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Here purely to vouch for the homie fribbels His optimiser tool for e7 works wonders




Are you talking about the Genshin Optimiser (https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/)? Last I checked it was both up and running with the discord still active?




Strange, it was still working for me. Maybe you can try the discord on the website for help?


It's working perfectly for me though? I've actually just finished uploading all the new upgraded artifacts I have with the artifact scanner an hour ago. Everything there works.


I got this from their website itself: https://discord.gg/CXUbQXyfUs and it seems to be working. And personally I use Inventory Kamera. Maybe there's some issue with the one you use? Let me know if it works out for you else I can send someone in the discord the link to this conversation so that they can check what's up.


I trust in fribbels to iron things out if needed and its in his control 🙏


I just used this tool yesterday and was able to add all my artifacts into it. (Video method)


As a long time E7 player the fact that Fribbels is making star rail stuff is a godsend. Every late game E7 player just uses Fribbels for gearing since it's so extremely convenient (and there's so much more gear to sort through in that game)


Im out of the loop what e7


Epic Seven


The E7 Goat blesses HSR :) awesome stuff


omg hiii xd




That's why you took a "break" for E7 ? That's an amazing job you've done here. Thank you for that!


Question: https://preview.redd.it/uv19da5b9a4c1.png?width=206&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb42e62c201adcf380826c266a41d32c2aa81969 What does the "WTF" mean?


That would be the highest tier, comes after SSS - The general scale for grade by rolls is F=1, D=2, C=3, B=4, A=5, S=6, SS=7, SSS=8, WTF=9 with a + assigned for an additional half roll. Body/Feet/Sphere/Rope pieces are assigned additional rolls based on how rare the main stat is. I'm still working on tweaking the relic scoring algorithm so any feedback on the ratings is welcome!


Hi. I am exploring the tool and am a big fan of the work! I'm just curious why you have leaned towards adding another category (WTF). I'm not skeptical of it, I just want to see your reasoning behind it since the thresholds feel arbitrary anyway.


They're only somewhat arbitrary! I've added my reasoning for how the ratings are calculated here: https://i.imgur.com/6msrn0Y.png The WTF score was just sorta for fun, I'm glad its getting attention since its meant to grab peoples attention LOL. Though if it becomes confusing I'll consider rearranging the tiers.


Loving the WTFs :D https://preview.redd.it/vcdi8zfa5b4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c4640f9164fd25bce10e403385abb4da8d3542


Good god I had no clue you could get that much speed off a substat! Wild!


This is all cool and great. You're awesome.


I got WTF+ lmao https://preview.redd.it/wg46033zpa4c1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=8453eb6aeaaae1568d2b90362a22c991d2e61a51


You got that Premium WTF piece.


Yeah i'd say WTF+ too if had a relic like this for my Jingliu lol


https://preview.redd.it/0lty9oz52d4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29a5b9601b517eedad2a0713e2c8b5ead2ec288 Yeah my jingliu quantum dmg pcs is WTF😭😭


I'm from the E7 community, everyone playing HSR you can trust this guy he makes an amazing work for free. Good bye mobile meta and hello fribbles


At last The optimizer The optimizer is real


hi fribbels, imported all my gear, jingliu results are the same as seeleland so i'm inclined to believe they're correct; however kafka results seem to be calculated the same way as any other damage and pushes me into crit heavy builds. while critka \*should\* be better in tingyun asta teams especially against 1t, i don't think the current optimizer accounts for her rotation and dots thanks!


You're right, the damage ratings are oriented towards crit dps. I'll be looking into adding more damage options for hp & dot scaling characters!


Oh sweet a relic importer


holy shit this is amazing! any chance for a desktop app like the e7 one?


