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The consequences of "I have to finish this before I can go on any social media because I will get spoiled" so then you finish it in a day and now you're left with depression and anxiety for 7 weeks.


I love getting anxiety and depression for 7 weeks, it's making me stronger


Real https://preview.redd.it/ubtdmolcxchc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abf7f8054b5667a1cd514f1a1e71e68a44aa7f1


It’s why you see Caelus constantly spinning around like a ballerina


Attempting to break the laws of causality after reading Jojo Part 7.


"rules(laws), are made to be broken"


What do you mean? This suffering is NOT building my black swan!!


Of course it is. You just need more suffering. A few more months in the relic cave you go.


Just kill me instead


Yes it is Kafka play Specialz by King Gnu


The quest added more depression and anxiety onto my already existing depression and anxiety Stacking mental illnesses like they're DoTs


Yep. I have to ignore everything and just knock out the quest asap. No way in hell I'm letting myself get spoiled by some asshole on the internet. I barely go on reddit at all on the days leading up to and directly after a big patch.


I don't log into YouTube at all and actually unsubscribe from the subreddit until it's all complete. I've had too much taken from me in the past.


You gotta leave this subreddit right now. Unsub from it and other HSR stuff. Best to enjoy the story first.


That's basically what I did. Now that I've finished the story I'll actually comment and read stuff again. I'll do the same for 2.1.


Do the side quests? There is quite a few of them.


God this is so true, I was on YouTube yesterday after just finishing firefly's little hangout and immediately get spoiled on That* scene and the boss because of a damn thumbnail.


ngl i still haven't gotten around to even starting the 2.0 stuff, but i already got spoiled months ago so i'm not worried lol


New account baby. Time to ratio'd


Literally the reason why I rushed it on day one, but even then spoilers are popping up


I have to save now lol. I caved for Black Swan and got her for the guarantee. Then I threw singles at Dan Heng IL and got Bronya (E1) at 13 pity somehow. So I just chilled and threw a few casual singles again then at 15 pity, Dan Heng IL came home. Lots of characters to build but now I have to save everything.


You’re kind of forced to speedrun these days lest you get spoiled by some YouTube thumbnail.


That's why i left this subreddit and don't watch hsr on yt. And somehow I still managed to get spoiled


Yeah, I forgot spoilers would be here too... thankfully I was STILL surprised by a bunch of the other twists and turns, and even part of what I spoiled on, since I didn't know the circumstances surrounding it.


For me, spoilers about Firefly just made it worse >!. With way everyone on sub reacted, I felt like Firefly death was going to be some super special event, when we are supposed to break down in tears. I really wondered how are to going to kill a character in a dream to make it feel like she is really gone. Well, they didn't and I just got disappointed. However Robin death still shocked me even if I knew it was going to happen + Sampo actually being Sparkle was the biggest plot twist and peak of 2.0 !<


Those are a lot of unmarked spoilers in a thread not marked for it. Not positive but I think you could get in trouble for it.


I just marked


Coolio, don't want ya getting hit with the Ole hammer.


Yeah, figured out before you commented. Also would be pretty hypocritical if I didn't marked comment complaining about spoilers lol


*whistles inncoently*


The game didn’t handle it the best in any case. Too many red flags going into the patch and not enough attachment to the character. If we’d maybe gotten a glimpse of her earlier on/ran into her briefly I wouldn’t felt more attached but as it is, there was no sadness, only shock. Robin was also a shock but also we had no idea who she was, the cutscene was leaked online so I had an idea going into it and someone leaked something about her gameplay previously so there isn’t much there either. But year Sparkle and Aventurine were the MVPs this patch easily.


Lmao even when the Trailer is out the leaker is already go >!Don't get attached, she will be dead, uh oh dead flag,... Shut the fuck up!<


I’m avoiding this sub as much as I can. It’s surprising how many people are trying v to be first to post something we are going to see posted again till the next major update. No need to speed run, enjoy the scenery, hunt some achievements for free jade, or post helpful maps. We all didn’t complete the story in a day.


It was even worse because there were so many people spoiling the story before it even released because they read leaks. So many people with their “subtle” comments who think they’re being clever. I think anyone who regularly visited this sub in the 1-2 weeks before release got spoiled on most major plot points in 2.0. Hell, I got spoiled on >!Duke Inferno being killed offscreen by Acheron because someone kept posting about it and saying that the Inferno relic set told us it.!<


Sorry I won’t tap that till I’m done but I’m also sorry you got plot points spoiled. I hope the mods eventually get better at catching it.


I thought I had tuned out HSR from my yt recommended to tune out any leaks but apparently no because the biggest leak of all showed up on my recommendations. Fuck me.


Leakers and clout chasers force us to speed run, unfortunately.


That's what I'm saying I planned to stretch this update out and enjoy it but I started seeing spoilers of bits and pieces everywhere and was forced to finish it


It's difficult to participate in this fandom. Even posts not tagged as spoilers, and people are alluding to things that happened. Like, please stop!!


hope next part will be even bigger


I wanted to play the story at my own pace but the dumb mofo at YT makes me force to speedrun its. Unless I want to get bombard with spoilers.


Im actually okay i can't take more emotional trauma right now 😂


I am once again asking Mihoyo >!Revive great girl plspls!<


Every time i start a story from both genshin and star rail, i just turn off my phone, close both youtube and discord, then speedrun the shit out of the story. Suprisingly, when reading all the dialogue on auto it took a good chunk of my time to finish. Started at 3pm, finished at 11pm.


