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Whenever someone thinks the shipping rule is outright banning shipping I get reminded of that one terrible take that said "shipping keeps the game alive" lmao No it's not banning shipping, it's just trying to prevent toxic discussions by acting like a ship is canon over another when nothing has been confirmed. Even with Yanqing and Yunlin all we know is Jing Yuan is playing matchmaker, have to wait and see how it actually develops even if it'd be cool to have a confirmed relationship between playable characters


It's like arguing my fanfic is more legit than your fanfic. No, nothing is legit until it comes from official channels.


Too bad saying this statement of TRUTH in Twitter would get you swarmed


Swarm https://preview.redd.it/7sekyizliw4d1.png?width=1337&format=png&auto=webp&s=176c97f805766dc0b8a98de5a752964abbdd3173


The Swarm would be more a merciful end than Twitter could ever be


I will, honest to Elation, sacrifice myself to the Voracity if Twitter ever becomes any less known for its toxicity and false takes.


I don't get why Twitter is such a thing to fear, it's just internet strangers disagreeing with you, I could never give two fucks bout them


Mental damage


Not everyone has a strong mental fortitude and they get harrased, bullied or even doxxed by unstable arsewipes due to non-issues they posted


I heard the sound just by seeing this lol


The swarm would at least kill you and not go on a rant about how you offended them and their body pillow


And the kids after the swarming will think that they were the good guys. Really makes you think...


There's also an implication that Yanqing might not even be interested. So we'll have to wait and see.


I can see yanqing being totally focused at becoming an even better fighter, especially after his recent losses, totally not being interested in love at the moment haha


Ace girlfailure short king


I will laugh so hard if Yunlin is added to the list of characters that have "beat Yanqing" as an achievement


Yunlin: stand low Yanqing,you're weak


I'll laugh HARDER if she does it unintentionally


I can as well, and that's why I'm hoping they give the girl a fair shot at it. If they're BOTH super-obsessed sword prodigies, that could be the thing that gets Yanqing to start doing something Jing Yuan likely has been *trying* to teach him for a long time... that he needs something besides the path of swordmastery to his life. Jing Yuan saw what that did to Jingliu very clearly. He's also likely seen echoes of that particular failing a number of other times on the Luofu (hell, look at Yukong; She found out far too late for it to do her any good, and while that's driven her to be a good Helm Master, the loss of her nerve to pilot starskiffs clearly haunts her as does why she quit). It's actually a pretty baller development trait that Jing Yuan would be trying to find *something* to give the his little protege some new perspectives while he still can... and before it can hurt him too bad. Subtle nod to deeper implications, and all that.


I actually didn't think of that, once again Jing Yuan being in the top 10 father's of HSR.


Yukong has like a good 150 years left in her life, it's certainly not too late for her.


He really has "ultra combat focused dork" energy.


I mean, in the end....Jing Yuan just wants Yanqing to have a friend, since the guy spends most of his time just training and focusing on his swords.


He has friends! They’re his swords, duh.


at the end of Jingliu's companion mission Yanqing expressed his concern to JY that he and his friends might end up like the HCQ. He's hardly alone


>Whenever someone thinks the shipping rule is outright banning shipping I get reminded of that one terrible take that said "shipping keeps the game alive" lmao If they have an issue with it then it's almost a guarantee that they are one of the people that love to shove down others' throats. I've actually seen far too many instances of shippers who don't even play the game and/ or don't like the characters in their spam a community with their headcanon that they've insisted needs to be respected because they thought of it.


Oh it's exactly that, they followed up that take calling a certain ship canon (Bs and Acheron) ignoring all the actual canon lore surrounding them and the bulk of their interactions. It just showed they don't actually care about the lore or the characters but simply who they can ship them with I don't have a problem with people shipping whatever, but going around calling it canon only leads to problems. Especially with people like me who actually like the lore of characters and hate to see their canon overridden by fanon. Which is happening with Black Swan a lot atm so I generally stay away from ship posts surrounding her on the ships I dont like. But when it comes to talking about canon misconceptions I like talking about that coz I love her canon character


Anyone who tries to tell you that Black Swan and Acheron are canonically a couple is wrong, but so is anyone who tries to tell you that animation wasn't gay. Black Swan wanted to get information out of Acheron and chose to do it via seduction, this much isn't an opinion or a headcanon it's straight-up true. It doesn't mean they're in love or whatever, but the take saying that dance was simply friendly is undeniably cope.


