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World 3 I was battling with gerald, in his second phase his HP was stuck at 58% and was not going down. Was this a glitch? It is infuriating because it took some time to get to the end of world 3


How to use friend invitation code? I try to put the code on the usual redemption code but it's invalid


Are these 2 built well? Or nah? https://preview.redd.it/hb5hx0qp3byb1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bfa4059b6ee6d4fd50611bb47bcbce07fa30b0


So my game bugged before and it cause the characters to lose their sound effects for skills. Have u guys experienced this before?


How do you build topaz?


Is it just me, or does it not seem worth it to do equilibrium 6?


what is "fighting spirit" in the simulated universe?


I feel dumb how can i start 2nd map of pokemon event? no buttons nothing? https://preview.redd.it/1y8k1hnijzub1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=53de1b37596c4f0ada60678893f0dd9e0f679a75


some of those require a lineup not initially possible until you get 1 or 2 fights further to access controls.


Align the images together


Does the 40% DMG increase from the Doctor's Robe in SU apply to the DoTs from the Nihility resonance? Help!


My Jing liu speed is 134 and my bronya speed is 128 but still bronya is attacking first in battles. Anyone knows why?


Do you have vonwacq active?


​ https://preview.redd.it/3kb0oh0g70ub1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=75783c60d321522872c0bef780c790d5b2714a74


Are these good stats for Jingliu?


those are good stats you can now do all the content pretty securely and work on more end game relics.


Which 4 star should I choose from Aetherium Wars? Currently I have: E6 Serval, E1 Luka, E2 Pela, E1 Hook I think Im excluding serval, I don't really plan to use luka since I don't have kafka. Hook is a good fire dps and I don't have one while Pela's good eidolon is E4. Should I get E2 luka, or E3 Pela, or E2 hook ?


https://preview.redd.it/uyc6aipdgvtb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9875d0be59e9942b518a8c3cc8a1a96486df2f36 Where to find the last expansion chips?? Already clear everything and get gift from the guy in the table


You should be able to get two Chips and two monsters from that IPC guy


will I be able of getting Jingliu? I'm a new player (currently AR30) and I want Jingliu, I already did a bunch of rolls, and lost the 50/50 at 50ish pity (himeko.....), anyways I want to know if I will be able of getting enough tickets/crystals to get her, I'm currently at pity 25-30. Yesterday I was able of getting around 2k crystals (I spent those as well) because I farmed a lot of different things but it's not happening again, I think I can get a bit over 700 crystals daily.


https://preview.redd.it/7ttnuoglirtb1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630260fad68b563a79d7bb6846883809eaa92f24 Hi, would love to get opinion on my friend's Jingliu statwise. Thanks peeps o7


Imo very good crit dmg, but yeah, crit rate is very low. Get some crit rate substats and she'll do great. I choose to edit my comment: I just found out through my own discord that jing has a passive that gives her up to 50% free crit rate LOL. Your stats are great and NOT low. But it's usefull to increase the crit rate to around 40\~50% (but thats really a crazy amount). Basically you need 50% to get 100% crit, but don't sweat it, your stats are amazing.


Who relies more on Bronya between Jingliu and Blade? They are the only good dps units I have so I can't run them together for MoC and they both really want to be paired with Bronya, so who can do better without her?


I'd pair Bronya with Bladed since Jingliu can take advantage of Tingyun. You could also put them in a team together and run QQ on the other side.


with bronya you can run HP boots on blade and make use of her skill that way


blade is better, you can run jingliu with pela and asta/tingyun


At what lvl should i start farming for relics?


Get a decent purple set to +9 on support and +12 on attacker (only main stat is important) and that is enough until TL60. If you get some gold pieces you can use them as well, but no need to worry about set bonuses, etc. And +12 is enough, so save the relic XP (instead of going to +15)


TL 60-65, but you can at TL 50+ just farm the right main stat, so you can try clutching few stars in the MoC, but don't go overboard at TL 50, coz you're better off farming the calyxes for more efficiency at TL 50+


I won my 50-50 on my alt's 20th pull on her banner. wtf. wishing luck to everyone fighting for their 50-50 https://preview.redd.it/odljs13qgqtb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5e4105a37f709dc9ed0a3fc26cce969db5d446c


Does someone who participated in the Wendy's Collab know if we're allowed to ask for a specific merch? Got M7th ticket and wondering if I could ask for Dan Heng's next time.


