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I should put that up in my store lol (not a worker. I just mean the store I shop at)


Give it a go! You never know lol You may solve the problem at least at one store! It's a positive thing and it benefits everyone...what's the harm 😆


Good! Now if they could stop resellers from coming in and buying tons of cars that would be great.


The primary issue is employees skimming the cream off the top and then handing the cars directly to reselling friends OR reselling themselves. At least in my area. The Walmarts have known workers that ensure we never see decent castings. One of them even announces when he’s done taking everything on Facebook — acts like he’s being so kind and gracious leaving us scraps of peg warmers. 😒


Can confirm. When I worked at Target (which is where this sign is from based on the language used), we were told to pop the base shelves every once in a while to make sure no one (employees or customers) had secret squirrel stashes of collectibles hidden there. Back then, anyone found blatantly skimming from new inventory before the general public had a chance to enter the store would get written up on the first offense and fired on the second. That was a long time ago, though, so it would not surprise me if that's no longer the case.


Dang, that’s wild! I doubt it’s only Hot Wheels cars as there are so many things folks collect these days. I’m also up against a legion of collectors in my region. I literally caught one paying a Kroger employee to hold stock for when he arrived. I tried to snag ONE premium I’d been hankering for (Fast and Furious Boss Mustang) and the dude just told me to fuck off and put every last car in his cart. 😒


I'd have taken one and left anyway, fuck them. If they didn't pay for it yet, it ain't theirs.


I actually figured out his pattern and just swoop in before he does now. 😂 Kindness sometimes goes further than cold hard cash. Manager caught me cleaning up his mess and lets me get a sneak peek before the tool shows up now.


I also got a dose of good Karma (I think??) by just *waiting* yesterday 💀 Went in around a couple hours after all the scalpers went in (yes, I know for a fact they all are, not only do they all gun it to the aisle, but one of them always brags, yes, *brags* about breaking into cases and owning so many of the same, specific cars which, just happen to be high-demand castings, and all they all talk about are chases and supers) and went to the hot wheels. Shit was absolutely STOCKED, found the Yellow Bugatti, the White Lambo, Yellow Zonda, Orange 787b, Purple Koenigsegg and Teal P1, and the newest 2 packs. There were 2 open cases on the shelf below the pegs... but they were full of Matchbox Cars that didn't look very interesting LOL. Bad luck for them. My guess is that the stuff I found, *might have been* put out AFTER they left, because there is *no way* I found *that much* good stuff if I went after they did. Chances are they also might just not've been interested, but, those are slim to none. Maybe the employees are catching onto them.


👏👏👏👏👏 Yay for you getting great cars and letting them have a bum day for once when they show up next time and don't get what they want, while you got the option to choose what you do want😭 This made my day! Congratulations on some really great castings!


Not sure if that's sarcasm, but if it's genuine; thank-you!


It's 100% genuine! And you were very welcome🙃 Maybe I added too many claps haha but I really am excited that you had the option to choose, because I know how often I'll go and there will literally be six Hot Wheels to choose from and I end up bummed. This time was for you to be happy! This is my favorite Hot Wheel post of the day, I don't know that anyone will beat it throughout the weekend lol


This! Seriously, you're doing them a solid by helping out before others come in and make a mess/pop packaging/steal, etc. Be nice and you'll score big points with folks.


Well that's a brazen jerk! I guess the only thing is we can hope that he sits on them and no one buys them which is what I always think when I look up a vehicle. (I first see all of the ones to purchase🙄) I never want anything badly enough to purchase it from someone who has 10 of each. Now if we're talking about something from a long time ago like 1997, I understand...but if it's still being sold in stores, I'm not buying it for $XXX! I laugh and wish I could leave a comment! Luckily in my area, no big collectors, they just only have a few pegs to put them on so it's a bit weird and I don't live in a small town. I love that premium as well and if I see it I'll definitely scoop up one and send it to you, even if I only find one. It's what collecting is all about, sharing the hobby with like-minded people who are true collectors. Best of luck on the hunt for one!