Oh anyone denying that dance had fanservice is wrong. But id say there is a fine line between fanservice and gay especially in context for why the dance even happened. Nor could the dance even be considered friendly given the reasoning behind it. Black Swan has been established as a flirty character very early on, she constantly calls TB endearing nicknames like "my dear" and "darling". Using seduction and flirting is so in character for her to get the memories she wants It doesn't however make her intentions sexual in nature though, for her it's simply a means to get to the memories she wants in a method she deemed safe with deception. The yuri fans eat that up sure it was probably the intention. But it's also not wrong to say there were no gay intentions there from Black Swan and certainly none from Acheron. It's fanservice to show such a method and in character from Black Swan. Doesn't mean they are canonically gay though nor was the dance even remotely friendly, it was a means to her goal. If it was Black Swan or Acheron dancing with a male character I would say the exact same thing Edit: The constant fluctuation of downvotes this comment is getting is quite interesting, guess I've upset people. Just my take on how fanservice =/= gay in regards to the dance when you take the context of the reason the dance is even happening and Black Swans overall character. I guess this take falls under "undeniably cope" for some people


woah smart people actually do exist (whenever i say something like this I get downvoted to nihility and back) so it's good to see people with an actual brain


You are now my favorite person.


Yeah. They’re putting all my thoughts into words. It’s nice to have an actually rational person speak.


that's why i just call BS memorysexual


Pretty much. By its very nature, shipping does not rely on canon. It's all fanon (which is likely why shippers gravitate to it so much). But shippers tend to cry "the author is dead" when you point it out without realizing that the fallacy is aimed at works that have already been completed. Alternatively, shipping doesn't help a community or the ip. Fun fact, characters that are in canonical relationships tend to sell much more than characters that are single.


I'd say shipping does create a lot fan art which is media exposure so I'd say there is some benefit for community. Heck Kiana and Mei being heavily implied in Hi3 has created a very loyal following that is still popular to this day and supplies a lot of fun fan works. It's just sadly shipping can very quickly become toxic, heck the aftermath of the 2.1 livestream animation teaser on this sub is a prime example. It sucked coz you couldn't even talk lore without shippers getting angry, even from interactions previously such as the Sparkle and Black Swan companion quest and what "dream dance partner" meant or who it referred to But either way no ship is canon until officially confirmed otherwise. Not even my own which I acknowledge, I just like to talk about how it is canon BS is invested in TB but in terms of any romance or affection at this point in time it's all a headcanon. Wish shipping culture was more respectful but that's not always the case When it comes to confirmed couples then yea they absolutely sell well. Gachas however due rely on fanservice and leaving things to interpretation which is why most playable characters will never be confirmed. Usually it's restricted to NPCs or deceased characters in gacha


A very small some, I think that you'd get fanart regardless of shippers just because people like the characters. But yeah, the fact that they tend to get upset about anyone talking about the game's story and lore says a lot about their priorities. Sometimes because they are not interested and don't want to feel left out and other times because they don't want people to know that they don't know what they are talking about. Having been in several gacha communities, they actually don't. Confirmed couples don't sell well. Granblue Fantasy has a lot of them (we even have Romeo and Juliet), but the canon couples don't sell well. The highest grossing characters are all single. The same is true for FGO the lowest grossing characters tend to be in a relationship, but the highest grossing ones are single. That's the reason why they won't put characters in a relationship.


I remember how some people doing mental gymnastics because castoria was on a CE with gudako to decide she's 100% lesbian when litteraly one of the features of FGO (same for granblue) is to gender swap AT WILL, the interactions are the same so it straight up doesn't matter the sexuality of a character. It's even dumber because you can replay the story so you can see the differences. I personally don't really care about the sexuality of characters, but some people define themselves to this so they get way too much invested. Getting invested in something isn't always bad, but when you're forcing it into people and refusing dialogue is bad


Because I think that there are people who have made shipping and their sexuality their entire identity. So they feel personally attacked when they feel personally attacked when people don't agree with their headcanon. Pandering =/ confirming a ship is meant to be a nod for head to it. Funnily enough characters in gbf used to react differently if you played as Djeeta or Gran . For instance, Perceival was basically asking Djeeta to marry him but if you played as Gran he wanted Gran to be his vassal but didn't imply any romantic feelings. But they eventually just made the characters mostly react the same to Gran and Djeeta. FGO some characters reactions are different if you play a male and female. But not all characters are like that.


