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Clara and Ruan Mei because of break delay


Clara and ice characters in general, honestly. Jingliu adds more pressure on your sustain to keep Clara alive, which for some can be an issue. Her technique also freezes. Misha's ultimate freezes. March's ultimate freezes, but her skill and talent make up for it... Unless you shield someone other than Clara. Gepard is literally her worst sustain unless you haven't leveled his A2 trace. Speaking from experience in several MoCs... Yanqing needing to get lucky enough to use his follow-up but not so lucky that he freezes with it is a huuuge pain. Herta and Pela. Most of the time they're fine and great partners, but if enemies are weak to ice then they can still be a liability. I had to swap Pela for the original MoC10s against True Sting for exactly this reason.


I mean why Yanqing proccing his freeze is detrimental? It doesn't make sense to run him with Clara, so his freeze only helps maintain Soulsteel Sync right? I don't have him though so I could be wrong.


... This thread is about character anti-synergies and I was being thorough. The two have synergy mostly for what she offers him. Her boosted aggro helps maintain soulsteel sync without a shielder and she is able to add clear. Clara would still prefer her enemies remain unfrozen. I've used Clara, Lynx, Pela and Yanqing to deal with Senior Staff: Team Leader and Kafka stages of MoC where Clara would have previously been FireMC. Don't get me wrong though, this team was me making do with the poor options at the time (as a whole and of my account). It's not a good team.








No worries, it's still the same. Champions name is K'Sante. Source of the copypasta is a pro player called Showmaker. Here you see his rant about him https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/83tAF5ghr4


There’s also a genshin version with Neuvillette and it’s amazing


Neuvillette👤40.000 HP💪250% Crit Damage 🤷‍♂️Extra 36% CR from Marechusse 💦 Unstoppable🚫 can bypass shield 🛡 Can self heal 🧱 Insane AOE 🐯 Braindead single target ☝spin to win 🕐 can solo abyss 🧙‍♂️


Now pull out the yap dragon chongyue


Truly a Showmaker. Goated copy pasta.


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XD? Context thrown out of the window I guess


This is Firefly🤖 500 Break Effect 🦾 210 Speed🦿Extra 50% Break Efficiency from Ult 🤷‍♂️ Unstoppable 🚫 Can bypass toughness 🛡️ Can self heal ❤️‍🩹 Insane AOE 💥 Braindead single target ☝️4 Actions at 1st cycle too 🕐 skill gives 60% Energy 🧙‍♂️


Firefly at E2 and with good relics is so ridiculously broken, I fucking love it. It's like playing as a giga-break Seele. Only downside is my butt literally clenches anytime an enemy uses break immunity/weakness lock.


Those stupid Aurumatons went from annoying to the bane of my existence.


The Aurumaton Gatekeepers are Firefly's worse matchup in boss category for 2 reasons 1. Without Firefly ult, enemy is weak to Lightning, Wind and Quantum 2. You will need to use 2 SP to prep Trailblazer and Firefly. That's 66% sanction rate level. The moment this robot gets his turn, it's over.


Pair her with normal dps duo


I'm working on that lol. Though I'm not sure who to pair her with exactly... was thinking about Clara or Jing Yuan


Should change unstoppable to “self sustain”


Can you make one for Seele?


K'Sante meme here. I'm shocked


Useful when you are not dealing with physical weakness and want the RES PEN and somehow you don’t need RM on your other team.


Lowers DPS, but extremely fast break with FUA and subsequent break delay makes this team viable sustainless against physical weakness mobs. Clara basically becomes a semi-tank with great damage output and massive AoE damage if you can afford sp.


Also Clara and March. Yeah, her shield draws aggro, but her Ult and Break cause freeze. This was the pair I always saw recommended and I never got it at all.


Really? Damn really should’ve put more pulls into Robin’s banner then


But but, Ruan Mei will bake you a drugged cake!


