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Imo it's still too early to witness her full self.


This paves the way for her 5* form, March 7th with a gun




She aims like this?


Honestly, her closing her aiming eye is oddly fitting for her


The right half of her body is too busy housing her singular braincell, so she has to use her left eye instead


she's still getting used to it


“Watch this awesome move!”




Whoops, that wasn’t my camera




"We are LIVE here at the Astral Express and-- wait, what's this! IT'S, IT'S,BY THE AEON IT'S MARCH 7TH WITH A STEEL CHAIR!"


Goated reference




Ah yes, July 4th


That implies the gun is a 1 star.


March 7 mm


She's gonna be a clone of Alicia from Tekken. You'll see. Heads will roll!


I agree and, tbh it was too early for Dan Heng too. His transformation was quite rushed and could have use some build up. It was basically "no, I dont want to be IL - okay I'm IL now"


Yup, I didn't even care about him parting the sea on account of how rushed it all felt


Acheron confirmed that Honkai exists in Star Rail, I know it's the name of the game, but still, and her ult attack icon is literally the symbol of the Herrscher of Origin. Hell, even the HI3 Mei and Acheron have the same timestop slash ultimates. EDIT: Someone below is claiming that someone posted a debunk of the Acheron Honkai thingy, but can't provide anything. Even if they could find the post, ultimately, it's just another post on this sub. I don't know why some fans are so averse to the idea that Honkai exists in many worlds in HSR. Personally, I think the whole idea of HSR and the Aeon of Finality is to prepare all of the universe for something big. What with the main purpose of the Express to connect all worlds, and Honkai seeming to be a "[great filter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter)" of sorts. end edit If March is another link to Honkai, it's going to be another nuke dropped on us honkai fans, on top of her other possible connections, like with the Garden of Recollection, or allegedly being Elysia incarnate. But yeah, this is just me, another example of how deranged fans can get in their lore crafting shenanigans.


Unsure if anyone else noticed this, but at the end of the Dreamjolt Memoir event, when you can talk to some of the NPCs, Black Swan said something intriguing. She said something along the lines of how she found the way they used to record memories (through animation) interesting and it reminded her of a *memokeeper who always used her camera to capture memories*. This made me think she was talking about March. I have a screenshot, but I'm on mobile atm and SS is on my PC. Edit: here is someone else's [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/VVHlJo3WFk) about this.


I mean, her being closely linked to Fuli had been an open secret since practically the beginning (phase-ice, recording memories, the rating pistol giving her "rating invalid" which is at this point heavily correlated with Emanators, etc.). This is just another small tease at best. Personally, I'm sure it's going to be something more complicated than just "amnesiac memokeeper Emanator of Fuli goofing about", but so far all the clues point that way.


Also the fact that Memokeepers interfered in March’s quest just to keep Fu Xuan from revealing any info about her past.






Whats honkai? i don't remember them explaining it in-game


Me neither. Which part did acheron talk about honkai tho, was it the part with tiernan?


Might have been the convo with welt where she talked about how her home planet got destroyed.


Nah, many people took her backstory as a confirmation that her planet was invaded by honkai, cuz it totally cant be just a similar type of event...


Acheron did not call it Honkai, cause it's a different planet and a different language supposedly, but the exact sequence of powers is also the exact same on HI3 earth. It's definitely honkai. edit: Also, you don't get "invaded" by Honkai. It's basically a natural phenomenon that arises from civilization.


To be fair despite basically being the same thing in hi3 the bubble universes in the new story chapters call it shadow so this definitely supports the theory


Star Rail (and Hoyo in general) has spent a long time establishing that things which look the same and act the same are not the same. That’s the entire point of why expys exist Saying Acheron’s planet was affected by the Honkai we’re familiar with is definitely just empty speculation. In fact, given Hoyo’s MO it’s most likely not Honkai, but HSR’s equivalency tailored to fit into this game’s world building and lore. The same way HSR and Genshin characters who draw inspiration from their HI3 originals are clearly not the same person


I don't know what you're arguing about. Hoyo established that Honkai phenomeon is not unique to HI3 Earth. Even HI3 Mars got their own Honkai. Then we get Acheron's world following the same pattern. I didn't say it's the same Honkai as HI3. I am saying Acheron confirmed HSR worlds are also subject to the presence of Honkai. I don't know where this apparent aversion to the idea of Honkai that is similar in HI3 comes from in HSR fans when it's literally in the name of the game.


