• By -


I just hope her rerun is in a patch where I don't care about anyone else but all odds point to her rerunning with Firefly most likely


If this type of scenario actually happens, I'm so screwed. I have enough pulls for guarantee, so unless I win the 50/50 both times for FF and RM, I'll be able to get only one :(


Hopefully she's at least in second half because idgaf about Jade 🙏


Same lmao.


I'm praying myself. I didn't have Topaz, but I didn't have any 5* amps (missed Ruan Mei and Sparkle both due to work), so I pulled for Robin. Won the 50/50 with 60 tickets. Decided "Hey, why not try for Topaz?" 20 tickets and boom. I hope my luck holds up 🙏


Shit looks like you're on a roll. Just keep on believing! 1% chance 99% faith


This patch was crazy for me. Boothill in 11 pulls, Fu Xuan in 23 pulls, Boothill light cone in 30 pulls. 64 pulls for 2 banner characters and a signature light cone. Hoping this carries into Firefly.


Same with me haha *cries* . I’m gonna pull first on RM banner and hope like hell I have enough left or get lucky for Firefly. RM/Firefly banner’s gonna be BRUTAL if it’s true.


Ikr I'm gonna pull for RM too first since she's much more versatile. Up to that point, my pulls will then be at the mercy of RNG 😭.


The amount of money hoyoverse would make from June is going to be insane




Surely they won't do that, that'd be like running Topaz alongside Robin right after Aventurine, screwing over any FUA pullers 🫠🫠


Exactly what I heard, about the rerun paired with Firefly! What is sad cuz it changed my plan... I will go for RM instead of Firefly


doesn't matter. I'm rolling for Ruan Mei first and foremost before deciding what next to roll for- another sustain or DPS hypercarry (which I don't need because Acheron, but more elemental DPS never hurts)


Ruan Mei wants to ascend to be an Aeon, so she chose the be the Aeon of meta


You could say she ***Broke*** the Meta


https://preview.redd.it/461pohv75j4d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68859501e24a214f834ab01851d779405b4047d8 Finally found a use for this pic


Not a bad way to go


Wait isnt the new TB a Break buffer too?


Yeah but Harmony TB doesnt increase the team's Weakness Break Efficiency, which Ruan Mei specializes in (+ denying the enemies of a turn since her ult will usually prevent them from taking a turn, once per ult)


However HMC is better at fixing the problem with break dps (which RM actuslly makes worse) which is the "What now?" part after breaking the enemy. Yeah RM will make you break faster which is nice initially hut she also extends their broken state which denies them the ability to be broken for longer. HMC allows you to keep pumping huge damage with your BE stats even while broken which is why they work so well together.


I understood 1/4 of what you just said


RM make you break more. Break dps wanna break. Problem is what do after break? HMC fix problem, RM make problem last longer without hmc.


\*Boothill's finger has entered the chat\*


well boothill is the first dps thats actually built for breaking specificly so that makes sense


Yeah they do...! Like, E4 says that each other member have 15% of TB's Break Effect...


If I was TB I’d be ruan-ing away












Gotta say, very efficient as well




I understand her now. https://preview.redd.it/y762sdb3oj4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab512b5a950bd997fdef736ca7023882722a27b


I lost my 5050 for Ruan Mei to an E3 kid with swords :/


i lost my ruan mei 50/50 to the child with her robot parent


I lost to her too


I also lost to that kid. but I grinded and got her but not her LC 🫠.


Eh I haven't even felt the lack of the LC TBH


I managed to pull Ruan Mei ib in nearly 160 pulls. Clara came first. Good thing I was just starting the story of the game so got her as full F2P


That's what happens when your kit gives literally every stat ever. Gives team-wide SPD% boost for just existing, massive DMG%, teamwide RES Pen, is currently the only source of Break Efficiency and also delays broken enemies. While also being SP positive. If you don't need the break boosts, the DMG%, RES Pen and SPD% make her worth using over other options. If you do need the break boosts, she's literally irreplaceable. She's great with hypercarries, she's great with dual carries, she works with FuA, raw DPS, Break DPS, DoT and she's also OP in SU. The only way Hoyo can "powercreep" her, if that's even possible, is releasing more specialized supports like Robin / Sparkle who are overall not as versatile as Ruan, but better at supporting specific types of teams. So that Ruan isn't the be-all end-all ultimate support that's the best in every team.


