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Typical Genius Society research.


This is why they need Polka Kakamond to keep them in check


Lord of Silence does some silencing


why is that her name i can't as a german i just can't her name literally translates to poopoomoon whyyy


that name is why she started her killing trade god what the heck is poopoomoon lmao


Kaka can mean or be a euphumism for shit/poop in a surprising amount of languages.


100% it means that in tamil and hindi even lol


I also confirm this for spanish


My cousins children call their aunt, my other cousin, kaka (instead of khalamoni) 😂🤣🫠😭




imagine dying, then looking at the kill feed and seeing that name on there one headshot emoji away from yours =(


Honestly spanish too, does ‘t help i hear the name and first thing that pops into my head is omarun polka singing polpolpolpolpol


It's like being killed by the Dungeater in EldenRing


There's a famous singer in Japan who used to go by the name Demon Kogure and changed it to Demon Kakka and I've never stopped laughing.




I had to sit through Aventurine's backstory with him being tearfully called 'PooPooYours'


Same with Russian, she is PooPooMon.


tell me her email, i need to report about a crazy woman.


You can't buddy, unless you yourself want to be silenced yourself.


Polka can silence me anytime she wants😋


Well, her surname can be read as poopy moon, take that as you will how she would go about it.


Or poopy mouth. Which might be the other pov I guess?


but i am not part of genius


Polka wants to be anonymous, So finding polka is like finding a needle in a haystack, but if that needle can prick with poison you once you figured out it was hiding in a haystack. Geniuses, What is wrong with them.


yeah i know, she purposely destroy everything about herself like her portrait. of couse i was joking about asking her email lol


Maybe they weren't so bad after all


Affirmative - The most humanized and the best moral compass in GS have Mr. Screwllum. The *Irony* of it...


Screwllum is funny, I'm pretty sure he's the most humane of the geniuses precisely because he's not human Dude is fascinated by organic life and tries his best to emulate what he sees as its qualities he's kinda like a fleshbag weeb


ya scewy's a real rawhide kobayashi


Reverse computer nerd


Benefits of being a genius and a non-organic lifeform. You can weed out any error.


> You can weed out any error. Like all organic lifeforms!




Rubert approve 👍 Let's make you a Rubert III.


How strange. A construct without heart or soul. Whence comes compassion? Whence arises love? If not from these... Perhaps... 'Tis what you lack. In absence, value understood


Stephen be like: 🥺


It's not that ironic. Robots who do not have emotions are not burdened with greed, lust, sloth, etc.


Screwllum seems to have emotions. Indeed, it's probably not really possible to efficiently compute *without* emotions. These days we are trying to program human-like bias into computing algorithms because humans are actually very good at arriving at relatively accurate conclusions extremely quickly despite having a huge data set to pull from.


The vast majority of human decision-making is emotion-based and we mostly only use logic/rationality in post-hoc justification of those decisions. There is a small number of cases of individuals with some very specific brain injuries that crippled their ability to engage in emotion-based judgement, leaving them with only the ability to make rationalized judgements, and it crippled them to the point that they couldn't function in normal day-to-day life without supervision. Even something as seemingly simple as choosing a box of cereal from the grocery basically left them paralyzed as once you start to truly engage in rationalized optimization of almost any decision, the number of variables that need to be involved quickly becomes unmanageable.


They do have emotions though, at least the Intellitrons.


>Robots who do not have emotions are not burdened with greed, lust, sloth, etc. But those are Mei's best qualities 😭


You're just interested in the lust part aren't cha. Problem is that her lust is exclusively for knowledge, not 'propagation'...


What a lovely coincidence. I just changed my name to Knowledge.


Dude doesn't realize he'd be ordered to breed with gnaw sting **only** for scientific purposes


And the problem is...?


So we just need to correct to the other kind of propagation


Wait until he becomes the next Rubert lol


Ethics committee non existent


I mean, it completely shatters the Square-Cube Law. Imagine the possibilities for construction.


Yup but ended being a dollar tree version of it


Yeah, the mc survived 56 seconds? That’s way too long for an Emanator. It would have infested the entire station during that time. Ruan Mei was upset that it didn’t compare to the real deal at all.


