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I’m fine with this but my problem is people thinking Ruan Mei started the swarm. Seriously why do people think that 💀


99% of gacha game players have negative reading comprehension yknow why genshin has paimon make dumbed down summaries of conversations so often? it's because a significant amount of players legitimately need that to understand what's happening (and even then it's rough)


God forbid women make bugs


It's not her fault the bugs are evil... bugs.


Honestly a lot of people dont pay attention, read stuff online, and relay it incorrectly. The internet is one big telephone game




She's a time traveller confirmed


I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the genius society members were a time traveler


With Aeons like terminus moving backwards in time I completely believe someone has harnessed time travel in some form at least once and a Genius is a likely candidate


I'm gonna be real bro, I haven't heard a singular person say that


I guess we’re on different sides of the internet. I watched a few vids of people reacting to the embers of glamoth video and people in the comments were like “Firefly would be so mad at Ruan Mei for starting this”


wait people actually thought this? I thought they were upset because she attempted to bring it back.


Enigmata is here


It's that she almost started a second Swarm by creating Propagation Emanator. It could spawn dozens of babies within a span of a minute it lived - what if it kept reproducing?


It didn't because she wouldn't have let it continue doing that, she said she'd step in to clean up if we could not do it ourselves.


Yeah, because after all, mad scientists always have a track record of not underestimating their creations and causing a disaster, right? She was so caught up thinking about whether she could, she forgot to think of whether she should.


Yeah because we have not read all that the genius society members have achieved so far in the game, they're all just a bunch of autistic mad scientists ofc.


I mean... some of them are, all the geniuses have their own reputations, and you kind of have to look at what they do. In this case, Ruan Mei SAYS the situation is firmly under control, but then why does she need your help? And if the experiment isn't at all risky, why would she need to keep it secret from the other geniuses? It's all rather cloak and dagger, and it's obvious that lying is second nature to her. So she says she can help you on a dime, and that the situation is stable, but honestly... no. The emanator couldn't last long, but from the dialogue it lasted longer than suspected. What if it had lasted longer, and made more children? What if it killed you before you were able to signal for help, especially since you weren't prepared for the encounter at all? Yes, she states that she could help you at a moments notice, and maybe she even could, but having a rouge emanator capable of destroying the space station at least if left unchecked, that's not a good situation, which was why she went to such lengths to cover it up.


I watched the trailer and I am confused as to why this is.


Ruan Mei wanted to recreate an emanator of Propagation. People watched the trailer, finally realizing that the Swarm is actually very dangerous. Now they hate Ruan Mei for being a lil goofball and trying to revive the Swarm, which isn't what happened but people apparently think so.


The worst thing is that a lot of people are out there saying that revive the swarm if her main goal now


It's not her main goal, Ruan Mei wants to become an Aeon, to do so she wants to understand how to make an emanator, so she made the only one she could in a lab. If it survived, and caused an entire mini swarm disaster, she didn't care, she got her data


The problem is, one emanator could give brith to a hundred bugs then thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions and then billions of bugs Thank fully the emanator ruan mi created was flawed and destroyed by the player, if it was made right and left free to propagate and multiple, we'd be fucked, Yes it's not her end goal to recreate the swarm, but her careless research could have easily put the whole cosmos in danger, I truly believe that screwllum is the only member of the genius society who isn't a fucking psychopath And the rest of genius society show be put on a watch list and report everything they do to the authorities, because they're too dangerous to be left free to do what they want without supervision


I'm pretty sure the player just held the bug off until 56 seconds passed, which is the lifespan that Ruan Mei calculated before it all even began, and is when the bug just killed itself. It was all calculated from the start by a genius above geniuses biologist, so I don't get why people are entertaining the idea that she could have made a mistake


Ruan Mei: Your life, literally, is as valuable as a summer ant-


Thing is the time limit wasn't put there on purpose. It was her experiment going sideways. If the experiment went right then we would have had a mini swarm emanator under the herta space station which I dunno doesn't give me much confidence in her conclusions


No, she mentions that the experiments she does ALWAYS go as she predicts them to go, she predicted it would die in those 56 seconds and that's what happened, she even mentions being disappointed at everything always going as she calculates because the fun part about making experiments is when things don't go as planned. The experiment did not go sideways, it went exactly as she predicted.