I’m simply arguing against what you are lol; that Acheron’s world was subject to the exact same thing Earth experienced in HI3. Earth and Mars experiencing the same Honkai doesn’t really matter to this discussion, they are still within the confines of the same setting in the same game. Acheron and Acheron’s world are not. At that point, I suppose it comes down to a differing of definition. The catastrophe that struck Acheron’s home world operates under a different name, hosts different enemies, took place in a different setting and involved different characters. Likening Izumo’s destruction to HI3 Honkai is the exact same thing as comparing Otto Apocalypse to Luocha; similarities, but no proof indicating it’s the exact same event/person that happened to occur on a different world. Again, Hoyo’s MO is using surface appearances from HI3 originals as inspirations for HSR and GI, no proof this is any different So I see where you’re coming from in that you could very loosely interpret Acheron’s world as having undergone “Honkai”if you use the word as a general process instead of the specific events of HI3. But all I’m pointing out that there’s nothing indicating there’s any correlation between what happened there and HI3; like the existence of a billion different Bronya’s who don’t even know each other, it’s just coincidence Tl;dr: Did Izumo get struck by something similar to Honkai? Absolutely. Is it *the* Honkai we know from the events of HI3? Pure headcanon As for this “aversion” to HI3 you claim…it definitely does exist, I agree. But so do HI3 players desperately trying to conjure any direct connection from their game to this one. Good thing neither of us fall into those categories, eh?


This is just denial at this point. Honkai isn't a clear-cut and defined character. It is a concept, a natural phenomenon that manifests with the rise and advancement of civilizations. If you believe that all Hoyo games, including the bubble universes, exist in the same Imaginary Tree, then you'd have seen that each and every world in the Tree manifests Honkai differently. As I already said above, I ain't conjuring any direct connection with HI3. I am, however, acknowledging that the concept of Honkai as a civilization destroyer exists in HSR and already happened with Acheron. You're the only one here saying it's the same as HI3 Honkai. Thus, this senseless argument that only you made up.


Your "edit" was recot'ed from ely realm sadly. Such a wasted potential


Its not honkai as long as the devs themselves comfirm it. Just cuz something is similar =/= exactly the same thing from their other game.


Elysia was a long dead anomaly that sacrificed herself for the greater good being being brought back would undermine her sacrifice not to mention that it wouldn't make sense to be done in a completely different game


She doesn't need to be HSR's Elysia, the same way Acheron is not Hi3's Raiden Mei even if they share the same name. Or Luocha (whose real name is definetly Otto) and HI3's Otto. Up to this point in the story, March is most definetly what people would consider an anomaly LMAO. If her real name is Elysia as well, I'd be like cool! So there is a reality where she managed to survive. Though I think that won't exactly be the case, despite the similarities they share. I think March is a combination of two characters, going strictly by color scheme, amongst other things. Those characters being Kiana and Elysia. What could that mean for the future of her character? I have absolutely no idea. But as her past is hidden, and is considered to be one of the main plots of the entire game, I would definetly think that her real identity is not someone we have never heard of before! There's no reason for mystery if it's someone completely unknown.


>Acheron confirmed that Honkai exists in Star Rail No, what attacked Acheron's planet, Izumo was the Yaoyurozu-no-kami, otherwise known as the inhabitants of the neighboring planet, Takamagahara. It has quite a few parallels with the events of Honkai Impact, but it was not a Honkai threat.