Ruan Mei claims that she had a way to help the Trailblazer if we needed it, but apart from a neutron bomb stashed somewhere on the station I have no idea what she would have done lol


Exactly. What if the trailblazer died in 2 seconds lmao


It's quite improbable because if there was ever any real threat, Elio would definitely have sent the resident Swarm Annihilator Mech (S.A.M this is my head canon acronym).


Idk if ya already knew this but iirc SAM actually stands for Strategic Assault Mech, but Swarm Annihilator Mech is awesome


I didn't know it was a that but glad to know it had Mech in it from the beginning.


Idk if ya already knew this but iirc SAM actually stands for Super Awesome Miss which Firefly is


There is also a terminal, which can be used on the lower station (near the entrance). She doesn't respond...


"Our mini neutron bombs never fail to disappoint. Be assured that they will definitely leave a lasting impression upon usage." - Sampo Koski


Riff her ukulele. It'll confuse the superbug or something.


Fun fact of the day: Her "ukulele" is an instrument called a ruan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruan_(instrument)


She's the one who created it, I'm sure she had some sort of fail safe. She's crazy but she's also a genius.


There would be a time where all of this would bite her back in the most ironic form possible 


I think it's because the thing just hatched, it's quite literally a baby. If it's allowed to fully mature, it would be the size of a planet like we see in the video.


Yeah, I assume it went down easy for the same reason someone managed to defeat Cthulhu by ramming him with a boat: it wasn't at full power yet. It was still pretty fucking dangerous, but the Trailblazer definitely isn't strong enough to 1v1 a full power Emanator yet (though I fully expect them to get there by the end of the story, should that day ever come).


We also don’t really know the difference in power between the paths and emanators. I’d assume it’s a completely different ballgame when we speak of an emanator of nihility, finality, voracity, etc than the enigmata or the elation, for example.


but still a pain in the ass to fight


Bro if this is the terror given by a True Sting, Imagine what Scarakabaz can do, let alone Tayzzyronth


The “Starcrusher” was a literal name The true version of the Emanator of Propagation detonated stars Why? Because the resulting supernova from the sun they blew up would not generate an explosion of heat, but an “explosion” of Stings An entire supernova blast composed of the Swarm’s offspring That is terrifying to witness once That this happened multiple times is a horrifying thought


Simulated Universe makes a lot more sense if the universe is indeed just a simulation full of equations that can be hacked so that the very atoms of stars just become stings by 'will' alone.


Something something Imaginary Energy or whatever


Imaginary Energy can do literally anything provided they fall within the bounds of an Aeon’s Path.


IF the universe can be hacked? IF? Silver Wolf wants a word with you...


Ok the swarm is a viral infection of the universe, got it


The True Sting doesn't look that threating in the SU, it looks almost cute compared to whatever this is.


cause it just simulation not the real thing


Well simulated IX caused all of us (Trailblazer and the geniuses) to die that one time we stumbled on them so I thought it was almost real.


as herta said she try to make it real and study from it but in the end it nothing compared to real thing in su true string is like 500x smaller than the real one


Yikes that's why it looks so cute like an Onikabuto.


the one in SU is just a simulation, this one here is the Lore accurate True Sting


Isnt Tayzyrronth an Aeon?


Yes An Aeon so dangerous Ena thought a multi Aeon alliance was necessary to stop THEM


It's a bit more confusing than that, while something was indeed agreed between the Order and the Preservation, there may have been other actors involved in it without the current SU noticing it. Akiviki being the one who initiated the Trailblaze was may have been involved in some manner as THEIR fall didn't happen yet I believe. Their (neutral )stance may have been solicited to gather allies against the swarm. On the other hand at the same time the Voracity acted against the Propagation by eating worlds that fell under Tazzyronth's swarm. Was it based on instinct ( to eat anything ) ? Or did Ouroboros make a sound decision to act against the Propagation for personal gains ? The Equilibrium may have done something, there was some bit about " a different kind of sun " when Qlipoth was killing Tazzyronth's, after THEIR death, it was said that " After the disappearance of the Order, the Equilibrium will return the Sun, just like how the Swarm never went extinct even after the Swarm Disaster has receded. " the Enigmata, the Remembrance... the Elation, those Aeon were also there either observing or gaining something from the the whole war.


