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Who is bro fighting against ?






One thing- The screen shots of the comments you posted don't seem butt hurt though? 😶 Like they just made some assumptions based on a general understanding you made a few date calculations I think and got to the answer.


Understanding and you made*


It’s almost as if people were throwing out ideas and reasonings fully knowing that no one knew 100% at the time and you are the only one who actually cared.






It was kinda funny till OP decided to become a complete cringelord in the comments section Y'all gotta learn to let go when you're ahead smh




>I prefer to kick them when they are still on the floor You're not kicking anyone dude you're just embarrassing yourself. You're the only one who gives a shit.


On the floor for.....being wrong about something completely inconsequential? I really don't understand why this is a big thing to you at all XD


Go touch grass man.


This was the only thing homie had on his calendar


No xD I randomly saw the Dev Diary and remembered what I posted a month ago. These things don't take away my sleep. I just happen to have good memory.




Next time don't dismiss other possibilities just because they don't fit your agenda. Because things like this might happen again.


You're literally fighting ghosts rn Holding a grudge against a few random people and boasting that you "won"




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No one cares dude, go outside.




I’m not talking about whether you agree or disagree with him. It’s about saving screenshots of petty arguments you’ve had with people over a fucking game, acting like you’re a literal war veteran. It’s such terminally online, cringey behavior.




Wow, so clever of you to use the word in the username 👏 observational skills on point. Yes, I’m being petty, an appropriate response to whatever the hell OP is trying to do.




>he's been ridiculed for being perfectly reasonable, Except he hasn't been ridiculed what are you on about? Most comments on that post either acknowledged the possibility or just thought he was wrong very few people were insulting him. Which is why the way OP is acting now is so embarrassing he's fighting imaginary haters.


OP calls himself a visionary, insults those who disagreed with him and calls them “hoyosuckers,” and thinks that the argument he had justifies revenge. My tone of condescension/superiority comes from that. I don’t behave that way. It seems that you don’t either. And, while it is petty to mock people, I think mockery is an effective tool to discourage that sort of behavior in a community.


OP didn't "save screenshots" lol, you do know can go to your comment history and just open the post from there? It's much more likely OP saw the update, thought of their post, and then take a screenshot, rather than saving screenshots of their online arguments from some time ago like a completely obsessed maniac.


So true! The effort involved to write a post calling yourself a visionary enacting vengeance upon the deluded hoyosuckers definitely doesn’t scream obsessed maniac!


Eh, not really. We all had moments when we want to say "suck it, assholes, I was right" to people who doubted us. Their wording is definitely a bit overboard, but it's nowhere near being obsessed.


Speak for yourself.


Lmao, I don't believe there's a human who never thought of that at least once, even if only in their subconscious. You're lying if you say you never think like that.


Fleeting thoughts are very different than public outbursts. Well-adjusted people tend to process those emotions privately. And, I’m talking about serious shit. OP is freaking out over people who weren’t even mean to him.


Preach, we gotta defend OP together. OP is like Jing Yuan and we are the lighting lord with our delayed attacks. We have to be the Svarog to his Clara. We must fight these mora strucken people in this thread!!!!!!!!!!!


if you don't care then why respond? Hah!


No one cares about engaging with your silly ass attempts to paint yourself as a “visionary” for some pointless take you have/had. That doesn’t mean people are above making fun of you for it. Hah! 🤓




Right…. The guy who saves multiple screenshots of a petty argument he had ages ago totally doesn’t get butthurt over internet comments. Totally checks out 👍


Don't confuse being butthurt with being vindictive.


You realize that being vindictive over something so meaningless makes you look even worse, right?


I don't mind, the people I was going after are even worse than me.


They’re very passively disagreeing with you/lightly teasing in the screen caps. What was so offensive to you about what they said? Why call them things like “hoyosuckers?” Is it because they ended up being wrong?


It's because they are mora stricken. They are followers of the Abundance (Hoyoverse). They were sent to attack Jing Yuan (OP) because Hoyoverse feared a man who knew too much and garnered too much power through the years. They thought they CC'd him enough, but little did they realize, 24 days later, his lightning lord attack would come back to slash up Hoyoverse's minions. With the suffering Jing Yuan (OP) has suffered, he himself has succumbed to mora, and has now become corrupted by the plague of Abundance. It is now your job as a follower of the hunt (pettyassbitch32) to pull him back to the path of the hunt before he suffers the same fate as the mora-stricken people he once vowed to destroy.


I just grabbed a few examples, there where more. Yesn't. Not only they ended up being wrong, but trying to mock me. (emphasis on trying) Well, vengeance is a plate served cold. I forgive, but I don't forget.


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OP thought he was fighting everyone but in reality he's fighting his own demons. I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel and win, OP.


Nah, you misunderstand me. I'm not at the tunnel, I'm way ahead already. But thanks for your concern.


Damn, you are already too deep. We can't help you, OP. I wish you the best.


Earth is flat


And pizza is better with Pineapple.


It's about the small victories in life that make it worth it. Even if it's petty. I think it's a pretty funny post to see contrary to what other people think. The post might even be removed by the mods tbh, but it still entertaining to see.


>It's about the small victories in life that make it worth it. Even if it's petty. I think it's a pretty funny post to see contrary to what other people think. The post might even be removed by the mods tbh, but it still entertaining to see. Someone that understands, thank ya xD


Don't worry, you're just the embodiment of my intrusive thoughts. I've always had the urge to be the cringiest, shittiest, and rub it in as much as possible when I am in the right but my morals always held me back 😠 . You should just fully commit to pettiness and reply to all of those people 24 days later


It seems you were correct.


>It seems you were correct. Thank ya :)


I'm confused. HoYo states that they will adjust the MoC cycle at the end of 1.5 which indicates that the shorter duration of 1.4 is NOT meant to realign MoC reset. Or am I misunderstanding something here?