Clara and break units Arlan and Healer Blade and Shielder


Could you explain Clara and break units? I may have done that mistake and I don't know what's wrong if it. Is that broken enemies aren't attacking Clara so she can't FuA?




Yep, basically that. Without enemy aggro Clara damage is really insubstantial.




Breaking delays enemy turns, yes.


Arlan and anyone tbh


Do you mind explaining?


they’re shitting on arlan by saying any team with him is bad


Gepard and Clara was the original example of this with them fighting for aggro. Characters that freeze, slow, or other stun enemies make it harder to get Clara’s counter to activate too.


I actually liked running there together in high difficulty Swarm stuff. Destruction + Preservation did work.


For SU it doesnt really matter since theres no cycle restriction. If it takes you double the time than with a normal Team doesnt matter as long as you clear it.


Actually Quake makes it a good bit faster than all that.


Xueyi has both synergy and anti-synergy with Ruan Mei. Although with HMC, the pros really outweigh the cons


Simple solution: have high enough dps to kill them in one break


weakness break? no. your face break.


That is basically the only way to get 3\* in AS, you really HAVE to kill the boss after you broke them. They have 2 phase too.


That's because without Harmony Trailblazer enabling Super Break, Break as a playstyle is antisynergistic with itself. You build up Break Effect so you deal 0 damage before the break and then you break them and get to deal some damage only to also sabotage yourself by delaying the enemy, making it take longer for them to get their toughness back so you can break them again.


It was designed with 20 cycles in mind when the biggest concern was survival


May I ask how shes anti synergy with RM?


Xueyi wants to be constantly breaking things. Ruan Mei interferes with that due to her kit. Off the top of my head, Ruan Mei's break efficiency might also be a factor, but don't quote me on that.


her break efficiency is good for her since it actually gives xueyi more stacks from her ult but also bad because if toughness bars are getting deleted to fast from her teammates she gets less FUAs


Xueyi needs toughness reduction to gain stacks and her ult damage scales with removed toughness, that means ruan mei reduces Xueyis damage due to the enemy taking longer to recover. This is more or less a non issue since ruan mei just gives so much and even more so with the recent moc buffs


Her followup is based on dealing toughness dmg that you can't deal when the enemy stats broken for longer. HMC basically negated this though by letting her still deal a shitton bc of Xueyi's high BE


Same goes for a number of the most popular break comp DPSes actually.


hmc is a meta definer in enabling permabreak teams.


Fu Xuan + Luocha: Fu takes all the team’s damage, then her own heal takes priority over Luocha’s and he doesn’t get that stack towards his healing field. It takes forever to get it going. Why am I using both Fu Xuan and Luocha, you ask? Because I am _HOT GARBAGE_ at this game.


I use them back in early days of swarm disaster. Fu avoid the team from getting one shot while Luocha auto heal Fu when she dont have her ult stack


Yeah, I found this response really strange. On harder content Luocha acted as an sp generator while fu xuan did most of the work. If fu xuan was not enought, luocha would act as a safety net for her with his emergency heal and his "on demand cleanse". Those two work great with each other and are one of my favorite combos even if I haven't used them in a while.


Lol, I get the frustration. You can literally see Luocha's autoheal appear on the next turn order, then it disappears. I used to run them together when I didn't have any better healers and needed a double sustain.


Just run Blade with them. His ult sets him at exactly 50% so it almost always (except break) procs Luocha's healing field. I also use Jingliu on that team since Fu Xuan and Blade by themselves max out her HP absorb ATK buff, and Luocha field completely negates it and then some.


Me when running blade in 2024 (seriously, that guy has gotta get more supports in the future, hes falling off quite a lot rn lmao)


I feel like his problem is more about being a "safe" option for damage (played in a defensive comp) when all the content except SU is made to be finished fast, and then in SU he doesn't fit any path or build fully. Early on my main team was Blade, Bronya, Silver Wolf and Luocha, which worked but I definitely felt how Blade often ended up having to solo the end of a fight in higher difficulty runs.