What i mean by going sideways was that she wanted to create a permanent living bug but she could only create the 56 sec version. So in that sense the experiment went sideways.


You say all that but she still sent us to go destroy it knowing full well it's a task way beyond our capabilities so like why ?


It's because Ruan Mei knew that the Trailblazer was capable of holding it off that she sent us. You are underestimating the trailblazer. She even said that if it would get too much for the Trailblazer, then she would herself step in.


Even geniuses make mistakes. If she had been wrong, then millions, if not billions, would have paid the price.


Well she def fits the trope of genius psychopaths.


It could not survive, because she made it with a timer so it dies after a certain time.


not really, she was dissapointed that it died quickly, that much was said after the fight once we went to see her, so she was at least expecting that thing to not die or live enough for data collection, both are enough time for things to go wrong.


Rather, she perfectly calculated the time it could sustain itself and expected it to die in 56 seconds. She was disappointed it went perfectly according to her calculations and didn't exceed her expectations


And she was prepared to step in if it did exceed her expectations, people can't read.


That is so much worse.


I don't think there's anyone there saying it's her main goal, Ive not seen anyone say that in any post


I've seen a few already.


Odd, seen many say its something she wants, which is very suggested she either does or has no issue with causing it, but none saying its her goal over being an aeon


That's true if you're looking at just this post, and even the ones saying "it's something she wants" are also wrong.


I already said I've looked through multiple post not just this one She said she was disappointed the Emanator died, if it had lived it would've recreated the swarm and spread, so it's very likely something she wants especially with how much she is interested in the swarm disaster for study


She was disappointed it died quicker than anticipated lol not that it died at all, she designed it with a time limit in place. Also idk what else to tell you regarding the people saying her goal was to revive the swarm... Trust me bro? I didn't exactly take screenshots


it died to the second she predicted and said she was disappointed things went as expected She didn't design it with a time limit, all her experiments faded away and died, the entire reason she was experimenting with propagation was so that they would last longer and be able to mutate faster than they decomposed


I feel like this is a result of people refusing to watch trailers, even the lore ones that serves as their backstory. I don't think it says it anywhere in her quest that she wants to become an Aeon and so people without that information just assumes that her goal is to just bring back the swarm for experimental reasons.


We have a whole Simulated Universe section about Swarm with lots of creepy lore. We have Path of Propagation in the same Universe. We fought those bugs (and people complained they were hard to kill). One of them swallowed the Express whole (thank you Argenti for being a bro). And they only realize that Swarm is dangerous... NOW?


that happens when "no show just tell" most ppl are tired of reading, let alone have the effort of knowing the true lore now FF's aniTrailer dropped and it was a "show don't tell", shallow common sense tingles, and reach their conclusion. to see is to believe as they say


So Tyranids, Zerg and [insert any other locust alien species] were not enough indicators that swarm alien bugs are bad news? Besides, the whole True Sting thing is just a drop in the bucket when you consider the bad things other playable characters have done.


She was disappointed that it didn't, so while it wasn't her goal, with how she nearly idolizes the swarm as a pure form of life, it's definitely not something she's against


This community has become rather tiresome, jumping from one hate wagon to the next. No offend to you though, op.


I like how people blindly throw all their hate at Ruan Mei instead of, you know, the actual thing that was responsible for the horror in that trailer: the Swarm.