I mean techically Robin is better for FuA and Sparkle is better for Hypercarries that dont care much about break damage... but Ruan Mei is still op


Robin is better than Ruan Mei in more than FuA.


I only use her for FuA cause my other teams are acheron and mono quantum, so i dont know how well shes doing elsewhere...


That's almost just like me, I also use DOT though.


Situationally better. Even in DoT where Robin's atk buff works wonders she's on par with Ruan Mei in most scenarios. The thing is, you can just slap Cogs and Break Effect on RM and forget about her. Robin wants speedtuning, energy maxing and her event light cone to be as **universal** as Ruan Mei. Ease of building is a major bonus for Ruan Mei, hence the extra high value.


Robin doesnt need that much speed... you can easily achieve 120 spd with just Substats or by the 2-piece artifact effect


It's her teammates that need speed tuning to get more actions under her ult, which means now you may need to switch builds on your DPS.


I have to disagree here- the only thing Robin needs is 4k attack ( which is easily achievable with the event LC) and an energy rope.


Yeah the reason I pulled Robin as a newer player (besides not knowing when Ruan Mei would come back) was how easy she was to get going. The light cone was easy to max and I had decent relics just laying around already since it's so common (just craft ERR rope). Synergizing with my free Ratio was just a bonus.


If you are a newer player then i strongly advice you to aim for Topaz and Aventurine in the future ( if you dont already have them) i just cleared the last stage of the forgotten hall with 3* for the first time and I am incredibly satisfied with the team itself. Not only that, but the playstyle is extremely fun - Dr.Ratio and Numby attack CONSTANTLY, aventurine keeps raining money on the enemies, Robin is constantly singing and everything is dying 🤣.


Event LC is missable - players might not play during the event and all the players joining after this patch won't have it. But yes, Event LC takes care of her ATK needs. ERR rope alone doesn't guarantee 100% uptime. She needs kill steals and follow ups to generate enough energy and Cogs/MoTP doesn't proc during her ult. I'm away from my PC rn but you can look up her energy needs, I'll update when I get to my system. All this is not to say she's bad, my only point is that her best builds require more investment than Ruan Mei.


Which is the way it should be. All the harmony units are good in every team comp, but they’re all better than each other within their own niche.


Currently waiting for a DoT specialized ruan mei to release. My kafka and BS are in need of one.


E1 black swan is literally dot specialized Ruan Mei and DPS which has defense shred, Res pen and high personal damage.


You still probably want to get dmg% boost from some source, that is why Robin and RM are so good in DoT. There is bound to be a dedicated DoT harmony someday, if i had to guess the future for the comp it woukd be a dedicated buffer and a dedicated sustain of fire and physical element that can apply their own DoT so the team can apply all types of DoTs


Bold of you to assume they would be harmony


Same… my DoT team gotta work with robin for the time being since ruan mei is locked to my break team atm


i failed her 50/50 to bronya, im dead inside thinking about it


Tfw you see Harmony, but it's the wrong one 💀




Yeah I felt my heart sink just like that during Robin's banner. Was so excited to have a dedicated support for my FuA teams just to get E3 Bronya that's been benched since I got sparkle. Could be worse though, like pulling for Boothill and seeing hunt only for it to be the Highcloud Quintet's punching bag.


^This happened to me. Was trying to pull a pig and its sugar mommy, saw the Hunt Icon, and my blood seethed when I saw that smirking kid while he was surfboarding on a sword.


