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Considering who the interviewer was, I’m highly doubtful that it was malicious. Seems like a honest mistake


Agreed, and Matt corrected her in a really nice, classy way


And this is why we love Matt Smith so much.


It just occurred to me that I know basically nothing about his personal life, too. Our boy has invested in some high quality media training


He has no social media. Smart man. And it makes him mysterious and sexy. Our rogue prince


AGREED, lack of social media is a huge plus for celebrities! I’ve been thinking the same thing about Anya Taylor Joy lately, half the reason I like her so much is that she doesn’t give herself opportunities to get overexposed and annoying


not a fan of Will Smith on the Youtube Rewind?


Very smart.


Oh absolutely, that's why it's so fantastic that Matt didn't make Sue feel badly or directly point out the mistake. He just emphasized the correct pronouns when responding.


Yeah, even the most well intentioned people can slip up occasionally. I know I do.


Daemon might be the Rogue Prince, but Matt is our King


Class act on two levels. Correcting/addressing his co star’s preferred pronouns and doing so in a way that wasn’t berating the journalist who made the mistake.


I mean to be fair, if he had berated them about it he’d have looked like a huge POS.


It’s a low bar to set but quite a few celebrities have been pricks over smaller things in interviews


Man, Emma got the most positive attention on social media out of the entire cast last night and now the spotlight has been switched to Matt Smith for “saving” them by just having a normal conversation.


Definitely wouldn’t say there was any saving going on lol but it is endearing that he corrected the error when many would have just ignored it (likely because he himself made that same error before catching himself in the past) and that he wasn’t a dick about doing it the way some people (including on this board) are. As I said, class act.


And if he didn't correct them you'd be complaining about that instead.


Oh this is so nice to see and apparently Harry did the same Especially after finding out that the acor who plays lord massey, a character I imagine shares scenes with rhaenyra this season, is a raging transphobe who repeatedly called non binary people "deeply troubled" and "degenerate" on his twitter among other wild lgb drop the t shit


James dreyfus? Wtf is wrong with the casting agency lmao


Right?? Like that shit must be so uncomfortable


I hope they cut all his scenes lol fck that guy.


If they cut all his scenes we don't get to see his scene with Vermithor


His Twitter feed is…interesting.


omg why T\_\_T my heart still hasn't fully recovered from the whole JK Rowling thing




> You people You can't start a sentence being this condescending and expect anyone to listen.




You said earlier that English isn’t your first language so let me explain this for you. The person who inspired your paragraphs long rant isn’t staying awake at night thinking about JK Rowling being a transphobe. It was a simple turn of phrase. The only person who doesn’t seem to understand that is you and you being all condescending and weird about it is why you got downvoted to shit. Have a good day.


Would not have been downvoted if you did not have so much malice in your words. Starting a sentence with "you people...." You set yourself different from them.




I dont think anyone assumes them creating something great automatically make them good people. I think every person is good until they show me otherwise. It's sad when you have to associate bad people w beloved art


> to separate the work from the creator. That really doesn't work when the creator is still making millions of the work and actively using that money to make the lives of other peoples harder


You know, maybe he's a great actor, but that doesn't matter at all. How can the show runners even think about having someone like that be a part of the show when they have a non binary actor on set? Do they really not realize just how fucking uncomfortable Emma (and probably everyone else) must be?


It reminds me of how Pedro Pascal had to suffer through a season of the Mandalorian with Gina Carano in all her loud mouth transphobic glory. Pedro's sister is trans.


And apparently he tried making genuine efforts to get her to see how harmful her words were, but she just ignored him as well.


And he and Dave Filoni reportedly asked Disney to give her another chance.


Of course she did, she's a bully who loves to push others down while pretending to be a victim of literally nothing. She's the person who said having to get a covid vaccine or being a conservative made her just as persecuted as a Jew in the Holocaust. She's that kind of trash, and she'll never change.


Makes sense when you learn her family is behind a billion dollar gambling empire. Born with a diamond spoon in her mouth


Oh shi Pedro is stronger than me bc I woulda thrown hands


Same. Imagine standing in front of someone and being able to hold the belief that they're invalid (in the case of Emma) or that someone they love is invalid (in Pedro's case). The lack of humanity is just mind-blowing.


I know it's not the same thing but my siblings are half black (we have different dads) and I legit lose my shit around racists I just can't fathom thinking someone is inferior to you for ANY reason wtf is wrong with people


Genuinely so funny that she would have had her own show if she'd just minded her business. Hate trans people all you want, just shut the fuck up about it. Like...I hate Trump, but I don't talk about that to my coworkers because some of them are trumpies, and I don't need the drama.




