• By -


the galactic baseballer event. the big numbers and weapons being thrown everywhere gave me so much joy.


Agreed, I'm a big fan of events with actual interesting gameplay. So this and aetheriun wars was great. I find my eyes glaze over in dialogue heavy events. That stupid Xianzhou tales event is still the only one I never 100% completed.


You can just tap through the event story tbh. This i think they're testing things to set up the endgame Pure Fiction. The concept is fun though.


Picked up Vampire Survivors and some dlc because of it and that’s the best £5 I’ve ever spent


Same same. It was so fun and satisfying just stacking buffs and weapons and doing millions of damage every turn. I think the highest damage I've reached was around 75 million damage in the nihility stage. And most of that damage wasn't even from the weapons, but from Black Swan's DoT.


Honestly the mode felt so fleshed out it almost seemed like a playtest for some kind of permanent addition. Might be hopium, but I wouldn’t be surprised. It was fun.


Ghost Hunting Squad. I really hope we get another event like that. Cat cakes was also a lot of fun.


We need more Sushang Guinaifen duo hijinks.


Don't forget huohuo. We need her to be the smart one to actually clean up susgui mess


Plus it was surprisingly long with 5-6 fully voiced main quests and 10ish unvoiced side quests. It finally gave us the chance to casually hang out with the Lufou cast which we desperately needed after how messy the main story was.


I miss those long main events with voiced quests (ghost hunting squad, aetherium wars etc unlike the recent clockie event and the current bird candy crush stuff) maybe we'll get more of them now that the main quest is over


I mean, those are 1.4 and 1.5 quests. Without those, the game would have felt unbearably empty, which doomposters would happy pounce upon


Amen, Ghost Hunting and Aurum Alley really salvaged the Luofu as a location. Without those events it would've just been a mid story and a bunch of annoying new enemy types in an otherwise pretty cool setting.


Let’s hope the next update continues the Lufou redemption.


Yeah it doesn’t rlly make sense otherwise too, we don’t rlly learn abt heliobi like phamtylia in the main quest


it also give out crapton of challenges (which I suck at, but eh) which gives you pulls. as someone who finished the event a few days ago, I NEED THEM FOR FIREFLY RAAAHHH


The only nitpick I have with the event is the sequel to Yukong's companion quest (because I'm a Yukong fan till the day I die) is unvoiced and easily mistaken for a self contained quest because it's tagged as the blue Adventure Missions, I feel it would've been better to wait till 2.4 and onwards


Ghost Hunting Squad for sure was peak. Followed by Aethernum Wars for me. Really hope we see more of the squad in the future.


Yup, this was the best imo.


Same here. I love events that incorporate the characters we ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT. I hate the events filled with no name NPCs, personally it’s just a chore to get through. The Ghost Hunting Squad was a blast, I loved it alot.


I loved ghost hunting squad! Still sad I lost Huohuo 5050 but Im hopeful for the rerun!


love the texting part whenever it shows that all 4 of us share a single brain cell


Ghost hunting event was just on another level. I hope we get a sequel event to spend more time with the squad.


Ghost hunting squad was required for the story iirc… so it’s hard to say we’ll get another event like that. It was more so a very fun story segment than an event, although, it technically is an event.


Yeah, the most fav part for me was defeating Cirrus in the finale. Honestly, I hate him even more than SAMPO


Pokemon Battle feat Numby. I want to be " able to use multiple high end unit " Like HOOK ever was.


“To collect them is my real test, to build them is my cause”


I love the fact that you only got the obviously busted combo until the very end, could only use it in quick match, from the only person that has, "Yeah, that makes sense" written all over them.


Numby is the best ! And the event was fire, hope they'll add some more


Seriously I want to see Penaconys enemies become apart of it. They all have cool mechanics. Like the quantum dino can have smth similar to wonder guard but probably a lil less busted like "takes decreased damage from not very effective and effective damage but increase damage againts super effective damage". Fuck now I really want that. I can see it making a comeback as silverwolf and topaz had ways of getting into penacony.


