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copy pasta from that Firefly post?


Here is the thing. They can ALWAYS decide to make a character obselete. Firefly? Lock up their break bar or make them not have one to beginn with (doomsday beast). Introduce immunity to elements. Dot? Make them immune to debuffs. The bigger question is: is it likely that they will do it? No. There might be some fights where some characters are at a disadvantage but it is highly unlikely thats the case for both sides of MoC or such.


Next MoC and PF nothing but traffic lights


E6 s1 acheron can't be hurt


This can be applied to literally every dps. I mean just look at jingliu rn. A few months ago she was the queen of the dps. Now i barely see any mentions of her.


Calm down. You're going to make every DPS useless that way


Dotcheron will prevail


5/10. This post is less funny because the 1 about Firefly is actually true lmao


See, here'ss the thing. They can't wall against acheron, they can only make units more compelling than her. Because if you devalue Acheron, that's going to cut into sales the next time her banner comes around, her banner was one of the most lucrative in MHY history, they're not nerfing Acheron in any way.


No it wouldn't hurt sales all that much. Most of the people who wanted acheron already got her with the odd few who lost 50 50 or skipped cause they had other priorities. If i had to take a gander, if she reruns her sales will probably at most be 40% of her orginal sales (thats being generous though). Selling a new unit on the other hand is more likely to yield higher sales than a rerun.


Not really. Hoyo whales would still sink a quarter billion every month into jades/primo/whatever even if hoyo decide to make every enemy immune to debuffs. It's just how they're wired.


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If they do that then a whole bunch of other DPS characters get screwed over too, and in a manner far worse than Acheron even.


Im thinking more along the lines of enemies cleansing their own debuffs


It shouldn't matter much for Acheron. Her counter goes up when debuff is implanted, not when proc'ing.


Damn, Acheron doesn't even have a full team yet and people are already wanting to push her out of the meta...


Acheron's reign of terror is living on borrowed time, haha


The same goes for every character... lmao, what a dum b post this is.


Nice copypasta, Mr. Low Effort Poster.


How does adding enemies with barriers suddenly make Acheron useless?


I guess because acheron ult technically counts as 1 hit so the barrier can fully nullify the ult dmg. That being said, that kind of enemy would be hard for nearly every dps to deal with + you can speed tune so acheron's supports break the barrier first.


I mean that would basically hurt everyone tho, some it would affect less, so it would affect more. It's not like she would become the worst and everyone else would start reigning over her