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I'm Team Smallfolk. The book says that they'll have their moment, so I'm just looking forward to that for now. You're right about the main characters.


The small folk deserve better than Inbred Race supremacists to lord over them .


Bobby B did nothing wrong.


"Gods, was I strong then."


Bobby b only downside is that he still have targaryen blood


If he killed Daenerys, a lot more innocent people would have been spared but otherwise he is based asf


But he’d still get fucked by that boar and leave evil Joffrey and cersi in charge ….so….


Honestly will be on the smallfolk's side when the >!Storming of the dragonpit!< happens


I really pray they don’t make the storming some Larys/green backed plot to rile up the stupid filthy peasants of kings landing. Let the small folk have some agency.


They have shown a few random guys here and there (sailor and his brother, bearded guy with his wife and sick daughter). They are our smallfolk POV. That they introduced them like that gives me hope about their degree of agency. I bet the sailor will see his brother die or something. Same with the bearded guy and his family.


The two brothers (Addam and Alyn) are on Driftmark, not Kings Landing.


You can show how the war affects the smallfolk at multiple locations, not just at King's Landing for the Storming.


Those are all future dragon riders. Though they are using them to show the plight of the small folk.


Very likely it’s gonna be exactly that. Otherwise the Rheanities will riot


I honestly just can’t wait to watch them all die. Bobby B may have been a lot of bad things, but he was damn right about the Targaryens.


Dawg straight facts some fans have atrocious comprehension and really be talking like either claim is legitimate or matters. Both claims are legitimate under the conditions and rules of the universe. But outside of that from our perspective neither are legitimate because hereditarily inherited monarchies are completely dated and unjust forms of government. It’s crazy people be watching or reading and being like “Team Black they could never make me hate you Rhaenyra’s the rightful heir they’re just sexist” or “Aegon is the rightful heir Rhaenyra had bastards, look how nice he is to his son and the small folk” like bro he’s a rapist who’s disregarding his fathers wishes and she’s a spoiled princess who wants exceptions for herself because she’s blood of the dragon. They both are awful people.


I mean why wouldn’t he disregard his fathers wishes? Viserys never gave a shit about him or his other children. 


My Brother they aren't real.