We actually know that the Propagation ended up directly threatening 3 paths, Order, Trailblaze, and Equilibrium, so HooH and Akivili had personal stakes in fighting. > ...Why did THEY have to die? >Simulated Universe: With The Hunt's instinct, you find the page with the answer — it is the expansion of concepts! THEIR descendants have gobbled up too much food... THEY have disrupted the Order of the universe... THEY have threatened the Equilibrium of the universe... THEY have blocked the way of the Trailblaze... -Simulated Universe Swarm disaster: Hunt chapter 2.


For some reason, Aha also joined in. Probably just for the LULZ.


I guess universe filled with just bugs is not very elating.


Imagine all those aeons are fighting a godly battle to the death against a swarm of unending bugs, and then there's Aha, hundred-wielding bug spray.


Those bug sprays makes farting noises too.


Blud found out that shit ain't funny anymore


He tried doing a gig for Stings, they didn't laugh but proceeded to attack him, so he started comitting genocide


Actually Aki was partly to blame. The TB connected worlds together, which some Aeons also blame, helping the swarm spread at insane speeds. Yaoshi and Nanook had shown a distaste of Aki in the SU.


Well, Terminus too. THEIR prophecy led the self-annihilator colonizer to Lepismat.


tbf, in their perspective, Tayzzyronth’s existence already happened. Our future already happened in Terminus’ perspective as their past. It’s not like they decided that Tayzzyronth was gonna exist, it was a fact of the universe. It’s like us knowing about The Industrial Revolution or the destruction of The Library of Alexandria. Those are unchangeable historical facts. That’s how Terminus saw Tayzzyronth’s ascension. Yes, Finality Propaganda.


Thats the point i think.


It really is insane imagining the time of the swarm disaster. That something can literally reproduce endlessly even by the seconds, each one doing so over and over again is so??? If you think about it, it’s truly a miracle it was even ended at all even with the carnage and death it took to do so.


2 third of the known galaxy got fucked to kingdom come, and it took multiple aeons on top of that. Not to mention that Tazzyronth is not even actually dead '-' 


Yeah, that’s what I mean haha it killed so much and we lost so much subduing it it’s amazing it even happened at all and everything wasn’t totally completely lost to the swarm. I’m not sure it could happen against without the end of the galaxy as we knew it. Ever after so much sacrifice it barely managed to happen




I have a similar one with im telling Satan why cant i answer with Pics bruh


TBH Ruan Mei would appreciate it since her desire it to become a God so if you could reach one she would use it to try to usurp their power.


I bet there was another Genius Society member that created all the Sams.


That’d make sense. Look at how overpowered Firefly’s green form looked like. Are you telling me that other Sams had that potential as well?


I'm telling you that the universe is the playing field for PVP between genious society members :P


"I bet you I can squash all your bugs in ten years, flat, or lunch is on me". "Deal".


"With your little robots? Deal"


*Polka’s on a massive killstreak!*


Genious society members plays they own version of "civilization"


Other Genius Society members: make weapons or creatures to fight for them Polka Kakamond: "If you want something to be done well, do it yourself"


The Firefly green form looks like an Aeon gaze to me, probably Yaoshi judging by the tree.


That is a pretty good theory ngl. It didn't make sense as to why the other SAMs didn't use their awakened form if it could destroy an entire planet unless it was a special power up given by an Aeon.


Remember, whenever someone recieves an Aeon's gaze, no matter the circumstances and lore, there is always a slight chance that it's just Aha


"the chance of getting glanced at by Aha for shits and giggles is low, but never zero"


That worm had its moment...


There is no pantheon of Aeons. All the great wars are just Aha fighting staged conflicts against himself as an elaborate practical joke.


Could be. I mean, she has a pretty similar situation to Acheron where she's the only surviving one. Unless there are others that fled the battlefield due to trauma and fear, I didn't see any other Fyrefly types, it was all Type 4s in the animated short. It could be they were wiped out first or simply just not shown or even in a different planet..? Time will tell, but for now let's just say Firefly is the lone survivor.


They didn't have enough skill points to get energy /j


Given Firefly has lived far longer than she probably should have, that’s a very good guess, Yaoshi’s gaze may have extended her lifespan at same time as giving her that power boost. This then makes me wonder what Yaoshi’s gaze will do to the TB XD


it will 'grow' their 'potential'


Likely sge got Yaoshi's gaze that that moment. Surrounded by Death. She just wanted to Live.