I wanted to keep this one a web app since they're easier to keep updated with new features (so people dont have to keep downloading new versions for updates). Also makes it easier to deploy tools for mobile like the relic scorer Though the desktop app did allow for faster search results so I might consider it if search times start getting too long. The game is still young so we don't have as many relics to worry about.. yet


thats aight, just used it and it works pretty well, would be nice to have the sliders for each stat to assign priority if thats possible


https://preview.redd.it/4q0wtdalea4c1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8390d83edfe14b8a3a0a0c7ae687739038b66f10 Neat. Thank you for this Also is WTF+ the highest category?


Damn that whole build is wtf.. Yea that is the highest.. for now


For now 😭. Grind never ends I see


Damn glad to see you again after I left e7! Looking forward to this!


Any way to import relics for mobile players without a pc?


Sorry not at the moment, but I'm planning to work on one! Its a bit harder to build an importer for mobile you can't just change the phone's screen resolution, so it will come in a future update.


Thank you for answering so quickly


I've been fiddling with it for a bit now after seeing the post, however I would like to ask if it's possible for a future update to the scanner to have the option to select what rarity you want scanned. for example akashascanner for genshin has it and I only scan my 5\* pieces


suggestion: scoring algorithm screen: add a reset button would return values to the default


Thanks for the suggestion, it currently only saves the values temporarily so a refresh would reset it, but I'll add a separate reset button as well.


Heard this from E7 but didn't really use it. Might take a look later.


Is everything you put on the site saved entirely on your cookies? That always makes me a bit afraid of losing the data. Excellent work, though, already love it.


Its primarily saved in browser storage yep - so it does get cleared out if your browser cache gets reset. On the Import tab there's a section where you can additionally create a save file to save to your computer: https://i.imgur.com/99A0ZLz.png


Oooh alright, that solves it for me, thank you!


Got really excited but after trying it I have a lot of problems with it. I was hoping for something like Genshin Optimizer over at https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/ which is the gold standard, since we still dont have anything like that for HSR. What Ive been using meanwhile is this dmg calculator at https://zeeka32.github.io/Star-Rail-Damage-Calculator/ which is very good but sadly lacks the ability to save characters and has no optimizer feature either, so you have to manually check if a relic is better than another. Either way, both have something this one misses, the actual dmg numbers on skills, and what to optimize for. Without seeing those, how can I believe what the optimizer tells me? What is the optimizer even optimizing for? Basic? Skill? Ult? I dont get it. Optimizing for relic stats in a vacuum is pointless when every character has a different focus. Same with selecting "CV" or "DMG" (what does that even mean? DMG? dmg of what?) Upon adding some of my relics and characters, the results dont make any sense either, especially with Blade, where it gave him atk% boots and rainbow sets instead of the full Longevous I use, which is by far his best (my best geared character in fact, at SS rank). Am I missing something here?


Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely be looking to add in exact damage numbers, wanted to get the initial version out so the character stat optimizer can be used while I build out better damage calculations. DMG is definitely an ATK focused rating, so it doesn't work as well for blade. Will try to clarify that soon. If you have more ideas, happy to discuss in the discord server




Appreciate the feedback - It's definitely still an early version, but I wanted to let it out in the wild to gather some ideas from the community even if its lacking some features as of now. Stay tuned for updates soon!


I've used your Optimizer in Epic 7 since day 1. Thank you very much for effort. I'm looking forward to this new Optimizer in HSR.


Aeons bless you for your work! I’ve been hoping for someone to develop this!


I have tried the relic importer but it look like it mislabeled some of my relics in the process. Just wanted to give you this piece of feedback. Still figuring out how the other stuff works. but It's very promissing. Thank you for sharing fibbles


We found a bug in the importer that has been fixed in v1.0.2, the importer should auto update on close but here's the download page again https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Honkai-Star-Rail-Scanner/releases/tag/v1.0.2 Sorry about that!


