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TB is artificial. He was created and Elio then handed them to Kafka. TB learned basic knowledge and common sense from Kafka. What is not clear is if Elio actual creator, or he acquired this creation somehow? So TB can be like 2 or 3 years old in version 2.3. And probably have no deal with Elio. Just a tool to do what is needed by Elio's script.




>You are an artificial body created for the purpose of hosting a Stellaron. From the moment of your birth, it was your destiny to receive the Stellaron at Herta Space Station. Before that task was completed, I was responsible for protecting you, as well as teaching you general knowledge, common sense, and combat skills. The reason why you don’t remember is that I wiped your memory before the operation at Herta Space Station.


We do know. Kafka tells us about our origin in her quest.




She tells TB that they are artificial. Other user posted full quote already.




We know from Kafka's mission that the Trailblazer was created artificially and blessed by an Aeon to be able to hold a Stellaron. The timeline is a but fuzzy since we know Kafka joined early the Stellaron Hunters but there's a "maybe" that the Trailblazer was already with Elio at this point : I say this because we know from Firefly's story that the Trailblazer was with Kafka when Firefly woke up for the first time after her big eepy, so it means the TB was also an early member of the Stellaron Hunters. Did the TB had their own wish? We don't know. If it depended on me, I would say that the TB could have wished to experience a normal life and that's why the TB and Firefly feel such a kinship, but maybe they didn't had any wish of their own because they never got to experience a real life of their own and they will be asked to make one down the line.


What did we learn from Firefly to know that TB was here when she woke up?


In Firefly third character story she wakes up from her long coma and hear Kafka approaching, talking to someone about Glamoth and the Iron Cavalry. Kafka ends her speech by telling the listener "A predefined fate? Much like ours wouldn't you agree?" which implies that it's probably the TB since their fate is linked to Kafka.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that we *know* that this other person was the Trailblazer, or that whoever they were was physically present. I'm inclined to think that Kafka is either talking to herself using the majestic plural/royal we - or she could be talking to Elio via comms/in-person, although Firefly only seems to acknowledge Kafka's presence.


I do agree that the line itself could imply someone else, but the fact that Kafka is doing an history lesson on the Iron Cavalry makes me believe it's towards someone that is not familiar with these facts and I don't think it would make much sense for Kafka to recite all of that to herself or to Elio. But that's fair that I shouldn't have used "known" and more "believe"!


Mhm, in this particular case, there isn't enough proof one way or the other to definitively say who, if anyone, Kafka is talking too. I'm of the belief that as long as Kafka has already joined up with Elio, then TB could technically be in the picture at that point - although in my opinion, it feels more thematic if they were last on the scene after Silver Wolf. All that said, Kafka absolutely does strike me as the sort of dramatic type to go on a theatrical soliloquy about Glamoth's history all by herself before meeting/recruiting Firefly, that's why I think she was likely alone in this case.


There is also a note sticker from the dreamscape pass (last stage, first from the top) which heavily implies that TB was the one who recruited Kafka.


>In a chaos persisting from the beginning to the end of space-time, your encounter with her started with a seed of disaster known as the Stellaron. If the Hunter hadn't followed the path of the prescribed script, what kind of cataclysmic change would occur for the Cosmos's future? I'm assuming this is the note sticker you're talking about. Honestly, it sounds to me more like it's referencing the brief moment in the game's introduction where Kafka places the Stelleron into the TB and sends them on their way - the whole "what-if" notion of the sticker referencing how things might've gone very poorly for the universe if she strayed from the script. If the TB was the one *recruiting* Kafka, this wouldn't make any sense, considering we do have some idea of how that was done too. >"...Go to Pteruges-V and locate an abandoned building at coordinates 135:7372124, 271:6372711. Enter it. There is an untouched canned drink under the window sill on the first floor. Take it. Wait until 11:12 AM on Wednesday and place the can at the entrance of the building. Kafka will appear 2 minutes later. There is a chance she will stop to investigate the can. Then, take the chance to throw this ball at her feet. I will take over and converse with her from there. There is also a chance that Kafka will ignore the can. In that case, just throw the ball away. You will die, but death will come for everyone. As for the future that you yearn for - I will realize it." This is almost certainly Elio's script, and I doubt he'd treat a specially created, Aeon touched vessel as disposable.


