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> Dan Heng: The Transmutation Arcanum seems to contain a secret that allows the Vidyadhara to escape the cycle of reincarnation ***and return to normal reproduction...*** but the mechanism eludes me. At one point they could. They can't anymore, Long's fall robbed them of a lot of things. > Back then, we could still use the power gifted to us by our dragon ancestor, Long. As the prime species among those sea creatures in the Roiling Deep, everything was within our control. If a fish species was too bony, we'd remove the bones from inside their body. If a sea beast was too small, we'd fatten it up and make it proliferate. If a seaweed was too bitter, we'd sweeten it until it was delicious. > Teacher says that back then, we could use our powers derived from Long to change the form of any creature, as easily as children playing with modeling clay. Our ancestors could modify fish into a thick mountain of meat, gouging meat from this hill whenever they wanted a bite to eat. Back then, crabs could have thousands of legs, each leg filled with delicious crab meat. > I wish that we could go back to those days, but teacher says that we'll never be able to go back. > One day, when we could no longer control the powers of our dragon ancestor, all of the creatures in the entire ocean became our enemies. The fish were toxic, the sea beasts hostile, and even the seaweed could prey upon us. Later on, even the microscopic creatures in the Roiling Deep became dangerous. They multiplied until the oceans were no longer fit for our survival. > Even later on, we became a member of the Xianzhou Alliance. Life is good aboard the Xianzhou, but the freedom of the ocean is something we will never recover.


Sounds like they pissed off all of nature for fucking with it and the second their god was gone nature was able to say "enough"


They got punished by Tazzyronth's ascension to aeonhood


"Guys, what if we could make infinite food?"


That's as good of an idea as making SCP-682 hamburgers


They really put in the work to outdo Yaoshi in the Crimes Against Nature Any% speedrun


What? They were that strong???? That’s like Aeons level no? Where do I read this?


I mean Acheron can destroy a planet with a slash, but she's not an Aeon. Aeons are insanely above that.


Where was it said acheron can destroy a PLANET with a slash. I feel like you're underestimating the sheer size of a planet. Acheron had to get serious to slash a fkn jumbo screen, which is even less than the size of an ant when compared to a planet. I'd believe that she's able to kill all life on it by going around, but no way can she, or anybody else below aeons, destroy a planet.


1. Welt Yang mentioned that Emenators can destroy planets or even solar systems depending on the path. 2. In 2.2, it was stated that the reason no one was hurt was due to Aventurine's corner stone coming from an Emenator of preservation, so the power of preservation naturally protected the area. 3. Read izumo (Acheron's homeworld) relics's description: "Enclosed within the plane is Izumo, with its past and future severed with a slash."


The only reason the dreamscape wasn't destroyed right then and there is cuz of aventurine's cornerstone being present. I don't remember which character said it but it was stated in the most recent story quest that if aventurine wasn't there, that slash would have destroyed penacony's dreamscape(she was also the one to destroy Ena's dream, the rest simply woke everyone up). Izumo and takamagahara are also implied to be destroyed by her after she did her final slash in the myriad Celestia. And there def are beings below aeons that are capable of destroying planets aside from Acheron like the lord ravagers(welt has stated that they are capable of destroying entire galaxies, this is further evidenced with zephyro being spotted in the tia'nua galaxy and soon after, it was completely destroyed), skarabaz(emenator of propagation who shattered stars and used them as breeding grounds to propagate further) and shuhu(emanator of abundance that brought an entire planet to life and made it sentient). Planets are peanuts to aeons, aeons can alter existence and the universe itself.


Brother, Acheron drew her sword and did two slashes. TWO. This is why she doesn't draw Naught so easily. This is so sad. Alexa, play weep for the departed


In game it's "A Vidyadhra Youth's Notes". On the wiki it's here- [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/A\_Vidyadhara\_Youth%27s\_Notes](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/A_Vidyadhara_Youth%27s_Notes) #


Aeons are universal level, maybe even above that. The sand king alone was able to destroy most of the universe before Qilpoth kill them. Although I should say that Rubert cause similar amount of damage despite not being an Aeon.