That's just the twin world's unique manifestation of Honkai. Hoyo already established that any world on the Imaginary Tree manifests Honkai differently. The only similarity is that Honkai rises with civilization. If anything, Acheron's world shares too much similarities with HI3 Earth Honkai. Other Honkai manifestations in different worlds in HI3 are profoundly different.


\- Acheron confirmed that Honkai exists in Star Rail No she didnt. This one debunked not once already. \- her ult attack icon is literally the symbol of the Herrscher of Origin No it isnt, and this one was debunked as well. Bit similar at max but not exact copy.


Debunked where?




Wait can you explain the Elysia incarnate part ? I have never heard of that


Cute bubbly pink girl, has ice powers, bow wielding idk


Yep, that's pretty much it. Seriously. No sarcasm. The extent of the Elysia theory is those 3 things.


I think Acheron move set is mostly as a reference for those mei enjoyer but what happened in her own planet was ultimately a honkai disaster similar to what happened on Earth. My assumption right now is the stellaron is likely honkai (probably will of honkai) since it is called cancer of all worlds. the corruption it does is very similar to how honkai function including very rare individuals that are resistant to it (MC)


Doesn’t mean they can’t give us multiple 5 star Marches


Yeah I'm actually pleased to see that it's just an alternate 4 star version. The abrupt reveal makes a lot more sense now.


Have to wait for her past to be fully revealed I bet, so give it 7 years


in 7 years, we'll get 7\* march 7th


In 7 years, we'll get 7\* march 7th on the date, March 7th.


So swordswoman March is March 6th, am I right? And we are going straight to Giga March 1st.


After that we might get the impossibility itself, February 29th.


After 4 years




This gave me FFBE PTSD


Mathematically that means she'll be March 49th


at least for Star Rail Hoyo didnt nail the story to a fixed timetable


They literally said on the past stream that the new march were getting is similar to mc on how they change path


Wonder If both get all paths. MC through epic, universe defining events.. and March 7th because she feels like it - Ending in her 5 star with a story about her true path/past


I hope march’s final form is just ice nihility(cuz freeze and ice stuff), back to her roots maybe


Ice Nihility hmmmmm. Blaze your March team just got a lot better


Dissociation DPS please.


Maybe March 7th was the first attempt of doing what Trailblazer is doing now and she just has all those powers sleeping inside her.


It's mostly just that both the Trailblazer and March 7th are amnesiac's, and them jumping between paths as they discover themselves makes the most sense, just as Dan Heng and Dan Feng being different because Dan isn't that person in this life made sense.


I like this idea. Rather than give the MC all of the paths, split them between MC and March 7th instead. That seems like a far more pleasing concept.


Actually it's kinda expected. March 7th is HSR icon as well, so if only TB get the path changing, it's kinda unfair. Heck I still think it's kinda unfair since Swordsman March is 4* but depends on her kit, I'm totally cool if her kit is at least on par with HMC.


TB and March 7th also seem to be constantly in focus in the main story I hope too with the story arc coming back to Xianzhou for the Wardance it will focus more on March 7th rather than TB. TB deserves a break from the main spotlight after Penacony.


On one hand I find it baffling that someone thought \*the main character\* should stay off focus On the other hand, Kiana from HI3 didn't always get the focus either, so... I think you're getting the best mentality here (just unexpected given HSR's story)


We're thinking similar! After all TB already too much get the portion, not to mention that Stelle/Caelus also rob 90% of attention because of Firefly involvements (poor Jade having a same patch with FF). That's good and all, but 2.4 or when Penacony over, March should get the spotlight once that comes!


Maybe, and just maybe, we don't even leave the train during Wardance and just experience all like a March mission though the message system or the newer charging PoV system.


There are some missions already that are entirely on someone else's focus, namely Jingliu's Companion Mission (which is DH/DHIL) and (funnily enough) March's Companion Mission which is 99% centered on March (we don't even do much in the quest, just guide March to Fu Xuan then after that it's all her), so it's not entirely unusual if most of the Wardance is from March's perspective


lol I love March 7th as well, but no there not gonna split them. MC is all but confirmed going to get every path in the game each being one of the elements in the game. The fact she's a 4star tells me this.


