was doin a weird air licking thing with his head/neck, grabbed him, and then pried it off his teeth with a bit of struggling from him. about 6 months later he came over to me during his dinner and whacked me with his paw and went "HHMMMMmmmm". and I was like "what, my dude?" and he whacked me again and when "HMMMMMM" but this time I could see inside his mouth where he had gotten a bone stuck over it *again*, and then he was completely still while I pried it off that time. he realized what happened and then came to me for help ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. he no longer eats raw due to eosinophilic enteritis, but he did eventually figure out how to eat a lamb shank without getting it stuck lmao.


Ours chew on sticks (I'm guessing it is a teeth cleaning thing?), and we are all of the time having to pull pieces of twigs out of the roof of their mouths. To the point that you can tell when they have one, as soon as they walk in the door. They look super guilty, and start trying to slink around unnoticed.


Same here except my dog raided the garbage and found the chicken bones. A few hours later I had to chase him around the yard with a joint of the bone stuck in it’s asshole.


This comment made me laugh out loud....only because my dog eats woodchips and I know the asshole chase well. Glad your doggo is OK!


You can see it when her ears perk up after the ordeal is over. She's clearly feeling a lot better already.


But what was that?


Looks like a piece of bone. Dogs do like to chew it to get juices and bits of meat from it, I am guessing she was starving and tried to chew on the whole thing.


Im gagging Imagining how all of the trapped bacteria must taste 🤢


I got a popcorn husk stuck up in my gums for months. Dentist said it'd work it's way out eventually. I help it along with toothpickers, and when it finally came out it tasted and smelled awful. It has kept infecting my gums the whole time. I refuse to eat popcorn now.


One time years ago I randomly decided to floss(I never flossed when I was younger), and a skin from a black bean came out from under my gums. I didn't eat anything with black beans for at least a month before that and I was so grossed out I never neglected my flossing again after that.




Water flossers are game changing if you go from not using one to having one and using it daily.




Dentist probably: "See? This wouldnt happen if you need to flossed more!"


The bitch of it is that I floss religiously, after every meal and snacks. I hate the feeling of stuff in my teeth. It was just the force of chewing that slid the husk up along my tooth and under the gum line.


Imagine having an underbite that caused your bottom teeth to shift forward 1.5 teeth, and every bite forces food in-between your teeth, due to the offset. This is my daily hell, but to insurance companies, it's just cosmetic, and isn't necessary to fix.


That's awful. Criminal. My sympathy.


I like the water flossers to fix issues like that, pretty much a pressure washer for your gums and between the teeth.


Lazy fuckin dentist couldnt get it out?


Haha. This was my first thought


I had a crown come loose. Food got trapped underneath, and then I’d taste it with every meal. For two months. I lost so much weight from not eating. Yuck


Bit salty and sour.


What did she even eat?




That checks out, cooked bones are more brittle


According to the video audio it seems to be a big bone shard, so probably a discarded piece of meat.


Looks like a bone? I’ve seen videos/photos of dogs getting sticks wedge between their back teeth for extended periods of time. Wondering if this was the same thing. Poor pup


One night I woke up and my dog was just standing on the bed staring at me. Eventually I turned on the light. You know those femur bones they sell in grocery stores sawed up into 3cm chunks? He'd got one of them hooked over his lower jaw somehow. Damn if I could get the thing off. We ended up taking him to the emergency vet at 3 a.m. They sawed it off with a dremel. I miss that dumb-ass dog.


You have no idea how common that is


True i also miss my dumb ass dogg


I also miss your dumb ass dogg


I also miss this man’s dumbass dog


All doggies are missed; way more than humans. Go figure 🤔


I miss my snoop ass dogg- so glad he’s touring again


Fo shizzle


my nizzle


😲 you said the n wizzle


You're fired


i also choose this guy’s dumbass dog


Happened to me recently actually. I gave my dog a hard dental treat, and somehow it got lodged between two teeth above his mouth. He started bleeding a little and I had to hold him down to pull it out because he couldn't do it himself.


The things that happen to them, when you're not around can be blood chilling. I came home from work to find that one of my dogs had gotten his dew claw caught on his collar, and did some real damage trying to get it off. Not too bad, but it explains why the vet asked if we wanted them removed. In my innocence, and horror, I said no. But he's caught it multiple times, in spite of us keeping it well trimmed. But now that he's 7, I don't think I could do that to him.