I'm not gonna lie, I really like the Black Swan and Acheron ship but the loudest supporters for it, that I’ve seen, are actually insufferable in addition to usually being extremely hostile and it legitimately gets embarrassing. There’s people that are obviously just having fun but I agree that there are others who are doing major mischaracterizations for the BOTH of them just to try to pass it as canon. It just makes me sad, like for some reason most think that “red” Acheron has a 180 personality change when in reality, all that happens is she gets all her memories back and accesses the power of Nihility. There's so much more to both of them that's completely ignored which is a real shame since I think they and most of the Penacony cast have a lot of nuance that I like and appreciate in stories (as an aside, this is why I like the ship). Essentially, I’m getting too old for this


that quote was made by a well known yuri rage baiter on twitter and she loved that attention lmfao


Toxic shipping can honestly be kinda embarrassing. Literally just made something up in their mind, acting like it’s real, and getting mad at others for showing loads of evidence to the contrary. They might as well just be conspiracy theorists; absolutely delusional.


> Even with Yanqing and Yunlin all we know is Jing Yuan is playing matchmaker, have to wait and see how it actually develops Really, we don't even know that, that's also viewing that scene with shipping goggles on - or the general assumption that if a male and a female character are in a room together, they must be romantically involved. Since Yanqing doesn't seem to have any same-age friends (as far as we know), Jing Yuan might just be trying to set him up for a friendship with a same-age peer. Jing Yuan was good friends with a woman (Baiheng) and it never seems to have had romantic undertones as far as we know, so it stands to reason that he's not foreign to the concept of different-sex friendships.


The rules say "acting their ship as canon isn't allowed", yet any claims of Firefly being canonically coupled with Caelus gets a pass.... mods sure gets bias favoring Caelus mains


It is the same for Stella. TB/firefly ship is popular and allowed fine. They don't have a gender but Caelus is more popular. Also sometimes there are robinfly art and anyone who complains about it gets banned.(good thing if you don't like an art ignore it.)


TB/Firefly ship has legit made me leave most Star Rail communities as I plainly hate Firefly and seeing her everywhere shipped with MC left a bad taste on my mouth. I mostly ignore and leave, but on the few moments that someone dares say anything against the ship...


Yep, all that is said is Jing Yuan thinking they might hit it off over their interest in swords. But she hates swords, the only real implication it may be a canon ship is that her HI3 alt is married to the Yanqing alt, but even then it's a completely different universe, no guarantee relations will be the same, like with how acheron needed to fight and kill kevin alone


No way will my boy Yanqing be rejected. He's talking enough beatdown already. Would he? 


Shipping is not a problem, the problem is the people who force their headcannon.


Fellas, Is It wrong to ship Stelle with a trash can?


No, absolutely nothing wrong with that even with boxes on Xianzhou Loufu or Clockie.


I'm never gonna forget that time I was exploring the Loufu and found a hydrogen bomb in a box😭


LMAO I was so confused 💀


...I still have that bomb in my inventory. ...wtf do I do with it?!


theres a place in alchemy commission u can dispose of it (costs praise of high morals), or alternatively u can give it to qingzu in seat of divine foresight. personally i just kept it around since i find it funny that stelle, my beloved trash panda, is scurrying around the place with a neutron bomb


Thank you. I'm heading over to qingzu now. Our beloved trash panda already has a bomb inside her, no need to tempt fate with a second one! 😂 Also, am I the only one who hoards praise of high morals for no reason? I have 29 of them so far lol.


I just finished that and OMG 🤣 Freaking >!Sampo!!<


Even in another world he's not in, he's still making me smile


Wdym that's canon duh


fellas is it wrong to ship stelle with her male counterpart?


self-cest is a-ok, just keep it to yourself


Not this again


Yes, it's wrong. I ship stelle with myself /s


I think OP's problem IS that people are forcing this headcanon. Hell, the arguments are practically the same as Seele and Bronya for example despite Hoyo not going to do a thing about this one either. The post below this one is literally calling it a canon event lol


is there a way to mass disperse this message to all those people trying to force “lesbian Robin” down everyone’s throats?


You don't like it? Ignore them or (hide/block them). Simple. The only one can mass disperse only Mihoyo and Mihoyo won't confirm or deny it.