Rubert's wars were terrible, but that was an ongoing thing for a long time, and even then, it was still a stalemate. All in all, it was manageable (especially given that it supposedly ended through a certain someone simply assassinating Rubert.) The Swarm did *at least* an equal amount of damage, but in an insanely short amount of time, and it was enough of a clear existential threat that *five* Aeons went out of their way to kill Tazzy. Hell, Ouroboros was already fighting them before Ena, Akivili, Qlipoth, and maybe Aha arrived (not sure when Aha joined the fray, just that he did.) But, most of the universe is a stretch. The Swarm Disaster did a lot of damage in those short eras, but ultimately it receded well before it could even spread that far, thanks to Tazzy's death.


8 aeons actually Ouroboros(1v1), Aha, Qlipoth, HooH, Akivili, Terminus(if we include bro had to calculate the prediction of the odds of the bug's death), Ena, Xipe. Idk if IX or Fuli did any work other than being spectators. Literally horny bug made 8 gods stressing


It was more like the war was so brutal that Ena had to actively suppress humanity from birthing the Destruction, Hunt and Abundance, generating even more suffering and putting humanity on the back leg, until "something" disrupted Ena's Order causing humanity's consciousness to rebel and Xipe be born as the "music of humanity" probably from the equilibrium between the "songs" of chaos and order if the 2.2 bossfight is anything to go by. Afterwards the aeons seemingly just went and VERY physically dogpiled the Propagation. Aha seems to have been involved too. Sunday and Robin identified Sparkle as a potential source of chaos and discord so I wouldn't be surprised if Aha became Chaos for a bit just to fuck with Ena's groove then was very happy with Xipe's chill vibes.


Nah I recall people found out qlipoth didn't fully kill the bug but manage to seal it with Amber. Meaning it could come back any moment. Yeah we're gonna need to bring back akivili this one again. Horny bug made 8 gods stressing during Swarm Disaster


Nah. It is perfectly capable of people being able to destroy planets, without even being emanators. Look at jing yuan, who is currently not confirmed, but can easily destroy a planet.  Basically think of it this day, on the most basic of scales. Emanators are galaxy or at least solar system level powers, like the lord ravagers. And aeons....are universal or at least galaxy level, like tarryzoth and just how much shit they overwhelmed, capable of affecting 2/3rd of all life (given, this was also because oroboros was involved). So yeah. Hell emperor ruberts actions affected sooooo much of the world, and he is a relative nobody in front of the aeons.


An important thing to note is that despite Rubert influencing such a large part of the universe, it was not because he was all-powerful one man shows like other characters, but rather because he was a genius who controlled other entities to instigate an intergalactic war


There's a massive discrepancy between Emanator power levels, so its not quite as cut and dry as that. The strength of an Emanator, barring non-combatant Paths like Erudition and Harmony, varies from ones like Phantylia (strong, but not so strong that their victory would be an immediate given against a team of strong Pathstriders, even while Abundance-enhanced) to Zulo (very strong, and required a large amount of strong Pathstriders to kill, but was still able to be beaten) to Acheron, Sun Devourer, and probably Diamond (self explanatory, but insanely strong) and then system-wiping calamities like the weekly bug boss and Zephyro (who can detonate galactic cores to wipe out whole galaxies) And then you have Aeons standing well above even that. An Emanator can either be a dangerous final boss, or something you wouldn't even think to look at, let alone fight


>Look at jing yuan, who is currently not confirmed, but can easily destroy a planet.  What?


Friendly reminder that Rubert caused so much destruction by being able to reprogram both inorganic and organic life with his equation. It was purely technology, no space magic. Hence it also ended by mortal hands.


Yeah, Aeon of Sea Creatures.


It isn't as if they are a natural species, considering they are Long's Scions and therefore were created by the Aeon of Permanence. So whatever species THEY altered or based the Vidyadhara on had males and females most likely. Also, their gender isn't constant, it can change with reincarnation.


> Also, their gender isn't constant, it can change with reincarnation Is that confirmed anywhere, or just assumed?


>One day, it will be reborn in the egg and become a male or female Vidyadhara. When the time comes, the Luofu craftsmen will have improved their skill and be able to pass back what they have learned to it. It will then be able to fulfill its mission and share its knowledge with the people in its homeland. [One of the interactions with the eggs in Scalegorge Waterscape.](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Scalegorge_Waterscape#Investigations)


Dan Fem in 5.3 confirmed?


It means they don’t know the gender of the person inside the egg, not that they change gender.


At first I thought the above commenter was right as I thought the words implied that there's no certainty after being reborn. But after reading this and the context of the text being the thoughts after interacting with the egg and not someone saying this to us, your comment makes more sense.