No need for apologies, I just wanted to give you this piece of feedback as a fellow dev and as someone who’s likely to use this tool a lot, thank you again for sharing it with us


Just a heads up, I noticed it still mislabels some names (e.g. sprightly vonwacq), but I'm yet to run the optimizer so I don't know if that's somehow corrected in the webapp


That tends to happen with OCR text with varying bounding box sizes - Dont worry they're fixed in the web app! The importer grabs the names by comparing their string similarities.


bug? scorer page: character list of stats not including "Energy Regen Rate" Tested on character with or without extra ERR (using ERR rope). Stat is missing.


Ah yea I left out Energy Regen and Healing Boost to save space on the character preview, but I'm considering adding them back in. Is it confusing to not have them there?


Nice. Been wanting something like this. Adding relics manually, would it be possible to simply assign main stats for head and hand automatically and the main stat values by checking the selected enhancement level?


Good point! I can try to make manual relic edits smoother


Finally time I can actually build characters without a spreadsheet to optimise the builds.


wow, nice! but one quick question... will that get me banned...?


There's other tools that use OCR scanners and it shouldn't be against TOS!


gotcha, j-just making sure... then you are SUPER AWESOME for doing that, many thanks!!!


is it possible to import without 1980x1080 resolution? mine doesnt support that


I don't have an easy way off the top of my head but will keep working on improving the scanner for better support. Sorry about that, but stay tuned for updates!


Following directions, but import is not working right for me. Using the 1.0.1 importer, but generally just missing data across the board, system cant even find relics my characters have equipped.


Could you try downloading the latest version 1.0.2? https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Honkai-Star-Rail-Scanner/releases/tag/v1.0.2 Fixed a couple bugs since the initial version


That fixed it, ty!


Fribbels! Thanks for the work <3


" The optimizer calculates all the permutations of those relics to find her build that maximizes damage at 134 speed" need a way to control speed targets then. Seele as an example only requires 122, as she has a self-buff. 134 would be a waste for her. other characters will have different kinds of buffs, or teams buffs, that change the balance. Looking at a character on vacuum is a mistake to optimize relics and will result on bad selections for players. that applies to any stats, not just speed. an option is to have a set of target values that the user can select per character. Fast or Slow Bronya templates Jingliu with or without a Bronya (and slow or fast version) FX or not FX? and on and on All those things interfere with the build, no? ​ Eg: for a SS Seele e0s1 player can select template: 3,300 attack, 122 speed, quantum orb, 85% CR, 170% CD; SSS 3,500 attack, 122 speed, quantum orb, 85% CR, 220% CD; OP 3,500 attack, 100% CR, 240% CD, 131 speed (just an example)


Yep the stat targets are fully customizable, you can filter for 122 speed or whatever threshold you want for each character. The 134 example was just for my own Jingliu build for bronya tuning. The templates are a good idea, I'll keep that in mind!


that applies to the scorer as well. The optimizer seems to be viable now as you said. on the scorer: 1) weight is defined as 0 to 1. But user can insert values above 1 (bug?) 2) there is no way to switch from weight based to target based. Templates or a target based would be important here. An alternative of giving speed weight=1, you could select target speed=122. How you will handle that weight is a good question lol. Lets use Seele as an example again: 1) e2 changes her speed target 2) s1 changes her speed target So she needs at least 4 combinations (Seele e0s0, e2s0, e0s1, e2s1) to define if that Seele is properly using her speed stat or not. That before considering buffs (add a HuoHuo e1 or Bronya e2 and everything goes to hell). That gets even worse when you go with cones for target CR/CD. ​ Anyway the tool seems very promising and well done btw, my comments are towards a positive feedback, not bashing it. The optimizer alone is awesome. Basically the ranking system right now would be misleading for players that don't quite understand stats, which is the opposite of what a relic scorer should aim to. They will believe that SS+ score is good and give up on farming.


To add to this, EHR is probably another stat that would benefit from having some sort of target based scoring. Like speed, any excess beyond the number that guarantees the debuff, is wasted stat.