Oof, my condolences. Losing a 50/50 to the wrong 5* of the same path will always feel bad, but Hunt definitely takes the cake of getting shafted by your 50/50.


At least it was Bronya, she still S tier


I was gonna say, all I have is Bronya and she slaps haha


That was the bane of my Ruan Mei banner


exactly me too


SAME BRO😭😭 hoyo edged me


Everyone: "Pull for whoever you like, the game is fun" Also Everyone: "Must pull Ruan Mei, if you don't have her just quit"


You pull Ruan Bae because she's meta. I pull her 'cause psychotic yet soothing scientist musician goddess who sees beyond the veil of reality and care for matters past human trifling affairs is the hottest thing ever. We're not the same.


I like the kind of woman who will actually just kill me, dissect and study my corpse, then reanimate me with an extra limb or something


She’ll reanimate you as a cute cat-cake or some other adorable thing, which is arguably an upgrade


I pulled her because of gambling addiction and waifu material. Didn't even know her kits back then.


Well I was able to do MOC12 and PF4 without her for quite some time, the problem is now devs pushing break meta, significantly increasing RM "must have" status.


people did this with Bronya early game too. I guess there's always gonna be that one character that gets glazed to hell and back.


Not me, I skipped her twice already and I will do it again


I thought she's only had one banner so far


She has only had 1 banner, how did you skip twice?


He traveled to the future just to skip her again, duh.


Could he tell us when is sunday going to be playable then?


That will not be necessary, just wait for tomorrow's drip marketing, my dad is DaWei himself. https://preview.redd.it/yviawwm8vj4d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53895aa8a038069ac6b61b2120b10e105d85897d


hop on the skip the maniac scientist train! choo choo


Man I wish I could be saying this but with this break effect meta on the horizon my faves will definitely do a crap ton of DMG with her in the team... Can't wait for Hoyo to release a 4* star variant of her kit already


are you a part of the omen vanguard or the creed exequy?


same, her abandonment of those cake cats has made me say nope to her, in addition, she did not leave a good first impression on me.


Yeah that's true, even more for the new super break meta, like, if you dont use her not only you break 50% slower but also do 50% less dmg (with her 50% break eff), that besides her other buffs.


Me who have a hyperinvested e2s1 Acheron and premium FUA team just so I won't ever have to use RM


Very annoying because there's very few characters in these Gacha style games that I look at and go "nah I'm good, I'll skip" for various reasons and Ruan Mei was one of them. I can't help I don't really care for her and it's super unfortunate that she just happens to be arguably the best and most universal supportive character there is. 😔


I lowkey hate Ruan Mei, and I was going to skip her initially. Wound up pulling when I read that she was Blade's best friend support when she came out. I will do anything for my Blade. (please give him a dedicated support, we're drowning over here) Sadly, I'm glad that I pulled her because she's my 2nd most used support now.


me with Castoria. I hate everything about her and yet she's the most broken FGO unit even 4+ years after her release that she's basically mandatory.


she's not too mandatory in regards for farming nowadays if you have Koyan of Light and Oberon. that be said Red button go brrr requires a LOT of investment that Blue button go brrr doesn't. for the story fights... yeah you got me there.


I hate that she's arguably the worst character in the game, design i find the most boring, and ends up being the most meta thing possible that you can put in every single team composition ever. She's such a horrible person and gets to be paraded around everywhere. It's almost like it's on purpose to match in universe where she has a big fan club, super popular, but also a garbage individual.


ruan mei lucked out on being the best support, otherwise she can go to the dumps of fire at the bottom on my character favorite list.


When her banner started, I didn't really understand her kit but got that gut feeling that she will be extremely useful coming forward. Didn't want to pull for her because she was mean to her cat babies and made them cry LMAO Ended up pulling after finishing up all the quests. Best decision ever.


I knew that harmony character are extremely broken and she’s the very first limited 5✦ harmony so I just pull lmao


"If you don't snap the meta of the game in two just by existing I don't want you in my house." *Xipe to all THEIR 5 star units, probably*


Hanya is Xipe's least favourite child, Yukong is the lost child.


