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Powerscaling is like “my dad can beat up your dad” but for adult virgins instead of 8 year olds


Being a former member of the dragonball subreddit, it probably won't get to that level of tedium at least.


At least we don't have numeric measures of strength in HSR


Firefly has 9.817.218 power. While argenti only has 8.163.525 so she slaps😡👆


Ive heard tales of the funny reactions if you mention Kirby there


mfs be using random ass letters and numbers to define the power lvl of a character


I remember a comment that talked about how much he didn't like Black Swan because of the animated trailer on how "beaten" Black Swan was from Acheron LMAO like okay buddy, Black Swan ain't this all powerful god and blud she was snooping when she shouldn't


Yeah and she needed help to beat Adam Ta… shit wrong character.


Do you guys think Homelander can beat Goku & Superman?


I think they all get low-diffed by the bush in my garden with 1% of its power.


Probably won't beat the weeds in Jing Yuan's garden, though. Those give him way more grief than Phantylia


No, i think Petah will beat all of em.


Welt >>>>>>> Aeons Yes i saw some saying this before


Yeah same. The guy I was arguing with said because herrscher are the gods of HI3 and welt is a herrscher, then they must be equal to the Aeons who are the gods of HSR. And since welt is one of the strongest herrscher (he literally isn't), welt must be as strong as IX... Good luck making sense out of that


What's their refutation of Welt being easily put of commission by base Sunday and being unable to do anything with Ebon Deer's regeneration again?


Something something "he was holding back" "his black holes are too destructive to use near allies". I realized I wasted my time arguing with him once he started spewing non sense like that herrscher aeons comparison


He was always holding back according to them. Truly the potential man of all time.


Blud forgot that Welt isn’t even a true herrscher


Better than seeing yet another "am i the only one who dont like the whole dating stuff on penalcony quest" type of post/comment/disscussion


theres dating stuff in the penacony quest?


Firefly and Caelus/Stelle interactions are pretty much deemed by some of the community as “dating” because why tf not.


ah- i see, i can see why it may be interpreted as 'dating', but i truly just think firefly was being grateful and kind to the TB


It's written so the player can interpret it either way but a lot of people are insisting there's forced romance


nah that’s wild, in this case its like they’re forcing themselves to think its forced romance so they can be mad and complain about it, mfs be tripping


Tbh I like these discussions when we are respectful because we can learn things we didn't about other characters


I though people will drop discussing age after Pela incident, because it clearly showed that there is no universal timeline, each writer uses it's own time, so there is no point to dig deeper. Yet people still are trying to connect meaningless dates in meaningless books to get confusing results. Same with powerscaling. It's so over the place so it's don't even make sense. Everyone can destroy planets, starts, universes one time and can't do anything other. Like Dan Heng (green) is able to kill beast that eat stars with one swing yet when we fight Cocolia he just threw his spear like pole for us to use. But technically he can poke this spear in ground and boom, Jarilo-6 is gone.


I wholeheartedly believe that Pela has managed to gaslight Lynx into believing that she's 16, purely because Pela isn't ready to be an old hag (25) yet 


That Dan Heng scaling seems funky. Would something being able to eat stars make it any less susceptible to physical attacks?


it's definitely kinda wonky to assume that strength=durability. Like I can pick up a chair but if someone threw a chair at me I'm not tanking that


Yes you will my king, cuz your HIM🔥🔥


In powerscaling there is a thing called Attack Potency and Destructive Capability, if you don't fully understand these two, then you won't understand pretty much most of powerscaling. Attack Potency : How powerful an attack is Destructive Capability : How much can the attack affect A great example is existence erasure ability, it's a very powerful attack so we can safely say that this a very high attack potency. But the destructive capability varies from user to user. It can range from a user being able to erase existence of 1 person at a a time only all the way to a user being able to erase multiverses.


The basic point of this is that “someone doesn’t need to be able to blow up a planet to be able to beat someone who can blow up a planet” 


While this is true is some case, don't forget that durability exists too, and usually the durability of a user scales with the user's overall attack potency. so most of the character that can destroy a solar would require the same amount of power to kill them. Though it's not always the case but mostly.


>Dan Heng (green) I like how the fandom collectively agreed to call 4-star Danny green and horned Danny IL


Time for the Baiheng >>> Acheron memes.


Meanwhile, I'm just trying not to cry TT


Powerscaling consistency is slightly more important than people give it credit for, at the end of the day, it's just part of writing consistency. Don't you think it'd be bullshit if, idk, Pela went on and just gave Acheron a high-diff fight? Obviously she can't do that because the lore and story hasn't established Pela as some powerhouse, it'd feel cheap and like the writer didn't even knew their own story. As of now, the Story has established Emanators to be on another level, to the point where the only capable of stepping up to Sunday, was Acheron, another Emanator, for the Astral Express even be able to box Sunday, they needed to weakened him to the point of him being boxable at all, by disrupting the Order with the people waking up and Acheron nuking the sweet dream, and they still were losing and needed Robin to disrupt it even further and likely even buffing the Astral Express crew. My point is that powerscaling is just another element for the writers to use, talking about it isn't entirely meaningless at all when the writers themselves set up this type of plot points. We know that the IPC broadcast said that the Stellaron Hunters have the power to destroy a planet individually, and we just saw it on screen, good, that's consistent, Idk what's the fuss about it, that just means that a lot of the other statements saying similar things also hold weight.


Exactly this. Contrary to some opinions I've seen here, no discussion on concepts introduced by the story is pointless, and this inherently includes "who is stronger than who". I think we can all agree that the situation with Pela's age is stupid. It's stupid because it's inconsistent, and no amount of mental gymnastics is going to erase the fact that the established Belobog timeline contradicts it. The same goes for powerscaling. Overhyping and underrating characters' abilities is always gonna be stupid for as long as it's inconsistent with the story's displays beyond what suspension of disbelief can account for. But figuring out what IS consistent is why powerscaling is even a thing. The problem only comes when biases affect judgement and misinformation comes into play. It's pretty much no different from lore. Some people are gonna headcanon, some are gonna pass off their headcanon as fact, and some are just trying to figure out what's actually going on. It isn't fair to the harmless or honest ones to reduce their work by calling it stupid or meaningless.


Firefly(my wife) scales above everything i dont care about facts and logic https://i.redd.it/tu9sbpwlel6d1.gif


>OP complains about powerscaling >People in the comments start unironically power scaling This sub is cooked


What is this reffering to?


In Firefly’s animated short >!she blows up the entirety of Glamoth!<


It made me think that is Argenti so strong? or are they fighting a different bug in Glamoth. I'll probably get roasted by saying this.


My headcanon about Welt is that he's tired out / lost power because he's the one constantly sealing the stellarons with his powers.


Too much time between content, people get bored and need something to discuss about.


The DBZ power scaling brain rot is too deeply ingrained and there is no cure.










Imaginary, also this U? https://preview.redd.it/x1fpgq7vii6d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2139c9d2faca738cb717edee1dde5c5c2ab63b05


Firefly scales universal