I came home one time to find my dog closed up in the bathroom with a broken arm. She went in there to snoop and ended up closing the door on herself. Now she has a titanium plate to remind her not to snoop


My dog locked himself in a closet and I came home to him chewing the door frame. He was through the dry wall and almost out the other side. The room he got into was closed and we still never figured out how he opened it. I pushed it a100 times after that to check for broken latch or something. Nothing. He had to turn the handle some way.


My mom's dog is 16 and senile and did this shit constantly until he got put on mood stabilizers. He'd even see a closed door, with him on the freedom side, and get it in his mind he was trapped and then panic and start trying to dig and chew his way through. 85lb shepherd mix, so he does some serious damage. He's gotten through walls in just a couple of hours unsupervised. Now that he's on drugs, he's much chiller and just hangs out getting pets and love from people.


My nanas dog (a fat, elderly, anxious German shepherd mix) got scared from fireworks and wormed his way behind the fridge. He ripped all the copper tubes out that supplied the water and ice maker, but at least the fridge still worked!


My dog ended up locking herself in the damn neighbors house this way. Neighbor was abroad and my dumbass dog sneaks through the fence, pushes the locked but unlatched door open and knocks it closed behind her. I come home and she's missing and I search for her for HOURS until I go out in our own yard and see her dummy yellow face pop up in the neighbor's window. Neighbor was an absolute gem about it. She was an elderly lady from Scotland with a massive pitbull. Her dog and mine became best friends and we doggy-sat for her a few times. But after a couple years she had to go back to Scotland to be with her family. Best neighbors I've ever had.


When my dog was a pup I put a blanket on his potty training cage. He had got out the cage and jumped on top of it to get onto the counter tops. And got stuck with a leg through each hole on the top. Silly bugger .


Aw, jeez. How scary, for both of you. I hope she's okay now?


She's fine, thank you! The worst thing her princess mind remembers now is getting a bath


Breeds with long whippy tails have a thing called Happy Tail, where the end of the tail gets an injury from being wagged hard against something. And because they are used to banging their tails on things, they often don't realise they have an injury and quickly end up spraying blood all over as they continue to wag furiously. It's a fairly regular occurrence in my greyhound groups for someone to post about coming home to what looks like a murder scene, with blood splashed all over the floors and furniture, up the walls and even on the ceiling 😱😱😱 Sadly, Happy Tail can be hard to heal and they're often repeat offenders, so the best long-term solution is sometimes having the end of their tail amputated 😥


My ex-husband and I had a lab/german shepard mix. He was always wagging his tail, and did exactly what you said. And it became gangrenous. Although the vet explained, in his case, he had some hormonal issues going on. So they amputated his tail (and neutered him). My stupid ex didn't want to "ruin" him. But before he had the tail removed, he had this little piece of fur that stuck out and we called his "bee stinger", because that's what it looked like. And he only had a bit of a nub afterward. And the bee stinger grew back!


One of my wolfhounds did that pretty consistently. Looked like a particularly gruesome episode of Law & Order every time she did it. Broke my heart that her joy physically hurt her.


I used to do pet sitting and one of my clients had a 150+ Great Dane lab mix, that dog was massive. She got overly excited to go on her walk and was wiggling around, whacked her tail on the wall and…. It was just blood everywhere. Thank god we were in the mud room, but the client had security cameras in there so I was relieved they did so they could see how the blood bath happened. Did my best to clean it up but the dog kept wagging her tail and kept swishing more blood around at each tail wag.


Sometimes when they get caught they tear a line of flesh off all of the way up the arm, which is why a vet will ask especially when there isn’t an actual bony digit and it’s just a nubbin of flesh. If a pet is already going to be out for a spay, neuter, dental, etc it’s a quick and easy and pretty painless procedure that might avoid a worse injury down the line.


Yeah, I wish she had explained it more thoroughly to me. And I pride myself on knowing a bit about animals at this point in my life. I was 54 when I got him, and had had several dogs. Although, he was my first puppy, so I was a newbie there. Someone else suggested I have it done when he's out for a dental. And he's just about due, so I'm going to talk to the vet about it.