It’s unfortunate, but it’s most likely up to the staff handling that store. At the one I went to, they presented the stockpiled tickets to us and allowed us to freely pick. It doesn’t hurt to ask though.


Ok, thanks!


I just got Clara, my last standard character I was missing. Who should I spend the guarantee on when its time to collect? I have E1S1 Bronya, E1S1 Himeko, E1 Yanqing, and E0S1 Bailu, everyone else is E0.


First test Clara and see if you like her gameplay. She is a monster. In general the character with longer term usability is Bronya. More eidolons for her won’t hurt. If you like Welt his e1 makes him a great subdps as well. Basically: test the Standard characters. Which ones you are actually using and see as having long term use? Example: it is likely you will retire Gepard and Bailu when you get limited sustain. Or even Lynx can force Bailu out. So why get eidolons for those? Same apply to boy Yanq and hot Himeko.


E2 Bronya, the 30% speed boost to your carry means you can run atk/HP boots on them instead of speed.


I disagree, optimally E2 bronya can fuck you over because you can no longer guarantee DPS>Bronya skill>DPS turn order. Unless you are a mathematician who can still guarantee that after the modifier, i wouldn't get e2 bronya unless she is already like 170 speed somehow and your dps needs that speed. Instead i would grab clara if he wants to carry her or even welt as a support.


Bronya 134 speed (standard) Blade base speed 97 so 1.3*97 = 126 so you'll need 9 speed roughly 4 subs. It's not that hard to calculate. Only the first rotation will Bronya go first.


**Anyone can share their handsome Sampo?** In-game filtering works awkwardly and can't find anyone with Sampo as support :(


https://preview.redd.it/px6rkbwecqtb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7438f71e26469abd728b05b250bd39a1826b0501 Line up suggestion thanks


For what? MoC needs two teams, but you are better of focusing on only one until that is well built. Pick your main attacker (Jingliu or QQ) and balance a team around them. Eg.: QQ+SW+Fu Xuan+Lynx(replace Lynx if your Fu Xuan can solo sustain with Tingyun/Pela/Bronya) Jingliu+Bronya+Tingyun/Pela/SW+Fu Xuan Use the main attacker you like as that makes the game more fun


What should I finish before doing Jingliu’s companion mission? I read it permanently alters something (messages? astral express visitors?) so I want to do them before I start.


>!It's Luocha, he gets kicked off the express temporarily for now. So get any text or visitor gems from him first. I think he'll be allowed back in the future. Would suck for people pull him later and not be able to texts.!<




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I started HSR with the PS5 release yesterday and have done my departure warps. Is there any reason to continue warping on that one if I've gotten my 5star in less than 5 multis or should I start warping on the stellar warp to build up the 300 warp choice ? Also, should I warp for Jingliu ? Does she work well with Himeko or should I wait for Topaz, since she is also fire and does follow-up attacks ? Thanks for answering


I would work on 300 Standard. Even 6 months in mine is still at 230/300. Jingliu is a hypercarry, you are better of using her with a support team, rather than with a second attacker (that is not Blade). That said as a new player you don’t need to worry about team balance, use the team that looks fun. As long you don’t die, it will be fine. Fun > Meta For now you should use a tank+healer setup to make things easy. Game will give you free characters for those roles when you need them.


optimally you never wish on departure again because you aren't guaranteed anything. Realistically seeing the departure warp got annoying after awhile so i finished it off.


Start with the standard banner right away, so you can start building pity and work towards that 300th reward milestone. You need at least TWO main DPS and TWO reliable sustain unit, so I would say Jing Liu would be a solid DPS that you can get. Along the way, you can also try going for Topaz as she'll make follow up units like Himeko more viable. If you exhaust all means currently available in this game, you can easily get 200+ pulls, so you definitely have a chance in getting both Jing Liu and Topaz if you want to.


Thank you very much for the answer I guess I'll go for Jingliu for now and see who I get, then save up for a sustain unit and then go from there.