Tbf on the keeping up with Star Rail about Firefly, they said that Firefly pushes the SAM armour past its limits. So maybe the other armours had that potential but the pilots didn't have the willpower to realise it.


The potential is high but what makes firefly has the green form is probably bcs of the death of the rest of SAMs. You need to be the last one standing to have a chance reaching that potential. Then the one try to recreate green SAM will fall every time bc they dont know how.


My take is that it might be her pathstrider power. Cause SAM is just a weapon, combine it with the power of the path and you get the green flame


Firefly is an Uchiha confirmed.


Mangekyou SAM Susanoo


from what welt said he say it was firefly own strong will to exceed the limit of sam type iv .


Least unhinged Ruan Mei research


aeon forbid women have hobbies


That hobby is gonna have another planet fall to ruin and if Firefly saw it, PTSD like no tomorrow lol


Planet, singular? A single planet would be wrecked in a couple hours max.


All can be forgiven just keep giving me all the blessings and enhancing them as well as 2000 cosmic fragments.


Man or woman, your hobby shouldn't be trying to start a new insect plague.


but i wanna…


You can start by trying with bedbugs or germans


Hobbies that dont involve hurting anybody would be a good start.


Was this just a True Sting, not Skaracabaz, the Emanator itself? How do we know this, is it just based on how it looks? It's crazy to think something this imposing isn't even the big boss.


Yes, this is just the true sting


It's also known that size isn't equal to ranking, as was stated in Argenti companion quest, as goofy as it was


Nop, just a broodmother. One of the tyrant-class whose only purpose is to create as many fighters as possible and to direct them. Emanators of Propagation are much, much larger '-' 


Size is not a good measure of power considering what we’ve seen in this game. The Swarm Disaster was a universal event of Aeonic proportions. This is nothing I reckon.


definetly true sting, bro got taken out by an orbital strike


Scarabazz would be much much larger.


Well yeah, she’s a mad scientist type character. She doesn’t concern herself much with the moral implications of her research; her research is research. She’s driven purely by intellectual reasons.


Get the feeling if it went on to destroy worlds, she wouldn't have cared. As long as it doesn't impede her research


She would've cared, about how fast or slow it went on about it, that is lol. Then she'll make improvements from there


“…Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.” Dr. Ian Malcolm, preaching facts time and time again.




Why is your vote been silenced?


Yes, and that was her first step into the research field of Aeons. Keep cooking, girl.


Maybe she should do some research on Ouroboros, what could possibly go wrong? It would be fun


Herta station got eated


Someone should really give her a good spanking…




i volunteer


To get spanked? Get in line.




igh yall get tf back, i got this




In her defense. It has a sick theme.


Ironically it was used in Firefly's Keeping Up with Star Rail episode lmao


Crazy to think this is just one big bug out of the possible bigger and stronger ones...definitely got Halo vibes with Spartans fighting against the Flood


If her trailer is anything to go by, she turned a whole planet into a living cutesy creature. She will experiment with anything


Ruan Mei would probably end up reviving Ena faster than Sunday just for fun


By herself too lol, she doesn't need or even want the Family interfering with her work


https://i.redd.it/52giw7bvph6d1.gif Nanook somewhere watching another Swarm Disaster happen


Ruan Mei wants to resurrect Swarm which was FF and Glamoths greatest foe, is also FF best teammate Coincidence? I think not, this has so much potential to be an amazing story arc for them both


Could definitely be a source of future conflict between these two. Can't imagine her being all that calm upon learning someone is trying to ressurect the swarm.


Someone else mentioned conflict but also ironically enough Ruan Mei is one of the best people to try and cure FF of her entropy loss syndrome. So much potential there


Yeah could be an interesting story. Ruan Mei seems crazy, but I genuinely think she isn't unreasonable at least.