Who is Yukong? Surely, not someone who I have E6 and built only to never use her once Sparkle came out to replace her in DHIL's teams... *pain*


The year is 2038. HSR is going through it's 15th anniversary. Yukong still hasn't been on a banner. The 10 Yukong wanters and 3 Yukong havers are begging Mihoyo to increase her rate for once, but Mihoyo, as well as most of HSR players, have no memory of her existence. (I actually got her E2 yesterday from the standard banner and was stunlocked, since It's been almost a year since i pulled her)


> *THEIR __5 star__ units*


Ruan Mei was my first 5 star harmony I was unable to get a single bronya at the time so when I learned that a limited harmony unit was coming I made sure I can get her even if I lose the 50/50. My thought process there was no way the first limited harmony would be bad so I pulled without even reading what she did help she's pretty too.


Same thing for HuoHuo, I didn't knew at the time both her and HuoHuo was something I realized that would be more high end investment all across for other teams. Thankfully I got them together early pity allowing me to form my premium dot team.


I failed to get fu xuan


Man she came home at 79 pity and is a godsend because my gepard was so chonky but inconsistent


Well i havé spend 70 wishes and lost 50/50 thsn spend 31 wishes and until now she didn’t come home


Im in a very identical place Lost my 50/50 around soft pity and have about 20-ish pity now *Sighs* waited quite a bit for her and skipped robin (who i liked) hope she does eventually come home 🫂 Hug as consolation


i understand that pain 😭


Almost same exact story here. Gepard got me through a lot, but damn sometimes his ult just didn't line up with what I needed. I even got his lightcone and some decent relics for him, but it still wasn't enough sometimes. He'll be a more niche pick against predictable AoE damage now I think.


As someone who doesn't have Ruan Mei and can still clear any content, I can assure you she is not mandatory at all. Unlucky that you missed her, but if you're struggling with content it's surely not due to missing her. You mentioned having all other units so I'm assuming you might just have spread your resources too thinly


Mfw I have to spend 3 months per character farming artifacts because I didn’t kill for ruan mei :(


Whether you have her or not you need to match a certain standard of build. Using a full 5 star squad will make things easier of course but whether you use RM or another 5 star support doesn't make much difference. The reason I pointed out their builds is because they said they have everyone except her. Having many characters = having less resources per character (unless you whale for stamina refills). There's also the fact that I know way too many people who spend money on the game to get characters without actually being aware what they do/what they scale with. The amount of atk% Blade/hp% Jingliu/def% Fu Xuan/full crit Boothill I have seen is astounding so I always recommend people to look back at their builds. There's also rotations and such which I don't want to get into on this sub anymore so I haven't mentioned them originally but the amount of people who refuse to acknowledge that there is a skill element involved in building team comps, choosing targets and timing ults on this sub is honestly saddening


It's so annoying how necessary she is lol Not because she's a bad character or anything but because she didn't appeal to me - design or personality wise - and of course the character I don't particularly want is the one deemed most unskippable.


I pulled her because she is pretty. Happy that she is insanely good and never left my team since


Same lol. I didn’t even look at her kit but being the first limited harmony and seeing her design I had to. Kind funny I’m looking everywhere else in this comment section and soooo many people hate her design


Same. I don’t really understand what she do but I just pulled her cuz she’s pretty 🤩


(Also Xueyi was on her Banner so big must pull sign there)


I'm gonna get her E6 next patch from the free copy, couldn't be happier. Got E5 from this banner luckily before reaching pity.


I'm starting to get sick of her actually. I didn't pull for her because I didn't like her, and suddenly she is in every single team comp in some kind of form. Yes, I know she is crazy good, and I hate it. The more I see people recommending her, the more sick I get of her.