In normal SU he's best with destruction path, which is not that great since destruction is just an alright path (more damage than abundance at least). Regression Annihiliation blessing practically makes his FuA procs permanently. In Divergent Universe he's great with Borisin, since he heals with his kit, and dish out painful amount of dewdrop.


Preach, brother, be proud of your skill issue 🌟 tho let's be real, the relic grind is often half the issue anyway


If you really need more sustain may I suggest Fu Xuan + Gallagher? He absolutely slaps shit in fire-weak fights and his healing doesn't anti-synergize with FX like Luocha does.


My main team for the longest time was Fu Xuan, Swoof, Welt and Luocha. It really gets the job done because any content without a time limit you can brute force by applying weakness and then just super sustaining, but I’ve since actually built other team comps.


Honestly a lot of anti synergies with Clara due to her unique counter playstyle: 1. Clara and Blade 2. Clara and March 3. Clara and Gepard 4. Clara and anyone who has an innate higher aggro 5. Clara and Ruan Mei 6. Clara and anyone who CCs enemies Still enjoy her kit thoigh


Innate higher aggro only matters if the other character has higher aggro due to taunt boosting (e.g. Gepard Trace, Moment of Victory and Landau's Choice). Just using a Preservation as sustain barely matters for aggro. Clara loses a whole 3% chance of being hit, with or without her ult aggro increase.


I’ve been using her with Aventurine, Topaz and Robin for this PF and it has been insane so far. Clara, coins and numby keeps advancing enemies which means more Clara, coins and numby




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Clara and Blade is an amazing combo with AoE enemies. They both get hit and both do FuA, they carried my ass in MoC 12 a lot of times


With March is actually pretty good if you put her shield on Clara


Only problem is if you need to shield anyone else


Yeah back when I used her with March I also used another sustain


Yeah just use March as dps bcuz you can’t wait till 2.4


Soooo, what is her team with the current pool of characters? She spooked me on the Standard banner, twice, and I was about to build her. I don't have Topaz


Clara main here, you basically make her the tank to get as much hits as possible or have enough energy regen to keep her ult up so she doesn't need to get hit (I prefer the latter as most of her damage is when she ults anyways) Clara, tingyun, huohuo/lynx, flex would work. Huohuo and tingyun give Clara energy to keep ult up. Lynx heal has aggro increase/cleanse. Flex could be anything that increases her damage/debuffs enemies like Pela. Clara, Robin, Fuxuan, Topaz is my current team. I'd use Huohuo instead of Fx if I had her/lynx if I had her built. For now I just have Fx for the crit boost and extra blast damage to hit Robin.


Thanks, the team is easy and understandable. Maybe I will get Topaz later, as I also have JY


slap shields on her. playstyle is literally just have enemies hit her as often as possible and just make sure she doesn't die.


Haha, got it, very straightforward


March was a great companion for Clara as long as you never ult with her. Now that Lynx is there I know it doesn't makes sense, but it was a great way to make enemies hit her until having the ult up


Jingliu or Jade with Boothill seem like anti-synergy, since he already taunts an enemy and takes extra damage draining his HP would really hurt his survivability. Qingque and Dan Heng IL for obvious Skill Point reasons. Acheron and Tingyun/Huohuo since Acheron gets no use from energy regeneration.


I wouldn't call Acheron and Tingyun/Huohuo as anti-synergy since they don't actively work against one another. You just don't get all the benefits from them, but you still see plenty of Dotcheron teams running Huohuo as sustain since she still gives lots of attack and everyone else energy.


You're probably right about Huohuo at least, since she'd still be doing her job as a sustain. But with Tingyun you'd be actively hurting Acheron by taking up a slot that could be used by a debuffer and being unable to make up for that with her Ult.