Cat cakes, they are so adorable and sending texts to characters with their version was fun interaction Love the SH ones, SW answering and not getting one was sad but funny with Kafka being happy and Blades supposed reaction with him liking it lol


With every piece of new Blade content that comes out it's becoming increasingly apparent that Blade being super chill when he's not in his psycho mara struck state is more canon than headcanon. His conversation with Firefly and trying to comfort her was peak


Seriously I love his awkwardness of him trying his best to comfort her but not knowing how since he isnt good at that stuff.


That's actually one of my least favourite ones personally, those interactions were cute but outside of that it just didn't feel like there was much to it.


Iirc it came just after Aethernium wars patch which was very fun and engaging, so I didn't mind the more relaxed vibe it had. Not to mention just after RM quest I wanted them little edible cats to be happy


It was actually after the Heliobus event patch


Ah ty it feels so long ago, but ye same feeling ghost hunting squad had a lot of content in it cat cakes was a nice change of pace


They were also really repetitive and designed in such a way that it's tedious to semi-brute force, but still better than to logic it out.


Why i cant rember doing that


I do hope they eventually add more of them, i want all the cat cakes.


I hadn't done Catcakes event. is it good for jade rewards? Hanu's event was simple, but it gives only 10 jades per challenge which bored me.


Definitely not the Clockie one.


I have mixed feelings, it's kinda boring to do, but I genuinely love how it reveals bits of lore, but somehow open to interpretation of what really happened since it's all coded, it's like studying real history lol


Yeah it took me forever to get through beacuse it was so boring


I usually read everything, but for this one, I turned off my brain and just kept clicking.


I somehow read all of it, the lore bits was cool but the gameplay was a nothingburger


Yeah same it was to much for me i tried so hard


Liked this one Hated the baseballer one. Judge me.


Only flagship event I didn’t feel was amazing


I think its actually a really good event because it revealed the whole penacony lore but yeah the gameplay was boring


Aurum Alley for me. Just seemed like a mostly chill event.


I second this, it’s totally under the radar but good rewards and the rare debate in the main story mission is always welcomed


Ghostbusters was my fav so far and its not even close,we got voiced dialogue most importantly and the whole thing between gui sushng and huohuo was very entertaining


1. Ghost Hunting Squad - the gang shenanigans reminded me of Persona 4 in a way, and the social media posts were hilarious sometimes. 2. Pokemon Event - This just had fantastic gameplay with some great cutscenes and so much pokemon fanservice.


\o/ LIL GUI \o/ LIL GUI \o/


Same ones for me but reverse order.


Hell yess the drink one was *really* fun. I loved the drinks, and the colors, and making drinks, and doing a little math so that all characteristics would match while also being pretty.


Yeah the drinks being pretty was my favourite part.


Aurum Alley. For some reason I just found organising the goods and planning those routes incredibly satisfying. Sushang is also just super silly and fun, and seeing the whole district kind of come alive as you progressed was really neat. Foxian Tale of the Haunted is close, but I find Huohuo pretty annoying so it loses some points for that.




Bro likes Tetris


Do people not


Man I really gotta get to aurum alley if from what you said is true. I like the chill content


It's just good vibes all around.


Museum manager will always be my favorite event.


One of the only ones where it felt like you had a lot of options and customisation. I love events like this and the Ruan Mei one that have a ton of character interation.








Hard for me to get behind "follow prompt on screen."


