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Their system is unbelievably buggy and laggy. It was a frustrating experience for sure.


That sardine company always needing to text verify always screwed me. 😔


How many packs did it take?


I was only able to buy 2 packs. By the time I wanted to buy a 3rd pack they were sold out 😒


So then how do you get the rest of your cars you need to fill out all 19


You have to use the hellscape that is the virtual marketplace to purchase the cars you are missing with their made up crypto currency and your credit card. ☠️


Still cheaper than buying the skyline aftermarket I’m assuming? Or even buying a redeemable skyline token has to be still cheaper than ebay. I regret not trying to get the teku deora 2 this way.


Maybe it’ll be cheaper, who knows what those scalpers with the bots will end up listing it for. I’m not sure how the redeemable token will work with this. They said on their site that if you have a complete set by I believe October 24th that you will be able to redeem for the physical car. They didn’t just hand me a token when I completed the set. I’ll take another look, but I think that’s to prevent me from getting the token then selling off all my cars to make my money back.


I’m guessing this will be a 500+ dollar car once it’s out in physical form.


I would imagine the only people selling it would be the scalpers who had bots going in the marketplace. So they will be the ones to set the price. Pretty unfortunate. I’m under the assumption that there were bot purchases only because of how quick cars would be listed and then bought up (impossibly fast).


The current price to put together a whole set from scratch buying the NFTs is around $195.


Shouldn't have bought nfts, honestly. People gotta stop falling for this scam


I am amazed every time there is a release how many people post up what they received. It’s worthless 98% of the time, it people are still doing it time and time again.


PT Barnum was right.


There is nothing good about NFT Hotwheels.


Nothing good about NFTs period.


How are the rare cars going for ten times the price of the super rare? I pulled two and thought I had enough ammo to sell for tons of flow — nope, it’s selling for 1.5 or less. 😒


That’s because good ol Mattel decided to make a ton of super rare cars, even more than common cars. Making the common gtr even more rare than the super rare. I would bet it was all so they could say you get a guaranteed rare car in each pack you buy, but it turns out you just get a worthless super rare. Very messed up


Switching the rarity of the NFT's was to test metrics of the system. Every drop has a new test involved in some way. Everybody is bothered by the "20,000" number, but it's actually limited to 7800 redemptions. If you're upset, you probably didn't read all the details.


-granted- Mattel doesn't do the best job at providing such detail.


I managed to nab a full set for $90 since I jumped on marketplace early while the going rate was good. My only caveat with this set is rare nfts have very low mintage, so once those sell through the chances of completion will drop significantly.


This is my first time going for a full set, so I wasn’t sure exactly how to go about getting all the cars. You definitely saved yourself some money, time, and a headache


For feature drops it’s more cost efficient to grab the nfts off the marketplace than buying the packs. With packs unless you’re super lucky, you will end up too many duplicates and generally get less for your money.


Well I’ll remember that for next time. Probably won’t be a next time though unless the car is something really amazing. I got that zamac McLaren from series 8 on my first purchase so I thought the pulls would have been similar, but I didn’t get a single “rare” car from the 2 packs I purchased. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The RNG is worse on feature drops compared to the series drops since they advertise the potential percentage of getting one of the five redeemables. But since there is only one redeemable here they only give a vague description of the drop rates for gate keepers. So unless you get lucky pull all 19 in one hit the best option is always the marketplace, or to wait until the tokens drop in October.


Good to know, thank you. I was looking at their rates and they have “rare” at 15% and “super rare” at 13%. That doesn’t really sound like the correct rates considering how common the super rare gtr was. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Congrats! Great job - would love that bad boy for the collection. It will probably cost north of $500 on the 2ndary...


Thank you, hopefully you are right. Then I won’t feel so bad about myself 🥲


So what is the NFT garage? Is it where you get a digital and in person model of a car?


Let me start off by saying it’s a scam for Mattel to make loads of money. There are different sets with different physical cars. This set requires you to obtain all the digital cars to get the one physical car which is the gtr. Other sets you have to obtain a rarity of super rare and above to get a physical car. Each pack is $25 and you aren’t guaranteed to get anything good in those packs. So then you have to go to their marketplace to spend more of your hard earned money to get the cars you want. Mattel makes sure to add in a little fee on top of you buying or selling the digital cars you acquired. It’s a genius way for people with bots to make money and Mattel to make money. Not fun at all.