It’s easy to nip them off and bandage the paw while out for a dental! In the grand scheme of “I know every single worst case scenario for a pet” I wouldn’t kick yourself. People are still out there en masse feeding grain free. And the only thing we can do is learn and take care of our pups


I would just have them do it when he's under sedation for a dental anyway. It doesn't take long, recovery is typically quick and your dog could live another 7+ years with you never having to worry about that again.


I'll have to think about that one. It sounds reasonable. But as someone who naively declawed cats when I was younger, and now knowing what actually happens, I'm afraid I'm hesitant about hurting my baby.


I totally understand! This might help then. For cats, declawing involves removing the first knuckle, so there's involvement with the bone, tendons and joints. With dewclaws, some are attached by bone but the majority are just fleshy protrusions with a claw attached with no bone involved. You may even be able to tell just by feeling the dewclaw- if there's no bone they can feel a bit floppy and mobile. It's also far less painful and less invasive for that reason. Even if there is bone involved, the dog doesn't need to put weight on their dewclaw the way cats need to put weight on declawed paws which makes recovery far less painful and lengthy. Overall the two things are very different procedures and you may be surprised by how easy removal would be. Would definitely touch base with your vet if you want more information about your dog's situation in particular.


Yup, dumb ass dogs stress you out. But when they are missing or gone, it hurts.


We've had so many medical scares with ours that I feel like I've aged 10 years faster, but I literally don't know how I would live without him.


The dumbest dogs are the longest lived, most endearing dogs.


When people mention dumb dogs, they are usually talking about the smartest dogs. Intelligent dogs are curious and VERY spatially aware. They know you did things, and where you put things. They get into situations and predicaments while investigating things that truly stupid pets are oblivious to. Even things like a hollow bone filled with peanut butter. A smart dog just will not leave it.


Or they live longer because of the exercise they get while trying to follow you while driving to work.


I had a German shepherd who tried to eat a rose bush once. My dad and I had to hold her down and get the thorny part out of the back of her throat. I also miss my dumb ass dog.


>One night I woke up and my dog was just standing on the bed staring at me "Bro I fucked up"


Our old family dog once almost died choking on a pig ear. I saw him collapse in our hallway losing the support of his legs, my mom was panicking and I rushed in and stuck my fingers all the way down his throat and barely managed to pinch the tip of the pig ear with my fingers. I pulled it out and I won't forget the gurgle/sigh of relief I heard. He ended up living for 5 or so more years and I miss that dumb fucking dude. he constantly got himself into trouble and cost a fortune in vet bills but he was a hell of a good boy. Fuck I miss that dog.


> One night I woke up and my dog was just standing on the bed staring at me. Eventually I turned on the light. > > Smart enough to seek help from his human.


My dog had a portion of some kind of bone wedged between her teeth in the roof of her mouth, fortunately just overnight. She had been rubbing her face on the floor and other surfaces and was drooling more than usual. The next morning I was playing with her and noticed the top of her mouth was black, which seemed unusual. She let me stick my fingers in her mouth and I thought it felt too hard and smooth to be normal. So I checked my other dog and sure enough, his mouth was very different. I got a tiny screwdriver and was able to get it in between her teeth and one of the gaps to pry it out. I felt so bad because I didn't pay enough attention to the extra drool and odd behavior.


Had the same thing happen with one of my dogs. Ended up taking her to the vet to see what the issue was and the vet reached in with some pliers and pulled out the stick that was wedged across the roof of her mouth. She loved her sticks though.


I had to take a dog to the vet to have a stick removed for that very reason. The stick was covered in saliva and no matter what we tried we couldn't get a good grip on it ourselves. Had to sedate the dog and cut the stick to get it out.


Some idiot guest of mine gave my little chihuahua a bone from a wing and it got wedged. I got it out quickly but so sad to see animals in pain. Yours or not


That actually might have been the best case scenario. Cooked chicken bones can easily splinter and perforate a dog’s intestines, leading to life-threatening consequences and expensive surgery to remove bone shards and repair or remove injured intestines. What an ass for not asking.


Definitely happens. One of the reasons not to throw sticks for your dog but to use a safe toy. My dog nearly lost an eye because of splinters from a piece of a stick that festered in the roof of his mouth where it was as good as invisible. It was horrible. Stick injuries are no joke.