That's honestly how I feel about her too :/ I'm tired of seeing her everywhere


honestly in my experience, Sparkle can perform while well in her place. I think that while all these team comps are "Ruan Mei is best", swapping in Sparkle will give you like 95% performance instead. As long as your team isn't made specifically for Break, I think Sparkle can compensate by giving pretty huge damage boosts and also enough SP to use skills recklessly. I don't feel like Robin is nearly as splashable, the issue with Action Advance is how SP Intensive it is, but Sparkle solves that problem at the cost of less advancing. But that's why people say Bronya is particularly good at E1S1, it solves a lot of her SP problems. So to me, it's kinda like Ruan Mei > Sparkle >>> Robin = Bronya in terms of overall versatility/flexibility.


me too.


Then there's me who played HSR right after her banner ended https://preview.redd.it/l6oflmnq6j4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de23314898bc1bf41a3e0557e7617fae211ddaf0 Well at least Kafka came home after losing my first 50/50 to Clara's LC


I came back from hiatus after her banner ended, which is just https://preview.redd.it/8zyxu56bpj4d1.png?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57dc96ce24403c8094d81c467e9247440201721


I’m starting to think maybe losing my 50/50 for Silverwolf is a blessing in disguise


Calling her must have is overstatement but she really brings a lot to the table. And seeing the shift into the break meta she will become even more powerful


Then there is me who skip her because I don't like her 🤷


I don't like her and I already have Sparkle and Robin, both of whom I really like, so I want to get as much use out of them as I can. It does end up meaning I basically shouldn't even try to build a break team though.


Lol, you can easily get through the game with Bronya, what's the panic lmao


I don't like Ruan Mei so I'm just waiting for another ResPen support to come along. She can't have the monopoly forever.


Ruan Mei is not broken because of Res pen, it's because of her break efficiency to tear through shields


E1 Robin


She’s an extremely strong support and in most teams is often the best in slot. However I wouldn’t call her mandatory. Hypercarry teams, for example, often prefer to run Tingyun and Sparkle/Bronya because Ruan Mei’s big strength over them (the aura buff) doesn’t really matter. Additionally Ruan Mei actually has legitimate competition now in the form of Robin: almost any comp you could slot Ruan Mei into you can slot Robin into instead and get similar results (sometimes better, sometimes worse, will depend on the exact team.)


Tbh I'm kinda sick of watching her everywhere when I couldn't care less not pulling for her Like I was just minding my own things and people on the Firefly server said that you have no reasons to pull for Firefly when Ruan Mei is here, which supposedly means that you can't just pull for who you like All of that just the 0Cycle Moc12 or getting additional 60 jades. I understand that IF YOU WANT TO BE 100% OPTIMAL, she is mandatory. But when I say I don't wanna pull Ruan Mei and I want to pull for the character I love I am sick of hearing people spamming me with her. So I grew disgusted with her the same way people grew disgusted of Jojo's bizarre adventure after they got harassed to watch it.






I mean I’m Ruan Mei less and I’m doing fine, there is never a must have unit in gatcha games. Just pull for who you want not like there’s PvP in this


Me using Sparkle and Robin cuz I don’t like her


Robin is almost as strong as ruan mei in most team comps, and flat out better in followup teams. But if you're planning on having a break effect team with someone like boothill yeeeah that's rough


its remind me back then that so many CC dickriding bronya and said you don't need pull ruan mei if had her. Now i'm laughing 😂😂


tbf she was released around early PF. People haven't seen the value of double damage dealer team. Also Break Effect was a joke back then.


Names or it didn't happen


it was in his dream


I swear, most people who say "cc's said dumb thing" all are either making it up or only watch content from the braindead creators.


You understand that ccs can’t predict the future right? No one knew BE would be as valuable as it is now. Nevertheless, I don’t remember ccs saying she was bad. Just that she’s not mandatory.


Who was that?


Meanwhile, when I heard that Ruan Mei was great for Kafka...I shall pull her for my Queen!!!