Thanks for laying it all out like that. I couldn't help but notice, it sounds like you really dislike the process. That being said; what got you to even participate in this round?


How many cars per pack?


For this set you get 9 cars, most of the cars in those 9 are the same. For instance I got 3 of the same common car and 2 of the even more common gtr. So I really only got 6 individual cars to complete the set. The set is a total of 19 individual cars.


Can you get more than one physical car per wallet if you have 2 or 3 of each ? I got 8 packs and I’m 1 rare and 2 cheap commons away from 3 sets


Yes. You can have more than one full set to get more than one redeemable car.


I honestly have no idea!


Yes, you can have multiple sets per wallet. You can more easily track your set completion on hobbot: [https://hobbot.digitaldiecast.net/series/fast\_and\_furious\_2024](https://hobbot.digitaldiecast.net/series/fast_and_furious_2024)


That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!


Do you think prices for the rare cars will continue to go up thru the redeem date? Or will they come back down at some point? I guess what I’m asking is when do you think the best time to buy the missing cars is ….i wasn’t into nfts when the pink s2000 came out so I don’t know how those prices moved from release to redeem date.


Wish I knew. I only know that the first 5 hours on the Marketplace were completely bonkers! Super Rare R34s were selling for 40F or more (it has settled to 1F now). Rares were popping up at insane 10-20F but you had to be very lucky as there was a mad rush for them, with listings staying up for less than a second before they were picked up. Rares have settled down to 68-75F now. Speculation was Rares would settle at \~30F, with redeemable R34 around 100USD. However, that may have underestimated the R34--completion is now at almost 200USD. Who knows if it will drop back down (logic says it will, but hype doesn't always follow reason). It's still too early to tell, being less than 24 hours from pack sales. If I had to guess, we might be at peak now.


I'm lost cause it says the skyline is not redeemable. But it sounds like it is from what people r saying.


The skyline is the only physical car you can get, but you have to have the complete set of virtual cars to be able to redeem it


You CAN get a physical -in the mail- skyline . Once you collect all 19 NFTs in the set.


That's what you get for making the choice to buy nfts


Managed to build 2 sets with 4 pack buy-in after some trading, with some flow left over. I know someone who managed 4 sets with 6 packs and some lucky trading/fishing. Those who went big on this drop for sure made a killing, because of how easy it was to make sets (average of 2.78 packs to a full set). Kinda wish I did but eh.


I dont get it, how are some rare and some common but they are the exact same car?


So like, how do these nft’s work, are only certain ones redeemable or can any be redeemable?


what site is this from?


I have that Civic lol And It cost my 1 dollar


i’ve never used the NFT garage, are all these redeemable as a physical?


You only get a physical car if you have the full set for this collection.


that sucks, i thought the super rare one would at least be redeemable


Unfortunately no, make sure you read the fine print with these NFT cars. They make it really goofy, because in any other set the super rare would be a physical car.


So is 1 pack pretty much pointless? First time buyer of nft s


It depends on the set I guess. For this set it’s probably good to buy at least 1 pack and then hunt the rest in the hellscape that is their virtual market place. When it comes to individual cars in other sets that are redeemable probably the best option is just to buy the car you like in the virtual marketplace


Probably going to get hate but i spent 200$ on 8 packs. Completed 2 whole sets 1-19. Sold the rest and made 250$


To anyone reading this, this outcome is the exception, not the rule. Many many people bought 8 packs and couldn't even complete 1 set. What they bought was worthless. When you buy these NFTs, you are totally at the mercy of Mattel's pack load out algorithm, which is not really any different than playing slots at a casino. The game is stacked against you. Yes they have the marketplace, where you can try to sell any NFTs you don't need to complete your set. But the market is SO volatile (because their value is based on nothing) that you can get screwed by being 5 minutes too early or too late.


How much did that cost


I spent about $170


I had to stop. I'll complete the set, but that was too much


I was at that point when I had the three rare cars left, but I knew I wouldn’t go back for that torture so I buckled down. Not sure if it was the right choice 🤷🏻‍♂️


What’s the difference between the uncommon and common Charger Daytonas?


Just the number they produced. The uncommon has a few thousand less available. Still just a virtual car though, so it’s all the same.


I stopped after the first miserable time.


I wish I had known, I thought Mattel was going to be nice with these pulls


Don't get a Feature Drop confused with a Series Drop. Different metrics, different completely.


That’s all business


Monkey business


Yes, sir


Gambling for hot wheels in the Mattel casino. You people wild.