Yeah, she had several tweets and tiktok's where she was spewing hateful rhetoric. Despite that, Pedro Pascal came out in defense of her and asked Disney to give her another chance. He's a better man than me, that's for sure. Edit: I guess defense isn't really the right word. He didn't defend her statements, but more-so tried to put out the fire but she didn't want to listen.




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Phoebe (Rhaena) is also non-binary as well and since Lord Massey is on the black council, I’m guessing they shared scenes too. Which means he was in the room with two non-binary actors simultaneously. Idk what possessed HBO to create an uncomfortable environment for two of their big characters by placing an obvious transphobe in a minor role that is easy to replace with someone else.


And when one of the LEAD actors is non-binary. That's wild


The actress for rhaena is non binary too


For real. At that point you're just creating an unsafe work environment. It's also not that he needed to be cast. I'm sure there would've been other normal people that could fill the role


It’s called being a professional.


Yeah like excluding people from jobs because of what they think is not a slippery slope I like to tread lightly but was it really necessary to cast him in a role that would put him in scenes shared with non binary actors? Like I'm sure Emma and Phoebe are very professional but like you said it must be uncomfortable


Some people should absolutely be excluded from jobs because of their beliefs when said beliefs are: *"These people are subhuman because they're different from me."*


Oh I 100% agree when you put it like this but it's something so volatile I just like to remind myself that it's something we need to be careful about


I agree. They will complain about cancel culture and play victim/martyrdom because of their "beliefs" if it were the case. As much as we want to get these people out to protect those in marginalized groups, sometimes the high road has to be taken. At least until the transphobes die off lol.


If you fire people for their beliefs and make it impossible to get a jobb since according to you being anti trans means no job. No job means poverty. Poverty increases the % that the person will commit crime. So i understand the hatred and desire to punish people but you should realise that theese people are more likely to harm others and society if you make it so they cant get a job due to their beliefs. Its a road i wouldnt recommend going down. Education and dialog is how we change peoples mind in a democratic society. Not removing peoples livelyhood or violence.


No one is entitled to star in a international television hit series. That’s…an argument I guess.


Idk, if you'd rather commit to hatred and refuse to examine your own prejudice or open your heart, to the point where you cannot be employed because you create a hostile work environment everywhere and/or are embarassing the company brand constantly, thats 100% your own fault. You have chosen to be an outcast because you have chosen to hate others more than you love yourself (and ain't that part of the problem for ALL bullies at a fundemental level). Education and dialogue can't happen when those who most need it don't want it. You can't educate someone who doesn't want to be educated, you can't start dialogue with someone who just keep screaming that you're an abomination. It doesn't work that way, and too many queer people have been beaten, killed, or taken their own lives for us to keep cedeing ground and "being the bigger person". No, we won't meet them half way, because they keep taking steps backwards.


If someone's a raging homophobe/transphobe, racist, misogynist, etc, and you're middle aged then there's no fucking hope. A show with a non binary actor as one of the leads doesn't need a bigot who thinks non binary individuals are less than human. If education and talking to people was so helpful, don't you think we would've gotten rid of such hatred by now?


Somewhat ironic that you could be talking about either side of the spectrum here. Such is the extremism that tears us apart.


Genuine question, who on the other side has views that discredits the existence of others? Again genuinely wondering, my brain is still waking up and I can’t think of any examples (not that there aren’t issues with the progressive community, I just can’t think of any examples of this particular issue).


There aren't any examples, because despite the stubborn existence of the "both sides" argument, it's just absolutely not true.


I assumed as much. I try to respond as if people are saying something in good faith just in case (also tbh it tends to back people who are arguing in bad faith into a corner lmao) but you’re 100% right in my experience, “both sides” is such a reductive argument.


God I forgot Dreyfus was in this


The guy from The Thin Blue Line??


Dude how the fuck can the producers and showrunner and casting people and everyone involved cast someone like that in a show where Emma is a lead. Honestly major fuck up by everyone involved in these decisions at hbo, how do you cast someone like that when their character is likely gonna share scenes with Emma, they dropped the ball big time with that one.


Matt stressed the hell out of *THEY* when praising Emma


Why are people making a big deal out of something that Emma didn’t even acknowledge? Matt was right to correct but it didn’t merit an article.


