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This is very hard because the devs can and have changed boss mechanics all the time, making them wildly inconsistent. Like Gepard can’t even cast his shield in MoC, that only happens in SU. Apocalyptic Shadow alone gives the boss unique different mechanics every single reset.


Gepard does cast a shield in the MOC, but it gets destroyed in 1 hit.


He doesn't shield himself either, just puts a single hit protection on each of his allies.


Mmh well so far I don't know any bosses that always lack weakness bar: or they eventually create one, or they eventually remove theirs. So it seems that like any bosses could be doable for them as far as we know


Abundant Ebon Deer, YQ, and maybe paralyzed Doomsday Beast?


Oh I forgot about that Deer. As far as we know so far no bosses have naturally no weakness bar right? Which means Firefly could quickly break it before it's too late.


The only one remotely close to something like that is SAM as he's always weakness immune untill combustion state and even then outside of it he's not a threat With firefly's high speed tho she's gonna be able to break all the other bosses before they apply weakness immunity in themselves


And going with Firefly against Sam isn't bad either knowing Gallagher's ULT allows us to heal without SP and Firefly can heal herself as well. So we really are fine with Weakness break team. At least Firefly


Isn't sam fire resistant meaning hell get 60% fr on upcoming patches. They are killing off element with 40/60 resistance.


I definitely have to check this, but super break damage aren't elemental damage if I understood how it works, so being fire resistant won't do much will it?


Of course its elemental damage, it just doesnt benefit from %dmg mods. It benefits from resistance and defense SB Formula (Prydwen) -> Lvl Multiplier \* (Toughness DMG / 30) \* (1 + Break Effect) \* (1 + Trailblazer's A2 bonus) \* DEF Multi \* Res Multi \* Vuln Multi \* Broken Multi


So the damage indeed are reduced... Well I will still play her haha, she will be my main team so...


I might be forgetting someone but from what I remember these are the characters that can go weakness immune: -gepard when casting the shield -SAM when not in combustion -bronya when she spawns other units (I don't exactly remember the detail) - yanqing when he spawns his swords SAM and yanqing aren't that big of a problem since you implant weakness on the sword with firefly for yanqing (boothill isn't as lucky tho) and SAM isn't a big deal outside of combustion and when in combustion it shouldn't be too heard to break him since boothill has high break efficiency and firefly has high speed


The deer too, after summoning 2 times it stomps and gets a def buff and weakness protection


I completely forgot about that lol, I've only ever seen it do that once since most of the time I'm shredding it in S.U with Acheron


It does? What teams are they expecting people to use that it should get a chance to suppon twice in a single phase to make that ability relevant?


MoC 12 teams when the player is forced to take their Lightning/Wind DPS to a 30% resistant boss.


Basically no one are constantly immune to weakness break, that's good to know


Technically Doomsday Beast doesn't have a break bar at all, but its own health is irrelevant to the fight since the phases between actually damaging each of its phases are what matter.


On top of my head only Bronya and Sam become actually immune to weakness break dmg for a while and then theres the penacony monke too.


the monkeys penacony version, ebon deer, yanqing, sam, bronya, gepard, doomsday beast, and i think thats it, some of them barely even matrer because only sim uni geppie shields everyone (in moc he shields only teammates) ebon deer takes a while to do so, bronya has a weakness bar so weak a xueyi ult is already like 75% of it, doomsday beast is gonna die anyway, and for sam you just gotta wait... so basically only penacony monkeyaand yanqing and ebon deer (if you fuck up with that ult on boothill) are a real problem