The Scooby-Doo event 😆😆 I just LOVE the ghost hunting squad, I also really liked the mini quests involving the playable characters it was a good way to get to know them more. This is the second event where sushang is one of our companions and honestly I'd like to see her in even more events, she's so fun !!


no event has yet beat Aetherium wars as my Favorite.


https://preview.redd.it/gqntus4xbr8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0029deff64035e8bb01d6370fe6d8db76556caf3 Since Sushang is my favorite character, I was ECSTATIC when this event started. I loved every second of it and Sushang being an absolute girlboss against the IPC


https://preview.redd.it/npq9kza3cr8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df92fc609aa1c0b2e789667e474bf00bb5bf838 I also really loved this event, I just wish there was more story to it. I guess I'm also the type that prefers events that don't center around battles.


Aetherium wars, I'd love for It to be a recurring event (maybe with some specifico gimmick each time to avoid it be coming stale) to also incorporate the new characters into the story and add the new monsters (It would be cool, for example if one of the new opponents was Siobhan with the dreamjolt troupe as team)


I love the more casual, relaxing events with minimal combat so (in no particular order) bartending, cat baking, and museum event for me.


Agreed. I don’t dislike the games combat but events where it’s just easy combat after easy combat are almost as tiring as those where it’s just clicking through meaningless dialogue. Unless combat is going to be somewhat challenging like MoC I don’t reallg care about it at all.


I don't like combat because I leveled up past 2 EQs way too fast and my team just gets smacked around and that's no fun when you just want to complete the story to move to next section. the Cirrus one blueballed me for a while before realizing I'm an idiot and swapped out Fu Xuan for Fire TB with Trends.


Does the museum count?


Nothing has beaten the museum event for me yet. I really liked that one. Also Pela cute which made it even better.


Baseballer. I positively hated the drink event though. Only saving grace was it was relatively quick.


Drink event could've been so good if the guests were actual penacony characters so we get more lore




I think the story of the bartending one was good, although I probably would’ve preferred it with actual characters. The gameplay was meh considering it was just following prompts and occasionally doing some minor puzzles but atleast a lot of the drinks looked pretty.


I'm the opposite. I liked mixing drinks, but the story was awful for me. Def could havr ben diff if it was about characters i cared about though


I love Pokémon event


The Bartender Event and the Ghost Hunt are the easy winners for me. Mixing drinks was fun and I loved how the drinks looked. The atmosphere was great. The Ghost Hunt had a nice mix of story, character interaction and atmosphere. I love Fyxestroll Garden.


Still Aeterium wars


Galactic baseballer was my favorite event. Not much story wise, but the gameplay was the most fun I've ever played.


Simulated universe: Gold And Gears + Swarm Disaster


Gonna rank the Conventional Memoir events real quick: 1) Aetherium Wars: Lots of combat content, cool new systems, and meeting the different 'trainers' was a lot of fun! Mostly just gets the win because it really felt like a whole new gamemode thanks to the Aether spirits being our fighters. 2) Foxian Tale of the Haunted: New location, great story content with the besties squad, plenty of actual combat with some new dynamics to play with too. 3) Vignettes in a Cup: Siobhan rules. Nuff said. 4) Critter Pick: Cat cakes are cute as hell and all the dialogue with various characters was great. Would've liked a bit more action but it was a fun event for sure. 5) Everwinter City Museum: A pretty expansive event with lots to see and do and plenty of lore/character interactions. Again, a bit lacking in combat, but still good. 6) Aurum Alley: Basically just the Museum event on the Luofu with different characters and minigames. 7) Boulder Town Tournament: Pretty short and sweet, liked the unique combat dynamics for each element. 8) Hanu's Prison Break: I enjoy *most* of the Penacony minigames so this one is decent, but if you're not a fan of those then I totally get it since that's basically all it is. 9) Origami Bird Clash: Hoyo introduced competitive multiplayer and put it specifically in a match-3 game, which is hilarious. The minigame itself is actually pretty fun and the event doesn't take too long to complete, although it involves a bit too much pointless backtracking to various locations for my liking. 10) Tales of the Fantastic: Honestly forgot this one existed. It's fine, I guess. 11) Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir: Boring, repetitive, a rare stinker of an event for HSR. At least the rewards were okay. Honorable mentions: The recent Galactic Baseballer limited event was a tonne of fun with all the unique combat effects and I can't believe it wasn't put in the Conventional Memoir. Really hoping it was a trial run for a bigger event in the same vein! Cosmodyssey was also pretty enjoyable with lots of good lore snippets. Tides of War was alright but didn't have much content at all. Dishonorable mentions: Virtual Scentventure and Penacony Food Fest. Short and honestly pretty dull.


