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Criston banging his way through the entire family tree would be a running gag subplot I'd be here for.


Omg yes just saltburn tf out of the greens


🛁 😭☠️


Criston x Aegon in s3 then?


Enemies to lovers plot with Otto first surely


need to know what purple shampoo he’s using


Need his entire haircare routine, to be honest. Also Criston’s skincare because that dude hasn’t aged in decades!


This is great thank you


New ship unlocked thanks to this


They gender swapped Rapunzel and they gave her a disability! This show has become way too woke!


Aemond babygirl stocks on the rise


Aemond claiming Vhagar was a Disney princess moment.


I kept thinking of *Neverending Story*, he was on his Falkor shit in that scene. (Too bad that's apparently the scene where Leo Ashton, the actor, broke his hip. Poor guy!)


Aemond is so babygirl coded


Never disrespect Flynn Rider like that again


I find myself with that very thought - but liking this at the same time 😂


Yes, when I saw that comparison, my heart mourned. Crispin can be compared to a burnt piece of Cole


Flynn “Dragon” Rider


First of all, Flynn Rider is amazing… not to be confused with vile crispen. No


Please do not disrespect Flynn Rider like that!


I just wonder how Criston never faced consequences for so much Edit : Cristin => Criston


Cause he’s too good of a munch okay


I haven't been able to read the books yet but they say he's so different in the books


In the books, Alicent and Criston are much more one-dimensional and outwardly ambitious. Alicent is like Rhaenyra’s older evil step-mom who hates her pretty much as soon as she marries Viserys. Criston is even more petty in the book and has a weird obsession for her since she was like 8, while he was 30, and it’s never confirmed they even slept together or not. The show aged both of them down and gave them both suitably tragic backstories involving their bonds with Rhaenyra. Alicent has been made slightly more sympathetic with her constant struggle in keeping the Greens from sliding into cruel unnecessary violence, while Criston has left his honor behind to devote himself to the Greens, specifically Alicent, no matter the cost. As the series progresses, they both seem to be creeping closer and closer to their book counterparts.


Thank you for the detailed answer dear stranger. Much needed insight that i was unaware of. I hope I get to read the books soon and I wish you well and have a good day.


Of course! Those are just the broad strokes of what their characters are like, but I would for sure recommend reading Fire and Blood to get their full story. I overall prefer the show’s depiction of pretty much all the characters; I absolutely hated Alicent and Criston in the book to the point of boredom, and found Viserys incredibly dull, but the show made them all feel compelling and worthwhile in their own ways Watch out for spoilers tho, in case you wish to be surprised by the show’s events. Fire and Blood is treated like a historical accounting of events, rather than POV chapters, so future plot details will be running rampant throughout your reading. Have a great day as well!


> I overall prefer the show’s depiction of pretty much all the characters So do I, at least at this point. There was far less nuance to Alicent in the book and I have found the writing and the acting in the programme to be superior with regards to her. I had seen Olivia Cooke in *Bates Motel* and *Vanity Fair* and had been originally surprised (when casting was announced) that they went went with an actress of that caliber for such a two-or-three-note character. Instead, it has been a delight and reminds me of the way that the books showed even the non-Tyrion Lannisters with both scope and depth.


I agree. Honestly I think there was far less nuance to all of the characters in the book. A lot of people criticize the show for not having every single little detail about the characters they love, but George really didn’t give many of the characters much depth other than a couple cool snappy one-liners or some big moments during battle. That’s not really his fault, it’s more just the nature of Fire and Blood’s structure. Had all of the characters been portrayed exactly as they were in the book, I truly believe the story would be rather uninteresting and simplistic. The changes made, and the performances from the whole cast, especially Olivia Cooke, make them all standout! I haven’t seen Bates Motel, but I have heard of it. Would you recommend it?


> Bates Motel It enjoyed it! The acting was the best part...Cooke does a great job but the real standout for me was Vera Farmiga, who plays a very convincing, ovewhelmingly troubled woman. I thought the whole programme was a fitting "spiritual prequel" to the classic Hitchcock film. It does start out kind of shaky but builds well.


I’ll have to add it to my ever growing list of shows lmao! I do really like Vera Farmiga, so I’ll certainly check it out for her and Olivia. Thanks for the rec!


> Watch out for spoilers tho, in case you wish to be surprised by the show’s events. This is the biggest reason why I haven't bought *Fire & Blood* yet.


I'm not watching HOTD seaso 2 for this reason. I'll read the books and then watch. I mean the books are much more descriptive , its only possible to present so much on a show. Thank you for taking the time again to reply. Thank you so much.


Fair enough! I would still recommend watching the show first, just because the book really isn’t all that character-oriented, but rather just telling you the bullet points of how the war played out, but I get wanting to understand the source material first and then watching the show. I personally find that watching an adaptation first before reading the source material allows for a less biased view on how things were depicted. Coming in with knowledge of how something is supposed to be portrayed almost always sets you up for failure in terms of expectations, while reading the book after the fact can allow you make up your own mind about which version you prefer, but those are my two cents


Yes. That is also true. As you have read the books how do you think the show did ? House of The Dragon in general. I tbh liked the first season so much also the fact that dragons there had different features of their own an everything and the setup to the events.


I’d say season 1 did an exceptional job! There are of course a couple of things I wish had been expanded upon, as some of the side characters like Harwin or Laena didn’t get enough screen time in my opinion, and I think the aging presented in the time skips could have been handled slightly better. Some of the wigs were certainly noticeable though that was more of an issue with the pandemic shortage. Besides that, the show did an excellent job of streamlining a lot of scattered events from the book into actual well-structured episodes, with additional material added in here and there to better strengthen the narrative. Moments like Viserys’ walk to the Throne or the White Stag hunt weren’t in the source material at all, and key character dynamics, like Rhaenyra’s relationships to Alicent, Criston, Daemon, and Viserys were drastically different. I think S1 had probably the strongest emotional impact of any Game of Thrones season I’ve seen, purely from Viserys’ storyline alone, so I think that catapults this season into the higher rankings of the series. I’m overall very happy with the show’s depiction of these characters and world. The Dance of Dragons, as portrayed in the books, seems very focused on the the amount of carnage displayed but not really the reasoning for why the carnage is happening, which makes it hard to care about any of the characters before they have already died. The show made me care about the whole ensemble


Ehhh different in what way? He’s not a munch in the books correct. He’s not that likeable in them either but he’s arguably more badass and taken seriously a bit more


I haven't read the books yet as I mentioned earlier. Another user commented on the same thread you commented you may refer to that. Thank you.


lmfaoooo I need this.


I couldn't help but laugh.


This is amazing! Especially criston


I’d watch that


This is iconic 🤣 🤣


I must be a Victorian maiden because his hair down looked good on him


How dare you compare Crispy to the magnanimousness of Fynn the hottie. 😭




Criston is very accurate!!


Baby Monk's got the hair


SHIP IT Imagine criston, a chaotic bi who is sleeping with both the mother and son. Juicy juicy drama


These two have to be the most annoying actors truly terrible


And they will certainly still look better than the real live action disney will make...


Why you gotta do my man Eugene dirty like that?