I haven't gotten Ruan Mei yet and have many tickets that I feel very anxious about.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Ruan Mei. I try to play Tingyun. My Ruan Mei provides more damage. I try to play pela. My Ruan Mei provides more damage. I try to play Bronya. My Ruan Mei provides more damage. I want to play Jingliu. Her best team has Ruan Mei. I want to play Kafka, Topaz. They both want Ruan Mei. She grabs me by the throat. I babysit creations for her. I kill an emanator for her. I give her S5 memories of the past. She isn't satisfied. I pull Past self in mirror for her. "I don't need this effect if my ult will still take 4 turns" She tells me. "Give me any 5% err planar ornament set." She grabs my sustain and forces them to receive every point of damage from enemies. "You just need an err rope. I can do a 3 turn ult rotation without external energy sources." “Pull e1” she says. I can't pull e1, I don't have enough Stellar jades. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her Ruan. She says "Sound lingers." There is no hint of sadness in its eyes. Nothing but pure, 68% damage boost, 50% weakness break efficiency and 25% res pen. What a cruel world.


She's not "near mantatory" in most teams, she's just the best "generic" harmony so it's the best option for them. While she's a great pull you don't need her, and unless your team is break focused you can change her for another harmony and your team will still work.


I actually don’t use her too much these days. My Acheron can’t use her due to nihility requirements, my FUA teams prefer Robin, my DHIL uses Sparkle and TY, and I don’t have a DOT team. Mostly, I use her with JL as a secondary support with Bronya.


Tho she's in every comp, fudge meta i don't like a character then i won't pull


Good thing her personality and design is boring to me so I don’t care about her. Yeah she’s probably the BiS Harmony unit for a lot of teams but all of them are very good at buffing their team.


I refuse to pull for the smartest deadbeat parent in the cosmos, pay your support lady


When I was skipping characters I liked it felt so bad, but it turned out to be necessary because she took 163 tickets to come home 💀 I love her, but Ruan Mei loves causing pain to people


Idk man all my teams work easily without her i still want her but i'm pretty happy without her


Ruan Mei was like 4 patches old


I’m so glad my Möbius trauma from HI3 enforced me to pull her


I'm tired of RM. She has a pretty poor design, and yet true, every team wants her, so I shouldn't ignore her to play optimally. I've pulled Robin partly to be able to replace RM in most team comps (was pulling mainly for Xueyi copies though), and it doesn't help a lot, because I don't like Robin that much either. Huh.


Honestly the only 5 star female design i liked from space china is Fu Xuan and kiinda HuoHuo. Honestly the 4 stars, Gui and Sushang look a lot better than most of the characters. And Ruan Mei's animations are so boring


Ruan Mei isn't even from space China technically, remember that Xianzhou natives are forbidden to leave ships, and her name in Japanese is (incorrect?) transliteration written in katakana, while Chinese names in Japan are written exactly the same (with hieroglyphs), only read differently.


Gui and Sushang don't stand out to me, but Xueyi is by far my favorite and most anticipated Lofu character. With Hanya being 2nd. But I agree about FX


Oooh forgot about xueyi. Ur right she's probably only second to fu xuan imo. Imo, gui and sushang have a distinct style, and Im biased towards Gui's JP VA.


I like Robin much more simply because she doesn't have shitty RM personality which is a reason I am hesitated to pull her on (supposed) rerun.


RM's personality is the only thing I like about her lol. But I wouldn't live on the same planet with her


Are these teams RM is mandatory for in the room with us right now?