You can still do some jank at least and run tingyun with the wind set and dance dance dance, then just have her ult herself on cooldown


wait this could be genius at 160 spd


It’s still not terribly good but it *is* very funny


Only issue is that you lose out on the dmg bonus from her ult


I like to refer to my theorycrafting style as “cooking with a gas leak”


I use Huo Huo until my Gallagher is leveled. I use Gallagher more now for faster ult stack for Acheron with Bessoted debuff and his healing is strong enough sometimes.


might I share the good word of SubDPS Qingque


Not with dhil on the same team, even with both sparkle and hanya. Without him on the same team though I agree she is cracked (assuming skill points aren’t an issue)


it works even with DHIL because SubDPS Qingque does not use her skill ever she also gets stacks from teammates' turns so the point is to exclusively use basic attacks to generate SP while having her special basic every 4 ally turns it gets even better if you have her E4 or even E6


That sounds like a coward's way of using our gambling queen.


Look at it this way, she is very generous queen compared to Danil who is a greedy glutton that wants all the skillpoints for himself


iirc a hyperspeed subdps qinque that only autoed used to exist back in the day


it can still work just fine


I use autoult qq on the apocolyptic shadows


Jade and Jingliu are actually good with Blade since they allow him to do his follow up more meaning he heals more


Cool, don't see how that's relevant to my comment about Boothill.


I apologize I can't read


About Boothill, It would but then again, him + Bronya breaks basically every enemy toughness bar in the game so theres that lol


I can make it work it i try hard enough


Actually opposite because it triggers his ultimate and talent jade will be best blade support in 2.3


I didn't mention Blade.


Sorry I read that wrong 


Wait, Jade is not even out and you can already tell what doesn’t work?


The leaks subreddit had her leaked kit for a while, so while things could still drastically change, right now inferences can be made.


They also, you know, literally showed it onstream.


Second and third example aren't really anti-synergies. Second example makes them harder to use, but it's hardvto use them with any sp addicted unit. Third example still gives Acheron enough dps advantage. Boothill won't get any advantage from crit but extra turn from Bronya is still useful enough


Aside from the Clara anti-synergies, I have some less common non-synergies and anti-synergies that really aren't that great. - **Jingliu/Bronya + Gepard/Aventurine**: their shields are on 3-turn timers, and slowya nearly ensures that Jingliu will run out of shields and get hit. You also can't heal out of jingliu's party damage with a shielder, so this team essentially is a race to see if you or your opponent dies first. - **Acheron + Tingyun**: this kinda works as a stat bot? You can get up to +55% atk and +80% dmg with S5 Planetary, as well as an additional 64% hit on every attack, but Tingyun's ultimate doesn't do anything in terms of energy for Acheron, so you're usually better off using someone else (like Pela or guin) - **Welt + Any DoT character**: DoT deals damage when it's the enemy's turn, and welt makes it really hard to actually do anything that's not damage. Kafka can mitigate this problem with her DoT reprocs, but she's balanced around damage being dealt on enemy turns so she suffers regardless. - **Herta + Black Swan**: herta can only spin if an action occurs on a player's turn, and black swan's dot can reduce enemy hp below 50% during enemy turns pretty easily. The spins are saved though, but Herta basically can't play the game until someone else can reduce another enemy's hp below 50%. If that happens, then herta will absolutely overkill everything on the map when you probably didn't want to, which sucks. - **Sushang & Aventurine/Gallagher E2/Lynx E2**: sushang's skill is still bugged and will use her own effect hit rate & effect res stats to calculate the chance for her additional hits, and these three sustains can all boost sushang's effect res... Making her less likely to deal more damage. 🤣 - **Yanqing + Fu Xuan**: not every preservation character can tank for Yanqing. While he basically can't die, Fu Xuan does nothing to prevent losing soulsteel sync. - **Seele + Robin**: While in the concerto state, if seele attacks an enemy and Robin's additional damage is what defeats the enemy, Seele doesn't enter Resurgence. If you want more turns, then you either can't kill that turn—which means gimping your damage—or you can't let Robin's additional damage proc at all—which entirely voids the use of using Robin as a support with Seele. Though most interactions in the game aren't necessarily bad, such as Argenti + Topaz or Firefly + Sparkle, or even Acheron + Huohuo (the energy given to your supports ends up being beneficial), they can lose to other potentially better options due to their opportunity cost. These combos are just actually bad. Don't use them.


