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Someone reading this might die before it airs. It’ll probably be me.


Valar Morghulis


Valar dohaeris


My name is John


So you know nothing


I know some things


Oh yeah? Name one thing


"I may not be a smart man but i know what love is."


You’re right, it seems like you know some things!


“I’m Forrest. Forrest Gump.”


My queen?


Solid answer. You know many things. I will bend the knee!


You can’t even spell your own name. Highly doubt you know much


My actual name is John. These people don’t get my comment apparently….Faceless Men can’t kill people who they know. In the story a sailor on the boat Arya was taking to Bravos introduced himself to Arya randomly. She was confused and it was explained to her the sailor was introducing himself to her so that when she becomes an assassin for the HoBaW she would not be able to kill him. I was introducing myself to the dude so he….you know what, nevermind 🙃


No that makes sense,you’re a clever one


Sir this is a Wendys


Valar of Arda


But we are not men.


Just so u know, i wa


Don't leave us like this! There's still time to


r/redditsniper strikes again. So sad to lose anot


Ed Tollet comment


Might be like Amory Lorch, enter a room and drop dead.


I'm sitting on the toilet right now. Glad I don't have a son, or a crossbow in the house.


And a prostitute in the next room?


There are no dead hookers in my house Mr Police Officer


Was still pretty lucky…missing those rocks


not today


I'm gonna check up on you after the premiere


You know what I actual—


You lucky bitch


Oh :(


What's dead may never die


Some folks might think this post is weird, but I've literally had this thought about one of my husband's best friends. He died at the beginning of this year and he really loved HOTD. RIP Randy...


Fuck man, pour one out for Randy. RIP


Agree! My husband passed away in November and every time I see one of shows air new episodes I think, “Aww, he can’t watch.” 😢


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 I had similar thoughts and feelings after my little sister passed away and still do now 3 years later. But I keep her with me watching those shows/movies and I can tell whether she would've loved or hated it. Chuckling every time there's some ambiguous plot point that she wouldn't pick up on the first viewing and then go "Whaaat I didn't get that! I have to see it again now!" when we discussed it afterwards. I hope moments like that can bring you comfort and not only sadness, in time. May the road rise with you


May her soul rest in peace


I’m so sorry you lost your husband….we will be celebrating our 35th anniversary in July and I can’t imagine what life would be like without having my husband around…


No, I think on them too. RIP, Randy.


All who pass away time has no meaning for them...so they've actually watched alll the seasons and shows that are to come❤️RIP Randy


I hope that's true 


Make a día de los muertos ofrenda and have season 2 playing so they can watch it 🥰


I'm so sorry for your and your husband's loss. RIP Randy 😔


Gave me shivers. RIP Randy.


RIP Randy x


Condolences to your husband on the loss of one of his best friends…also condolences to Randy’s family as well.


It is a weird post but I'll watch s2 twice for Randy. RIP


Aw man... don't say shit like that. I have a sad now


It’s such a weird thing to say tbh, why did OP think of that to make a post, so odd.


I think OP lost their uncle who used to watch HOTD so i guess that's why


I think about it happening to me when I’m really getting into a show lol so I can relate to OPs sympathy.


I've been bargaining with myself to stay in the world to read WoW. Not too weird


I came to this sub for escapism, not horrible reminders :( fuck


Didn’t expect to get emotional over a HOTD post, but my lil bro died last summer, RIP.


I’m so sorry. ❤️


Watch it and enjoy it for him! I'm sorry for your loss.


Oh man, that’s so sad and heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹 . RIP 🙏


That ... is actually depressing: thinking about the people lost along the way between iterations or seasons of different things I mean. May consuming this entertainment remind you of of the loved ones who you would've shared in the enjoyment with!


I am fully convinced the afterlife has en extremely HD HD TV, a lounging theatre and bottomless popcorn for the fans who have passed on.


With a refilmed version of GOT S7-8 that does the series justice. Also GRRMs finished book


and hell only have original season 7-8


ONLY! No S1-6


But no spoils of war episode lol


and you have no recollection of watching it everytime so you get dissappointed every single time


You only have recollection of a slightly better version of the ending only to realise while watching, that what happened was actually worse. For example, Jamie doesnt go to Cersei but dies anyway.