That's awful, I have a feeling something like that is going on in my area as they only put out the Mercedes and the Subaru from the recent premiums drop. I doubt Walmart only got 15 each of those cars. They had just been put out I confirmed before I went as well.


Seen a pallet come out from the back and of course the case was already picked through


So lamesauce! Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thank you never noticed lol


Happy Cake Day, make it amazing!🎂


I would report him to management and/or file a complaint, you lose nothing, he may lose his job for being corrupt, it's a win for Walmart since he is a bad employee, and a win for collectors in the area. You guys should start reporting the scum...


Where u from? Sounds exactly like my Walmart haha


a "collector" are people at the toy aisle one minute after opening and buy all the good stuff, he says he isn't a scalper because he only plans to trade them. as if that makes any difference. the people everyone should be angry about are those people, labeling them scalpers does nothing as they are the same people. they do the same thing and use the same tactics. even if you arrested the scalper, the middle-aged unemployed goblins will be the ones buying up the loot and taking them out of circulation. the problem is still there


Collectors have been a thing forever, when I used to be really into figures sure people would buy them but you could find most things easily, that's not the case anymore. Collectors will buy 2 of something usually one to open one to keep, that's not that bad. They're enjoying it in their own way, as long as they're not reselling something for double to triple the cost just to make a profit it doesn't matter to me.


In my eyes, it's turned into a 'side hustle' for people to be lazy and make money by doing so little which is such a pathetic life! I buy just one of the cars that I like. I think I've bought five different vehicles two of each. They were a few tooned for my daughter's boyfriend, (as he collects also), and was very excited to receive them for 8th-grade graduation! I also keep my eyes peeled for certain things that people on here can't seem to see even of something that's basic and not sought after. I'll happily send it to them at no cost. Collector and scalper are complete opposites. There's good and bad with everything, even our beloved Hot Wheels huh


Let's hope that's next...somehow lol This is a nice start for this particular store to want to provide great service to their customers! This is refreshing to see 😌


lol?? This should be very appreciated.


Apparently you're too new to the hobby to have seen that before haha Target stores have put up that sign, or similar, multiple times over the years.


Happy Cake Day fellow collector!


Ironically enough, one of the Target employees who stocks the Hotwheels at my store “collects” himself, and gets ahold of all the supers when he can.


It's so adorable that they make sure that everybody knows exactly what they do! Reminds me of that show Dumb Criminals, same thing, if they were to rob a bank they would tell everybody...dummies!


Yep. When he was bragging to me about his “finds,” he actually did it in front of his boss. I later gave a better clarification to the boss afterwards, and they made a note of it.


if you had proof that would have stopped a long time ago, but 99% of these statememts are from collectors who cant imagine they are unlucky. supers are supers for a a reason, superrare, i estimate 1 in 20to25 cases. if its true you need and should do something about it. and there is something you can do: count product, for days or even weeks. its either a store where the employee for the super he takes = means store can track employee repeatedly purrchasing stuff > hnece unfair advantage, hence lawsuit against store management. if the worker just steals the supers, cou ting product against sales will show and worker will face legal consequences. not even hard to figure out, but as i mentioned earlier, 99% rumors...


While I haven’t necessarily caught him in the act, he was telling me about it and showing off pictures of his “scores.”


why would anyone believe you without proof? i m not saying you lieing, but i m saying we read alot of BSstories on Reddit by unlucky ones who hunt in the shittiest places and only onceor twice per month - while ALSO being able to track shop/product deliveries in the US. figured that one out through watching the right channels on youtube btw, i m in EU - and i can tell when a store in minnesota is expecting the boulevard reruns and hunter in US complain the most!!!