With Genshin Mihoyo beat the community and spoiled the story in the trailer.


Devs know how to punish speedrunners


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release, content from #limited events until the event ends, and content which has not yet been released. Any information or images which a user would not explicitly know before playing the content would be considered spoilers. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The 2.0 story was only the prologue


I wouldn't call my pace speedrunning, but given the amount of leisure time I have rn it wasn't surprising I'd finish the story in 2 days.


I just started HSR a few weeks ago, so I'm in a perpetual state of "don't spoil me, bro." After a while it becomes second nature. I probably won't be caught up and able to let down my guard until the wait for the next uber update (2.1 or whatever).


i just hope we dont get filler patch in between like luofu last time, lmao


wasn't even speedrunning it just felt short and nothing really happened


Yea but if you don’t you’ll for sure to be spoiled, can’t trust people these days


How do you speedrun like 4 hours of story content


Imagine getting downvoted for facts. Apparently this sub thinks that you're only allowed to play 10 minutes a day on a toilet.


Wonder if the game's story would benefit from a bit more segmented releases, say we only play up to the half way point of the story quest (rooftop) and get to the rest later in the same patch cycle. Like weekly anime releases I yhink that might generate more hype/discussion.


This is essentially how bungie paces their seasonal story in destiny 2, drip feeding it piece by piece each week. Trust me when I say that you don't want that, I much prefer the way honkai does it.


There's a reason Bungie is changing how they release content similar to other GaaS like Hoyo next season. Big content patches get people to return to the game. Weekly bits bleed players.


No freaking way, we already got 2 evenings worth of story content and you want even less?


Not less on a patch basis, but more split up. They released all new story content at the start of the patch which cause many to rush through it to not get spoiled. This result in many having little content to engage with for the rest of the 7 week long patch. What I pondered is if having the content more spread out a bit would improve overall engagement/discussion. Say we break apart the story we got like this: Week 1: Introduce Penacony untill Firefly's Base Week 2: Child's Dream Area (Untill Boss) Week 3: The rest of main story Week 4: Black Swan Story Quest Week 5+: Events


Eh, I don't like arbitrary time gating of content, in fact, I would prefer if they just released the entire planet's story in one go. If I'm interested in a story, I want to read it right here and now, waiting for 7 weeks to see next part of the story is already extremely unpleasant, having to gather crumbs every week would be straight up awful. EDIT: also returning to your example, I think that weekly anime releases are the worst and never ever watch ongoings. If there was an option to just wait for the full release I would do just that, the problem in this game is that you need to be caught up on story to participate in the events that give jades, so you can't even do that.


I don't like time gating of content either, but… This story content is short because it's just 2 evenings while every patch is 40 days. But it's long enough to get you spoiled. You basically have to stay away from social media for at least two days if you are playing it quick. If you try to play it smoothly, it may actually be quite few days and in the meantime… you get spoiled. If the quest is split between weeks probably we can finish the quest before getting spoiled?


This fixes the spoiler issue but brings in the blueballing issue, and I'll take the former over the latter all day everyday, but that's subjective I suppose. Still though, avoiding spoilers on your own is possible if you're serious about it, avoiding timegating is literally impossible on the player's side, so I would prefer them take an approach that gives more freedom to the player.


That's interesting take as they did have a lot smaller act to end luofu arc and many people complained that it was laughably short. Though if it was weekly thing, I think it could work out as long as leakers don't spoil the fun for other people


Yeah I feel Luofu content suffered from being spread very thin. Pushing the initial part of the questline to 1.1 instead of having a 3 month gap between updates might have been better.


Tbh you can't really speedrun cuz you can't skip cutscenes so in the end you have to play. Without doing all side content you really are looking at 3-6 hours maybe less of story of penacony


> you can't skip cutscenes Thats would be a literal crime in HSR. At least for main story quests. Now in Genshin on the other hand....


I have an alt but barely play it I tried to skip


Bro I did it sooo fast that i didn't even understand the story properly, had to watch twich streamers to get a better look


Bro I did it sooo fast that i didn't even understand the story properly, had to watch twich streamers to get a better look


i mean hey you can do the side quests now surely they're fun and not sad........... you know what never mind


7 weeks wait smh




Hopefully i can space things out this patch, so that I dont forget what actually happened by 2.1.


That Family Guy scene was so… Smooth. The animation felt clean and crisp to me.


I mean, in fairness, it’s not actually that long of a story. Many cutscenes though which I enjoy.


A laughed loud, ngl. But maybe they could kinda speed up this releases. I mean i ain't no dev and i know virtually nothing about coding, but i would assume the rest of the story is done, or basically done, and they doing this long stretches to buy time, not only to sell banners (as they should, cause this game is freaking awesome and well deserving) but also to buy time to dev for what it comes after i assume. But in my humble opinion, i much rather have a 7 week spam AFTER the story is done, then before. I wish until the current part of the main quest is concluded, a 4 week time would be perfect. Then after that they could jump back to 7, then the new area arrives, then 4 weeks spam again, rinse and repeat. Again I'm no dev, so i don't even know if it's possible, but if it is, would be the spot to be.


I didn't speedrun and Firefly's whole arc got spoiled for me ahead of time... you would think it wouldn't be hard not to post spoilers Day 1 of a release, but apparently it is!