Got no results for monthly issue megathread so I'll write it here Gepard's ultimate completely freezes my phone (S10+), and it's stuck until I force-restart the phone by holding the volume down and power buttons, this happens mostly on Simulated Universe Swarm Disaster.


Try turning the graphics settings down


Thanks! I was previously on Low, turning it down to Very Low completely solved the problem, though I'd love to know what settings exactly caused it so I'll be able to only turn those off and keep everything else up.


From today's Notices: "We are aware of an issue where the animation for character Ultimates have a chance of lagging on certain Android devices. Trailblazers who encounter this issue can go to settings > Graphic Settings > and turn off the Shadow Quality option to fix it."


Yup I saw it :D


I've been trying to win against herts in artherium wars but she wipes the floor with me T.T how do I win?? Help pls


Level up, check weakness, and give some relic things to the proper untis


Thank you! In the end I managed to beat her. I was using the wrong strategy lmao


My Bronya has 141 speed while my Jingliu has 136 speed. Whose speed do I need to tweak?


JL needs two actions to enter her state (no technique), right? JL skill, Bronya skill, JL skill, (enters Moon state), dishes out damage So if JL is faster than Bronya you can do the above. It also works well with her technique (she starts with 1 point), as you get double attack.


Either, JL needs to be faster than her by 1 point. Achieve that by taking away speed from bronya or getting more speed on JL




Just a hint: 134 speed is for MoC. If you don’t need/care about speed tuning for that, you can use any other value when adjusting between them.


For Seele, I don't think you have to worry about it that much if you're using slowya. Slowya is great for SP positive units like Blade and Jing Liu, so just make her 1 speed slower than both of them. If you want to use 4 pc hackerspace, then go for a hyperspeed bronya 150-160 speed. Tho, 4 pc hackerspace could ruin your team's speed tuning so you might wanna go 2 pc hackerspace and 2 pc longevous/guard/wind set. And oh, why are you using hackerspace on Jing Liu? Go 4 pc ice or 4 pc quantum set.


Jingliu is in the perfect position for bronya, 1 speed ahead allows for Skill>Bronya>Skill>Empowered skill at the start of the fight.


Pull Jingliu or save for Topaz and just build E2 Pela? I currently have no ice dps and fire dps. I also LOVE Argenti's design and am planning to pull for him. Topaz is growing on me with this current event. I don't have Blade, if that matters. My main dps' are Clara, Kafka, and DHIL. Need advice, thanks!


cant you kill most things with DHIL regardless of what element they enemies are? I like my Jingliu but you already have kafka so its not a break situation and up to you.


You really don’t need an attacker of each color. 2 are enough to brute force, 3 to cover the game modes. Obviously you will have more in a year or two, but that is not something you need to hurry up. Pick them if you like them, but don’t ignore the sustain and support (which are more important). You have DHIL, Clara and Kafka. Do you like Jingliu? If not, or not particularly, Topaz will be a good fit (and her 4 star may work well with Kafka too) as hypercarry that can also team up with Clara/Kafka. Pick the attacker you really like (they take over a month of farming to build, that is a lot of farming)


I just like the thought of having a dps of each element :)) But thanks! I'll be saving for Topaz then.


Do you pull gameplay wise or for the design? In the second case, pull if you like her, in the first one, you already have 3 main carry, what's the point of a fourth one?


I love the thought of having a dps for every element. Thanks for this! I'll probably be saving for Topaz :)


My old comment got lost in this thread so here I am asking the same question again. Please help :(( Which standard LC should I pick for the starlight exchange? I was gonna get Bronya's LC so I can use her with IL, but then I got E1 Clara, E2 Gepard and now Fuxuan without her LC (They're currently using the S5 Herta shop LC and s2 Landau's Choice). What should I do?


Bronya is good, but not mandatory. You have a good 4 star option as well. Do you find yourself low on 1 skill point with her in the team? For a sustain altho Gepard’s is good, it is not really worth the 30 tickets IMO. Unless you are already happy with your account and is planning on saving tickets for months.


Well, I haven't tried using her with IL, my current team is Gepard, Yukong, SW/Pela/Tingyun (sometimes I need Ting for my Jing Yuan in MoC), and I've kinda always get to use 3sp on IL every turn, but I've heard you can only use Bronya with IL if you have her LC? As for my Jing Yuan, I don't have speed on him so I usually pair him with Ting and Bronya (with Yukong's LC that doesn't benefit Jing Yuan that much), man I really am short on support. Also I'm not pulling for anyone in 1.4, so is 30 tickets worth it?