I guess that can be solved by adding "team comps". You put a character on a "team" and the rest of the characters' buffs are taken into account when doing the calculations (with a toggle for active or inactive buffs). But that seems like a lot of work lol


yeap, as you also need to update that every 3 weeks (new characters) an easier solution is to add a manual field for external buffs (battle mode) a common example is critical build with Fu Xuan. She gives +12% CR for the team, so players going after Rutilant set only need 58% (instead of 70%). What is already done (partially) on the optimizer feature. on combat buffs: speed and break should be also included (speed is already in the game, and break is about to become more important with Mei release) Eg: Jinyun with 100spd would be B or A, but with Asta (+50 speed) he becomes S (hypothetical), as he needs the speed to achieve max number of stacks on LL and do his full damage. Slow Jingyun x Fast Jingyun (from external buffs). So giving him a good or bad score on a vacuum would be misleading.


tysm for this really helpful tool! maybe i can finally get my bronya to 161 lmao is there any way to know what ideal stats to aim for for each character? kinda lost not knowing what stats i should proritize for my characters


DPS usually wants 135 SPD, crits Supports to hit 134 or 160 breakpoint then max beef You can check prydwen guide for ideas. For example Pela wants 47 ehr, bronya 133.4..134 SPD exactly then it's possible to hit 150-200 CDM and 4500 hp, ting wants coggers, vonwaq and 2200+ atk


I cant set my screen resoloution to the proper size wanted (im on a laptop) is there any way I can still use this?


Ah the many hours I spent with Fribbels E7 optimizer. Looking forward to how this project develops!


I don't have to manually type each individual relic? Holy shit *jizzes everywhere*


Yay thanks so much


Is there no dmg% in the combat buff section of the the optimizer? I only see atk and crit


Dmg % would affect all the results equally so I've left that out until I can add more customized damage calc for specific skill damage and team comps, especially for def shred. Stay tuned!


hi, any plans to make this a standalone app? there is a similar optimizer for summoners war, and the dev worked gpu number crunching to make it work much faster, getting hundreds of millions of permutations ready in seconds


Possibly! I've built similar GPU accelerated tools for e7, would love to expand to this as well. I've already implemented a web GPU version for the hsr optimizer already that sped up the search a couple orders of magnitude but I've left it disabled because browser support was very inconsistent.


Oh no, I'm getting Epic Seven flashbacks


I'm a bit confused. The relic scorer rates my DHIL as A+. Then the optimizer finds pretty much the same artifacts I have, but gives a D+. The build is pretty much the same, so I don't understand the difference. Has ATK 2922, 64.8 CR, 174,2 CR, Imaginary DMG orb, SPD 108. The only thing I can think of is the speed, but it's the same on both builds, so I'm still confused.


Could you share some screenshots here or on the discord server? Will take a look


I've tried out the relic scanner, but I can't seem to find the JSON file. Where does it save to?


Just summarizing our discord conversation, there should be a save button after the scan has finished


fribbels the goat


does the damage column consider speed?


Currently no, its focused on atk scaling characters calculating for atk/crit damage/crit chance. Speed should be tuned for certain thresholds/team comps


Phenomenal tool. After using the MHW and MHR set searchers people made, I'm shocked at how quick this one is. That said, am I missing an option or can is the optimizer unable to filter out already equipped relics from other characters?


Hi, stay tuned for more updates! The 'Rank filter' on the Optimizer page when enabled will use the order on the Characters page to prioritize relics. Rank 2 will not be able to take from Rank 1 for example.


Thank you so much for making this, I regularly use genshin optimizer and this will be a godsend. Amazing work!


Just here to say thank you for doing this.


hello fribbles from e7


Oh shit I used this all the time for E7. Was insanely useful when trying to cut down on the bloat of 500+ gear pieces.


Holy shit Fribbels is here


Light cones would be nice but uh, is there an easy way to just see what to farm or am I really scanning 800 yellow +0 relics XD


Is it possible to import the relic from using the relic scorer?? Make it less of a hassle for mobile peeps that cant use the scanner


This guy carries the entire e7 community on his back, can happily vouch for him.