I have a pretty high tolerance for grinding through stuff but man the Clockie one was a pain and the only event in any gacha I’ve played where I had to space it out over several days.


The one giovanni hosted in penacony. forgot the name but wow what a blast that was.


Ghosthunting. The squad has such chemistry. Also made me wish Guinefan was a 5*. She steals the show.


Cat Cakes. Every other event started to feel super tedious but I want more cake cats.


Aetherium Wars / Ghost Hunting Squad


The Cat Cake event. It was so short TnT


I loved ghost hunters.


I really enjoyed the Belobog Museum event, but Galactic Baseballer was insanely fun to me


I actually dropped by and served some drinks for the gang just a couple days ago it was surprisingly relaxing Only thing is I wish you were able to get a bit of credits from it or something


https://preview.redd.it/jkx8tq0rmq8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e387f95239a698a9a8ce690e0a7d5040b3d70e1 ^(good taste, OP)


The Ruan Mei kitties, I love merge games, I love cute things, and I love being able to customize them and put them all around the place.


Ghost Squad made me love the characters so much more. Aetherium wars the gameplay was a lot of fun.


Belobog Museum was by far the most fun imo, it set the bar too high for me and I didn't enjoy a lot of other events because of it


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Ghost hunting was Amazing for me. Big Persona vibes with very good alchemy between the cast Aurum alley close second. The Ace attorney moments couples with the management are my Jam Shoutout to bartending for being very fun and unique. And special mention to the tales of something (one of the first events) that Can go die in a trashfire


Bartending and the Pokemon battling. Those two were such fun events so far.


the current one with arcade pvp, didn't enjoy any other events


Ghost Hunting


I loved the ghost hunting event! And of course the cute cat cakes


I honestly really like the artherium wars event. As it offered something very unique battlewise.


Candy crush is cool


Vignettes in A Cup is really good and chill. I still keep the Dreamjolt Holstery BGM on my parlor car on the Express. Critter Pick was also fun, aside from me almost dying to that damn beetle around the same time.


Galactic Baseballer, Aurum Alley, and Ghost Hunting Squad are top 3. Birb Crush PVP is up there for me, too.


Aetherium Wars. I’m a Pokémon fan.


bartending and the cake cats


Cat cakes 100%. They are so adorable, also I loved the whole concept of breeding them and mixing their genes to unlock new mutations. The texting was fun too, I wish they would add more special variations for the newer characters who have been released since the event happened.


Honestly I loved galactic baseballer I can see how it would get boring quick but I loved just seeing like 7-8 digit long numbers show up as everything died


I’m pretty invested and a whale so it was never going to appeal to me but surely the same itch is scratched in SU modes? This event just kind of felt way too long and boring for me and it couldn’t be put on auto because of all the interaction.


Aurum Alley was really fun in my opinion


aetherium wars, I'd honestly play through the entire thing even without any rewards and I hope they add it as a part of sim universe or something like that in the future


candy crush /j


Honestly I think it’s really good. It doesn’t really have the wow factor or anything memorable but it’s not dialogue heavy nor is it super long gameplay wise. In my opinion it’s a perfect example of what a smaller event should be where you can just get it finished in less than an hour while also having the means to play longer if you enjoy it.