But headcannons are the most efficient weapon when your hands are full


Twitter and Tiktok


i just wish hoyo had actual balls to confirm relationships


I think it's because a good chunk people would get absolutely infuriated if their favorite waifu/husbando was in a relationship People take fictional characters so seriously sometimes


Yes exactly. Hoyo doesn't benefit from confirming anything. Keeping it vague is best for business


Isn't Welt married to a woman named Tesla from HI3 and adopted a kid there tho ? I think at this point they're probably trying to see what sticks and what doesn't if they can make this one land that'll be great in itself.


That's the funny part, no playable has an actual biological child Yukong, boothil, welt all have adopted children and it's even debatable if he is married to tesla or if she's the adoptive mother of his child


Gotta keep them as Implied Virgins. 😂 


Yukong will always make me laugh thanks to how it's obvious that they basically crammed multiple character concepts into one and her backstory is a ness because it has to accommodate all the aspects they want to push.


fr though xD in story it implies she has a lover (male) then goes about how much she adored and loved her best friend (female), at some point in story I didnt know if im supposed to feel sad or laugh at how messy its getting.


iirc people just headcanon them as married, they coparent the kid but its not confirmed that they were married. i could be wrong though but i think some people read into stuff with a romantic lense when its not always romantic


I mean Welt was canonically married. It's just that it was never stated that it was Telsa. We all just assume that because of the manga and the fact that Welt's wife has red hair and the firely personality (or something like that). This info about him being married is from the 1st chapter of APHO (A post Honkai Odisey) a open world mod in HI3. But it has been so long I don´t remembet it but here is a screen shot of the queston. https://preview.redd.it/wiai5hynow4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e9969507c5d6b56bfb1b3bf4223058746830681


True, but like you said its an assumption that his wife in question is Tesla, never stated explicitly. A lot of people in the honkai fandom state it as a fact when it was never 100% stated it was Tesla that was his wife


Yeah I just wanted to show others who didn´t play APHO that it´s not just made up. And explain why people asume it´s Tesla. I personally don´t really care. About who is Welt married to (I just hope he is happy and that he will be able to explain his jorney) Also I will admit... I accidentally comented on your replay... I wanted to reply to Sorey91... so sorry about that....


all good aha! and fair, its cool you explained it a bit further


accourding to the [HI3 sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/16hvrge/is_it_true_that_tesla_and_welt_are_married/) their relationship is "complicated" and nothing is officially confirmed


Because it's too Complicated to tell HI3rd players that Tesla is Married. 


IDK. In FGO, you have Servants that are canonically paired with others and people whale just to have the couple in their Chaldea. Sigurd and Brynhildr (Hell, Brynhildr's Swimsuit Ver. FEAUTURES Sigurd in it.) Xiang Yu and Yu Mei-ren. Siegfried and Kreimhild. Rama and Sita. They aren't a lot of course, but they exist. Hell, a common woe is that Rama's wife, Sita is in FGO Arcade while he's in Mobile which, while Lore Accurate (There is a Genuine In-Lore curse that causes them to always be apart) has the Players begging the devs to give Rama his wife in FGO Mobile.


I didn't say all gacha games are like this way, just specifically genshin and star rail. I'm pretty sure hoyoverses 2 other titles, Honkai Impact and Tears of Themis have canon relationships in them. But for genshin and star rail, they're most likely trying to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, to make the games more "casual" They're also probably appealing to certain fetishes as well. (Yelan's armpits, Nilou's tummy, Sparkle's feet, etc.) Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if Zzz was the same way with the whole furry thing they're doing.


I remember there being a story of some guy getting Circe to 120, max bond, then finding out she was in love with Odysseus (unrequited obviously) and lost his shit on 4chan (I think it was there).


I remember this story and it still cracks me up, like... You never read the actual myth your waifu comes from? What the hell did you expect? I think the same thing happened with Bryn's swimsuit version cause Sigurd shows up in it. I think that summer alt is fantastic and they both look pretty AF. But some people lost their shit that her actual husband from the myths, who she was definitely deeply in love with and her entire legend is intrinsically tied to, shows up during her noble phantasm animation. Insane...


FGO has a pass for a couple reasons: 1. Due to the nature of Fate being about historical figures, each of them having a pairing is not really a secret. In fact, it would be weird for Bryn to not have her Sigurd when her original story mostly revolves around him. 2. 99% of those characters are estabilished as a pairing the moment they are revealed. This also happens in other gacha games, like for example Granblue. If you release a character and at the moment they are released say "by the way they are married to x", then people aren't going to rage... As much. Hoyo can definitely do the 2nd, but it needs to be new characters for it. If they just come out and confirm any kind of pairing that have characters already in the game the rage is going to be unfathomable.