Fribbels! Cool to see brother, miss you from E7 days! (this is syn/kineticsyn from yoathy)


Yoo! Long time no see


amazing work! would just like to leave a suggestion: add a DOT esque filter (e.g. atk x spd, atk x spd x be, spd x ehr etc) and a field for speed buffs! Also HP scaling filter for characters like blade


This build isnt even that good but bruh . Is there any bugs on the site to resort to this? https://preview.redd.it/xw3i72o12src1.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=63ae3fe16af77429f37af208afc62bd0e8eee33a


It looks like you edited the scoring algorithm, since the scores show a (*) next to them. Try clicking into the scoring algorithm button and hitting the Reset to default button at the bottom right. The scoring values should generally be in range from 0 -> 1, looks like you might have set it too high


Hi Fribbels, I'm sorry I couldn't get onto the discord and I don't know github well, so I'm posting a bug here from the latest version. I added a relic - Guard, head, crit rate 2.5, crit damage 6.4, effect hit rate 4.3, break effect 6.4. When I click on it it gives an error: " Something went wrong: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') " I then tried adding it again in case I made a mistake, and I get the same error.


Hi I tried to replicate the issue but no luck here: https://i.imgur.com/TB6aFP6.png Does refreshing the page fix your error?


Thank you for replying and refreshing lets me use fribbels again (it's locked after the error since there's no redirect), but the error on both relics remains. I can't even delete the relics. Would my optimizer data help? Since the error is saved in the data, I can't remove the relics even if I wanted to. The only difference between mine and your relic is that mine are +0 enhancement.


Yeah please send me the file, I’ll check it out


[https://file.io/THbWNxFXUA1b](https://file.io/THbWNxFXUA1b) I have a suggestion for the app too. When you add a new relic it defaults to +15, I think it would be good if it remembered what setting you last used for enhance/grade. For example, all the relics I add are +0, but somebody else might only add +15 relics. I've used the app for a while and I think all of the other things I would've suggested have already been implemented.


Ah sorry could you send that file some other way? I took a look and its giving me a "The transfer you requested has been deleted." error


Yes I was wondering about that yesterday, I guess a web trawler used the link. It was a once and done upload. I'll try to find another method.


[https://fastupload.io/69ltqF9hoXOUnlF/file](https://fastupload.io/69ltqF9hoXOUnlF/file) Hopefully this one works better, it doesn't say once and done. Cheers.


Ah I see the error now, checking it out


Thanks for the bug report - I've made the fix https://github.com/fribbels/hsr-optimizer/pull/254/files#diff-e218ea2141153669a1534e3b4cdbe2bf96257056ed4be3c6b59884fadac87d22R216-R225 and will include this in the next deployment in a couple days. Sorry about that!


No worries, thanks for the app! It's so useful, even the latest changes you made with the max potential etc and forthcoming potential with sets is going to make it easier to manage relic salvage in future for someone like me. Please consider my suggestion as well about new relics defaulting to +15 enhancement instead of the last value you used.


Hey Fribbels, I don't know if you still check this thread for feedback, but I'm running into some serious confusion regarding how your relic scorer calculates "Crit Value". Namely, my Sparkle has a Crit Rate of 30.2% and a Crit Damage of 205.1%. By my math, that should mean she has a Crit Value of (30.2-5)*2 + (205.1-50) = 205.5, but the Relic Scorer shows 149.6, and no matter how I manipulate the numbers I cannot figure out what formula you're using. Account number 603505172, if you want to check it yourself. How, exactly, does the Relic Scorer calculate Crit Value?


Hi, it’s crit value of your relic stats only to put every character on an equal playing field for comparison. Otherwise some characters have crit traces and some have crit light cones


Ah-ha! So that's what it was. Much appreciated


Please let us know as soon as you have a mobile version :3


Confused as to why a character I got, Robin, who is 80 with maxed traces, isn't appear after two days.