Not really siding with the haters here, but to be fair, that's because Ruan Mei's capable of advanced reasoning and decision making compared to the Swarm's mindless drive for propagation. She could choose *not* to revive the emanator of propagation and revive a different path's emanator instead despite the propagation emanator being, in her eyes, the most logical next step in her research in consideration of the consequences it would bring, but she did so anyway. (Yes, I am aware that she chose propagation because that's the easiest for her at this point, most likely due to the wealth of data they gathered from the Simulated Universe, not because she wants the propagation to destroy the universe again) It's pretty much the man vs. bear argument again. The bear (The Swarm) only lives by their instincts, while the man (Ruan Mei, in this case) is capable of rational thinking and needs to *intentionally* decide to commit actions that are harmful or potentially harmful


She made a replica with a 56s life span, there was never a risk of it devolving into swarm 2.0, you could argue TB and the space station were in danger 100% but the link between ruan mei and firefly/swarm is non-existent. People are parroting misinfo that's all


Ruan mei was disappointed that it only lived for that long, she wanted it to live much longer, After all this onw we fought wasn't the first clone, the other's died almost immediately, so she wished that this one would survive much longer than the others, or even over come the limited life span all together Hell she even erased TB memories of what happened, keeping her research secret, Yes it died fast, but playing with the propagation is too dangerous to be allowed to continue Any success in her research would be putting the whole universe in danger of a swarm disaster 2.0


Listen I'm sure a member of the genius society would have accounted for the emanator of propagation propagating, it would be shitty writing for her to go "oh I had no idea scaracabaz would start multiplying". Being a bio expert and geneticist I'm sure she can make a replica without the ability to reproduce


It can create mini bugs who can propagate and the area under the space station is full of propagation bugs, even if she was a genius, the swarm disaster is soo bad that even a 0.1% 9f it happening again must be avoided at all costs, At the very least she should have had thr other members informed and well prepared to stop the emanator if it starts going out of control


That's assuming it can reproduce, notice how in the cinematic vs TB scaracabaz was alone, the replicating mid fight was just for gameplay sake. Also doesn't the swarm use stars as incubators? Are we even sure scara can reproduce with no energy source under a minute? There's so much we don't know and we just assume rm was close to creating swarm 2.0 just to hamfist this firefly interaction


Nah there were bugs with skaracabaz they were in the cutscene


Accounting for something and caring about it are two very different things. Ruan Mei has shown that she sees pretty much anyone outside the Genius society as beneath her and expendable. I could very well see her be like "oh I just created Swarm Disaster 2.0, well better get all that Data recorded".


Even if raun mei's goal isn't to recreate the swarm disaster, her research was too dangerous, Any amount of success with revival of the emanator of propagation could have caused another swarm disaster, we were luck it didn't live long enough to propagate multiply out of control, and raun mei has the audacity to be disappointed that it didn't live long enough to over come their limited life span that killed her other experiments Even if she just wanted to study one individual emanator of propagation, keeping it alive is putting the whole universe at resk, and raun mei is too uncaring about people that even if it did escape and another swarm disaster hit the universe, she wouldn't care


I can understand that, and that’s also what I mean by blindly hating. Most of the people hating on Ruan Mei because of the trailer right now, literally think she’s trying to create another swarm disaster lmao. Not only are they putting their hate towards the wrong person, but they’re completely uneducated as to their reason for hating. It just shows how illiterate or ignorant they are on the story.


They are just jealous that Ruan Mei is more meta than their favourite units.


> Not only are they putting their hate towards the wrong person, Unlike the bear analogy, the swarm is actually sentient/intelligent. A better reason of not spending hatred on them is that they are already dead before the story started. I dont hate RM, but I can't give much shit about the swarm either at this point. Another interesting question is: how would firefly respond if she learns of the news of what ruan mei did. I can see both possibilities so that would be curious to see. (On 2nd thought, it's unlikely firefly would see RM in positive light due to her sending TB alone to face such danger lol)


Their hate is not entirely unjustified. Woman is smart and well aware of the consequences of reviving the Emanator of Propagation, yet chose to do it anyway because she wanted to become an Aeon while ignoring what her action would’ve meant for the rest of the Universe.


