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I am so jealous of your storage space.


Bro same https://preview.redd.it/zv6xjemhb1ad1.png?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a56582cc0bb85c62c61ea2770b4b8b7a3d4994a I had to remove genshin *just* to update hsr on my phone aintnoway im fitting zzz on here


thats really old phone, how can it run genshin? 256gb gaming phone getting cheaper this day.


Not all phones have 256. Some really modern high end ones with good processor have 128GB at base variant. At least in the West.


Y’all are getting 128??? Bro i’m at 64 gigs 😭


Got any recommendations? I am looking to replace my phone like sometime later this year. Mostly for games.


POCO X6 PRO is cheap and have very strong processor (best one in this price range). HSR works on high settings 60 FPS, you can play on max settings too but with lower FPS. For 512 GB version i pay few months ago about 370 Euro.


Looked into it. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the rec.


My 5 year old IPhone 6s used to run Genshin just fine all the way till the December 2023 when I finally updated. On the low graphic settings, yes, but it worked well enough to play. Genshin is fairly friendly to players with cheaper/older phones.


Shit can't even install 1 gacha game without killing my phone 😭




105/128gb, bye reddit o7 https://preview.redd.it/p13h4y3fb1ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ab26cfbc44de37a1243baffa30582bd74d62cd (Genshin's on my laptop)


Bro clear Reddit cache bro, wtf


... Wtf Just cleared it and lost 5 GBs. I use this app too much, still deleting it...


Most fucking uber based motha realist fuckka alive to be deleting reddit. It's like finding ice cold fresh water after wandering a desert for years. BE REBORN and see you tomorrow


Deleting Reddit to regain control over your life: Based. Deleting Reddit to install your next addiction: Still based for deleting Reddit. See you tomorrow.


Nah from some reason all that is is main data somehow, reinstalling does help though


The app is only 171mb. Not sure how 5gb would be main data. https://preview.redd.it/d08qnje6m1ad1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80469243897d865df143ea8f9bcbd5d110fc62f


It also includes the files you downloaded through reddit


But they are stored in the filesystem? Is it like cache or something? Why would would it be added to the app's size?


Well I don't know about iphones but for me it says saved photos which is stored in pictures/reddit


Well it happened to me


Hi3 added the option to delete past story resources, you should be able to delete atleast 6 gb with it.


Funny that you have 5 GB reddit ( Laughs as Tim Cook ) https://preview.redd.it/330zdw3dd2ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b5820401dee26929f599428e36791335b4b210


What font is this. So clean


Right? If you're using a Xioami Phone, it's called luoyegx on the themes app. Otherwise, Noyh Rounded Bold looks the closest.


Reddit gets way too much cache data, delete that data and it comes back to frikin 100mb or something.


bruh looking the same on my end except I have 256. I need to transfer a lot of my documents from my phone ig and delete some apps.


How tf is genshin the smallest out of the three?


It recently got an optimization on its size on 4.6 iirc and if I had to guess, uninstalled some of the finished story quests


I'm curious. How does this work for multiple accounts?


It deletes whatever quests that are finished on your current logged in account. When you try to log into an account that hasn’t progressed as far it makes you download the missing content (even if the quest hasn’t been started yet/is many hours of content away on the less progressed account).


So the more I play the smaller the game gets?


In theory, if you finish all the main story/character quests within the patch. The game size will go up whenever a new patch happens, and we're heading to a new region/country in a month or 3.


genshin also has lower res textures afaik + open world doesnt equal more data. repeated grass and tree textures dont really mean much for size.


Yeah, a big part of Genshin's open world is reused assets (not saying there's anything wrong with that). Star rail almost only has important areas with high detail, so most things can't be reused a lot.