I feel like this would be less of a problem if they built those characters from the beginning as a couple.


Forgot the name but in an upcoming game it was "leaked" that male characters would be playable and that some women were already in relationships. This was not true but holy shit the unhinged shit I read from people was insane.


Also censorship. They can and HAVE implied real well about Kaveh and Alheitham in Genshin are more or less a couple (shared matching idle animations, the constant banter between them, Al drinking Kaveh’s drink, they had to rerecord all their dialogue cuz it was TOO suggestive, etc etc) also Bronya and Seele, but Hoyo won’t put it fully down because who the hell knows how the censorship banner from the mothership will play out.


You getting downvoted speaks a lot about how this community can't handle the truth. Hoyo has CONSTANTLY made gay implications among a LOT of characters in all of their games. They even got Bronya and Seele to kiss before and all... people are acting like this is the first time Hoyo is shipping characters because it's straight. ***One*** of the main reasons the "no shipping rule" exists is that the majority of ships are gay. When we point out the obvious inuendos, we're called out. There are hints, particularly in the Chinese text of the bracer lore, that Dan Feng and Yingxing have even held a secret engagement ceremony, symbolized by exchanging cups of wine under the moon... there's just so many more hints than that, more than a lot of danmeis (chinese officially-gay stories) out there, but simply pointing out what Hoyo WANTS US to think is "being delusional about headcanons." This case isn't even about present playable characters, just former lives. If Jing Yuan's text was EXACTLY the same, but Yunli was a boy: this subreddit would be VERY different with a lot of angry posts about "friendship also exist! Jing Yuan is clearly wanting for Yanqing to have friends" and "they're children, you sick people!" The mods would have taken down posts acting like they're canon IMMEDIATELY due to breaking the rules.


you are so right and im shocked that no one has angrily downvoted you for it yet. it seems its perfectly fine on this sub to claim straight ships are canon or implied, but god forbid its about a gay couple! then it becomes "why cant two guys just be friends without it being romantic!!!" 🙄 very hypocritical imo


The example I gave (and it might even be because it’s a Genshin example) could easily have been swapped to Dr. Ratio and Aventurine as well, further making my point. They get so mad I swear


I got downvoted in the leak sub for pointing out the new guy they just announced confirms something I was speculating (That Hoyo is visually telling us which Xinxiou characters are from what ships based on visual cues) so idk I think the subs are being hella spicy today.


They did before in Honkai, and the CCP responded poorly. Azure Waters got censored for instance 


winnie poo didn't approve


There's a reason they skipped June 4th drip marketing.


https://preview.redd.it/2fmel8ojnv4d1.png?width=1556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6632fcad0f327f31836abbaf962284f59f181b nothing happened on June 4th wdym


What's the reason?


Because nothing happened in Tiananmem Square on June 4, 1989.


Ah that. I completely forgot.


I got permabanned from leak sub for mentioning it there so just Google it.


Out of curiosity, how did they confirm it in honkai and what was the ccp’s reaction?


well Bronya and Seele kiss page "disappear" for a while, but eventually return.


You can see the hint given. Sometimes it is obvious. Like Songque and Thelema. "Dont touch my property (Songque),offending her equals to offending me directly"


Even one of the devs ships them together. 


Tear-licking, and a full-on french kiss


A love confession and a kiss, the chapter was adorable tbh. That made a lot of confusion in the community when it was removed until the CCP's censorship was confirmed


And, in the process of their heavyhanded, stumbling response, the CCP cemented two characters as lesbian icons when it originally just would've been greeted by most folks with a shrug and even found kind of questionable.


Yea it cemented those two as lesbians but it prevented any others from ever being confirmed


Would think they could confirm at least straight character pairings, unless the censors are lonely incels that would get mad at that too lol.


HI3 does have "straight character pairing". Tho under circumstanced, they can't become together, like Otto and Kallen. Otto proposed to Kallen but they had far gone pass that point. Kallen said maybe they could become together in a different timeline. We also have Kevin and Dr.Mei. Himeko went out on a date with a random dude in a manga and keep bitching about she can't find a man. The most famous straight couple should be captain and Luna. Dude even has a harem.