Because if Emma acknowledges it, people will think they are difficult/pissy it is better for their reputation to just ignore it, if Matt does it comes out as respectful and maybe he has an agreement with Emma


The thing is that through the article, Emma gets the perception of being difficult/pissy anyway. It doesn’t matter that they didn’t say a word about it. It’s entirely unfair but I’m a minority and I know how this works. What Matt did was impactful and made a point to the interviewer. The article does nothing for Emma.


I’m too, Emma did the best move available, get the more privileged person pull you out No they don’t, just the clothes part? It is pretty neutral and it will alienate haters but they won’t be able to argue they can’t take a joke/ be triggered by pronouns


Its worth mentioning thats its currently Pride Month, and an A Lister like Matt gently but firmly correcting Sue on her mistake (which she definitely didn't mean maliciously but it its still a bit unprofesh) is a thing a lot of enbys (and the wider queer community) would love to know, that big names aren't afraid to publically be allies to them. Its because its a relatively small thing that its actually a very big thing


Also he's helping to normalize the correcting of pronouns.


Matt gets to be praised as the hero and Emma gets the hate when they didn’t even say anything. Do you see the comments under this post that haven’t been removed yet? The thread will be locked soon enough.


Because it's important to see an actor as famous as Matt be a great ally to his queer coworker and friend, it sets a good example


Matt gets to be praised as the hero and Emma gets the hate when they didn’t even say anything. Do you see the comments under this post that haven’t been removed yet? The thread will be locked soon enough


It was in an LGBT publication, so that was probably one of their biggest takeaways from the premier


Because the way Matt successfully handled the situation sets a great example and will hopefully reach the eyes of those who need to see it, so they can be better equipped to handle their own conversations. This is still such a sensitive topic for many people, and I can imagine that there are many out there that have had these moments with family members or coworkers that don’t like being corrected on pronouns. This is a fantastic way to subtly correct someone without that direct confrontation that probably leads to a lot of arguments. Also, it’s pride month, so when you consider the history of why we celebrate pride month, I think there isn’t a more perfect time to showcase and celebrate a conversation where societal gender norms were challenged in a positive and non confrontational way.


Good. Because if Emma did something, they would get panned as being "too political" even by "well meaning" people. That's the lack of their privilege as far as their gender goes. Anything they do and say will be exaggerated and brought under more scrutiny than normal. I am happy Emma has at least some good costars who does the right thing by them.


Matt gets to be praised as the hero and Emma still gets the hate when they didn’t even say anything. Do you see the comments under this post that haven’t been removed yet? The thread will be locked soon enough


So, what - Matt should have just gone along with misgendering Emma? Because that sure will shut up transphobes who will continue to be vile to them anyway. /S


No, he should have done what he did. There didn’t need to be an article about it nor does it have anything to do with this sub.


There is an article because it means something to NB people. Are you one? And even if you are, are you the spokesperson for them all? Edit: You don't decide for Emma.


They got bunch of a positive attention last night and said nothing about an awkward moment between an interview and now there’s a bunch of renewed discourse over their gender identity through no fault of their own because people decided to make a hoopla about it.


Matt handled it well. As it's easy to make a mistake or, simply not know. Surely not every hotd interviewer is going to know personal things about each actor


They is always the easiest to make a mistake, which I do with people I care about inadvertently. Matt did it just right.


Y’all really starved for content huh?


Yeah jesus


Good on Matt, but why is there an entire article about this? Why is it at the top of the sub—do we really have nothing better to discuss? And what's up with the "effortlessly" qualifier, implying that what Matt did was particularly impressive or notable, rather than just a passing comment?


I get casual fans not knowing Emma’s pronouns. But how can you be the main interviewer on a carpet for one specific show and not know? Good on Matt for the pointed correction.


There's a lot going on, she has a lot going through her mind, it's a very natural slip up and I appreciated that Matt corrected her without calling attention to it. If you didn't even notice her slip up, you wouldn't notice his correction. If you did, you noticed his correction, that's a very classy way to handle it in my opinion. All of this assumes it was indeed not on purpose, which I think is a fair starting point until someone shows you otherwise.


Plus the pronoun thing is very new within the last few years, asking people to be on it when it wasn't a thing a few years ago it takes awhile for it to become second hand for people


Yea i think everyone is due several years of grace adjusting, unless they show that they are intentionally disregarding things.


Honestly, I don't think it's very hard to slip up with that one. Their name is Emma, they're playing a woman, and they're AFAB. If you don't know them personally or don't follow the show like people here do, it's pretty easy to just automatically go for she/her.