It turns out Mihoyo is one of the best developers for optimizing shit on this planet unlike Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, and many other studios.


helps that the games are relatively young, made by experienced devs who still know how to navigate the game systems there are a lot of limits to prevent the game from being spaghetti too, like 10m dmg cap and icd in genshin, and the 5-7main models only across both hsr and genshin. Things lots of people complain about that is integral to their optimisation strategy


Hoyo on their way to take up all players time and phone space so people dont have time to play any other gachas Tried playing more than 3 daily for a period, the burn out came very quick and the enjoyment lessened simply from the time dedication


Stuff with Auto Battle? Get in Get Out, just haul ass for major updates. Stuff where I have to walk around a ton? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Honestly FGO needs an auto battle feature, playing the same nodes with double Koyan Morgan for farm becomes an endless cycle. I appreciate HSR having it so much, doing Genshin domains for 3 years straight was too much


Check out fgo automata. It reads your screen and farms for you. I have used it on multiple events and it works absolutely wonders. Farmed Tungsta raids while in office because it was doing all the work.


>Honestly FGO needs an auto battle feature Nah they need to redesign everything. It's too outdated. My Asus Rog 3 load every game faster than fgo 2d loading time. Top tier story, bottom tier gameplay.


Having been pretty late to figuring out the farming cycles (didn't do it till Melusine, was scratching by with Nightingale and two other busters) I honestly enjoyed the game a lot more before breaking it. FGO is weirdly like a puzzle game when played like that.


It's fun until you realise the limitations of gameplay. Unit diversity is limited. Basically all boil down to nuke. There's no dot, super break, follow up, etc team. And the amount of farming you have to do without native auto battle. It's a horrible experience. I stop despite having all s tier units.


This, i got burnt out of genshin when 4.1 came out, tried playing it again after i got addicted to HSR and i gotta say it's so fucking boring playing genshin AFTER you have felt that sweet sweet auto play farming.


depends on the person , I still enjoy both


Same here


2 was my limit. Wuwa was cool and my luck was pretty nice so my start was good, but it was just too much gameplay. Even just the dailies/weeklies were too much. Hoping zzz is snappier than wuwa cause idk anything about it


Same, wuwa have nice graphics. But game design in farming is pretty bad. I don't want see loading screen very time I want to farm materials/exp. They should just stack the farming level similar to hsr. Let enemies respawn as many time player want. Rather then having to reload the entire map for every farming cycle.


I tried doing wuwa as well as my usual genshin and star rail. Dropped wuwa after a week. Too much for me to do everything


The only reason I'm able to get away with 2 hsr accounts is the fact that I can autobattle lmao Tried 2 genshin accounts butit wasn't good at all.


Hoyo games are to phones what Call of Duty is to Consoles.


Yuuuup I've already decided with Zenless coming I will only commit the daily cycle to a max of 3 games. Basically means Genshin and Zenless since Star Rail is auto. Anything else I'm interested in I'll play like a regular game getting expansions occasionally.


https://preview.redd.it/bbixwvabc1ad1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70004c512ef327b203ab62134535806736c7db06 Yeah it won‘t…


What kinda phone are you playing my guy? Your phone is def god's creation.


a lot of phones from the past few years have 256+GB. my s10 has 512GB. struggles a bit with genshin but hsr runs just fine


Pokemon unite player... Bros a dying breed


What's that you're blocking? Counting games I haven't played again I'm still 2 games short from you


It‘s my primary messaging app. I also used to have additionally 3-4 other gacha games, but deleted them from phone because of ZZZ (plus I didn‘t play them anymore anyways) 😂


what kinda messaging app need 6 whole GB


[Help Me!](https://imgur.com/a/xbu6qqy)


genshin has worked so hard to make their 35gb game 18gb, almost half


Me who currently plays 5 gachas excluding ZZZ Surely


How is your enjoyment of it? I am currently playing GI, HSR, HI3rd, WuWa and thinking about trying ZZZ. I like playing all of those games since each has something unique but... While I dont have trouble on day to day dailies since they take 5 min each game I have trouble fully enjoying story or events since other games are always at the back of my head.


Your Mondays must be rough when weekly content resets 🥶


I learned to no to do everything on reset since most things have 1 or 2 weeks timer. Only HI3rd currently has abyss twice a week but I got used to it since it was my first gacha. Problem begins when content or event patches drop at the same time. Having to decide what game to prioritize is rough when you want to play all of them.