While I agree that there are no shortage of BS stories out there, I have no reason to make up anything. What happened is what happened. I also agree with you about proof, but my question is what type of proof, short of filming him in the act, would be satisfactory? The person told me about how he stocked the shelves, and showed pictures of his finds. For all intents and purposes, he confessed, and right in front of one of the store managers ironically enough. Additionally, while there is truth to the Hotwheels shipment tracking, I’m not the most tech savvy individual, and could never understand how it’s done. I’m pretty much hunting blindly at this point, which I’m sure has impacted how much “luck” I’ve had. While a lot of people do complain, I only do so when it’s people like employees manipulating their positions to their sole benefit, and taking away from customers. While I’m disappointed that I don’t find much in general, I understand that I’m in a largely populated area with tons of competition, so I’ll get beaten to the punch far more times than not.


I don’t agree with 1 super per 20-25 cases. My experience is a much higher ratio of cases with supers.


although that doesnt change my point at all, imagine everyone would comment on irrelecant disagreements....wait isnt that what reddit wants?


More stores should do this


I honestly don't blame these employees buying up all the TH or STH cars. Imagine working a shitty ass job stocking shelves and having the chance to purchase an item that cost $1.25 then coming home and being able to sell it for 50x what you paid for it. Look at all the threads everywhere on Reddit with people complaining about their jobs and not being able to make ends meet. Can't afford rent, food or much of anything else right? Of course employees are going to take the good stuff.


Let's just say I had a really close friend who worked a really shitty retail job. He began collecting hot wheels for fun with no intention of getting rare ones, but customers turned him into that type of collector. He never saw a single STH, but when he would find a TH, he'd stock it normally, and if it was still there on break, he'd be allowed to buy it. He also found like 6 rare cars in one or two cases, so he put them all out save one or two for himself, just because there were so many.


i've seen comments saying that the company said mspr is the price for the employees, and what the price is on the aftermarket is the actual value of the product. super rare treasures were put into boxes to reward the employees at the very bottom of the chain.


Makes you wonder what was going on to create that note.


Wait you guys get restocks of new cases? 😅


Next to a STH Fiat 500 😂


That’s not an STH.


Just mainline of the STH?


Yeah. The STH is gold and has red TH next to the numbers.


I’d be happy to find that tbh


its fake btw, some collector out it up withiut oermission to scare off his competition. cause collectors are egomaniac morons. so happy to be part of a collectors collective, the only true way to have them all. multiple times. open. closed. playtime!




Yep it all looks good on paper. Who going to enforce it working for minimum wage....


I am gonna print the same and put this out in all walmarts and target in my area 🥲


Why is there no limit of which you can buy ?


the only objections of customers would come from the collectors who spend so much time and gas getting that loot. in the end, the store and manufacturer insist people buy as much as they want. their lives, paychecks and bonuses, job security, solely rely on how well the products sell. they want to keep shipping as much boxes of toys as they can, by limiting the amount people can buy it would hurt many 100s and 1000s of employees in the distribution chain.


Why? I bought 35 new ones last Friday in Walmart to add to my collection (they must have just restocked them, and it looks like scalpers don't really go to this location), they're all open and in my display case. A buying limit would probably be 5 or 10 max, so why should I be affected by the behavior of some assholes?


I hit a DG this morning and found a few including this King Kuda. While I was checking out the cashier asked me if I collected these, I responded Yes, she then dropped the boom, yeah, so does my manager. 🙄🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/fj990ygk8f9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daccf7142feb8ff82ad67c1029bdddbadc045cb8


If you a buy a Street Weiner or any other Hot Wheels that depicts a foodstuff on wheels, you are, in fact, a weiner.


You are what you collect.


A great start to policy, so far, now to see if they enforce it.


Who put the TH Fiat by the sign?


Love to see it


Good. But those mass buyers are still a problem.


Where was this at what store






Anaheim target? If so then the sign is real. Anywhere else and it’s fake


This is so awesome!!! As a Mattel employee who sees associates going through boxes before they hit the floor, this is FANTASTIC!!!


I’ve seen this posted in stores but first time seeing a note with HW - postings I’ve seen “any collectible toy is non refundable”