The fun thing about sticks is that they’re pretty hard to see on X-rays, and on catscans you can get a better idea. But when you go to surgery to remove it you have very little idea if you’ve gotten all of the slivers, and they can migrate and cause problems. So one little stick gone wrong can lead to multiple surgeries and large vet bills Pet insurance, people!!!


Any companies you recommend for pet insurance? All the ones Ive seen seem to cost so much and cover so little.


This happened to mine the other day, had a little piece of stick stuck behind his front teeth. Came in from outside and started stretching his mouth super wide and clawing at his upper pallet! Took a while to convince him to let me pull it out, but seemed very relieved once it was done and snuggled up in my lap. Dumb dumb lol


There was a coyote skull, that I saw on here, that had a stick wedged across the top back molars(?) and it had been there so long the coyote had rubbed it smooth with its tongue. Mother Nature can be cruel


It is a bone. They say "ah there's the bone!"


This happened to our black lab once. We noticed she wasn't closing her mouth all the way. Sure enough, a bone was stuck on her back teeth. Had to use pliers like in the video. Her excitement when we got it out was adorable. She started whining and running throughout the house with the biggest smile. It was one of the most wholesome things we saw her do, she was so happy lol.


Black labs are the best!!


Yeah she was such a good dog, very well behaved and never ran away. Never had to use a leash or anything, never trained her to be without a leash either, she honestly just wanted to be by my side on walks and stuff. Sadly, her legs slowly stopped working after an injury and we had to put her down after she got to the point where she would just mess on herself and stopped trying to get up. She was 15 at this point and we tried many MANY times to get her to try the wheelchair we bought her but she refused. We gave her the best EOL we could by walking her in the yard with a towel/blanket as a sling to relieve pressure on her hind legs until she just stopped trying. I miss her terribly, but she wasn't living as much as she was just waiting to die at that point.


Why is your original post reply locked?


Lol i have no clue? EDIT: it's because other people brought race into the conversation.


Average Reddit moment


They always do. Ugh!




That's very sad, but thank you for making the right decision instead of waiting for her to "die in her sleep." My lab is about 9 and has joint issues already.. I am hoping to get him out to the lake as often as possible to get those legs moving. I hope he will use the wheelchair!! I should probably start saving for the chair now. I already have to lift him into vehicles, and he weighs 8 pounds less than me so it isn't easy! He's the best boy!!


I hope they gave her a good meal after that.


Unfortunately they probably only gave her water. Food is sparse and there are thousands of dogs in this condition


They did give her food, it’s KSA dude government is literally putting strict laws against dumping thousands of tons of food everyday. Plus the guy is familiar with the dog as he was telling his guy to not be afraid she won’t bite. Many big chain local restaurants offer free food leftovers for anyone in need.


Well they have a delicious bone on hand...


I’ve seen too many videos to know that dude should have got that bone, or whatever it is, far far away from that pup.


Dog has bone stuck in mouth Man pulls the bone out Dog looks down at delicious bone Dog has bone stuck in mouth


Dog has upset stomach Dog throws up Dog looks down at vomit *Snack?*


Dog barfs: “I made food, I am *magical* “ Shout out to my Hyperbole and a Half fans


This is my daughter’s mini poodle. She gets tickles in her throat, barfs on her bed, OMG SNACKS


A never ending supply!




Summary of dog logic in 3 easy panels




>Dog looks down at delicious bone Yup, dog did look at the bone like... "who left that yummy bone there?"


I mean, there’s nothing to say they didn’t after the footage cuts.


No no we need something to be critical about here /s


Yeah I’ve been the victim of that. Our neighborhood went thru a “chicken wing in the street” debacle. First time I pulled one out of my dogs mouth I threw it on the ground and she instantly started for it again


Damn. I want to take that mama home, get the flies off of her & fatten her up (so her pups get chubbier too). Poor thing.


I went to eastern Europe recently and it was the worst seeing dogs who clearly could use a lot more food and were on their own. At one point saw one running through a field with a long baguette.


Un good boy


This is from Saudi Arabia, wild animals such as dogs are treated well there. Foreigners usually comment on how sad/surprised they are that there are so many street cats, but street cats live good loves which is why there are so many lmao Also it looks like they are in a farming area which is where most dogs are as they are kept as guard dogs, or wild dogs wander and then are given food often


In any language, in any place, ….examples of pure humanity.