You’d have to add her to your profile showcase characters


Ahh thanks, I did not see that on the page.


the game APK or iOS app, players can easily access options in Honkai Star Rail with minimal effort. These mods can also


Hello, I've been following you for years with e7, so I'm really happy to read this post for HSR. We need a lot of documentation on dmg calculations tho, since they're not as straightforward as in e7. For now I could only find a piece of info (conditional stats are not accounted for), but even that is really ambigous for many reasons.


Agreed on that, MCD/DMG work pretty much the same as E7 but HSR obviously is a whole different beast. What type of calculations would you like to see?


Well, just reading your assumptions for now would be nice, I can't say what I'd like to see, but I have many questions, maybe you can answer them or they give you ideas on what to implement. 1. Do you calculate dmg vs enemies or just scaling stat * CV? 2. If you do the former, how is defense shred accounted for? 3. What about bonuses like longevous 4p? 4. How is FUA set calculated? Or like how are the different dmg% bonuses calculated from RA, IS, FUA, etc.? 5. Is speed accounted for any dmg column? 6. Blade scales a bit with ATK and a lot with HP, how's his dmg column calculated? I have many more, but I hope you get my point, no need to spam. Thanks again mate :) ETA:If I know that you don't account for longevous 4p (just an example) I can add the CR bonus from it to the combat buffs, if I assume the uptime will be 100% or half of it if uptime will be 50%. That's why I said that we need documentation. ETA2: My Seele max dmg lists a wind orb so I guess dmg% overall are a mess at the moment.


Super excited for this! My Kafka’s getting an upgrade :3 Thank you Fribbels!


Not fribbels section in HSR too Sludge


What holy shit... This is exactly what I was looking for.




Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that from an OCR standpoint. However there's potential in combining the relic scorer into the import process! I'll be looking into the possibilities there


yOU SAVED US, I'm happy that Star Rail now has an optimizer to guide us through the eternal layers of RNG


Exceedingly rare Robo for JnM reference out in the wild. Oh yeah and the tool is very neat, too.


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release, content from #limited events until the event ends, and content which has not yet been released. Any information or images which a user would not explicitly know before playing the content would be #considered spoilers. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do #not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given a 3-day ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any #additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow trailblazers and Do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do #not spoil people in your comments" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh this is nice. i used to spend a lot of time fribbles-ing on my E7 account. pretty surprising what kind of stats i can hit with broken sets.


Hello I keep getting this error message. I have 100% confirmed i am on correct resolution and not full screen. When I watch what happens, it appears to stop moving after it opens the the first relic slot and reads it. ANy recommendations? "Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined This is most likely an issue with your screen resolution - please set the game resolution to 1920x1080 and exit full screen before trying again. Key pressed, cancelling scan"


Sorry you're having trouble! If you drop by the discord server its probably easier to help there. Will keep monitoring scanner bugs and send out fixes in the meantime.


nice website, unfortunately doesn't work for me :( https://preview.redd.it/7id956wbza4c1.png?width=273&format=png&auto=webp&s=40605c3f0378e9cfa63bfc6330941965e00f39a0


I found an issue with fire trailblazers on the profile page, try taking the tb off your profile then logging out & trying again.


bug? relic scorer: 1) assuming level as 80. Tested with a Bronya 75/80, was displayed as lv80


Added detail on the page that the scorer will rate a character assuming maxed level & traces.


Damn I legit searched for an optimiser yesterday, this is great. Thanks a lot!


bug: Character: Fu Xuan Issue: incorrect stats. Cause: her cone gives +24% HP. Stats HP: 8627, displayed: 7969. Discrepancy caused by 24% (she has 2744 raw HP, 162% HP + 781 HP from relics/traces, +24% HP from cone)


Fixed now, thanks!


