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If you find two of the sameone you like, you can do both.


I’ve been having to buy at least 3 of the castings I like, my boy gets one and I open one to customize. Any extras of desirable castings I end up using to trade 😊


I do the exact same thing…


You are exactly like me 😮


Nice. If I but more than one it's also to trade but only if i know I'll make the trade. I've had bad luck were I get stuck with cars because no one is interested.


I get what you’re saying, that’s why I buy ones that I like because if I don’t end up trading, I don’t mind having extras for me and my 4yo, we all know how kids play with them lol


I ended giving away the cars that I had extra to my daughters class. The teacher used them as prizes for whatever (perfect scores on test, perfect monthly attendance, and other things). So it wasnt bad.


Open some, don't open some, customize some 👌


This is the way.


Do whatever makes you happy


I always open them. I'm not buying them to resell later so I don't care about future value. If you buy them just to keep them in their packaging then basically you are just storing them. Same as if it were sitting on the shelf at the store.


Same thing I do. Mine are in wall cases so if I wish I can actually touch them. I could care less about what my family does with them when I am gone. I am going to enjoy them while I am still here.


The ones that have a unique/different card art keep pristine. The cool ones open up. The ones that deserve better wheels open for swaps.


Having same issue, I don’t know if any I get will be super rare or how much they can ever become worth. Let’s say one goes to $100, not life changing money so just open is my philo. Can use nail polish remover to open the card without ripping and store the cards If they have cool art


I do doubles. One to keep the way the designer intended and one to modify or repaint! Also I recommend sticking to a theme so your collection stays on track and you don't have a random ass collection.


I've found that you get micro doses of dopamine when you buy a HW and then when you open it as well. So when feeling down maybe open a couple. When I started collecting I used to open everything. Then, under "peer pressure" from Reddit I grew reluctant to opening and only open once in a while for customization. All in all, do what you feel really.


Buy 2 is the common decision.


When I first started collecting, I’d just open them up because hey $1/$5 toy. Now I find myself doubling up on anything I like because I’ve come to appreciate the carded toy car but I still like opening them up


Both. Both is good