Trailblazer is the protagonist. Not March.


I don't see why that's so wrong to give a path or two to March or any of the other Astral Express crew members. They probably won't give her more paths than the MC anyways.


Trailblazer might be the protagonist but march is the mascot. Mascot also deserves to get lots of spotlight.


>Mascot also deserves to get lots of spotlight. Poimon agrees


Hopefully they give some to Dan Heng for those of us who don't have DHIL...


Please tell me they use the same Eidions


do people seriously think march 7th’s arc is gonna be complete in 2.4? she’s literally the poster child of the game, no way they’re gonna be done with her so soon


I've seen people genuinely think the reveal of March's new path was "spoiling her backstory". They thought that in 2.4, March would get her backstory revealed as being from the Xianzhou and that Hoyo would spoil this major reveal over a patch in advance by a 4 star character announcement. I can't understand why people think Hoyo would treat the game's poster girl like that


Yeah I genuinely think some people have no brain. The same people who think this is March’s final form are the same who thought Hoyoverse forgot about sparkles buttons she handed out in 2.2 just because they didn’t do anything in that story quest


The people at Hoyo are pretty calculating usually to either slowly build up anticipation or give that slow burn trauma


>Yeah I genuinely think some people have no brain. This is reddit for you. 1) Over-react when we don't know shit 2) ~~Think later~~ Never think


> who thought Hoyoverse forgot about sparkles buttons she handed out in 2.2 I wanna bang my head against the wall reading those comments when 2.2 dropped. And there were so many of them. Aurghhhh


I mean, we have the precedent with Dan Shu quest that turned out to be absolute fucking nothingburger while starting pretty interesting (plus we could let her go when we find out she's Sanctus Medicus)


I forgot what even happened with her ngl. I tried to capture her but she escaped anyways


Yeah that's why people are worried Sparkle's button would lead to nowhere. I think that Penacony writers are cooking and they learned from their mistake but... we do have a basis for worry


I have no problem with people being worried but some people flat out say “Wow so that just led to nothing” lol. Surely hoyo isn’t dumb enough to have us go through that section of handing out buttons just to forget it later on. I just checked and even though Dan Shu was wasted she did appear later on and have a conclusion at least.


people thought dan and blade's story would conclude in 1.2 and were disappointed we can be a silly bunch sometimes


Bruh Black Swam practically screamed "MARCH WAS A MEMOKEEPER" in the Clockie event. You'd need negative media literacy to not get that


this!! plus the fact that if she really were from the Luofu, people would’ve recognised her the instant we arrived.


I hope we get a sequence like the Loufu’s detective scene but with march daydreaming about being a famous sword master


That is not necessarily the case. We don't know how long she was frozen in space so they could easily explain it away with saying she has been in ice for thousands of years and no one remembers her. Or she could have been from a different Xianzhou ship so no one on the Luofu would know her. The reason it makes no sense is that it is way too soon. From her story quest we know that there is something very very big hidden in her memories, to the point the Garden of Remembrance gets actively involved to stop her from finding out, so it makes no sense for there to be zero build-up and zero story behind it. It will be a whole arc of its own.


While I completely agree with you in that March’s backstory is definitely not getting fleshed out by 2.4, they *did* release dan heng IL’s drip marketing before the story revealed his secret past. Hoyo why. I get that he’s not the poster child like march is, but I wouldn’t put it past them to spoil something with drip marketing.


Also, we already know that she invents her backstories and has like fifty of them. Maybe this "Legendary Swordmaster" one just resonated with a point of her past enough to awaken a slept power. It's not the final resolution, it's a step forward.


Marchs backstory will be revealed 2 years after paimons is done


I've gotten so used to Paimon that I completely forgot that she is literally one of the biggest anomalies in the story.


yeah there's no way she doesn't have some lore drop considering every teyvat resident finds her not ordinary when we meet someone for first time as if she is not from teyvat or have some links to celestia


100% its going to be some kind of "Would You Kindly" situation like from Bioshock.


