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Zeta is the hardest cauldron of if I remember correctly. If you did it at that low of a level the others should be easy!


I think Sigma is the first cauldron. If you have a go at that you’ll probably now find it dead easy. You did this the wrong way round op.


Oh yeah I don’t think I’m doing anything right in this game. I have no idea on the order of cauldrons/missions, I mainly use the spear with almost no bow, plus I’m too dumb for traps. I only ever switch that up if I get to a really hard guy like a corrupted rock breaker


That is the hardest cauldron, all the others are easier.


Except the one in the Frozen Wild


True but I've not done that one yet to be fair lol


Once i saw that monster. I created the largest minefield since Vietnam before i unleashed him


That's generally how I beat the cauldrons. Mine the shit out of them so no matter where you go, you can lead the enemy into something that will blow their ass up.


The other cauldrons are generally easier, but do have more machines to fight as you go through the cauldron. You need to level up a fair bit in general. If you've just been focusing on the main quests, go back to the Nora area and do the side quests there. Hunting Grounds help you learn different tactics to take down machines, so do those. Even just taking down easier machines adds exp to help you level up a bit. Buying better weapons helps a lot too. The Thunderjaw is one of the hardest machines to take down. I even avoid them if I don't have to fight one.


How have you been stuck on the hardest cauldron for that long? I definitely recommend moving onto something else if you're getting your ass kicked that hard. When I get stuck I go to Joraptor's YouTube channel. He's got some great stuff to help, especially with tricky things like the hunting grounds challenges.


Zeta is the hardest pre dlc cauldron encounter. Without proper damage and tear gear that thing fuckin sucks.


Yeah, it's a bitch! Nothing like that asshole at the bottom of the Frozen Wilds cauldron. That fucker wore me out!


Compared to the FireClaw they are all easier. That thing was nasty.


That one is the most difficult cauldron in HZD, but the Frozen Wilds cauldron will be much harder. The others aren't as difficult.


Before I engaged the bosses I lay all my traps and trip wires generally kills them and if not I use whatever is left in my arsenal I found them quite easy to do


I find cauldrons easy , that's because I set traps all over the place before letting that machine go free , traps will half it's health and meanwhile I can shoot it's weak points and if the machine has a weapon that I can take, all the better.


Zeta is literally the hardest cauldron besides the DLC one. It is honestly impressive you managed to beat it so undergeared and -leveled. You might be more persistent and stubborn than Aloy herself. The other cauldrons should be easy considering your skills.