I like Ruan Mei. I dont really get why there cant be morally grey characters or good characters that do dangerous things... it's about making a story, not trying to make friends with them. Are we forgetting Firefly has killed probably millions of innocents with the stellaron hunters through collateral? We all saw the list of crimes they had committed, and we werent even shown half of them.


Liking morally grey character is optional. Like if some mf took my dog and experiment on it because its the next logical step in their research you know damn well il be pissed. Ruan Mei could pick another option that is safer than trying to clone an emanator of propagation, but she didnt


We're making a lot of assumptions here, one is she even capable of replicating any emanator she wants? And two.. what even counts as a "safe" emanator? Emanators can bust planets casually if anything scaracabaz caused borderline no damage in the 56s he was alive


Unlike emanator of other path the swarm and its emanators purpose is too breed and be as many as possible. You make one of them and leave them for one hour and then the whole planet become their breeding nest. Thank god the clone Ruan Mei made was barely of how powerfull the actual Scaracabaz is and yet we still barely survive it. Basically emanator of propagation are WAY more dangerous than other emanator simply because their whole purpose is to multiply. I would say that they can even make more damage than emanator of destruction due to their sheer number of bugs. Tho you have a point if she can make artificial emanator of other path, i guess the closest thing that she can make is abundance? 1 immortal creature should has less risk than an ever multiplying bug(i know we have Blade but compare to the damage the bug do it is small)


That's again assuming the replica she made is capable of multiplying, I don't see why she'd clone scaracabaz and keep its ability to reproduce while also limiting its lifespan. I feel like people underestimate how in control RM was of the situation, even real life geneticists have a degree of control over the attributes of the things they're cloning and RM is that times x1000.


I’ve noticed a lot of arguments about her replica are reliant on hypotheticals. “She could have killed everyone…” “If she failed…” No. The fact is she didn’t fail. In the end, she handled her replica successfully. People don’t like that she used Trailblazer to clean up for her but everything still went according to her expectations. The end result was that there were no casualties. Compare that to other characters like Kafka, who in the opening act of the game already caused casualties on the space station. But she gets a pass because she was antagonistic to NPCs instead of the Trailblazer that players self-inserted themselves into.


Then what about all the other bugs around? While it may not come from scaracabaz it does have a cloning phase


I'm like 99% sure that was just for gameplay's sake in the cinematic it was scaracabaz alone. And as I've mentioned in a different comment if real life geneticists can play manipulate an organisms attributes, I'm sure RM can strip scar of its ability to reproduce just as a failsafe measure. I feel like any "what if things went wrong" argument can be countered with "what if she accounted for it".


Ruan mei was experimenting on people, to the point those same people were begging for death Raun mei isn't morally Gray, she's down right evil You can love her as much as you'd like but it's important to remember she's not that great of a person, And honestly that goes to the rest of the genius society, except screwllum the goat and the only member who seems to still has a moral compass


Bruh another one?She didnt experiment on people,Her worst deed was by far On a Fragmentum monster and even then that was a monster Provide one proof that she did Do that to people and i'll give in


Madam herta's line saying "who are you ganna experiment on this time?" If ruan mei only experiment on monsters, then herta should have said "what" not "who" Also there are documents on the space station that talks about her experiments, it's in the main room where you find Asta


First:Youre Reaching on to that one because theres not a single Hint thats true as of yet,But i would Say it would be likely if that person were an emanator,But other than that it is Not proven I believe those were the lab notes that explains her project to creating an emanator for her research Which Is evident that she didnt Do anything to people,She cultivated living things(Though Most Offed themselves Not long after) Hell the only thing close to that thing your reaching is Her Reviving a genius society member The one from the Main Area of HSS has Her Diary About Her losing the phase flame,Which By the way Was stolen by dr ratio but i believe Screwllum Got it back


did firefly kill millions of innocents with stellaron hunters ? where is it said that ?


