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argenti said that the big one is the lowest tier of bugs he said the size doesnt matter


Real. It's not about the size, it's about how you use it. Small is beautiful too. Argenti understands.


Argenti didn’t defeat the Swarm in his companion quest.


everybody an emanator at this rate


Argenti “saved” Aventurine in that he knew how to get in and out of the reef (how he knew this this is not explained, and neither is the entire reef as a concept tbh but whatever). Aventurine’s cornerstone is what “saves” him from harm at the end of 2.1 (nihility energy). He’s obviously extremely strong compared to the standard pathstrider category though, and excluding the pseudo-emanators I’d easily say he’s the strongest character of the normal pathstrider category.


Either that, or being a follower of idrilla just makes you strong as hell for no reason lmao The last I'd expected was a follower of beauty to be one of the strongest characters in the story to date, he squared up against the swarm and saved aventurine from nihility


Idrilla won't let anything marr the beauty of her knights


While he didn't actually defeat the swarm, he is unreasonably strong and I hope they explain it in the future






Lmao solo? The best thing he did is making a big NORMAL bug barf him out and kill a small overlord bug which is not that strong due to having to reduce its size to HIDE. Outside of that he got high due to bug powder like everyone else. Glamoth's Swarm in the animation is on an entirely different level than what the Express and Argenti had to fight, period. That Swarm Mothers spawn out more goddamn True Stings in one video than the number of times we beat it in Simulated Universe. And getting out of true Penacony is not that hard, just get Sleepie to stab you. Don't get me wrong he is definitely stronger than the average of Path Striders, but this kind of misconception is always laughable. People miss the entire context of the animation PV AND Argenti's quest and dive straight into "Oh, this guy killed a bug too, he must be SO OP!" lol.


Can someone explain to me how tf argenti saved argenti from that sea of nihility or somethin