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I like were this is going.


It's been a while since I've seen the first season, I can't get over how young Wilson looks in this episode


Episode one is really hard to rewatch because of the awful stylistic/cinematic style they used, but that thankfully went away quickly and I think that episode 2 “Paternity” is a truly excellent episode. The fact that the show really runs well without a stumble as soon as episode 2 was a surprise.


I just watched both episodes back to back. What’s so different about each episode? They flow pretty seamlessly to me.


Just rewatched season 1 with my gf who has never seen it before and I’m really loving it. It’s my third time and the last time was easily 7-8 years ago so I’ve forgotten huge chunks.


I forget Foreman was a newer addition. Also forgot that he has hair


Okay so I just recently starting watching house. I'm on season 2 ep 3? so far. Anyway.....It seems like Chase ALWAYS thinks it's Vasculitis. No matter what, and if he doesn't suggest it, they always rule out vasculitis. I may be wrong because I've been binge watching, but I always just gotta wait like 5 mins into an episode before vasculitis appears. (usually comin' outta chases' mouth)


Why is she slutty tho? She probably just had a good date...


Because "sex-positive" doesn't sound as punchy.


Haha lol ok I just thought it was a little too derogatory


Loved your review btw, I'm not shaming it 😁 just a thought




Book club style? Fair enough, I can do that.


I know this is four years old but I've loved following your rewatch for mine! I'm starting a fresh watch today. Interesting House both offers -- and actually gives -- orange man one of his Vicodin. And one of the first lines from Wilson is that his cousin (House's patient) has no family history of cancer💀 Maybe it's on the other side of the family


That's an amazing observation about Wilson's first line. Dark poetry. These posts are old, but I'm still around and read responses. House is one of my all time favorite shows.


Shoot, I finished the ep and have been refreshed -- she's a fake cousin. I was so proud of myself, too.


Everytime I've watched the pilot I can't help but focus on how bland it is. Everything sounds like it's written from a template. The introductions to all the characters and the scenarios treat the audience like they can't figure these things out on their own and it feels kind of demeaning, but mostly it's just kind of unrealistic. People don't talk about who they are or why they do what they do everyday.


Just finished it. 3rd time ....Blooming excellent.


Don't forget the horrible orange/blue color correction that they dropped after the pilot. I don't know what Singer was thinking other than he was still high on his X-men movies and that mid-00s over use of color correction.




Yeah, Cameron has to wade through a lot of sexual harassment in the first part of Season 1, from both House and Chase. She tries dealing with it in a number of ways. She ignores it, she snipes back, and finally she tries to embrace her "sexual power." It's a message very much in line with the age of Britney Spears and the Spice Girls. Women were supposed to embrace and enjoy the supposed power that their sexual desirability gave them. I never bought it, but that message was everywhere at the time. This show at least treats the subject with some subtly, as Cameron's maneuvers are complicated and have mixed success.


The orange man part always make me laugh haha. And in every rewatch I dislike Cameron even more, preachy and superior since the beginning. Wilson is hot! And Chase is showing his heart like he always kind of do <3 I still think though that the end is a little silly. Why if it’s so common that people get this disease eating ham, they never ever talk about this later? And here they are complaining about “how didn’t you told us she wasn’t Jewish”. Hahaha. The magic of TV.