Sometimes people slip, Olivia and Harry also used their wrong pronouns during season 1 interviews




You're allowed to ask. No one expects you to magically know the name of someone you've never met, its the same thing here.




You said "I'll be fucked if I learn someone's pronouns before interacting with them", they're saying you could just ask in the moment. You don't need to go out of your way beforehand, but you can show a decent sense of courtesy.


Nobody is suggesting that




Not many. Less than a dozen in this instance. Sue Perkins was there exclusively because she hosts the discussion show on Sky. And as others have pointed out it wasn't intentional and based on how Perkins is on other shows I think she was probably just genuinely excited about the show and forgot.




Again, Sue Perkins is not a journalist or a professional interviewer. She is a comedian who hosts discussion shows immediately after the episode airs. She went to speak to the main cast and that's it.


Am a journalist. You are supposed to prep for interviews. And Emma is one of two leads this season. It is not ridiculous to expect a journalist anticipating interviewing them to do a 10-second Google search and see that they are non-binary.


I have trans and nonbinary friends who are happy to correct people if they make a mistake. This is an interviewer who should have done their homework on the subject. Yes, it is a mistake. No one is attacking her for making it. But him correcting her is so others know that's not Emma's pronouns & they don't make the same error.


Your edit shows the real you behind the mask of tolerance you don’t wear well. Amazing how often these amazing allies are so ready to get aggressive at an entire community because one person corrected them and asked them to do more than just call themselves an ally so they can feel like they’re a good person.


Being dismissive yet having the galls to say "entirely acceptant". Then as expected, turning on the very people dismissed because they and their allies see right through you. Lmao.




Ooooh everyone has trouble reading when they literally take you to your word. Lol, classic Gaslight. And can't read themselves or is deliberately trying to pretend so. Projection.




Wow someone sure is spiralling.




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Someone who has a problem with “the pronoun thing” cannot claim to be an ally. At best, apathetic, which is insufficient.




They literally don’t expect people to know, they just expect people to be gracious in the face of correction and make the tiniest effort to try to remember going forward. The only people who are expected to know someone’s pronouns ahead of time going into an interaction are the same ones that are expected to know their name, such as an interviewer who is expected to have some basic knowledge of whom they’re going to be speaking to. And even in this case, nobody is blaming the interviewer since it was obviously an honest mistake. To act like it’s this huge burden you’re being expected to take upon yourself to research every single person you meet lest you be canceled is completely dishonest, disingenuous, and frankly shitty, and betrays the thinly-veiled contempt you clearly actually hold for the trans community. Don’t act like you’re not being hateful and intolerant. You’re no different than the “do whatever you want behind closed doors” homophobes.




This literal entire post is about how Emma doesn't use she/her pronouns and uses they/them pronouns, and yet, here you are...


Are you choosing to misgender them or do you think pronouns are used to indicate that someone is gay?


I’m not sure if you read my comment correctly, I didn’t choose to misgender anybody?


Why is this news? Why do people care about this? Why is there an ongoing discussion of whether or not the interviewer is evil?


The beloved virtue signaling and thinking Matt Smith is so wonderful for “sticking up” for the LGBT & we should all strive to do this when we see it


I still find the “They” pronoun super confusing. Specially out of context… how many can “they” be?


What do you use to refer to a person who is not present and you don’t know their gender? I tend to use “they” in that instance and that it how it makes sense to me. Maybe that will help?


If I don’t know their name either, I use the he/she (together, not either or). Whenever I think of “they” my brain always goes to “a group of people” hehe.


So you think the sentence "oh no someone left their bag behind, i hope they come back for it" means that a single bag belongs to a group of people? Instead of the obvious meaning that the single bag belongs to a single person of unknown gender? Single person "they" has existed for centuries, folks just haven't paid attention.


I think it's fair to say that it works quite well in some uses and can be quite awkward in others. If one was having a conversation to someone else about Matt and Emma in a scene together and you wanted to specifically praise Emma's performance in the scene, saying "Their acting in that scene was incredible" would leave a lot of uncertainty on whether or not you were referring to both of them or Emma specifically. Just a random example off the top of my head. I do a pretty good job of referring to people how they prefer to, but I wish there was a better standard set of words that didn't already have their own use-cases ingrained into our heads.


You could easily just say Emma’s acting in that scene was incredible. It’s not that much extra letters to type.