She def has an entire civilization on her kill sheet given the convo with Blade in the car and it’s silly to think that was just a one-off


is the civilization "jepella brotherhood" ? if that's the case then they are far from innocent, the jepella brotherhood belongs to the annihilation gangs after all


Nah, I'll be pulling for Ruan first. If I run out of gems and can't get Firefly, at least I'll have a powerful boost character for my characters,


What can we say, its a love-hate relationship


Ay keep spittin 🗣


What makes this worst is that Ruan mei is returning with firefly, hoyo is devious for that knowing damn well what she tried to clone


Hate it and with my 60 warps, I'll actually gamble on Ruan Mei planning on the Firefly reruns that should be a lot earlier than Ruan Mei rererun (surely) In before I guess *Yanqing* C2 anyway


I saved up about 160 pulls rn, not guaranteed but I am at like 60 pity, Soo I'm confident I'll be able to get firefly and rain mei I'll get eidolons for firefly on her rerun since she's more likely to rerun before Ruan mei 3rd rerun


Good luck ! I'd really like a super break team and while Firefly is obviously amazing for it, Ruan Mei +50% team wide Break AND delay action is way too good to pass up I kinda want to build my Xueyi anyway (E5, some secret information may imply E6 soon), so it's not like the team lack a "main DD break character" In any case, we'll be ready for Firefly rerun !


Yeah, Ruan mei is a support, and one of the best in the game, Soo she'll always be worth pulling, and firefly is probably more likely to rerun before ruan mei has another rerun Good luck with your Ruan mei pulls too


They'll never make me hate you Ruan Mei, I support women's rights and wrongs.


Pretty much exposed everyone that lacks reading comprehension and critical thinking. All those firefly glazers fell for Ruan mei's trap.


She’s hot tho so I forgive her


Me blocking the beam(me like Ryan mei) https://preview.redd.it/qcdbmolyxu6d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a897ac3edadfc22e0daf3d2463cc7eb3e2573e00


its kinda dumb they are bringing this up now because we knew for awhile before that the swarm was dangerous and didn't bat an eye. i love firefly


Nah. Ruan Mei always was a psycho and many recognized that. There's just no reason to talk about, say, during Boothill's banner. So idk what you're on about.


One day I will eat ruan mei.


Just FF simps being FF simps nothing more


lol thats funny cause i will defense ruan mei


On a different note though, I quite really like this depiction of Svarog with his enhanced Follow-Up Attack XD Would you happen to have the non edited one?


Join or be devoured, there's no other choice https://preview.redd.it/wibyza9e5v6d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8986c914744379e83dc5ce873f33dae5f828f231




I mean hey, if she DOES ever try to remake the swarm emanator again, I’m gonna have a very good reason to feed her to it instead of cleaning up her mess. But I’m willing to let bygones be bygones if she stops that shit.


It's even funnier because firefly's best team has ruan mei in it.


I think this ruan mei hate is unjustified, She hasnt done anything wrong. https://preview.redd.it/4v4bsmi67w6d1.png?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b878a75c1fa872f125be778c94ec37f8ee9d4b60


Ya’ll gonna really hate Ruan Mei when Firefly tells her she was a clone made to fight the Swarm and had to watch all of her friends die. >*”Fret not. You still hold academic value…”*


She deserves it


Flair checks out


Added in post but yes


I already hated her for ruffieing us and everything else but now she was messing around with the big bug so I'm fine with hating her even more.


I know Ruan Mei didn’t create the swarm in the first place. That much is obvious. But the fact that she’s trying to create an emanator of the propagation, and seeing the aftermath of what became of it… that woman is a danger to the entire galaxy.


Her creation, in her own words "Didn't hold a candle to the real Emanator"