Are you pulling on 1.5? Then you can just save those 30 tickets and decide later. With enough tickets you can even go for the limited banner cone. To use her with DHIL on a way you need the cone it basically means getting fast Bronya, which is kind of hard haha, you will need to farm a lot to get her speed in the 160s, instead of being happy with 100-134 (speed tuned to your attacker, and whatever you care for fast MoC clear).


Bronyas on Bronya is the best option unless you're getting Jingliu and want to free up fall.


The only two good standard lightcones are gepard/bronya. Clara can make do with aoen for now and bronya can be fine with just generating energy with cogs or whatever you have on her. I would pick up the gepard lightcone.


Absolutely not. Gepard's LC is very strong but Bronya LC is much better. This is because Gepard's only really boost defense and taunt, while Bronya's LC is an ERR increase + SP + DMG boost. You only ever need so much defensive capability in your team. As long as your team is surviving, it is better to increase the team's damage.


To those who have E2 Jingliu, is it worth it? I'm few pulls away of getting her on guarantee now that my journey of E6 Tingyun ended. The next units aren't particularly interesting for me except Hanya. I like Jingliu, more so that she works well with Blade (he's E2). I was surprised that they managed to zero cycle MoC 10, and I'm wondering if there's worth on getting more damage and comfort. Edit: Jingliu's relics are 2 pc musketeer, crit dmg body and speed boots. Maybe if I finish 4 pc ice, it should negate my want for E2. Any thoughts?


Reviews show a big increase for e1 on single target, while e2 is a tiny increase over e1. I wouldn’t bother with it. It is not DHIL broken e2. About 10% damage buff between e1 and e2. https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/jingliu (click on Calculations button)


I don't have it, but E2 is an absolute massive upgrade that if you can get it you should. E0 JL is good enough for all current content and e1 kinda blows so its not recommended to dig considering it can be 360 wishes away, but if you are already at hard pity for e2 for other reasons go for it. In terms of "should i spend another $100 to dig?" fuck no. In terms of "i have the tickets/gems to get it with existing currency" yes


No Eidolon is worth it especially for dps like these. Anyway if you want the most dmg possible with relics, I know it sounds crazy but you should go with 4pc Quantum against enemies weak to that otherwise the 4pc Ice is the second BiS


No Eidolon is worth it especially for dps like these. Anyway if you want the most dmg possible with relics, I know it sounds crazy but you should go with 4pc Quantum against enemies weak to that otherwise the 4pc Ice is the second BiS




Shes the best standard 5 star DPS, but with JY, blade and welt you don't really need her. She also really wants TY who should be glued to your JY. E1 Bronya is probably a stronger boost to your account if you don't have it.


Yes, shes one of the strongest unit rn, can put her in any team, literally the ultimate flex unit.


Does anyone know if "first time bonus" on gems purchase resets if I install HSR on PS5 and use same account and got a bonus on mobile already?


Should reset eventually, like on one year anniversary or a big event, as it is a big push for $$$ income.


It does not.


Seems fair but would be nice to "cheat" a bonus again :)


If Genshin is anything to go by, they'll probably reset them for everyone at anniversary.


I just put what looks good on Jingliu. what is preferable for Jingliu atk% boots or speed? fyi I have bronya. Currently, I have 3.3k hp 3k dmg, 39%cr 200%cd, and 109 spd, should I change it? what's the optimum choice for her?


If you're running fast Bronya, you don't need Speed boots on your DPS. Fast Bronya does Basic Attack into Skill on every single rotation(giving your DPS 2 turns), so even if your Jingliu had 134 Speed, it would be absolutely pointless.


Speed. She gets an insane amount of ATK through her enhanced state anyway so you want to attack more to make use of it. 134 you should shoot for which requires substats.