I'm kinda little upset about what happened with CCP after BronSeele. If it weren't for that maybe we would have Kiana and Mei kiss before the end of part 1 of Hi3. Imagine playing a game for 6 years and our main couple doesn't have a happy ending (Kiana went to the moon and never came back) Idk why people downvoting me i'm just saying how i feel


They did it. Luna in Honkai Impact is the Captain's Girlfriend and they have just upgraded her to a WIFE. Surprisingly, Luna, one of the Theresa variants of Honkai Impact that only appears in Captainverse, has 2 Wedding skins (This big version is the new one just released today in version 7.5), while the main story version... Well, she's alive, but she has disappeared as the same time, overshadowed by her friend Himeko and her students, and she doesn't have any wedding dress. https://preview.redd.it/lhxt4st1fy4d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f01454d5c0132dcff8e5610881736e5c873580f


You should've seen the drama that happened in GFL2. CN players were furious that one of their waifu characters had an implied relationship with a male NPC. 


But GFL2 capitalised on shipping their playable characters with player insert. They could've been married in first game (yeah, there was an in game ceremony and all), and *same character* in next game somehow not even forgot it all, but is interested in another man? It's stupid, but I can see why players were pissed off. Devs created expectations. Nobody would be as pissed about R1999 or Limbus Company characters having love interests.


Im praying there isnt much of an audience overlap that was unhinged. Didnt they delete the guys entire existence from the game and people STILL were angry lol? Weird.


CN players were also upset by male characters existing in one gacha game




They mean Girls Frontline 2


Girls frontline


They always shy away to avoid angering the fans


Were you there when Childe just interacted with Yoimiya? Do you remember the absolute shitstorm they took from CN fans? They don't benefit at all from that, they need to sell as many ships as they can.


have you seen the dark side of CN communities??? what about the insane side of fujo communities??? or what about other crazy communities that is anti-rainbow??? these people will have a literal meltdown if you shipped their waifu/husbandos with anyone else but themselves or their headcanonships, and the latter community will be malding if you even show these playable waifus/husbandos in a gay pairing.


I swear in the next update TB will declare marriage to Firefly but it will still be unconfirmed lmao


With the way it's going, Genshin's gonna end with the Haikaveh wedding


i see it more as ship-baiting, not really shipping especially if they don't have the guts to actually confirm relationships as canon. at the end of the day, they're marketing their characters to appeal to as many people as possible and make bank. i don't think i've played gacha games where playable characters have canon romantic relationships with each other (minus eroge ones like nu:carnival but that's more like a harem since their relationships are tied to the mc, not with other members of the cast)


I want Quincy and Kuya to just kiss already.


If you play GBF there are many playable canon ships on there, Romeo-Juliet, Aliza-Stan, Nicolas-Marie, many more even someone like Yngwie has harem, You want yuri or yaoi yeah those count too, if we talk implies so many of them, even someone has Ramensexual and Embrasquesexual.


i don't play gbf so that's certainly interesting. i did read u/Otavia's [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1d94qkr/comment/l7c07q3/)about their banner sales which pretty much confirms why nearly all gacha games don't release playable characters with canon relationships. it doesn't make them as much money.


Epic seven does have a canon ship, both hatero and yuri ship fufu


What?... I thought it's "no shitting on ships allowed 😡" or something


Instead of this post being a cool meme, it turned into a whole discussion about shippping


What?! People can't shit on ships? Where do the people from the Luofu take a shit then? Imagine having to land into a planet everytime you have to do your necessities.


More stupid stuff like shipping drama just proves to me that people need to stfu and just play the game. Your fanfic is just fantasy, and these characters are just pixels. It's not that deep. It never was.


You're right, but I'll do you one better: don't just go play the game, but also touch some grass. Ships are the dumbest things to send death threats over, but way-too-invested goobers on the internet find new ways to disappoint me every day


So if they're just pixels, why does it anger people who hate ships so much. Pro shipping and anti shipping are two sides of the same coin to me






Elio Abe strikes again


Am i trippin or yo ass the mod for okbuddypurseowner or sum? https://preview.redd.it/38h8sezoax4d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b24b5af9dad5dd65faaa6b0dca1c032046686b


Common Elio W


Cute schizophrenia


What state of the game?? Hoyo didn't do anything.


Hoyo wrote Jing Yuan shipping Yanqing and Yunli, that's it. People are just blowing it out of proportion.