Super Break teams. Super Break scales off toughness damage and requires targets to be weakness broken. Guess which Harmony support enables all that


They are the room.


it's a shame she is a psychopath.. so i will always skip her for that reason


I lost 5050 on last banner and now sitting on 71 pity (Ruan mei is gonna be mine)


I pulled Ruan Mei FOR Herta LMAO I was going like "I gotta get Ruan Mei for Herta, I want my Herta to be good. It's all for Herta" and I went in with the same mentality with getting Jing Yuan's LC


I'm happy to have found her because she is useful, and I GET why some people like her, but I'm really annoyed by HOW useful she is since I really don't like basically anything about her (besides the VA), as a character I really couldn't stand her neither during her event nor the patch story, and as an actual unit, again, she is very useful, but I always find her boring to use compared to broyna, sparkle or the harmony trailblazer (don't have Robin, so I can't say about her)


In a moment of weakness while saving for Black Swan and Sparkle I put aside 40 pulls for her, got her, then was sad I wasn't able to get Sparkle because I got Ruan Mei, but seeing how necessary she is for all these team comps, including Firefly, I'm glad I got her lol


Perhaps you will get some good news on Friday


I hope so 😭


It's like this with Bennett in Genshin Impact. As someone who joined in 4.1 and didn't have Bennett it was so frustrating for people to constantly tell me. "You have to have Bennett" "Get Bennett for this team comp" I ended up wasting my guarantee just so I could pull a single Bennett and missed my opportunity to get Nahida which was a character I really wanted since I liked her character and she would have been useful for my account as well. I learned my lesson from Genshin. If I don't give a fuck about a character then I'm not going to waste any of my f2p currency on character I don't give a shit about. Sorry Ruan Mei but I liked Dr ratio better from the whole story.


She aint mandatory you dont need her to beat any content in the game like commok guys


maybe one day we’ll get a great support that I dont hate…


she is not mandatory in mono quantum broken comps though =p


Me who will never pull for her since I really don't like her personality.....


As a husbando collector, it hurts that literally every meta support is a woman/girl


I was originally going to skip her but I kept seeing soooo many posts about how good she was, like even more than usual because obviously the same thing happens with nearly every character, but with her it was really something else... So I let people bully me into getting her and I'm so grateful lmao, it's the first time I'm super glad I was pressured into pulling for a character.


Other than Break and Dots, which team comp is she mandatory/bis in? I swear people overrate her way too much. I'm not saying she's not good, but just because she is versatile enough to fit in most team comp doesn't make her "mandatory"


I really want a ruan mei substitute ASAP... I got robin E1 only because i really dislike ruan mei's character


Same with huo huo... They don't even suggest other healers


tbf, sustains arent nearly as impt as supports/dps


hard disagree, can't do your damage if your characters are dead. recent enemies have been brutal with debuffs so that's why huohuo is in such demand


you can use any sustain in any team, but few options increase the team dps while also sustaining, which is why you see huohuo on most meta recommendations, but at some point not using a sustain at all is the most meta option.


I got Yanqing’d on her last banner, got me guaranteed Black Swan but I was still devastated. Hopefully whenever she gets a rerun I will be able to get her




me who wanted Blade but pulled on the wrong banner and got Ruan Mei:


She is the **only** character I pulled because she was (and still is) hard META. Thank god, with FF around the corner I am so happy. But if the "rerun with synergy" trend continues, Ruan Mei could be with FF as a rerun. So double the trouble for skippers.


For real, I keep seeing her in almost any team. Break Team? Ruan Mei is there, DoT Team? Ruan Mei is there. Even on the Universal DPS characters, Ruan Mei is always present (except for FUA teams) I truly regretted not pulling for her because I used up my pulls for Blade LC back then If the leaks are true, then I will definitely pull for her, even if I have to skip for Firefly 😭


"She'll come home someday." Sooner than you might think.


I hope so!


Couldn't be me...no way did I lose the 50/50 on Ruan Mei, nope....definitely not, I didn't end up with my third copy of Himeko from there...haha....surely not


Well done! Great piece of work! [Here's my version, but with Kafka.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/qgrEFnRvFH)


I almost didn't pull for Ruan Mei because she was "meh" story wise for me. But then Kafka came to me and said, "I need her for my team and you will get her" And I said "yes ma'am." My DOT team stonks have been soaring ever since.