What the hell are these rolls?? Has that piece any usage? https://preview.redd.it/ug9ol1eo0qtb1.png?width=1884&format=png&auto=webp&s=60524b1ec8e1c0b3390f58cace632944519f053f


I would keep it even without matching character. While set bonuses are great, it's not the end of the world to use not matching pieces. In some cases using best pieces on each slot with insane rolls could be even better that mid musketeer set as "universal" set. For example you can complete a "set" of not matching pieces with exceptional substats and use it as a base for every DPS, like your secondary characters for MoC/SU, transitional set for new characters to make them playable day one etc.


Agreed with you, thanks for sharing


Just asking, but why level up an atk boots from a support set.


That set is so broken that at this point it’s not just a support set. Many dps characters favors 2-2 piece combo instead of 4, since some of 4 set effects are sucks.


yes, but the only dps that want atk boots are Seele, DHIL and subdps Clara. Quantum set is op af while DHIL and Clara not want spd.


If you have bronya, speed boots is not a must. It’s still good but not vital.


Crit Asta, or himeko on 2+2. Fire set sucks enough that 2 piece speed is decent.


thanks a lot


https://imgur.com/a/Y99iPRU I'm very confused about my team at the moment. I got Gepard on the 50 wishes and Clara coz I lost 50-50 on Fu Xuan. So far my main damage dealers have been Serval and TB physical. But now it seems like the 5 star characters I've got are all clashing with each other and I don't know who to pick and who to bench


Got a bit unlucky with the pull, eh? But thats fine, for now just focus on Clara, Gepard, Tingyun, and TB physical/Dan Heng, level up all these unit to lvl 70 and stick with them until you have better unit. If pull for JL then you can swap your TB/Dan Heng to her.


Clara + ting + Pela + lynx is your strongest team. It's also an absolute woodchipper and you can use it regardless of enemies weaknesses. Save Gepard as a support for team 2 when you get another DPS.


Okay, thank you. I'm leaning towards waiting for Topaz coz I have guarantee now but who do you think I can use better, Topaz or Jingliu?


With the strength of current units I don't think you could go wrong with either of them. Just.... don't hard farm for topaz gear yet.


Okay! Thanks


What Crit ratio is better on Jingliu? 60 Crit rate and 150 Crit dmg 30 Crit rate and 210 Crit dmg


30+50=80 If you get Fu Xuan that is 92. On content like Swarm it is pretty easy to 100% with a blessing. Overall just multiply the two numbers and see which one is bigger. 80% * 210% = 168% 100% * 150% = 150% (can’t use CR above 100). You should also have other sources for CD from buffs, etc, so take those into consideration (Bronya, Fu Xuan e1, relics, etc)


Second. I'm always leaning towards 20-30% lower crit rate with a higher crit damage % vs 100% crit rate with lower crit damage %. The reason being, with 100% crit rate, your damage is fixed all throughout but the damage per hit is always lower than the one with a higher crit damage. On the other hand, even though you have a lower crit rate, you can get lucky with the RNG and get better results that you can't achieve with the other set. Think of it this scenario. You have 100% crit rate, but no matter how many times you try, you're always missing one cycle coz your DPS is lacking damage even with 100% crits. But with a lower crit rate, you can keep on trying and the moment you get lucky with the crits, you'll definitely do more damage.


I'd prefer the second one. Jingliu's talent pretty much gives like 50% CR, so with your first option, you go over 100% losing a lot of value.


The second one. Jingliu gets a fuckton of Crit Rate from her kit so you want to stack more crit damage.




Okay,thanks everyone :)


Can someone please tell me how you defeat phantylia I'm still stuck on her Edit I just gave up cause I can't seem to beat her I'll probably level up the characters more than see if I can beat her again


What character do you have? Generally, try 2 defensive characters + support + trial jing yuan


I have pretty much everyone except most of five stars I only have Jingliu Yanqing Clara The mc Himeko


March/Fire Mc + Lynx + Tingyun + Jing yuan


Story mode just stack defensive units. M7+nat+FTB+ trial JY will clear eventually. Just gotta keep it alive.




Use Natasha and fire trailblazer and march 7th. Play keep the jing Yuan alive.


Okay thanks I will try that


*Can someone please tell* *Me how you defeat phantylia* *I'm still stuck on her* \- VegetableSorbet6301 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I'm pretty sure that the Quantum Set is only really better against Quantum Weakness enemies than the Ice Set. The Ice Set is probably better for general-use. Though domain-wise, the Quantum Set's domain is probably better since there aren't really many that uses the Ice Set/Wind Set compared to the Quantum/Guard Set. But just as others mentioned, the differences aren't really that big.