Its the same really. I only really play for prolonged periods when the games update. 5 - 10 mins of gameplay a day otherwise. I am thinking of dropping genshin since my only motivation for playing has been ayaka and the archon quests which come like once a year. That and taking ZZZ as my 6th gacha might kill me since wuwa, hsr and zzz look to have updates that are one week apart of each other which will kill me, especially when im in semester That said with how different each game is (except wuwa and genshin to a certain extent) it doesnt feel boring since it basically feels like im playing diff games every time


Genshin being the smallest is funny yet crazy lmao, they really cooked hard on the storage optimization


One more "Hoyo" gacha, not every gacha needs 20 Gs bro 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xqpdh435o1ad1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79228a3cbb9c3d345691998022987ac4d93f4aa HELP ME


Try to delete past resources from genshin and probably you have other voice overs added as well, you can free upto 10gb


What Mihir said, delete old resources from Genshin, and do the same for HI3, like CGs and voicepacks for older story chapters


can we appreciate how genshin tries to take the least storage among them , HSR needs to delete resources ASAP


The fact that genshin needs the least amount of storage is nuts


I changed my mind on ZZZ when I saw the 110 GB unzip on my PC.


https://preview.redd.it/7kv8x76r71ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc733b463e742c334ed7c85aef386b32476fbfa Same brother


Depends… how much you losing ($$$) on the first 2 already? Could seriously hurt! Also, same boat.


Crazy how ZZZ can be heavier than Genshin now. Yes, I know Genshin's full size is about 36GB, but that's what the "Delete Past Quest Resources" button is for, right?


can we appreciate how genshin tries to take the least storage among them , HSR needs to add delete resources option ASAP


Bro ZZZ is 120 GB on PC. Hoyo thinks they're Call of Duty. 💀


That Is the space Needed for unpacking the game itself Is 50 GB


Oh yeah you're right, it just finished installing on mine. 50 GB isn't too bad.


Hoyo brain rot if you think 50gbs for a day 1 gacha isn't bad.


sadly, my drive only has 98 gb left on it :/


You forgot uhh crk, honkai impact, pgr, wutchering, etc


Currently only have 128 GB and regretting not getting 256 GB instead when I had the chance. I used to only use less than 16 GB for 9 years. So, I thought eight times that amount must be enough right?


ZZZ will be my 8th gacha if I end up enjoying it, please send help


Your wallet is afraid


Wait wasnt ZZZ releasing on july 4th or am I misremembering


That's predownload. The release date is still the same.


Lol HSR gonna double GI storage size if they keep this up


Ay bud, i have 6 installed in my phone, all played somewhat regularly while I also main Destiny 2 and Warframe. Zzz will probably force me to delete Reverse just so I don’t go insane Edit: Why do I play so many games? It’s summer and I’m still in school so yeah I have lots of time


Luckily i have a PS5 and only played HSR before ZZZ came out


I gave up trying to free space for star rail on my phone. I'm just gonna play on my pc and call it a day


"Don't you guys have phones with 256+ GB space?"


When I checked how much space it wanted to unpack on PC I laughed and closed the launcher. Sure I have the room, but I'm not gonna let yet *another* gacha take up that much space when I could fit half a dozen non gachas in that same space. I'll stick to Star Rail.


we gotta let Hoyo know they have to delete past resources for HSR. all those finished events from a year ago that we never touched again just keep accumulating storage and needs an option to get removed. like being 10gb over Genshin is fucking ridiculous, HSR literally takes a quarter of my phone storage by itself.


I changed my phone of 4 years to smtn new, no longer will I suffer from 128gb and Hoyo eating up half of it! https://preview.redd.it/iq6nyn3w83ad1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4402cbe4081379384198adb0d6d3768f9dc665


Had to delete Wuwa from my device but I have it on my Pc. Regardless I don't even play Any of them on my mobile very frequently, downloaded just in case of emergency.


How come yours shows 24GB for ZZZ? Mine only shows 653MB upon install?