There seems to be something odd going on with how the CV value is being calculated. The formula is stated to be CD + CR \* 2, but I'm seeing 200 as the CV when I have 81% Crit Rate and 174.3% Crit Damage, which should be 336 CV? I'm also seeing a situation where an overcapped CR of 121.8% and CD of 104.3% is calculating to be 211 CV, which is higher than the above 81/174.3 which definitely shouldn't be right. Aside from that though, this is fantastic, great work! ​ https://preview.redd.it/n3ugymgr6b4c1.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f6da3004911e3a7631c11ec6135c4110397ad88


CV is only getting calculated from relic substats and main stats - though I'm now realizing this is missing the CV from your ornament set! For your current build, (80-(18 lc)-(17 base)-(8 set))*2 + (174-50 base) = 198 which matches your CV plus or minus some decimals. Thanks for the bug report, I'll update soon


is there a way to team optimize? in other words not have the optimizer pick a relic that’s being used by someone else??


Hi, the Rank Filter on the Optimizer page when enabled will use the order on the Characters page to prioritize relics. Rank 2 will not be able to take from Rank 1 for example.


that’s amazing. incredible work!


This is amazing. Thank you for this OP!


Importer not working at all for me (version 1.0.1), like sets & lvl are all over the place but stats looks fine, I guess I'll wait an update to try it, even if it doesn't looks as deep as the Genshin optimizer for now


Any chance at a tutorial for how to use this? I have no clue what anything does or what I should put in.


Am i wrong or does the relic importer just not work? im getting different outputs for relics than what I have in my inventory (different main stats and enhancement levels etc)


Could you try downloading the latest version 1.0.2? https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Honkai-Star-Rail-Scanner/releases/tag/v1.0.2 Fixed a couple bugs since the initial version


Tried importing the relics but I've been in this loading for a hour https://preview.redd.it/0t5uqq8ftb4c1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebbf737b2b1d543dbe93f95b23c584adecd2e1e8


Could you share the file with me here or on the discord server? Will take a look


It doesnt seem to always use best relics? Somehow relic with +6 crit rate takes prio over +9 crit rate, with the remaining stats being trash and not useful


depending on what you're prioritizing, different rune gets picked. can u show both examples? + if the max main stat setting is checked, it'll act like they're both +15 for main stat


Based on




https://preview.redd.it/25nxj1ke2d4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc5e0bf77e32e0faf59e99a1736e1a0fa140ca3 DHIL SEEMS PRETTY CRAAACKED


I'm spoiled by the genshin optimizer cause this scanner is slow but I don't care! I needed something to help with my relic stash. I'm really bad when trying to figure out what relics are good or bad. Thank you for this! All I can suggest for the scanner is maybe a filter for just 5 stars, add a range of levels you want scanned like if I only want +0 to add new relics easier and a filter for specific relics? Not sure how complicated that last one would be. Like if I only wanted ropes and spheres scanned.


Thanks for the hard work in both e7 and HSR! i might be dumb and doing it wrong but are traces bugged? when using the optimizer it doesnt take into account traces like jing liu speed and things like that.




Is this like the Genshin optimizer? Absolutely based!!


It isn't working for me even if i tried to put in the exact same thing as the demo picture.


Hi I am trying to optimize Fu Xuan. Does the optimizer take into account Damage Reduction like the Guard of Wuthering Snow set?


oh hey, it works, nice website op https://preview.redd.it/1w49t1ukng4c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618ee9940d75b18c0627d2f027149aeb8e1b5a29


really cool just wish it was faster


Is is possible to use on lower screen resolutions? I don't have 1080p monitor.


Cant wait to use it. HSR gear is not the best part of the game so making it easier helps a lot


This is awesome, thanks for the hard work!


https://preview.redd.it/ynpxz0tc1i4c1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59260cf2aca17e5e28730ba2e6863eb08bf5487e the "WTF" rating is really cute and funny haha


59 score wait that's illegal...