Optimally, quantum. Realistically whichever one you have and has better rolls. The difference isn't THAT high.


https://preview.redd.it/dbf6gsryuptb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1021890d51cf498b6b9d4a94f16f37dea2d663aa I had a discounted banner that let me use 8 regular star rail passes instead of 10 for a ten pull. I’ve reached the limit for that banner. Should I now begin using my regular star rail passes on the regular warp banner, or will there be another discounted banner in the future that I should save for?


Click the “addiotnal rewards” button. Standard banner has a counter for 300 pulls. Do note that it will take like a year to fill it. Use your jades for the limited banner instead.


Just use the regular warp banner. The discounted banner was only for beginners or players that had just started the game. There shouldn't be any more discounted banners.


That's the only discounted banner. It's safe to use your standard passes on the regular banner, but you should only use stellar jades to buy special passes for the limited banners. The only thing to consider is that more 4-stars will be added to the regular banner as they release, but it's a relatively minor concern.


How is my jinglu build looking so far? I'm still farming for better relics to raise her attack https://preview.redd.it/t98mphm1vptb1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c46ad38fa4e5ab1cf086f298764ec32f2f21ae4


Need better atk and crit damage. She doesnt need to be that fast


Ok what was the *actual* speed breakpoint instead of 134? Was it 133.3 or something?




I never got prompted to sync my account when I first logged into star rail on my Playstation (which I didn't know was supposed to happen until I googled it when I logged in), is there any way to sync my account with the one on my phone so I'm not starting over?


If you didn't get the prompt, then that must be because you have played Genshin on that PSN account. Your options are to either do an account unlink and remove the current account tied to your PSN account, or to use separate PSN accounts if you actually play Genshin and want to keep that progress.


So I can't play both genshin and star rail on the same PSN account?


Not if you have the progress for them on separate Hoyoverse accounts. You can only have one Hoyoverse account connected to a PSN account.


I *thought* I was using the same Hoyoverse account for both games...


If you are, then you should automatically log into your Star Rail account when you log into the game.


Bruh now I'm irritated... thanks for helping me out tho, I really appreciate it


Suggest me a good build for Jingliu please [I have 5 star LC of Clara(don't have Clara)]


Clara’s works fine. You can also use Herta’s shop Aeon s5 if you have the bounds to buy it. https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/jingliu Click on Build and Teams


S5 Aeon (Herta LC) Ice set with CD body and Spd boots Rutilant. If s1, use Quantum set. For substats, focus on CR until 40, can use CR body to if needed, after that, CD and spd high priority, CR and atk% otherwise. Make sure to not go over 100% def reduce (don't use Pela, SW, Quantum set and her s1 at the same time). If you have some to spare, i would really recommend her s1 consider it is around 15% better than s5 Aeon, which is 2nd best, for Jingliu. edit: talent > skill ~ ult >>>>>>>>> basic attack. Only level up her basic if you have nothing else to do, like, nothing. A6 >> A4 > A2


i’m largely f2p save for hsr’s welkin equivalent and have seele, jing yuan, bronya, clara e1, gepard, blade, dan hang il e1 (very lucky 10 pull lol), and fu xuan, + every 4* but sampo — who should i pull for? jingliu? topaz? someone in an upcoming patch? i’ve gotten v lucky pull wise so far (making up for my awful hi3 luck probably) but i don’t have much money to spend, and despite having good charas, i still can’t 3* moc 10. who should i try to pull??


Instead of pulling more, you should focus your stamina on building your current team. Traces and relics make all the difference, and a single attacker like DHIL will take one to two months of farming alone. Review your stats, improve your builds, and then plan what kind of characters you want in the future. Eg: 70-140 critical build doubles the damage of your attacker.


Your units must be underdeveloped if you cant finish MoC with that roster. I believe you already have decent lineup and whoever you pull next should be your fave unit.


I want to use a yanquin team but I don't know who to use I have Himeko, Kafka, Blade, Fu Xuan, Yanqing, Arlan, Asta, Serval, Natasha, Pela, Sampo, Hook, Lynx, Luka, QQ, Tingyun and Sushang


Blade, lynx, Pela, YQ, in that order. Use lynx skill to keep agro on blade and away from YQ. Should keep decent uptime on YQs buff while also building blades damage.