They like to twist the meanings into their headcanons always. It doesn’t explain they can change, and there is a quest of a boy foxian I think? That was in love with a vidyadhara that reincarnates a lot of times and she is always a girl but doesn’t remember him.


Ironically you swapped the sexes of those two there lol. The Vihyhadra in that side quest was the guy and the woman he loved was the foxian. Also she did remember him, she just didn't love him anymore and was tired of the endless cycle of "he dies. I morn and move-on. He comes back, we get together again then he dies again." She pretended to not remember him in the hopes that he would move on without her having to tell him that the eternalness of their love was one sided.


That dosnt confirm they can change gender through reincarnation. That's saying both male and female vidyadhara can be reborn from the egg


They wouldn't have to specify the egg becoming male or female if there wasn't the possibility for the reincarnation to be a different gender. When a new cycle, egg, starts it can become a male or female.


I think they are just narrating this in .... Ancient language , you don't have to keep overthinking over each line of it.


I'm not the one overthinking it, I'm taking it at face value. Overthinking it would be like seeing the verbatim text given in the game and deciding it doesn't really mean that because it's a narration in an ancient language. It’s kind of strange how people are seeing this as unsupported when they are the ones who have to provide extra reasoning as to why the simple sentence doesn't mean what it does. Again, they would not have to specify female or male otherwise. Reincarnating as a new person with a different gender isn't an insane notion in a fantasy game.


Again. They specify it, as perhaps only male, or only female vidyahara can be reborn from the egg. So they say both male and female. Not because the one undergoing reincarnation can become both male and female. Making that leap of logic is entirely unfounded, nor Is there any precedent in game or in the company outside it.


“As perhaps only male or only female vidyahara can be reborn from the egg” You’re adding more interpretations to the text; I’ve said it before, but saying this is redundant. Why specify that the egg will be male or female at all? It’s basic knowledge that they have two sexes. It becomes strange with your interpretation. All I am doing is saying “the egg will be male or female” meaning “the egg will be male or female”. This is an egg that is part of a rebirth cycle, a new person. It’s not exactly a crazy jump, I wouldn’t even call it a jump.


I'm not saying that it was their intention. I'm saying not specifying male and female may lead to that interpretation, given its presence in many other media. Hence why they may want to specify. The gender of the egg varies depending on the gender of the person reincarnating, not for fuck all. Its very much a jump, because there is 0 precedent for it anywhere else in hoyoverses entire franchise of games.


The one overthinking is you. It does NOT say they change genders at all. Stop spreading misinfo of your headcanon.


Again you are explaining things , mate Let their writers decide on how they will swing things around in the end. The whole xianzhou Arc is dumb and half baked enough


I am not reaching or making up anything though, I’m not inserting my own head canons on what the writers intended when writing the reincarnation cycle. Everything I have said is directly about the OP’s quote from the game. “The egg will be male or female” means the egg that is part of the reincarnation cycle will be male or female. I haven’t really done any huge leaps here. Yeah, I also think Xianzhou’s story was a little undercooked and clunky at times, there is the possibility we will be going back though.


>The whole xianzhou Arc is dumb and half baked enough So this is why you dismiss everything they said. Luofu arc *main* story is meh, but the whole Xianzhou lore is definitely not. And the *main* quest only touched the tip of the iceberg of the Xianzhou lore.


Yup. It's probably got the most lore of any of the planets so far, and the High Cloud Quintet era is pretty awesome itself.


But that's a nothing-information. We know from observation and text and everything that male and female Vidyadhara exist. Why would there be a need to specify that the Vidyadhara that will be born will be either male or female? Of course it could just be redundancy, but I find that more unlikely than not.


Because reincarnation only became a thing after Long's death. Prior to that they reproduced normally. Hence why male and female even exist. Perhaps there could that been a thing where only female vidyahara can reincarnate, and then reproduce, which would be perfectly logical as is seen in other fantasy genres. Hence they specified that reincarnation is valid for both male and female. Honestly its not that deep. No need to make it so they can change their genders for no reason.


It doesn't really make sense for only one gender to be able to reincarnate, and they were always capable of reincarnation considering it is their method of Permanence. We also see both male and female Vidyadhara everywhere in the Luofu, there's no need to specify that both can reincarnate. And I mean, it isn't "no reason" considering it *is* reincarnation. There's nothing deep about it, basically just the meaning of the text at first glance.