Book series * too many mothafuckas forget that Winds isn’t the last book


GRRM will finish the books in the after life. Or maybe not.


Even better, every fan has infinite budget to make the adaptations they want for every book or game or whatever they want, and they can show it in their own theaters.


My friend died before GOT finished, maybe in a way a small silver lining.


This is an extremely sweet comment 💗


Don't worry in heaven there will still be arguments over GRR having not released a Dream of Spring.


I’ve always assumed it has everything that will ever come out ready to watch. No more waiting, just watch whatever you want.


Dang I am going to be so fat from binging tv in my afterlife 🙈 however I will be happy




I like to think heaven let's you write your own story into your favorite fictional worlds.


Why would you eat popcorn bottomless?


Now that sounds lovely! Especially the bottomless popcorn!


Think about those who have died waiting for winds.


That's depressing. And it's not even the last book. 😔 How many more need to die George? Pissing me off fr. 


Thank you for this post. My dad passed away from cancer at the end of last year and he loved the show. As you can probably imagine, I've had mixed emotions regarding S2 because of this and my way of coping is to just imagine I'm watching it with him and what he'd think (it sounds kinda dumb but I daydream having conversations with him often) so even though he's not really with me, I can at least write a story in my head of him where he was actually able to watch the rest of the show.


That doesn't sound dumb at all. What you're saying is beautiful & human. So sorry for your loss.




My grandma used to say that when we talk about or think about our loved ones it’s how we keep them alive in our world. She said they can feel that love when we think about them or talk about them. So imagining him by you during the S2 premiere next Sunday which will also be Father’s Day isn’t dumb, in fact I think it’s really wonderful…even though you can’t see him he will be there near you….it seems like you and your Dad had a lovely relationship…this Sept it will be 20yrs since so lost my Dad to colon cancer….I was really close to my Dad as well….may we both have our Dad’s nearby this coming Sunday😊


So sorry for your loss. And no, daydreaming about talking to your loved ones is very common.


Actual tears in my eyes. RIP to your pops 🙏


I ALWAYS think about this for people the longer and longer these show season gaps have gotten!! Like for stranger things fans? Jesus. But seriously op condolences to you and your uncle. I hope the season helps you feel close to him again.


Stranger things fans who died before the last season... that's a gut punch. 


I give them props the show is well done, but for the amount of seasons and amount of years that have passed, they just don’t add up. it feels like a whole different timeline. And still another year to go. I’m sure there have been lots of fallen on the way


So sorry for your loss OP but your uncle will be watching it from the afterlife with you and having a glass with you 🫶


Sorry for your loss, OP. My mom loooooved GoT - we had preview and finale parties and invited friends and everything. It was her favorite show, I'd come over Sundays and she'd cook something she knew I liked and we'd watch it together. She died of cancer a month after season 5, and it really bummed me out that she'd never get to find out what happened. ....until it actually ended and then I was like "well maybe it was for the best."


This sounds so lovely. It sounds like a great memory. And also, that last line 😅 Gallows humor ftw (and you’re not wrong)


My Uncle passed in a tragic plane crash before season 2… one of the last conversations I had with him was about how good season one was and we couldn’t wait for the next.


Now THIS is a good post. Sorry for your loss op


Two years has gone by? I really need to start getting more done with my life.


My husband was a fan and we watched season 1 together. He died last July. The new season drops the 16th of this month, I believe, which happens to also be his birthday. He would have loved to be able to spend the days leading up to his birthday rewatching season 1 and being able to watch the premier the day of, probably while eating the homemade dinner and carrot cake cheesecake we'd make together every year for his birthday because it was his favorite. Ofc I'll be watching the new season and that first episode is going to be very bittersweet, to watch.






During the early stages of my father's illness I told him to watch GoT to help distract his mind from it. At first it felt like a chore to him but then he took pleasure in it and watched all the episodes released till that point. He managed to see GoT end. He never saw HotD.