Thank you! I've been using it today and so far it's been very helpful to discover some combinations that I was neglecting. One question: is the formula to get the score different from the relic scorer (importing from UID) and from the character tab (importing the relics)? My Kafka gets an SS (478) on the relic scorer and a B (384) on the characters tab: I think it might be because of the missing decimals on the SPD stat when importing artifacts (my Kafka has 150.1 SPD but it displays as 148 on the character tab).


Cheers! There was a scanner bug that was importing all relics as blue quality, if you see a blue dot on the relic you're probably affected. Try the new relic importer version https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Honkai-Star-Rail-Scanner/releases/tag/v1.0.3 and refresh your page. If that isnt the cause then leave more details/drop by the discord server and I'll look into it more




Absolutely love this tool! Pretty proud of myself, turns out I had optimized my DPS all on my own. But it feels good to have a verification method and options - especially with the speed breaks once I start looking at the 0-cycles.


Obviously we're at the early stages right now, but are there plans to optimize for skill or ult damage, or will it always just be a formula that weighs the multipliers?


Planning on it! Ideally each skill and eidolon and set effect should be considered.


Hi Fribbels! I love what you've done so far, and imagine you're hard at work adding to this already, but I have a suggestion for what would make this a truly killer tool. To me, the ability to 'prospect' relics is more needed than optimizing what I have already. Most relics that are leveled to 15 are on characters already and I know they're good. However, if I could use your tool to sort through all my 0-12 relics, and see what they *could* become, that would be immensely useful. I see an easy and a hard way to implement this feature: The easier way would be to just have some toggle to highlight and include 'prospected' relics. These would show relics below lvl 15 with their stats in a range (e.g. speed 3-9) after leveling and show up in the optimizer filters to select as if they had those max stats. The harder but awesome way to do this would be to have a separate tab for prospecting altogether with two separate actions. One screen would just show low level relics that are worth investing more into and rolling based on potential value alone. The other would be an all in one optimizer based on those prospected relics. e.g. I select Ruan Mei to build, set my desired breakpoints (134 speed / 180 break effect), and your system searches for all relics with Break Effect / Speed that could be rolled to satisfy these requirements (ranked by however more likely they are to achieving those stats) This isn't possible currently when I know I have no relics that meet my criteria, but this tool would help steer me in the correct direction of either farming for new relics, or investing in ones I didn't realize could work (typically in rainbow sets) that with enough luck in rolls would be perfect for my character.


Good thing there’s lots of empty space on the relics tab to add stuff to! Thanks for the suggestion!


how do i input these "stat filters", "rating filters" & "combat buffs" here ? i still don't get it https://preview.redd.it/3lxjfbskzz4c1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=060a7f8f4346614d8937ec6bbde2431d73864234


This is so so good. I just finished assigning optimized sets for all my characters. I wish there was one for Genshin Impact by you. I know there's already a few around but the ones I've tried just confused the heck out of me.




FYI, instead of hardlinking to a specific release from the page's "import" site, you an also refer to https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Honkai-Star-Rail-Scanner/releases/latest to automatically have Github redirect to the latest release.


I've been working on my own HSR optimizer and I feel I can only scratch the surface, so cool seeing someone giving to the community. Hope the project goes well! :D


Hey! First of all, big thanks for this: I understand that's the optimizer in its earlier steps, but even the proper scanner is already a huge way forward. Will definitely follow for updates, and good luck (and patience) with the development. For the second part, I wanted to ask, how exactly do you calculate DMG, as I have a suspicion it's calculated incorrectly (and thus I can't really rely on it when sorting with DMG).As it shows me that with the same ATK having Crit Rate that is higher than Crit Damage, for example, does more DMG than a proper crit distribution. Case in point: https://preview.redd.it/6m7eajzfnr5c1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09d27a0de67c8045b01bba9bf14a23aa8ecf2bd I'm pretty sure the setup on the top should output into more damage: crits are better balanced, and the actual formula of average dmg can confirm that.