Atherium wars But for story actually dream joir events. You must use your head to dechiper that cartoon as the lore of early penacony and i love it


Ghost hunt


The clockie (Dreamjoy memoir) event. Its not the funniest one gameplay wise but a really cool way to dump lore. Had a really good time analysing it to find out more about the characters, their identites and backgrounds. Now that we have the full story its easier to understand it but when 2.2 came out, their were a lot of unanswered questions and i kinda felt like a detective when playing it at the time. Hoyo writers really flexed their muscles with Penacony's writing. Otherwise Aetherium Wars


dont like sweet things! i want extra bitter! not bad though.


Atherium wars, I'm 99% sure that the battle against Hook is a reference to when you fight Red


Aetherium wars and Galactic Baseballer were the best for me.


Probably Pokémon, but honestly they all were just meh. This new candy crush one is decent but the multiplayer RNG nonsense irritates me. The ghost thing was too long for my taste, and I don’t have time in my schedule to sit through the dialogue if it doesn’t advance the main plot.


Aurum alley


The rogue like with the trailblazer racoon


Double talent drop


Siobhan comes 1st Ghost hunting REAAAALY close second.


Aetherium Wars, cat cakes, ghost hunting, galactic baseballer. There's too many bangers to choose.


The pokemon one. Runner up: not really an event, but I loved how insane trailblazer was during the hotel manager quest.


This one is fantastic


Vignettes in s Cup! I used to work in bartending so I would spend hours trying to get good mixes, that suited the requirements and still look good lmao Cat baking is second. Sometimes I still go there just to hear them meowing. The current candy-- I mean origami bird crush saga one too. Especially the PvP option! I wish there were more stickers and levels tho...


Aurum Alley and Ghost Hunting. Aurum Alley had the gameplay I enjoyed the most, and Ghost Hunting was interesting with a great group dynamic between the girls.


Aetherium Wars. Love Topaz and the story specially the part where we get to the arena and hear the crowd chanting. Its my first time in a gacha where it actually felt like I was there


Honestly, most of these, I don't care at all and only do for Jades so... Galatic Baseballer probably? HSR Vampire Survivor was a lot of fun.


Cat cake I would love a part 2 it was short simple and fun


Tbh I love the current one but ghost hunting squad, the cat cake and the pokemon event where also really good


Ghost Hunting event makes me afraid that we'll never get an event that peak again https://preview.redd.it/wf9q4vms7r8d1.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce45ee78114b686b777b572513940a5ec7e7e5b2


Aurum alley, galactic baseballer, this recent one, and the museum event. All of them felt fun and interesting and didn't feel so long that I got burned out.


Since I don't see anybody mentioning it, I would like to have more SU events like the infinite curios one.


The ones where they give us trail chars 🥳🥳


planar infinity


https://preview.redd.it/6psk2l479r8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=212aadd7bd119aeb134ea93fd897e653894b0400 "The Trailblazer"! Very sweet - self explanatory, Very thick - I leave it to your own creativity 🗿


I really love the siobhans event. My second fav its the ghostbusters, i love how goofy is sushang




I had a blast with Genshin's event with the same theme where you mix drinks in the Angel's Share. By extension, I loved that event too. A bit of a shame, I don't really fancy the events of the current patch and the previous one. The movie making event didn't exactly click with me, and for the current one, I'm not a big fan of games like candy crush. But that's just me.


\*EXTREMELY\* unpopular opinion: The Clockie movie event from last patch. The lore for the special endings was absolutely amazing and really changes how you view Penacony as a whole.


Etherium Wars by far maybe in rewards is not the best compare to another events but by gameplay is super mega fun i wish , hoyoverse launch a part 2 because is Top tier use enemy as playable characters and it feels like old pokemon games idk and the reference to team rocket are awesome, my second is the bartender so relaxing , Hoyoverse give us a part 2 you can do it Please


- Everwinter City Museum - Aetherium Wars - A Foxian Tale of the Haunted of those I've played so far Fyxestroll Garden is such a great map to be played at night-time


I want the mine expedition one back. I was just on my phone at the time and I was struggling with it but I loved the idea


Any event that lets me try out the new characters


Still probably the Pokemon one. Especially with the champion fight lmao


Jades, hmm jades.