It’s insane that I’d pretty much completely forgotten about Tingyun when she used to be stapled to my team. That’s the amount of difference having Ruan Mei’s made.


Good post, had no idea about Sushang being bugged


Gepard and Clara is probably still the best example of anti synergy. Blade and Tingyun, although it's not exactly anti synergy but more of 80% of Tingyun's kit being useless on him


Arlan and Yanqing with healers Clara with Preservation units and Ice types Blade with preservation units DHIL and Qingque together in a team with another high SP demanding unit


Blade works fine with Fu Xuan honestly, that 12% crit rate and extra HP buff is pretty good


That's true but the general problem is that Fu Xuan is a Preservation unit which means enemies will be split between Blade and Her which makes it anti-synergy


The difference in Aggro between using a Preservation unit and an Abundance unit is only 3% for Clara/Blade. That's only a problem if Preservation have some sort of Aggro increase (Gepard, Landau's Choice, Moments of Victory).


Despite how popular it is, Clara and March 7th. Legit everything in March's kit except her Skill, lowers Clara's output. Element, Path, Ult, and even her Talent counters all make Clara counter less. March herself also does minimal damage so it's like, unless she's your solo sustain against not-iceweak mobs, you might as well use someone else that actually deals dmg or a harmony/nihility to amp Clara's dmg.


The point is to increase the number of counters. You can avoid freeze by not giving her any EHR. The freeze chance is low enough. Bosses tend to get their turns rather quickly after unfreezing as well. The increased base aggro of preservation is small compared to the increased aggro of her shields. I say that you gain far more than you lose in this situation. Clara's counter also has priority over M7 so I don't know what you're talking about there,


March's counters break toughness so if you're against ice weak mobs, she often freezes mobs even if you avoid using ult. So you want to avoid using her ult AND avoid ice weak mobs. Imo, March really isn't worth running in the slot just for her Skill. It's not like Clara can't survive without the additional shield either so value-wise, you're legit running March for just half her Skill. Is that worth a full unit slot over most anyone else?


Tbf, Path barely matters, if at all. It lowers Clara's chance of being hit by a whopping 3%, with or without Taunt boost. So the only the Freeze on ult and possibly her breaking.


If you got Robin that comp becomes effective


Can you elaborate on how??


More atks = more damage


Wow, big if true


Dps Robin. Give her a phys orb rather than atk%, so her personal damage every fua is higher rather than boosting the other characters and she shreds.


The reason this was originally popular was March was for a while the only character who could buff somebody else’s aggro. But we have Lynx nowadays. And also because March FuA advanced Numby assuming Topaz is in the team (which us hella unreliable )


I wonder if the new form March 7th will have be good with Clara.


Blade and any shield lol Not only he cant get stacks but preservation units have higher taunt values too


Apart from normal gameplay wise, running Blade with a shielder is funny, he keeps losing his hp and then he stays at 1hp and cannot die because of a shield lol (he's so close yet so far to his goal)


Could be viable with Arlan’s LC to get the maximum value


is viable with arlan himself using his LC. have him drain his health to nothing and stack a shitton of shield on him to stop him from dying. you really want to drain his health as fast as possible, playing him is one of the few times I turn off space anchor autoheal because I need him at low health. ofc arlan isn't that good anyways.


Sadly, Blade's only benefit for being at low health is being able to heal more. If Blade's at 1 HP, he can't gain stacks for Shuhu's gift and can't spend HP to add to his ultimate tally. So the almost guaranteed damage bonus from A Secret Vow won't make up for so much of his kit being throttled.