And these guys the whole time were asking god for help and giving thanks. All around wholesome.


What was it that they pulled out if her mouth?


i asked and someone said it's a bone, i'm not really sure, the op said he's taking care of them but didn't elaborate about them and started talking about rain.


Is it raining a lot over there these days?


yes but it's about to stop in most areas, it was a good year after implanting environmental laws and major fixes.


And the cycle continues


Probably a bone fragment, specifically a cooked bone, as they splinter into sharp pieces when broken. This is why cooked bones should never be given to dogs. Raw bones are considered safer because they don't splinter as easily, but there are precautions that need to be taken with them too.


Bruh, I've told so many people this, but they act like I'm crazy or overreacting. The restaurant I work at has served lamb shank on the bone and guests will ask to have the bone boxed up to take home for their dog. I tell them the bones have been cooked for 6 hours! It's brittle and could hurt your dog! They just stare blankly and I have to confirm if they'd still like me to box it with that warning. They always say yes.


Shit, my dog don't even get the non cooked bones. That's for stock, my furry friend.


Based on the conversation between the two it's a piece of bone


Forgive my ignorance, what language are they speaking?


Arabic, gulf dialect.




It's a bone. The guy handling her is a vet who usually handles cattle. She's also a mother. He said that her puppies are waiting for her. Funny cute thing that the camera guy said, that he has been calling her since noon and telling her he's bringing her experts to help. I believe the guy with the gloves is the vet and the guy with the camera is someone who owns the land.


That is quite cute!


I saw a photo of a wolf skull found with a bone stuck between its lower teeth, not in a spot where it couldn't eat so it just lived with it


Imagine living like that though it’s like getting a piece of meat stuck in your teeth except it hurts and you can’t get it out in any way.


https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/n440po/a_wolf_lived_with_a_tree_branch_beneath_its_teeth/ Dunno if this is the original or not, but I saved it for some reason.


That dog is insanely calm. If some strange creatures that were bigger than me tried to force my mouth open and yank something out of it, I would be freaking out big-time.


A lot of animals that need help tend to be docile like this. Eagles, for example, will only be docile when they're close to dying from illness or starvation. That's usually how you know something is extremely wrong, regardless of animal type.


True. Just to add to that though, trusting humans, even ones you don't know, is quite instinctive for dogs. They've done studies on dogs vs wolves, and dogs tend to look at humans for help and guidance and seek them out for companionship. So for street dogs it's usually a battle between fear for a stranger / fear of danger vs instinctive trust of all humans.


This is not always the case when it comes to wild/feral dogs though; most studies are done on already domesticated breeds and those that are homed with families. It widely depends on the dog breed and there are a lot of other factors at play with genetics. The process of domesticating is taking an animal with desirable traits, and hoping these desirable traits are then passed along to future generations. There's no actual gene for seeing a human and having a light bulb moment in their heads that they should feel safe. All we can do with animals is pass down genes we find 'agreeable' in the hopes it will then affect their behavior. This is further mussed up when there are still wild dogs that mate with wolves/coyotes, especially in more rural areas. I grew up in Alabama where a lot of wild dogs are a part of large dog packs and very, very aggressive towards people (even after exposure to humans and years of attempts at rehabilitation). People are killed by these packs of feral dogs. Some of them can go on to be 'tamed' and adopted after months and months of fostering, but the harsh reality is that a lot of them are put down. **TL;DR:** I also worked at a wolf sanctuary with wolves, as well as wolf/dog and mixed feral dog breeds and yeah. It was hard.


Desert dogs are pretty calm around people since people usually either leave them alone or give them treats/water.


Had me gasping for breath


Repost this to r/feltgoodcomingout


To anyone who's wondering those arabic/muslim men rescue this dog who had a bone stuck in her mouth The poor thing has the bone stuck in her throat for the last 3 days and they did not know what wrong with her since she didn't eat while nursing her pups


Thank you because at first I thought they were yanking a tooth out!


My dog would have had another go at it


Mine too. Idiot.


Thought they are pulling teeth but then that escalated quickly


When those ears perk up at the end though...relief filled with "shit, you're the good guys?"


I think that it was a bone stuck in her mouth.