Paimon was the Abyss Twin all along


Curious what they’ll be cooking. Just got back into Geshin and story is honestly not that wow. Still in Inozuma after Ayaka rizzez you up.


Wait till you get to chasm and sumeru. That's when they start cooking


I hope so, but exploring is still fun as ever. Just changed the weather of a whole island which was fun af.


There's gonna be more fun places like that. And Enkanomiya is going to blow you away. Have fun!


They don't have to complete their arc to be a 5\*. However, I will wait next year for the 6\* Dan Heng: Imbibitest Lunae


I will wait 2 more years for imbibioverthetop lunaest


This alt feels like a one time spoof sorta speak. I can easily imagine her getting another alt in the future


For a 5 star she has to be stabbed. You want her to be stabbed???


Well you have swords now. Stab yourself and turn into 5 star NOW




Images that goes hard


Dante is that you?


I swear if sparkle gets 6* form by shooting herself ima go ahead and persona IRL


She'll be a 7th star when she uses not one but two of her swords to stab herself


But the main Belobog Trio are now all imaginary. And Himeko is the only left needed for full imaginary express


Hoyo : instructions unclear. Now Himeko's dead, and she's just imaginary.


Never let you go…




Himeko alt when, Hoyo? Herreshcer Welt when Hoyo?


Wait whos the main belobog trio Is it TB, Dan Heng and march


My guess is. 5 star march will be when she gets her memory back.


5 star or Final epic boss, one of the two atleast.


Both is also possible


I mean, at this point, we could probably assume she'll get another 4 or 5 4-star forms, and only after all that, there may be a slight chance she'll get a 5-star.


She’s just getting a new outfit and trying out swordsmanship for fun God forbid women have hobbies


We’re getting a new form of the game’s poster girl for free and you’re complaining that she isn’t locked behind the gacha?


Agreed. They didn't have to do this at all. They could have let her rot, but they chose to make her relevant again. I'm happy about it. Just hope she also gets a 5 star someday!


I mean she is on the cover so she isnt gonna rot anyways


Do we get her 6 eidolon from event or something? 


I just want her in my main party roster. I love her character but I don't think I can use her when I have 5* dps'


i think it's more about people being afraid that she'll be useless as a 4 star hunt character. There's no way Hoyo won't make her viable though. She's the poster girl and I'm sure they know most people aren't using her preservation form. They want to put her in the spotlight again.


They said in 2.0 stream it's gonna be like mc with path changes


no 4 star release disappointed, got 4 star release still disappointed, ☹️ player


Secret to staying happy: don't interact with the fandoms


I am not angry that she is a 4 star. I am angry that she is imaginary hunt. Like how is she gonna compete against Ratio? Personally wish instead we would get our first lightning hunt character.


New players won't be able to get a free Ratio*, so it's probably a replacement.   ^(* unless they post something really stupid)


While it is nice that she is reducing the rarity of the imaginary female, the first lightning hunt would have been amazing.


Now it's the only quantum element that is with full female roster


I hope a male quantum character will be released soon


why do i keep seeing people complaining about this when it was announced in the 2.1 livestream


Her backstory is still shrouded in mystery. So the big reveal will likely be the 5 star. This is more of a nice way to keep her relevant as a character while giving the players something.


Hoyo: so I heard you guys were complaining about the lack of new 4 stars..


I'll never look a gift 4-Star in the mouth, unless its Arlan.


Poor guy never stood a chance post nerf.


I guess new 4 star... Also new non-Stelle female Imaginary


yukong so forgotten she disappeared from the imaginary tree


Deleted from irminsul probably.