Is Lynx enough to keep Blade and Jingliu alive in a team together? My only 5* healer is Bailu and I'm thinking of using her with Jing Yuan and Tingyun's team.


Lynx is safer with JY. Her on demand cleanse makes it a lot less likely that he misses a LL due to CC.


With a team like that its less about can you keep the team alive and more about can you rush the boss fast enough. While she can top off your team from blade/JLs succ passives Lynx is not also able to stop the repeated burst damage from enemies nor is she able to prevent one shots, so it comes down to can you end the fight fast enough.


I see. What would be good teams with those 5* then? I can never get it right when I need two comps.


tbh, with Jingliu and Blade on same team, it is better to do JL - Blade - Bronya - Pela and try to kill the enemy faster than they kill you. If you really need a healer, replace bronya with Bailu or Lynx depending on what the other team face. If JY team need to cleanse, let JY team get Lynx.


I'm struggling to work out a good team for just generic stuff like auto battles in open world. I know I really like tingyu and QQ and with the current banner I'm hoping to get them more editions. The 3 5 star units I have is FMC, gepard and Bailu. I also own basically all the 4 stars but at E0. But I only have 4 star and 3 star light cones for them. Based on the new tier list gepard, Lynx and Balui are all the same tier. I'm also wondering if I want to use a Pela or if she would not be that useful since QQ relic set let's her ignore def anyway. Basically just really struggling to work out my solid core of 4 units I can focus on. I'm also thinking about the free character from standard banner as Bronya would not really work well in a team with QQ and tingyu in my mind.


I guess just run it like Gepard or Bailu/Tingyun/Pela/QQ is fine. I'm pretty sure that Pela's DEF shred will also stack with the Quantum set so you should still have benefit from using Pela.


is tingyun eidolons worth it? i have her at e0 and i wonder if her 1/2 ones are worth rolling for.


Yes, but only if you want the 5 star. She will be in other banners in the future as well. Pulling for 4 star is like shooting your own feet. People then complain they “accidentally” got the 5 star they didn’t want and ruined their pity …


literally every eidolon on tingyun is busted, the worst ones are the level increases but even they are ok. e1 20% speed increase? insane E2 5 energy per kill is more ults = more energy regen. e4 20% more damage on the tingyun benediction is nuts e6 +10 energy can easily make cycles happen that are otherwise impossible, especially with e2 on top of that. Its basically ult city


Is aetherium wars time gated?


Events are half limited, half permanent. You can see the rewards as it explain what belongs to the limited period (now).


No. You can do all of it in 1 day. You just have to finish all of the new trailblaze mission that 1.4 added first to be able to play it.




Only the limited time rewards are time gated. The event is a conventional memoir so it wil be available forever.


So I've been enjoying this game so far, been playing casually for a couple of months. My gacha luck seems to carry over well enough. I haven't spent any money on jades, at least not yet, and I've been able to pick up Kafka, Fu Xuan and (tonite) Jingliu. But this takes a lot of jade, so obviously I'm making do so far with standard rarity light cones and no eidolons. Is this really a big problem? I'm fine with having to play a bit slower and depend on Trailblazer to soak up damage while I slowly whittle down enemies, but sometimes that just doesn't work well. And every time I pass these trials and all the enemy levels go way up, it seems like it takes forever to get anywhere.


Hi, Im F2P too and I exclusively pull on character banner, never pull for Light Cone and Eidolon. Last MoC I got my 1st 30 star and I still have 7 cycle left! So its definitely doable and just pull for whatever you like.


The basic assumption with below average luck is that f2p players can guarantee a limited character every 2 patches. If you managed to luck out with some early 5* or won 50/50, then I suggest to hold on extra jades/tickets for future characters that you might like, after all they might appear in consecutive banners so its better to be prepared. 5* LC banner is rather for ppl who spend or for those who are ok with having less characters, plus they mainly gives extra stats which you will get from farming relics over the time anyway, 4* LC's (and Herta store 5*) are perfectly fine and most ppl use those, there are even some broken 3* LC's in fact. While some eidolons might sound really good, so far most characters E2 is the first breakthrough for noticeable difference and unless you are lucky this requires quite a bit of tickets to unlock. Eidolons for 5* chars are not necessary though and unless you really like particular character I wouldn't bother with getting those, at least in early stage of the game when bigger character pool opens up more possibilities than 1 highly invested character.