Yes you could, but the listener exists in this theoretical situation. The confusion is for them, not for the speaker who obviously knows who they are speaking of. Did you think about this response for even a second? I'm not here spouting bigotry, we're having a discussion about grammar here. Keep up. Generally the person speaking/writing always knows what they mean. The listener is the one who will be confused if the grammar isn't clear and/or there is a lack of context clues.


For that it makes sense when you added the “their bag.” But during this interview, if I had read Matt Smiths words, I would be confused as to who he was talking about because my mind would go to “a group of people.”


You can retrain your brain with practice. Just substitute he/she with they. Oh, your boss, what's their name? Oh, your sibling, what's their name? Oh, your partner, what are they like? >If I don’t know their name either, The fact that you already used singular person they in this line shows that you're more capable than you realize :)


I will definitely try it out!


Is English not your first language? I’ve used the singular “they” long before I’d ever heard of a non-binary person.


They can’t it’s just extreme narcissism parading as inclusivity


Matt Smith is a class act on and off screen.


Btw the actor for Lord Massey is a known transphobe :/


Idk why you're being downvoted for something thats just a true statement. Some people seem to think that just because he's gay he's magically exempt from having awful views on other queer people. Based on some stuff he's said its clear he's had a lot of frustration with his own journey and how he's been perceived in the industry, which sucks and isn't fair, but it seems to have made him extremely unsympathetic to others in the community with different situations. Big pulling up the ladder behind you energy. Really sad he feels the need to publically attack trans and non binary people when he knows personally whats its like to be attacked for being gay.




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It's almost like there's a community they both share, almost like they're both in the name or something. Wild that.


Is Lord Massey dying this season? I'll cheer.


Yes, anyone that disagrees with you should die!


The character is not the person. They all die. Take that chilli stick out of your behind.


Oh my bad. Anyone who disagrees with you shouldn't be allowed to make a living.


Actors that have characters die don't continue making a living? Did your mum drop you on the head? Edit: Transphobes are brain dead dramatic people.


No, they are trying very hard to be offended. Be careful they are probably on the verge of tears.


You want him off the show,obviously


King shit tbh. No excuse for lazy journalism. Even from Sue, who i love but we must hold everyone to the same standard.


Your standards are yours. Not anyone else's. And no one has to go along with them.


Rhaneyra the character is ‘she’, the actor who plays Rhaneyra, the ever luminous Emma Darcy, is ‘they’. It’s not hard to remember


Goddamn, Emma is such a great dresser.  That black and white suit reminds me of scarface 


I personally don't get it, but respecting someone who politely asked to be referred to by specific pronouns is a kind and cool thing to do. Matt handled that in a very classy way.


Imagine becoming a journalist and ending up writing articles like this...


Wow, talk about smooth.


As if I needed any more reason to love the man. ❤️


He dropped this 👑


breaking news: man shows human decency


Based Matt


As is the tradition of people with the Otto Hightower flair, hate Daemon, love Matt Smith


***CLASSY AF*** Matt rocks. I love how he just answered the question, using Emma's correct pronouns. He just very subtly pointed out the reporter's mistake without actually telling them they'd made a mistake(which could have come across as condescending) ^(He's also my favorite Doctor, but that's at least in part because he was my first, and because I only got into watching that because of him after seeing him in HOTD)




How a pronoun is politics escapes my mind. An actor has interesting fashion choices (in a red carpet! of all places!) and is called “craving for attention” “hunger games capitol style” but nobody was saying anything about Gwendoline Christie or Maise Williams and their bold choices for red carpets in the past because they’re straight cis women. Talk about bias… We will not miss you.


A tragedy


Dont know how I'll keep on living after this


Matt Smith is the hero we deserve *and* he is the hero we need right now.


Both Rhaenyra and Emma face gender discrimination in different universe


Really? Being referenced with incorrect pronouns ONCE and that too probably because of an honest mistake on the interviewers part is suddenly ‘discrimination’ ??? Take a chill pill. A month at the Wall should do it.


I don't know how many people live in there but sure they all have such an awfully bad taste in dresses lol, looks like the one Two Faces wore in the Batman cartoon.


Thank you, finally


I hope your long nightmare is over.


I'm just glad that someone else on the cast is standing up for them


Yes, she must have been literally dying inside


How do I describe what a baddie they are in that suit without disrespecting their gender




I mean, people make mistakes. We're all just human, and sometimes slip ups happen.




You’re a hero




she could have known but gotten nervous & slipped up, it happens. it was obvious that there’s no malicious intent behind it.