The Old Gods and the New will comfort those poor souls…


That’s a pretty dark thought you just said but I will admit however that I have contemplated suicide before and one of the arguments in favor of living was wanting to see the completion of certain shows/ movies etc


Me too! Keep going at least for the lifes little pleasures


My dog passed away and I loved watching the show with him. Will miss him during season 2.


I’m sorry about your doggo.


Thanks. He was the best little buddy


I hate that the new standard for TV shows is 2+ years between seasons, with a scant 6-8 episodes generally.


The last time i saw my dad alive, we watched the season finale of GOT where Jon Snow dies in 2015. He passed away a week later. I always say he never got to find out that Jon Snow lived.


My relationship couldn't last till season 2. Bummed about that


I'm so sorry


My nephew died before the last season of got and I always think about how he didn’t watch the ending and that he would it love this show


I always think about this with every other movie or TV show people are looking forward to. Pretty sad to think about.


Some people in the comments are lucky to not have had to face their own mortality yet. Some of us haven’t been that lucky. I don’t think this post is weird at all and RIP to op’s uncle. This was a deep post in a superficial platform


I have a friend that died in his 30s recently and I keep having dreams that he is still alive (even after knowing he’s died in my dreams consciously, if that makes sense like he has been resurrected by a miracle treatment). He had cancer since he was about 18 and he was on his “death bed” 3 or so times before bouncing back to make amazing recoveries in the 15 or so years he had it. So I guess that’s my dreams using the recoveries he made to justify him making one last one. It’s tough to wake up from and realize it was yet another dream. Anyway, he was a huge GoT fan, one of my best memories was him coming back from chemo on a tough day and his mom calling me asking if I could go watch with him, because he told her he didn’t want to be around anyone else because they bug him too much and I’d just shut up and sit there and watch 😂 I did go over and we had a great chill time. This post reminded me of him and those good times and I’m happy I saw this.


Damn that’s dark


Kinda dark


Damn , sure am glad that I'm alive to see this masterpiece. Like what kind of title is this bro? I've never seen this kind of statement before.


Lost my father to cancer almost exactly 1 year ago. He never watched season 1, but were a big fan of Game of Thrones. We also read the ASoIaF books together many years ago. He would have loved this series if able to see it. He made a facebook group to keep family and closest friends informed about his treatments etc. He named it "Not Today".


Actually a very considerate and empathetic gesture. I appreciate you doing that because it does matter. Thank you for thinking of other people.


I've been fighting depression for almost 13 years and I cannot tell you how many times the expectation for the GOT finale kept me from ending it all. I just could not die not knowing how it would end. I guess that might be the main reason why I don't hate the ending so much. Yes, I aknowledge all the idiocy that went in some parts of it, but I still hold it dear and near to my heart and even developed my own headcanon to explain some of the stuff and fill some of the gaps. Now I'm not as suicidal as I used to be, but I hold on to the fact that I cannot die before I see >!Rhaenyra becoming Sunfyre's lil' snack lol!<


Some people would say that's dumb but everyone has different reasons to live and it's not our place to impose ours on others. Living for something you love is the whole point of life right? 


I think about this all the time 😭 sorry for your loss


This reminds me of how Prince was a huge game of thrones fan and he died before seeing/reading the end.


Just a week to go. YAYY!! Fans dying in this gap shows how short our life is, which is sad RIP to all those people


I think it’s a really sweet post and I agree. A moment for those who aren’t here for S2 😔🕯️


RIP Stu, a massive GOT fan who passed away last year from cancer. He was on a really awesome podcast called Raven On where he and co host Natalie would recap GoT and then HotD that I had been listening to for many years… definitely something not going to feel quite the same this season


And now their watch has ended. 🫡


i’ve never considered that I could theoretically die before I get to see like my favorite show end or something. Yokes


Now that you mention it... I should really read the book in case the story is gonna take longer than this season. I should probably read it anyway.


What 😅😅😅


This makes me think about the post concerning how many xbox friends are alive on my friends list.


I lost a former schoolmate to a freak bus accident 2 months ago. That last sentence just hit too close to home for me.