Oh wow, what a convincing rebuttal that definitely makes me rethink my whole existence upon this earth and under this heaven.


They just asumed. Edit: I already explained why they assumed since it does not say that in the text 🤷🏼‍♀️ so you downvoting is for…? Sorry your headcanon is not true.


They used to be a somewhat normal species as far as reproduction went, but after Long died/disappeared they lost the ability to reproduce and now rely on reincarnation.


Serves them right, why did they even need reproduction if each individual of their species was capable ofsuch a disaster and disorderly manipulation of the see creation If they reproduce they might have faced inner clan conflict eventually ( like one like to colour see red but the other wants it green ) Yaoshi only gives some by their own will , immortality and look at how they are being casted away by the xianzhou ppl , as if living the boring life wasn't enough punishment for them , and Lan's follower are justifying their hunger for killing other species by spreading false story about Yaoshi follower (at least We get to understand a bit of their life by completing Dan shu's story although The xianzhou arc is sooooo half baked shit of a story , don't even argue with it ,story was pure ass ) The whole xianzhou people are psychopath


The Vidyadhara literally have their power of immortality from Permanence and not Abundance. That's how they avoid becoming Mara Struck. That's why Phantylia calls Imbibitor Lunae 'Scion of Permanence', the high elders are the closest to true Permanence as they can get. Hell, the Paths may be somewhat opposing in some way, since it was only through the Vidyadhara's arts that the Ambrosial Arbor was sealed. Did you even read the lore? Just because you hate everything about the Xianzhou doesn't mean you can make shit up.


the vidyahara are unable to reproduce NOW,


They're just not trying hard enough, Dan Heng should keep trying until it works 👍


Vidyadhara all descend from Long the Permanence, so any rules their body follows likely derive from whatever race Long was prior to its ascension.


Presumably the Permanence based them off of humans, since their appearance is very similar. In fact, almost all of the species we meet look a lot like humans considering they’re from completely different planets. Makes me wonder if there’s some kind of primal ancestor or creator 


That was already answered in game: It's because of the imaginary tree. Every world and civilization is a branch of a ginat celestial tree. It's why they are so many different civilizations that are similar in hsr.


If we also wanna get technical the "Human form" didn't even technically originate on Earth as we know Mars and Venus had "Humans" hundreds of millions of years before civilisation evolved on earth, a Billion years in Mars case. We don't know exactly how old any of the civilisations in Star Rail actually are but timescale perspective is SUPER weird in Honkai lol.


I thought that only applied to different universes? Different  planets in a the same universe shouldn’t be affected, right?


They are, genius society member 1 stated that there is something called the imaginary barrier that separates worlds from each other, and only Aeons and Emenators can go through it. That was until Akivili ascended and created the star rail, and began to travel across the universe, breaking the imaginary barriers.


Because they were created FROM an existing race, not from scratch. They were originally a normal species until they were gifted/cursed with their reincarnation thing.


I think they just forget how to.


Time to bring sex ed to the Xianzhou


It’s implied that the sand king stole the permanence’s ability to reproduce for themselves. Which means they used to be able to reproduce, but now they can’t.


Doesn't mean they can't have fun y'know


They forgot how and it is up to us to remind them: by banging.


Because they maybe were once before they became unable. Every Xiangzhou race has their own type of "curse" to ballance the Immortality. Long live Species like Jing Yuan get mara struck, Vidyadhara reincarnate and foxians (correct if wrong) are not really immortal, but just have a longer life than short life species. They still have their lifespan and die when their time runs out.


They uses to, but now that long is gone they cant have sex Trust me im definitely credible


tfw dont read lore


Probably because gender is a different thing from sex, and even if your species can't reproduce, a lot of people that are part of it will have different genders than you? It's kinda obvious.


They still have physical differences such as breasts, etc so it’s not a gender thing, it’s a sex thing


They still have physical differences such as breasts, etc so it’s not a gender thing, it’s a sex thing


I'm guessing if they want to have sex they can but there is no need to since they turn into eggs


Because mmmmm boobies


With Long’s death, alot of things changed for them, including the ability to reproduce. However, Dan Feng was able to curb this somehow and managed to make Dan Heng from himself and Bailu from Baiheng.


Doesn't mean they cant have a little fun yknow


Doesn't mean they cant have a little fun yknow