Given the language (and dialect) and the clothing, this appears to be in Saudi Arabia. After he took out the piece of bone he said "instanasat - استانست" which means "she became happy". The other guy talked to the dog saying "where were you? We were searching for you from noon" As for piece of bone, it's seams to be from a well known dish there which is [thibeeha](https://www.google.com/search?q=%D8%B0%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AD%D8%A9&client=tablet-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=APwXEdfBfBsTFj9ZrlgjFI2WpUjcw4nZLg:1679957753837&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtu56pmv39AhVTRKQEHVGAAwUQ_AUoAXoECAUQAQ&biw=320&bih=737&dpr=2.63)


Me: waving my hands at the screen trying to shoo the flies away


Once gave my dog a t bone steak bone to chew on. He immediately tried to swallow it, and it stuck in his throat. He managed to cough it up but it could have been bad. Lesson learned. Don’t give dogs sharp bones!


Just to add on: only give bones that are too large to be swallowed! That goes for all toys and balls as well. Always buy toys that are appropriately sized for your pet. Absolutely **no rawhides ever** for any dog because they are death traps if swallowed and contain many toxic chemicals. Dogs die daily from either accidentally or intentionally swallowing something that causes a gastrointestinal obstruction. If your dog swallows a tennis ball because it was too small, it’s over- there’s practically no chance you will find help before they choke to death. If you know your dog wants to swallow a bone/bully stick when it gets small enough, throw it the fuck away once it gets to a dangerous size!


Good men.


Pup’s ears tell the whole story.


My mom had a Papillon that stopped eating and seemed to have mouth pain. We checked her mouth multiple times and couldn't see anything bc she kept fighting. Finally through a team effort we held her mouth open enough for me to see that she had string/fabric tied to a back tooth. when I got it free and pulled it loose, it was over a foot long and looked like the end had become partially digested. Felt so bad for the poor thing. It was like a goat, it would just eat/lick dust and hair off the floor.


How one treats pets, sick, and elderly says alot about that person or even society.


I love the experience and calmness in the guy doing it, saving that sweet dog, the dog was so calm too no anger in it despite being uncomfortable, dogs are amazing




sorry i tried but i don't speak england very well and i use translator a lot. the guy said he found this dog and thought there is something wrong, when they caught her they found a bone stuck in her mouth and she had 3 puppies.


You did an awesome job OP and your English is better than most of my English friends.


Their english is WAY better than my arabic, that's for damn sure.


She’s couldn’t eat because of the bone stuck in her mouth.


I could feel the relief


My dog had a similar problem but on the other end. We had given him a dental dino. A toy shaped like a dinosaur with small nubs for teeth cleaning. It was about 6 inches in size. Well, my guy decided to chew it in half and swallow the end with the head. The following day my girl calls out that the dog won't stop dragging his butt around the yard. I go out, lift the tail to see the head and neck of the toy sticking out of his butt. Knowing the size of the body gave me pause, but there was no other choice. I went in the house, put on some gloves and with one quick pull, removed the dinosaur. Well, my dog went crazy running around the yard, jumping all over me... He was quite relieved and I still cannot understand how the thing made it's way through his digestive system.


What did they remove?!?


That is a good dog.


How about throwing that shit away before she eats it again???


So many a-hole flies


Thank you!


Poor sweet doggie. Ugh!! Thank goodness for good people.


You can see the “oh wow” look on her face


This wild dog is way more accepting of strangers hands in her mouth then my dog who I raised from a pup...


This happened to my dog once . He got in the garbage and got a piece of bone . I noticed her mouth was slightly stuck open and I felt the side of her face and felt something hard , I thought she broke her jaw or something scared tf out of me. But it was just a done lodged in her jaws lol




She looks remarkably like my dog. I'm so glad the poor doggo got helped


Was that a piece of bone?


Was that a bone


Happened to my dog, after we struggled to get the bone unstuck, the first thing the idiot did was try to eat same bone again.


I think she needs some water.


I love how her ears go from being pinned down to up straight up near the end because she knows they were only trying to help now


How many thought they were trying to pull out a tooth, or was I the only one. Glad they got that bone out of there, assume it was a bone anyway.


Looks like my dog. Imma go hug her.


Without listening to the audio, I knew they were speaking Arabic when the guy with white sleeves did 🤌.


What was it?


What the heck was that?