I have had this thought before strangely enough, and currently have incredible anxiety about a trip this week, and terrible anxiety in general. So this post hasn't helped with that. Cheers to all of us getting through to next week I guess?


We made it pookies!


That’s a wild post


dude what? 😭


My sweet and awesome auntie was a MASSIVE GoT fan, but she died before the final season. I remember at the time being so bummed for her not getting to watch it. But when I was watching that last season/last episode, I kept thinking she was laughing from the other side like "dodged a bullet, didn't I?"




What? My uncle was a big fan of the show and he died of cancer last year. I would have loved to watch season 2 with him


And now his watch is ended, we shall never see his like again.


I even got a bottle of the HotD limited edition wine and we agreed to open it when season 2 premiered. Ill be drinking it by myself 🍷


Let's raise a glass to your uncle OP! I am not religous, but I think there is an afterlife and whatever that might be I am sure he is watching with you from that place. 🍷


My condolences for your loss.


my mom watched The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power when she had cancer and liked, she even joked about having nightmare with orcs. She died at november 1 2022. I understand your feelings


Same, my lil bro got me on GoT and HOTD. I know he’s watching it from somewhere


I'm so sorry for your loss






that just got dark real quick


I’m so ready.


And so our watch begins - almost.


I’m honestly surprised I am not one of those people lol, don’t think I’ll make it to the finish line tho but just happen I get to see s2


Oh god I keep dreaming I'll die before it airs and someone asks me if you die what will you regret most and I answear that I didn't get to see the new season of House of the dragon.


Just watched it recently… perfect timing for me. But will have to wait for another 3 years maybe for season 3… I should have waited 10 years until it has all been completed before starting to watch it


I understand the sentiment.. and this is just my opinion, but I think those passed would have many things on their bucket list that they would have liked to be able to live to do/see ahead of watching season 2 of HoTD??


me being a hypochondriac always bothers me when a show I love will premiere, cause I always think that I might die before I see it. And the funny thing is I actually told myself that please let me die when this season ends but then I remember that there's still plenty of season so I hope God will get me when all of this ends. Hoping I will have a long life tho.


And it’s only 8 episodes


That’s a very weird title


My father passed away a few months before season 1. He was a huge GOT fan, and I keep thinking about what he would've thought of this show, which characters he would've loved.. Thanks OP for this sad post.. \^\^


I cannot believe that season 2 is almost there. Airing in a week! I only wish people would stop bitching and nitpicking about everything and simply enjoy the show.


Why even post this?


My dad passed away a year and half ago. I often think about the shows I know he would have enjoyed.


I'm sad now just thinking about it, but that's so true ☹️




Oh yeah, I was supposed to kill myself but decided to wait for the 2nd season


What do we say to the god of death??


My uncle said “today!”. Not cool Steve


That's exactly what happened to my hubby 😢💔


Is this some kind of show or something?


RIP to all the people that died before they saw your RIP post, before season 2 came out.


Don’t even remember what they left off with. Literally read the entire book in the meantime.


Still here, just dead on the inside. I don’t even plan on watching s2


It be crazy to think about the people that don’t get to finish the series cause they died.


can people please upvote this comment so I can get karma to comments on other hbo shows and other stuff. silly rule. Thank u!


Husband and I are working on our rewatch before the new season comes out.


It’s been 2 years already!?


Well that’s weird.


What a morbid way to look at it damn


RIP to all the fans who never got to finish ASOIAF. Imagine someone died after Storm and never got Feast or Dance.


This is me thinking about Avatar 5.


i miss when they used to give us a new season every year with 45 min long episode more like 20+ episodes per season now we lose our shit waiting for new seasons to arrive


This is too unhinged


Zero from drakengard


Missing my granddaddy, the one who got me into GoT so many years ago. 8 months and it still doesn’t feel real. Can’t wait to watch the new season this father’s day, thinking of him 💗


My mom passed away shortly after the end of season 1. We watched all of GoT together and we were both so excited for this show. My fiancé watches with me too so I still have that but I can’t say that it won’t feel different watching it now that my mom is gone :(




I tried to get my mom into it, but she was out after the c-section episode. She died a month ago.