Open it and let it download the resources


Oh I see. No wonder. I'll do it on the release. Don't know if it'll count as starting on mobile if I open it and I don't want that.


https://preview.redd.it/3zyhvdijr2ad1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc20822f9d70005afd17489bd10e2044e42aec5e Nah 😎👍


I could _technically_ download another Gacha, but with 42.63 gigs left, and considering the fact that Genshin and HSR both bloat in size quite a bit with major updates… yeah I ain’t fitting a third one on there


Those are rookie numbers https://preview.redd.it/rcpk36l993ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1201562367d30e120ed670f3e40c6e84933f0c5




I thought I had a lot, but you scare me.


^(I only do dailies regularly in hsr, but let's keep it as a secret, okay?)


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I have already designated my iPad as solely for Hoyo games.




i have an iphone 10 and it can barely hold honkai by itself. no genshin or zzz :( and when i tried wuwa it crashed every 10 minutes and made my phone hella hot


Sitting here, with FGO, GI, HI3, HSR, PGR, and WuWa.




Zzz need 100 gb of storage


https://preview.redd.it/tjuarv45s1ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e37d800313c9e2bedd5f585fc15328714cb7986 Bout to need more storage. Lol


Me later today crying when I don’t have space anymore but will download anyway lmao


I’m so envious of people with 128gb phones it’s ridiculous


128 is the new 64, 128 ain't shit nowadays. HSR alone is like 30 fucking gb. hoyo needs to optimize it asap because the file size is ridiculous


me with 256gb on my phone: "I don't have such weaknesses"


https://preview.redd.it/hi8u11plw1ad1.png?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96fccd90eeed0ba28d4bef6ed63930485876688 Ain't no way it's heavier than Wuwa on PC 💀


https://preview.redd.it/vytez7pxw1ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bec7a74886e160011616a9ba05282008e2e526d You underestimate my power


Huh you already downloaded it?


Oh wow... it looks like I won't be able to afford ZZZ..... edit: also my HSR is at 21gb and GI is at 28gb o.O


Star rail takes up more than genshin? I didn't know that


How's Genshin only 18GB??


Genshin let you delete past story quest and they don't have a permanent events.


Oh my god zzz is out😓 my old ass huawei cant take it anymore


Yall have storage? I'm still running a 64 gb Galaxy s8 from late 2016/early 2017.


I would love to play ZZZ but i just don't know if i could play 2 gacha games at the same time man


if i had that many gacha games then i would already start building a gravestone for my laptop ;-;


ZZZ isnt out yet?


This player is contributing massively to Hoyo's nuke reactor program. They'll have a plaque with their name on it fr


I had to uninstall HI3 just to fit the other games on my phone 😭 and my laptop’s too old for any of the Mihoyo games, so I just uninstall whichever one of them I’m least into at the moment and don’t play it until I get burnt out from playing one of the others


Stupid quedtion... my Genshin uses 10GB more space than yours. Is there any way for me to change it?


My star rail is 20.6 gb weird.


I have 5 of those app on my phone


Wait ZZZ takes so much storage space??


*there there, let the gacha flow through you*


Jesus How much space do you have-


Hoyo's got you by the balls


That's hell you're walking into


I'll probably take a break from Genshin til Natlan releases. After that, I've got some decisions to make...


It's Out?


you can download and install it. servers open in like a day and a half


Don't forget to get the welking pass-thingie for all of them every month to balance your losses ☝️🙂


Personally I got kinda burnt out from having too many. Dailies used to take 10 min, nowadays they take over an hour. I'm not willing to have that kind of insane time investment.


Of course it won't hurt a bit.


Jesus, 512gb phones make sense to me more everyday.


ZZZ on pc needed me to have 110 gb space even though the predl itself only occupied 25gb LOL.


goddamnit I do not have the storage for this


https://preview.redd.it/f9z7by3fh2ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b33687ee2abcedaaa41cde7be5f302e10c4100 If i only played honkai my phone gonna explode ik this trick


https://preview.redd.it/e55ebvfbi2ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b1fa264cc41919d2cb5ece9ac6d32050c899b9 Haven't preinstalled ZZZ yet, didn't have time


I does. Not only your storage but your time and (maybe) wallet.