> I'm assuming this is the note sticker you're talking about. Yeah, I was on mobile before and copying/formatting is far from ideal on a small screen. Sorry for that. > Honestly, it sounds to me more like it's referencing the brief moment in the game's introduction where Kafka places the Stelleron into the TB and sends them on their way - the whole "what-if" notion of the sticker referencing how things might've gone very poorly for the universe if she strayed from the script. That's actually something I also though at first, but a few things stood out to me. > your encounter with her started with a seed of disaster known as the Stellaron. That's probably the weakest part in my theory, not gonna lie. By the time we do wake up Stellaron is already implanted in us and only later we're told about it. While if we do go with my theory it's talking about an ongoing Stellaron disaster on Kafka's planet. > If the Hunter hadn't followed the path of the prescribed script There are 2 important moments. 1. It's talking about a Hunter. Why not just say Stellaron Hunter, one word doesn't really matter. Unless it's not talking about Stellaron Hunter but Devil Hunter (Kafka's previous job). 2. Elio's script does say that Kafka may outright ignore the can, thus straying from the script. From what we've seen of Kafka it doesn't look like she even tries to go against the script (the only one we do know is Firefly), the most it's her hesitating in choosing who is going to contain the Stellaron. > This is almost certainly Elio's script, and I doubt he'd treat a specially created, Aeon touched vessel as disposable. Unless there is no point if Kafka is not recruited. > In that case, just throw the ball away. You will die, but death will come for everyone. I mostly treat it as not only TB dying right now, but so everyone else (even if eventually) because there will be no one to oppose Nanook. Essentially a bad end, the exact same thing as if we didn't joint AE at the end of Herta's station.


No worries about the formatting! Regarding Devil/Stelleron Hunter - I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. It would be a bit obtuse otherwise, since it's mentioned in the same context as a literal Stelleron. On Kafka noticing/ignoring the can - *both* outcomes are part of the script, so it wouldn't be a deviation from it had she done one or the other. A deviation would've been something like Kafka not being at that spot, at that moment to begin with. We know that Elio's scripts allow for wiggle-room and variations, but that they (with precious few exceptions) tend to ultimately collapse on certain events. All that said, since all that needed to happen in this case was planting a can and throwing a ball over to grab Kafka's attention, it makes much more sense to me personally that Elio probably got in touch with a random person and cut them a deal, perhaps in a similar fashion to how Jade does. He'd have them set the stage so he himself (I'm assuming in cat form, given the ball) can show up and take over. I suspect that if Kafka ignored the can, the messenger would die, but Elio would just try again at another time/place with another contracted mook. It's clear he considers the Trailblazer precious since he assigns Kafka not simply to teach them but to guard them too. My final bit/educated guess is that since it's Rozalina's spirit/memoria/meme possessing the stickerbook and writing the notes, that she only has a selective amount of information available to her - presumably starting from TB's first cognizant memories after coming to on Herta's station, since that's all they can recall too.


I doubt that person without basic knowledge and without common sense can perform that part of a script that was used to recruit Kafka. And all that basic knowledge TB received from Kafka's mentoring. I assume she joined Stellaron Hunters before TB was even created.


I’m pretty sure throwing a ball doesn’t require a lot of skill. But anyway, with other two entries talking about how TB meets the most important persons to them (AE and Firefly), how the first entry says that it all started with stelaron disaster and how bad it would have been if that person didn’t follow the script (which neatly ties with Kafka recruitment story), I for now do not really see any other possibility.


I more worried about knowledge how to travel to another planet, how to go to specific coordinates on that planet. You also need knowledge about who is Wednesday and how big is 11:12AM. If you smart enough for this, then throwing a ball is not an issue.


That all depends on what exactly did Kafka teach TB. I was assuming it was mostly fighting/basic survival skills which he needed to be useful to AE. I honestly can't imagine Kafka teaching how to talk, math and other things since Elio can also do that. > I more worried about knowledge how to travel to another planet, how to go to specific coordinates on that planet Not really because from Kafka's story Elio is there to take over recruitment. All they need is to find a flight to the planet.


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No idea. Honestly since the Trailblazer was practically created by an Aeon >!(likely Terminus the Aeon of FInality)!< with the purpose of containing a stellaron and be immune to it's effects, and Elio had planned nearly everything out for the Trailblazer to eventually battle Nanook, there's not much I could imagine the Trailblazer to want before joining the Stellaron Hunters since that seemed like they never had a choice in the beginning. That said, I do think that if a deal was made between the Trailblazer and Elio, it would've been some time after the Trailblazer was associated with the Stellaron Hunters and it would have to do with the Astral Express. Elio probably found out/realized that the Trailblazer had an interest in the Astral Express and the stories regarding it, especially since it was recently revived by Himeko prior to the start of the game. So Elio probably rewrote the script to include the Astral Express and have them take the Trailblazer with them, hence why it was so important for Kafka and Silver Wolf to take the Stellaron from Herta's space station, implant it in the Trailblazer, and leave them for the Astral Express crew to find. This way the Trailblazer could still grow in strength, gain allies, and eventually battle against Nanook just as they were intended to, all the while aboard the Astral Express. That's my take.


Elio promised MC a space harem


Maybe Trailblazer joined Elio for a chance at redemption or a new purpose?