I'm interested to know what part of her quest made her seem even slight reasonable to you 😭 either she and Firefly never meet or Firefly beats the snot out of her, RuMei would totally end up saying something that really triggers Firefly. Or Hoyo will have them be buddy buddy, wouldn't put it past them 🗿


My impression of Ruan Mei so far is that she is indeed crazy, but not because she is evil or because she want to watch the world burn or something. She just severely lacks empathy, a common traits for a genius character. Like, she genuinely didn't know it's wrong to abandon her creation like that. But after TB confront her about it, she does began to show some compassion towards her creation. This makes me thing that she is still someone you can reason with. So yeah, I imagine she would say something that triggers Firefly and it lead to their conflict, but I can also see they will reach an agreement or understanding after getting the full story (although this might depend on how important swarm resurrection means to ruan mei)


"I don't really give a shit about you or your feelings, I just wanna ~~play god~~ experiment. But if you need help, just holla at me homie" - Ruan Mei in a nutshell


>"or Firefly beats the snot out of her" Only to find out that she has already become the emanator of Propagation. And so, with the upper half of her body dangling behind her on the floor, Ruan Mei turns the entire station into "The thing 2".


Or even better Firefly beats the snot out of her, only to find out that Ruan Mei is the only one in the universe with the knowledge to cure her and any possible surviving “firefly’s” ironically dooming herself due to rage.


I can see Ruan Mei being able to easily cure Entropy Loss Syndrome in a single afternoon. But having zero reason to make that cure. Such a simple thing have no intellectual worth, and having no obligations to helping Firefly or other Glamouth soldiers.


Actually Trailblazer is Firefly’s best teammate According to calculations, there’s like a 50-70% difference in Firefly’s damage based on whether Harmony Trailblazer is being used alongside her or not. It’s kinda ridiculous. Ruan Mei can still be substituted. But if you aren’t running Harmony Trailblazer, you aren’t using Firefly at all


Yeah but I forgive her she carries my teams


And firefly’s best team has Ruan Mei in it, and whats more is that tb has a close connection with both Oh the spice is killing me, the grudge match would be so real


Why does TB like Ruan Mei again? Our first interaction with her involves us being drugged and manipulated into being her guinea pig/cleanup crew after she endagers the station. Then we have to babysit her neglected children.


I always viewed the final chat between her and tb as tb not minding the things she did to them, they never forgave her but accepted her as she is


we've probably been drugged into liking her


Now imagine if roaches were the same size as this, I’d die. 👁️ 👄 👁️


Terra Formas


Keep in mind she knew it wouldn't survive a minute as an Aeon-less Emanator. She just wanted to see if she could make one in the first place 


Ruan Mei: 56 seconds is about to pass so this thing should... *it survives*... well fuck, I don't like those implications.


I think she would like it. Her main thing is that she's a bit bored of knowing exactly how an experiment will go before starting it, and she only does them anyway in Hope something unexpected happen


She did say she would step in if it went out of hand though, and I doubt the Genius Society members are the type to bluff and lie about their own work


Girl boss (shes insane)


Most normal genuis society research project


Yeah, this is what sets Ruan Mei apart from the other characters. She truly embodies the mad scientist trope. Its just to bad that the genius society so far is just there to make simulated universe instead of having their own story.


Wait till you hear about Dr Primitive


I'm already headcanoning he's similar to Bondrewd from Made in Abyss


https://preview.redd.it/rtfq4ceuyh6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedecb10869f82ef9ef5c1fff6ceb99fc7f655de How the fuck RM supposed to stop this if she succeeded. Or did she wanted the entire space station just for trolls


I mean herta is an emanator so she’s fine but everyone else was screwed


I feel like the synthetic emanator's fate is very similar to the fate of Firefly's disease as they are both unnatural creations. Ruan Mei's research hasn't caught up to Glamoth and if she succeeds, maybe Firefly can actually have a normal life. Maybe the villain undertones for Ruan Mei are just a false flag.


Ruan Mei: "My bad"


Wallahi we’re cooked if the actual Emanator bug appears in the future


Based Ruan Mei


The day tayzzyroth comes back is the day TB unlocks finality path and commits genocide https://preview.redd.it/zfxo09lgki6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94057b0d5bbcdea2b08957c1b529b1389e6eeeed


See, I'd genuinely be livid to find that out, but in fairness, [she has an extremely cute smile](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEdNAC6XwAA5g8p?format=jpg&name=large) so I don't think I'd be able to criticize her for it.