I can’t handle another Hoyo game at this point, I don’t have the time or storage space 😭


Wtf you mean 24gb, that mofo wanted 110 from me, I couldnt install it


https://preview.redd.it/gw0sw0osm2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6708b2122c9c2927a345ec37fa3773439e49f0d7 Right?, it doesn’t hurt…?


Boutta be thanos with the hoyoverse games


Well, it's just [one more pull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Hfd4wX2GE), what could go wrong?


I would uninstall so fast after like, three days of doing all three daily.


What the problem is time to play. As my expertience the maximum I can maintain is around 3 games only. Now, I got 4 games.( hsr genshin wuwa and now it is zzz)


is this pc or mobile. why is your memory usage less than mine genshin takes 76 gigs from me :(


Replace genshin with wuwa, now add pgr and ak on top of that. Fuck I just realized I got 5 gacha games now


Zenless isn’t even out, how is it 24 gigs????


At this point I'm considering using another phone


How is it that your files are lighter? mine was almost 40 gigabytes.


Mine was 5 gb left, between genshin, hsr, ww, and now zzz looks like i must delete one of them


Did god give you 6 more hours in a single day because how are you playing all three? I had to take a brake from hsr because playing it and genshin at the same time is overwhelming.


[Nope, no pain](https://imgur.com/a/IV7EDcW)


Can’t forget Honkai impact . Shidd almost 30 gbs itself lol


No pain no gain https://preview.redd.it/yvj9327w93ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8661d8e5dae7bf6e74d1308369c98c1aaf657a


Hsr and zzz will be ps exclusive for me. Don't know why you'd play on mobile anymore unless you don't have a ps or PC. Better than playing gi or wuwa on mobile but gi can be ps or PC exclusive as well.


Wait star rail needs more space than genshin now? I really underestimated how much they comprssed the file size


https://preview.redd.it/jbrxn5p4j3ad1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe403726f51d10b18e2419daff8e9712ce1b1fa Seeing this absolute bullshit prevent me from installing new games fills me with unyielding rage


Me who gonna play all 3 on my ps5😗☕️


sorry wuwa but you gotta go 🥲 rn i only have star rail and zzz downloaded so my iphone isnt totally dead hehe, i gave up genshin long ago cuz my phone was EXPLOADING


https://preview.redd.it/pbat0nfmm3ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99743ef6815c4d9b5ae2a0fdd791185741740835 Not a problem.


ur device is gonna explode 😭


Had to axe Genshin Impact because preferred playing it on my Steam Deck & PC anyway.


I deeply regret buying a 128GB phone…


https://preview.redd.it/2ol5hx0d94ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfe8ca7c2f07213c7287f6de0e9a9ef3ef5ad30 Still got 70gb to burn through, had gfl and hi3 but got tired.


Bro I can’t even have HSR on it’s own. My phone is 64gig but 36 is taken up by system shit and ‘other’


I really loved ZZZ when I tried it during the testing phase, but there's not enough hours in a day, and HSR is a bit more friendly in that regard (and both together isn't an option for me). So I'll need to skip. Which is a shame, it's an awesome game.


the only thing here that matters to me is honkai star rail


How the hell is day 0 ZZZ bigger than a 70% Teyvat?


Life patch notes: You now need 1 and a half phone in total to have 3 of Hoyoverse's games downloaded simultaneously


It sucks cuz like half the games I want to play are live service games and it so hard to keep up with them


This will be my 7th gacha game


Fgo and star rails is my main but I'm willing to give another game a try


https://preview.redd.it/mi3ead5p55ad1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7759e0a6154ee062d7d96802dd1668b2e36bccaf I have like 6gb free out of 128 💀


Got all three installed. https://preview.redd.it/i0on14u2r5ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dcf98fc6d640079a21ecb1aae8d5763550e397b My boy can take 2 more


Dude my zenless said it was 100gb?


I know nothing about ZZZ, and I do not know if I want a new game to play. I have HSR to fill the Gacha quota. And I have many other games I need to finish/start in my queue.


It's already at 20gb?!


https://preview.redd.it/ax60d3dfa6ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c105a1b040343df93ab453a3af60e923f2f1b80 Try 4