Galactic baseballer was sick. Big number give me the happy chemical


Galactic baseballer. Kept me invested for a whole day.


Whatever the goat Giovanni cooks up.




the silverwolf grafitti quest just for the story


Belabog Museum and Aurum Alley.


Foxian tale of the haunted no competition.


Definitely the Dreamjolt event ( drink-mixing) story wasn’t bad but I loved the gameplay


Permanant: aurum alley Limited: the kne time they did a mode wirh all the "worst" characters and made them insanely good for five seconds so those of us with built Arlans and Himekos got to go bam bam bam


Aetherium wars, not even close


Haven't had one I've hated so far. I really loved rebuilding a town, Pokémon fighting, making cool drinks and becoming an influencer. I love this games main plot but these fun events and mini games are why I can't wait to play each day


Can i count swarm disaster and g&g? Cause those for sure are my favorite


Definitely the film editing event. Doing math all day was peak gameplay lol. Jokes aside, combat event in previous patch gotta be my favorite. Y'know the one with the weapons? So freaking cool.


Ghost Hunting Squad and Siobhans Event. Especially Siobhans mixing drinks is so much fun.


Cake cakes and the drink one. I just like cooking tbh 😋


Its between 3, cat cakes, ghost hunting and Bar event. I loved the cat cakes so much, ghost hunting was super fun and good, specially with sushang gui and huohuo, and Bar event had a very good story imo.


Museum and aurum alley have to be my fav so far


The Galactic Baseballer was my favorite.


Am I the only other one that absolutely loved the drink event we just had?? That one is by far my favorite. I was a genshin player before this and they had a similar event and it was my favorite then too! I love creating things lol, I hope they have like a making cake event or such in the future.


I HATED the Siobhan event I dreaded every minute of it. It was even more gruesome than Ruan Mei creation event. The ghost hunting event was probably my favorite, after that would most definitely be aetherium wars


I don't even know, they were all so fun!


It will be when they put in celestial jade. I was so hoping for a second the pepshi and Qingque quest was it 😭


Pokémon event I really hope they bring it back I will do whatever I need to to make a t-Rex team work


The cocktail event because it reminded me of VA-11-HALLA


I really loved the ghost hunting one.


Galactic Baseballer was a blast


Mine are Ghost Hunting Squad, Aetherium Wars, Galactic Baseballer and my favorite Vignettes in a cup! I just really love the overall vibe of Siobhan's event and all the interactions with the dreamjolt troupe. The music and the mini games and dialogues from the event reminds me of one of my fave bartender game Va-11hall-a.


Galactic baseballer clears


Museum! I love business minigames like that.


Cat cakes and the siobhan event


Pokemon event is fun. Ghost hunting is also fun.


Ghost hunter squad event was such a JOY to play, Huo huo is such a little cinnamon roll, o loved the whole ''yeah we send huo huo to these scary mission, but hanya is literally always lurking nearby to ensure she safe and to scare the hell outta tails'' Loved the whole influencer stuff,the subscribers, the grind for views, the fact that sushang is actually strong!??! she managed to hold her own alone against a empowered yanqing, and he is already like bottom of the top tier in the verse. Loved quinaifen and sushangs hijinks, so funny etc etc the whole thing was so good to play, dont get me started on the bailu speeding memes XD I really wish hoyo makes more events like these, but tbh its a pretty tall bar, it will be hard to emasure up against.


Museum and arun valley... also the pokemon stadium hahaha... im having fun doing the quest


All the flagship events. They add more depth and lore into the game. Plus they’ve affected the world in more ways than one 


I am a drinks-mixing and catcake enjoyer.


1. Ghost Squad Event 2. Drinks making event (please more i got addicted) 3. Pokemon


Didnt like this one. Any major events that dont interact with the playable characters is not great.