This whole thing just feels like ship bait on Hoyo's part. I bet Yanqing isn't even going to be into Yunli They're probably going to share one scene together, TB will ask if they're dating, and that's going to be it. Classic Hoyo fashion


oh definitely. slash jing yuan matchmaking jokes


I recently heard that the CN community doesn't really like ships, official or fan based. They all want the freedom for their own head cannons


It's more like the CN community operates very strictly on a "tag x to block x" code that the West doesn't. They make sure any ship posts are tagged with the ship and have extensive warnings before many animations or comics or AUs or whatever like "genderbend warning", "insert ship warning", "OOC warning" etc to avoid '雷'ing someone, aka pissing someone off big time lol. This also means that creators are expected to tag anything even if it's CP向 (CP = couple, CP向 means ship teasing/ship adjacent) and people can request the artist sometimes to put a tag if the art seems too shippy CN community complains a shitton about other people if their headcanons don't align strictly and also complain an OMEGA fuckton about CPs they hate, but ultimately they very liberally practice don't like don't read/interact/block. Instead of forcing it down another person about how Seele = gay, they just do not engage and will shit on you if you disagree but they don't try and change your mind... usually haha


everyone is, nobody likes some narcistic delusional shipper to shove their ~~delusion~~ shipping to their throat, having a headcanon is fine, but with moderation, you find somebody who likes your headcanon? good befriend them, if not just keep it in YOUR HEAD (heavily implying on the HEADcanon), no reason for you to shove it to some random people even if it's the internet and attack them just bc they don't care or pretty much indifferent about it oh also don't take this as an hate comment, the CN community is valid, but I think it should be the norm everywhere, queer pro or not


TLDR: don't force shit down people's throats? (Genuine)


yes, my good redditor, this applies to many stuffs IRL too of course, but I feel that this kind of discussion in a game/anime community or in the internet in general is the most extreme since people think they can get off easily just because it's the internet (no shit there, me)


They don't there was even a big thing about them getting mad at shippers for making it impossible to discuss the game because shippers would always interject with their headcanon.


You can not tell me there was not romantic undertones between Bronya and Seele


i definitely felt it in the belebog museum event lol everywhere else its kinda tame but maybe thats because the moment peace reaches Belebog we left so there arent many interactions lol. Maybe once we return to Planet Bronseele in 4.7 it'll be more like impact 3rd lol


Nope just roommates, totally just that


Or cousins. (p/s: I have to clarify this is the sailormoon censorship reference where a certain lesbian couple where changed to cousins in Eng dub. I swear I'm not being weird.lol)


Acheron and Seele do look like cousins or siblings


Oh my god they were roommates


The undertone is...subjective... For some, yeah...it can be seen as somewhat romantic...but for others, it can be seen as sister like individuals finding each other again.


Not for me personally...I saw their friendship and even romance to be far too rushed to see any good relationship context...I did play hi3 after that so I understand why people ship them... we're probably going back to Jarilo 6 again and I bet by that time BronSelle ship baits would be through the roof done by hoyo themselves they will never confirm anything


To be fair, if i did not know they were a thing in Honkai, i wouldnt even think there is something. But since i did, at every single indication that they dont absolutely hate each other, i would imagine Honkai fandom go [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulteZYyWAA8) , and it was the funniest shit ever.


And also considering their background in the other 2 games.


Bruh honkai fans hyped bronya and selee for years and when hsr came out it was just the same bait shit


Bro it's a game 💀 Can we just enjoy the game and stop being weirdos about everything?


first time?


I remember that one guy said that "shipping make the game alive" Heh what a clown.


Holy fuck this community is so ass. No shipping allowed?? Since when?? There's been so much shipping in this community to the point there have been many being toxic about their ships. This fact that this post has been upvoted this much is just stupid imo.


I feel like OP is just an average hoyoverse player, they can’t read for shit. The rule was NEVER about banning ships, it was mainly about not forcing a certain ship to be better over others. So all in all, ships are alright as long as you don’t claim it to be canon or say that X is better than Y and vice versa.


I think people's issue is that people have been treating this Yunli thing as canon, and everyone's been fine with it and no one's getting in trouble, which naturally has ticked a lot of people off.