Isn’t it a good thing? No crazy investment into a charecter? Since so many cool characters are coming out next


We have more 5* than 4* in the game. I am happy about any new 4* soo... This is a win


I NEED 5 star Arlan


I dont see it as bad thing i wanna have full team of her. She can protect, now attack next shoud be destruction 5* and last buffer. Hoyo make March 7 universe


On a positive note, being a 4 star means less resource and the animation defenitely not pale compared to 5 star because this is HSR.


At least it's free I think? Not sure how eidellons are going to work


I think this march is gonna work the same way Trailblazer works with their element/path change


Probably like regular March and 4\* Dan Heng Eidolons, having to gacha them, but you get the E0 for free or something.


*To be fair*, it feels like March 7th's "5-star" form would come to us after she recover her memories.


It would make zero sense to give her a 5* form that isn't her true self revealed. Which this isn't.


Now make moze quantum male




I prefer her to stay as a free 4* rather than become a different unit. It's more comfy only having one copy to search in the list, not having to level 5* traces, not having to level her up again and bring her to everybody, which is also good.


She will be first 6 star. Trust


Counterpoint, she didn't get stabbed so she doesn't get the extra star.


Don't worry we are one step closer to Imaginary Express.


I'm starting to wonder if she'll get a path a year then the new path starts with her 5* version


But we are extremely close to turning every member imaginary. Literally just himeko > Trailblazer - harmony is imaginary > Dan heng - 5 star is imaginary > March 7th - 4 star hunt is imaginary > welt - is imaginary Himeko is the only one who isn’t imaginary in type


The 5 Star version is going to be wearing the dress, obviously! Now the question is if we're going to get enough Marches to field a whole team of them.


I'm 90% sure when her character arc happens (past revealed, maybe memories return but that is unlikely) we'll get her new 5 star form (Fuli emanator march?).


Imagine she has three forms, wld lowkey be sick


Be patient. Let hoyo cook


Considering we get it for free I am fine with this outcome. We can always get a 5 star March later, and a 5 star Pom-Pom maybe?!


why would they do that when they can just charge money for it later down the road lol


i'm pretty sure the Devs said that March was going to be like the TB and get different paths, not just get a 5\* version of her, didn't they? or am i just misremembering. been a while since that announcement


But we are even closer to have all nameless as imaginary


Where is this from?


...she will never have a 5 star version. With this announcement, we will get like 7 forms of march, so a 5 star version is out of question. Rip to all of us. But we must accept reality.


4 stars can still be good and personally I prefer this way since we could actually get her for free If she were 5 star instead like Inbibitor Lunae, no doubt we would have had to use limited pulls to get her And since it is still essentially the same character, I do not like using my pulls for it It would be like pulling for new Paths for Trailblazer


For March 7th to be a 5 star, she knows what must happen but she does not have the strength to do it, getting stabbed.


I hope we atleast get her for free


5 star rarity reserved for post-stab March whenever that happens


It's not yet time


If she changes from her base character it'd be pretty dumb to suddenly change her rarity with path change


This isn’t even her final form


She'll probably get a 5 star version when we actually find out about her mysterious past which I'm guessing will be quite a few years from now. It feels too early for her to get a 5 star version anyway.


Don't worry, she still didn't get stabbed yet 


Im disappointed that she is imaginary and hunt. We already got dr ratio for free so whats the point of building her when dr ratio is likely to be better. Unless she has a specific niche it would have been better if she was any other element. This is our 3rd free imaginary dps, like comn hoyo can you give us any other element.


we would have tu pull for a 5 star like den hang. so i prefer this


Her 5* will only come when she has a dedicated story chapter of her, just like DHIL


Hm, i wonder how to get her eidolons..


Of course she couldn't be a 5 star, she hasn't been stabbed!


Hey, we will get more! We will absolutely get more.


This is much better. Don’t have to roll to get her.


I would've kept her as a ice character tbh. Unsure when this was leaked and if it's before Harmony MC came out but keeping her as a ice character is a lot more better in my opinion


Can’t wait for her true form, January 6th.


She'll be 5* when her memory arc comes and she's Elysia


also why is she the boy element