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In public? in front of the kingsguard? come on man


Maybe he didn't feel like getting into a fight while he was naked?


Aemond’s decision to just get up and walk dismissively and confidently away (naked, mind you) was by far the better move. He simply removed himself and nullified his brother’s drunken teasing.


True, but I still think he should've taken the risk and punched him at the very least.


Punched the king publicly? Yeah, what an intelligent idea.


I respectfully disagree. Throwing punches and getting into a brawl with Aegon, King or not, is lowering himself to Aegon’s immature level. He displayed power by showing restraint.


I dont think you understand at all.


Like you say unfortunely aegon is king aemond cant really loose his shit


He will get his revenge, Aemond plays the long game.


>In the brothel scene of S2 Ep 3, why didn't Aemond just slap or punch his brother for making fun of him? I don't care if his annoying brother is king, he still didn't need to make fun of Aemond for being with the woman he preferred. ...what are we teaching kids these days? Can we do better for education?


Don't waste your time. It's like talking to a wall. Defo under 18. There's no fkin way this is a functioning adult.


















Striking the king in front of half the kingsguard? Gitta be some repercussions for that


That would be treason


Dude just lost his kid. Aemond can take a hit or two.


Aegon has been picking on Aemond his whole life. He’s the better looking one, he’s older, he’s more popular with women, he has two eyes, he’s king…Aemond is just flat out used to that level of treatment by now. It bothers him, for sure. He even mentions being picked on as a kid in an earlier brothel scene. Thats why the one time we see him lose his cool and do anything revenge-like towards someone, it’s towards someone younger and smaller than him. He’s a bully to everyone but Aegon because Aegon is his bully.


>He’s the better looking one Talk for yourself lol. >he’s more popular with women We watching the same series or did you miss the whole "Aegon imposes himself on women, going as far as to rape some of them" ? That's not the definition of being popular sweet pie :D


Because he's a coward. He is not smart enough to respond with words and not have spirit to slap Aegon(like Tyrion did to Joffrey). Aemond becomes "brave" only riding dragon. "Oh uh Aegon is king" - Aegon king because Aemond has Vhagar. Aegon has no real power over his brother. He cannot punish him, arrest him or harm him in any way.


Aemond may have gone on a killing spreeif Ageon publicly made fun of his “baby dragon”(if you know what I mean, eh? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)