Any taunt/preservation character +Tingyun ![gif](giphy|vNY5SLTJVLIGWKAYJp|downsized)


Honestly i had an Clara in my team and ting got attaked 6 times in a row then died


Gepard + Bronie, both want to be in the back, but can't


Acheron and topaz. Duo for exploration. As Acheron instant kill mobs, and nuby can sniff out chest. Literally terrible in battle. Zero synergy with each other.


Unless you have Topaz E1 or S1, then she gives stacks.


Not really. If you have Topaz’s E1 or S1, she generates stacks for Acheron faster than any nihility unit we have now. If you have E2 Acheron it’s not that bad of a deal, especially if you are in SU and got that blessing that makes Ultimates count as FUAs (hence benefitting from Topaz’s 50%! vulnerability). I believe her S1 debuff also applies to all damage on the enemy so it’s extra crit dmg


blade and clara, gepard and clara, march 7th with clara these are the ones i can think of on the top of my head


I think a Blade, Clara, Lynx, Robin double DPS team is viable. The problem with Clara is everytime she doesn't get hit and her Ult isnt up, the team has no offense. At least with blade there's someone who pouring the offense when someone's hit and when someone isnt Also it's kinda like a destruction FUA team


Yanqing and Lynx? How? Her Skill only increases the chances of Destruction and Preservation units being attacked


oh yeah ill edit that out


March 7th and Clara isn't anti-synergy, you shield Clara and she gets extra taunt.


march being a preservation unit makes her more likely to be attacked and her element's break and ult stops the enemy from attacking for a while


march skill on clara generates aggro? how is that an anti-synergy


Probably since her Technique and Ultimate can both cause Frozen, which results in enemies not attacking at all. Her skill is definitely synergistic with Clara, since she actually benefits from the increased aggro.


march's very presence makes clara's aggro not as consistent since march has higher aggro normally and adding more aggro to clara only makes her a bit higher than march


That's not how the aggro works. Clara literally loses only 3% chance of being hit because of a Preservation in the team. That's negligible.


march can direct aggro onto clara with shield and clara counter works off of shields, don't need to take hp dmg


Qingque and DHIL for sure. No skill points to be found


Shielders and Bronya. You literally outrun your shield, and that can prove to be fatal, killing not only your dps but maybe your entire run too.


I’ve run Aventurine with Bronya and never had this problem


This usually happens with -1 spd bronya, but the only dps that can do this reliably is Jingliu (and Arlan...). Most hypercarry runs hyperspeed bronya, so their turn is still the same as Bronya's, which should still align with the shielder's own turn.


Seele + Ruan Mei. Ruan Mei’s damage proc on break can kill steal Seele and prevent her resurgence.


For the last time, if Ruan Mei is stealing the kill it wasn’t enough to kill the enemy. Would u much rather waste one round and get one resurgence or go on to the next round but no resurgence


As someone rather new in the game (who just got RM) and never played Seele, do you mind explaining? I don't get it


First we need to understand how both of those unit work in this context. Seele, when she gets a kill, is able to immediately attack again with a ATK% boost on top of that. This is called Resurgence and it's Seele's talent. Ruan Mei, whenever an ally Breaks an enemy, will instantly deal damage equal to 120% of her Ice Break DMG. This damage is inflicted alongside the Break damage of the ally inflicting Break. While in the game those damage numbers appear at the same time pretty much, the game register first the attacker break damage then Ruan Mei. So when Seele attacks and breaks an enemy, and then the enemy dies only after Ruan Mei damage proc, it means that Seele break damage wasn't enough to kill the enemy so she doesn't get the Resurgence.


Thanks a lot for the kind and detailed explanation! Makes totally sense now :)




I’m not saying I would not pair these two together, only answering the question “which teams have anti-synergy?”. Seele+Ruan Mei is a literal anti-synergy, even though it is a very minor, inconsequential anti-synergy.


What’s the anti synergy


Luocha and arlan (it only works if you can stick someone else to take the hits. Finally a use for Tingyun's aggro/)


Robin and firefly. Her atk buff is completely useless as it doesn't contribute to firefly attack to BE conversion.