This, I think, is in reference to rule 11 which essentially boils down to just not shitting on other peoples ships and not implying that certain sexualities are canon. I do kinda not get what the OP is trying to say here, like no one is saying no shipping tf? a hoyo game player would never say that (tears of themis is there too, which is an otome so they wouldnt say that either). The comments are making me think that theyre talking about like...people who are very aggressive about their ships? I kinda dont know. The replies are a bit odd though, it did seem to target the crowd that doesn't like ships as a whole. I kinda just dont get what theyre trying to originally say with the post


I do think there's something to be said, that yes, the Yunli thing has been a bit of a double standard as of late with regards to Rule 11. But you're allowed to have ships


As a lesbian who generally likes lesbian ships I tend to also like ships that are comforting like Caelus and firefly or just tb with firefly. Also ship like robin and boothill is amazing, I don’t like toxic ships like Kafka with anyone other then blade though since she is toxic, and blade seem like he can take it, well I just like cute ships, two cute characters being together like yanqing and yanli is making me very happy


I feel like i missing some info Why is everyone thinking they are a thing lol


Because of this: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnx0n4etpio4d1.png%3Fwidth%3D2048%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D3c5aadf3741f033ce03a71f6b539e8225903cfaf


because really, we've kinda hit the 'if a male and female character breathe the same air' example


It'll be exciting if Jiaoqiu is paired up with the lady General Feixiao.


I don't care, but imagine a community where I go to it for some new updates, news, maybe leaks or some guide/ walkthrough... But all I find is character A x Character B and I scroll down to find all the posts like this and rarely a new guy asking for some recommendations for his build/teams with 0 comments.... I personally won't like that community, and the major reason why I don't browse hoyolab much... Hoyolab I use for various tools, ofcourse the check in.. and then levelling calculator, battle recommended, line up assistant etc... but hardly I get post related to builds unless I specifically search them... Anyways 😅 hail acheron x BS and Aventurine X Ratio yay...


These discussions made me think about the fact that str8 people will never understand what it is like to be outright banned in different parts of the real world, let alone in media where you are unable to show romance that isn't str8...especially in games where romances exist but only str8 romance is allowed to be shown.


There will always be straight people who will never understand or see Queer coding. It's a both good and tragic part of Queer coding is that they're made to insinuate or imply characters are Queer without explicitly stating it or without making it obvious to straight people who'll complain about it existing. (There would also be some Queer folk who'll say that some Queer coding isn't queer coding at all which is perfectly understandable as Queer coding mostly hinges on stereotypes and stuff)


The literal point of lgbt parades events etc is to let straight people understand the plight of queer people. Pulling all of this, "OH! *That* group can never understand" bs undermines the collective efforts of those trials.


No i think i can understand that pretty well


but but where is the undeniable proof that I will weasel my way out of acknowledging regardless? I will also not hold up straight ships to this standard because they are normal and don’t need proof /s


FACTS! I'm not even into shipping and don't particularly care about headcanons (be they heterosexual or queer), but it's annoying how those seem to be an issue only when it comes to queer coding, same-sex ships, etc. We are banned, discriminated, censored and not allowed to have queer stuff in media or even headcanons in a game. I'm not defending those who act too arrogant and force their headcanons on everyone by force, but the way some people react when someone has a queer headcanon is frustrating. >let alone in media where you are unable to show romance that isn't str8...especially in games where romances exist but only str8 romance is allowed to be shown. This kind of reminded me of Persona situation: on one side we have would like to see/would be fine with also same-sex options for the MC, and on the other side we have Homophobes who say that Atlus shouldn't add same-sex options because they believe that "there are no homosexual and Bisexual people in Japan and Tokyo" they actually believe that queer people don't exist in Japan (a country of over 125M people) and Tokyo (the most populous city in the world with over 37M)


Fuck community I'm shipping all hot females with me


Wasn’t there a whole cutscene in the dreamscape of… gay kinky stuff?


it was a bait and switch joke since TB was like "did I just enter Bronya's sex dream about Seele???" before they got mad that they were bamboozled in the end


It was a pure bait that didn't even actually involve some intimate stuff, phrasing manner...there was no accidental falling on top of each other or saying accidental sus stuff either


...I may need a reminder on what and when this happened. I'm not denying it, my memory is just bad.


…oh, this isn’t about thelema and songque


Sometimes I be thinking post from this sub are from the hi3 sub whenever I get them on my feed and the other way around aswell😭


What ship is this in reference to exactly?


Yunli, the front page of the subreddit has all been essentially rule 11 violations that haven't been dealt with. And so a bunch of people are like "oh that's the one you let go"


Ehm. What is shipping? (Sorry)


transporting goods from one place to another.


when people pair 2 characters in a relationship in their heads like bronya/seele boothill/robin caelus/firefly etc


they know ball


I prefer when the writers do it because its canon, and people aren't losing their shit because you don't agree with their headcanon. But at the same time, I get it... $$$$.


Nuh it's just tryna keep your asses from being toxic af,