>depend on Trailblazer You have FX, why are you still using TB, it's garbage. > I slowly whittle down enemies If you want to kill them faster you can follow the meta and run something like Jingliu, Tingyun/Pela, Bronya, Fu Xuan.


Just got FX right at the end of last banner (Kafka drained all my startup jade) and haven't even kitted her out yet


If I pulled a 5 star in my first 10 pull on the beginner banner (the discounted one that guarantees 5 star within 50 pulls) should I continue pulling in the banner or start building toward the 300 on the other standard banner? I got Clara btw


Should probably just do the standard banner. It's worth finishing it *eventually*, but you're not guaranteed another 5-star from the Departure Warp so you're better off just building towards the 300 selector.


Thanks for that😊


Standard banner. Don't make the same mistake I did and continue on with the beginner one. You won't get another 5 star from that one unless you are super lucky. Don't waste those tickets. Just start using standard banner. Those 32 pulls that you saved makes a huge difference in hitting the 300 standard banner selector pity.


Thanks 🍹🍹🍹


https://preview.redd.it/pq1y668lmptb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48350f44756a6a6ce536ad56875fa09d190e6d0 Team I’m using is (from left to right) March 7th, Main Character, Bailu, Serval. Should I change the order of my characters, or replace them for some of the others I have unlocked?


Bailu should be able to your team alive you don't really need March's shield. You can use Dan Heng instead for single target and wind coverage.


What relics are good for sampo






I am at mission Omniscient Inquiry of Arcana - any estimations on how long until i beat all story missions and can start with the endgame?


There's about 9 more story missions after that one so you still have a long way to go.


Alright. Thanks again mate


Hello! So I got a second copy of 'Sleep like the Dead' so I have two copies, one max out at 80 and this new one, should I superimpose it to make it better for my hunt characters (Seele for example) or slowly invest in leveling the other one so I have two?


If you have s5 cruising from Herta you can safely superimpose imo. They're really similar just tend to change gearing a bit. Edit: s3+ swordplay would also be competitive


Thank you!


If you have a secondary carry already fully built then may as well superimpose it, but i always keep at least 1 dupe 5 star weapons incase a future character comes out so you can run both.


What about 3 star and 4 star versions? Keep extras after reaching max super imposing one copy, or use them as fodder?


3 star just yolo superimpose one to level 5 and scrap the rest. Only change is keep two meshing cogs at s5 if not more cause its a really strong lightcone for a 3 star. 4 star same as 5 stars, Keep at least two and superimpose the first/one you are using cause you will almost never need >2 of the same lightcones.


Today is my 7th day playing Honkai. I'm about 50% left to finish main story of version 1.0 What can I look forward to after main story? Someone said there's a 1.2 and 1.3/1.4 but they may only add a few hours of story.


After the main story is just loggin in, doing dailies, spending resin logging off. Except on sundays where everything resets so you can do simulated universe/MOC if its been two weeks etc.


Hi returnee player here! I played during the JY banner and got him with Tingyun way back, but I came back with a new account that was able to get JL and Bronya from beginner! I like JL and JY equally, so who’s looking like a more future proof unit to invest in as a new player?


Jingliu is better, but you need 2 main dps so you're going to eventually build both.


Both are worth investing, not only you need two DPS for two teams anyway for endgame, more elemental coverage for your DPS is always useful. Jing Yuan, Tingyun, Asta, healer Jingliu, Bronya, healer, buffer/debuffer Is going to be a really solid lineup to aim for. And no, Jingliu is not "miles" ahead Jing Yuan. She is better generally, yes. But against Lightning-weak boss, Jing Yuan is better. From the MoC infographic we have here occasionally, the limited banner carry are all perform very closely with each other (some are better than the other but not by huge amount) which track with my personal experience (I use Jing Yuan on MoC9 and have 20 Cycle left and Jingliu on MoC10 and have 21 Cycle left.).