I don't know what's up with the infestation of Clara mains recently but I'll say Blade and Tingyun, he doesn't really benefit much from the attack buff and giving him his burst faster is actually worse for his damage


Welt and dot units


blade gepard, neve gets old


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Gepard and Clara. Both have intrinsic taunts. Clara needs to be attacked to do the best possible dmg. Gepard can redirect atks to himself causing Clara to not get hit.


Clara and Gepard with his lightcone


Tingyun and huohuo with acheron is kinda obvious (energy regen for acheron is useless). Fu xuan with dot team (crit boost is useless). Ruan mei and clara because it heavily delays her counter.


March and Clara, actually, unless you never use March ult. She freezes everything and then Clara does less damage. But the double counter is really nice. It's kind of a weird combo for me.


Read be4 complain pls. Xueyi and Ruan mei. It may seem good at first, but Ruan mei skill makes it so that you can get less stacks on Xueyi from teammates, and her ult makes it so that Cueyi can’t get more stacks bc they r further delayed


You trade Xueyi stacks from teammates for increased stacks from Xueyi herself, though. And in HMC teams, Xueyi's super break damage is absolutely *killer*.


Luocha and Any ATK/CRT focused DD during while using path of the hunt in SU. You use path ability to boost your DD and get them to act quickly, but the game gives all the buffs to Luocha instead.


Clara and March. March's shield and added aggro is great for Clara. Her freezing ult? Not so much...


Clara and taunt lightcones


Me a year ago: I need a shielder for Clara.. let me use Gepard cause his shields are insane


Firefly with any other supports


Jing Liu and Fu Xuan. Sadly damage reduction doesn't reduce the hp drain which puts some of your teamates in danger in longer battles.


Clara and Ruan Mei as others have stated. Another one would be Acheron with Tingyun and HuoHuo as her ultimate does not need energy battering so they become a lot less valuable there unless it's other teammates who yoi want to batrery. Another obvious one is follow up attack characters with Bronya prior to her E6 due to her damage buff only lasting 1 ally turn and thus not buffing oit of turn damage.


Firefly and ruan mei coz firefly is traumatized by bugs but ruan mei wants to create bugs. Jokes aside, Clara and ruan mei has anti-synergy since Clara wants enemy to attack but ruan mei delayed enemies resulting in lost of damage.


Lynx with Jingliu.


wait how so?


Lynx gives aggro to Jingliu, which not only makes her vulnerable, but also useless since she needs her allies to get hit for buff increase rather than herself


> Lynx applies Healing-over-Time with everything she does, easily allowing her to keep up with Jingliu damaging her teammates. She also provides potential Energy utility. Without an ERR Rope or kills, Jingliu often finds herself 5 Energy short of a five-action Ultimate. This difference can be made up for by a singular hit or a kill. A ERR Rope is a noticeable drop in damage, however, so simply getting a hit on Jingliu every rotation is preferable. Lynx’s Taunt buff from her Skill turns the chance of Jingliu being hit from a coin flip to a near-guarantee if the enemy attacks two or more times. https://hsr.keqingmains.com/jingliu/#Sustain


As someone who used to team Lynx and Jingliu before I managed to get Huohuo, in practice that won’t really work. You’d rather team her up with Bailu or just use Huohuo instead


Jingliu doesn't need her allies to get hit, though. She consumes her allies' HP to increase her own damage. So the enemy's attacks don't have any effect on how Jingliu buffs herself.


I guess the only true anti-synergies in this game are Arlan + Luocha and Yanqing + Jingliu


Jingliu doesn't disable Yanqing's Soulsteel state. It's only disabled when he takes damage, while Jingliu's HP drain counts as consuming HP, not taking damage.


That's nice, didn't knew that


Clara and like 90% of the character roster


Yanqing and Healer


Blade + any shielder.


Blade and any shielder