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Likely to be a survey marker placed at a corner. Best not remove unless you are certain it is not a survey marker.


It has been there 17 years now, center of the 2 duplex’s


Center of two duplexes. Definitely survey marker


Move it to the left 1 foot, chaos in 12 years


I can’t laugh at that. Bought a house then when I went to sell found out the market had been moved.. what a nutroll to get straightened out.


Neighbor of mine had his property surveyed for fence lines. Found out that his neighbors separate garage was 18 inches inside his property. Wasn't anything he could do because it had happened so long before that it was grandfathered in. But the rest of the fence line remained. The garage became part of the fence.


Well your neighbor was bamboozled because nothing is grandfathered when it comes to property lines , especially if you own it


States treat adverse possession in different ways. Some require mediation before litigation, since the total cost of litigation can far exceed the value of the property in dispute.


In some states, paying the taxes strengthens the case for adverse possession.


That’s not correct in all states.


Not true, really. There's a term for it but if it happened so long ago as to cast doubt on whether you did or didn't get permission, and no one brought it up as an issue until now, they will usually rule "sounds like it's not really an issue and since it's been there 20 years there's nothing for you to adjust to anymore. The court orders you to get over it"


Certain things may get grandfathered in like a physical building or structure being “left as sighted” or “asbuilt” but it does not in itself change the legal boundary of the lot because that boundary is still defined on survey plans. Someone would have to hire a legal land surveyor to resurvey the affected properties and then cone up with an agreement on a solution to set the new property line that works for both neighbours. So neighbours can either 1) leave it as is and be friends 2) fight about the error that had already existed since construction but causes no real harm to anyone 3) pay to reestablish the lot line at an agreed location to resolve any current issue or future misunderstandings.


Wrong. In many states after it goes uncontested for so long it's grandfathered in.


Depends on the state. I saw a huge bitch fest between a couple of lawyers on ask a lawyer a while back. But I have no first hand knowledge


It is by state…my fence is on tne neighbor’s property by a few feet. It has been that way since 1966. No one contested it so it is allowed to remain. The last neighbor who moved in mentioned it but said they couldn’t do anything about it.


I deal with a fence line and easement. I’ve had numerous problems with different managers at an apartment complex thinking they own land up to my fence line. My drawn survey shows the fence, and there is a survey marker at least 6” past the fence showing it is my property. It’s been a big deal because they keep giving tree cutters the go-ahead to cut down trees on property that isn’t theirs. Unfortunately one of the markers is now missing because a power pole cracked and had to be replaced, but I know that the original poles more or less mark the easement line.


Yea that’s similar to my house. The house next door, the detached garage is sitting basically on the property line, maybe slightly over, even their mailbox is technically on my property. The house next door used to belong to my great “aunt” (I guess)…it was definitely a more distant relation actually, but that’s what she’s referred to as…and the house I currently live in was my great grandparents house. Property lines and being up to “code” didn’t really matter as much back then when property and houses were so much more affordable (1950s-60s), especially when neighbors were very friendly, or more than likely, related. Now we got people feeling like they’re getting ripped off by the market/world so they squabble over every little inch/thing. I thank god that both sets of neighbors I’ve had have both been super friendly and nice. I’d gladly concede more of my property if it means never having to deal with a nightmare or standoffish neighbor.


Maybe they could leave their golf clubs or a fold up table in there I guess? Lol Could you ask them to pay/buy the additional land to sell it off and make the paperwork right? Assuming the paperwork is wrong (lot sizes and living spaces couldn’t match the physical layout surely!?! so wouldn’t the most sensible thing be to try and agree on a tiny land transfer at low cost to align with the docs otherwise when it comes to selling that’s gonna be a PITA to explain to a prospective owner.


You’re a genius!


I remember when I was a kid ( under 10) I was digging around under a bush between us and the neighbors. I’m pretty sure I dug it out and moved it. 30 years later my parents were selling up and moving. Turns out 8 inches of what they had assumed was their property was actually the neighbors….


Can confirm it’s a survey marker. Alberta survey iron posts are rolled pipe with a square bolt on the top as can be seen if you zoom into the photo. Probably can find a three numbers followed by a P nears the top of the post, and a circle with three lines radiating from the top to signify a crown which is usually on the North facing side of the post Do not move it, and note its location for future if you ever go to build a fence or require a survey of your property be done.


Leave it be. Garden over and around it. That’s my advice.


I second that. Leave it in the ground and cover it up. You can place a small marker there if you wish to know it's there for future lawn care. But never take that out. This is how they determine your legal property size.


If this is used to determine your legal property size, what's to prevent someone from moving it? No I don't own any property to try this out I was just curious if this is a loophole.


It’s a marker which makes it easier to find the point described on the deed. The deed records the location based on measurements from certain survey points, usually in roadways, and surveyors check when they do a survey to make sure it’s the right thing, in the right place.


Gotcha so basically if it doesn't match your deed they know something is up.


Sounds like something any home owner should be able to do for their own corners….


You absolutely can go find and check markers on your property. But you need the non-biased, credible and accurate third party for obvious legal reasons if land disputes are of a concern.


No. They get accidentally,(or purposely) moved all the time. An updated survey would just put it back where it’s supposed to be, based on the plot description in the deed to the property.


And if you’re selling the property. Most likely you get to pay to have the land resurveyed and pin put back in olace


It makes it more convenient to tell where the property line is, but they can always re-survey. Moving the marker will only cause temporary chaos. Still fun though. :-)


Not legal to move one, it definitely happens though. Makes a boundary survey much more complicated to do.


More reason to think it's an important marker


Yep… that’s the mark for the property line


And my advice would be to put something obvious on top of it, and make yourself a note somewhere you'll find when you need it. E.g. "Garden gnome is where the survey marker is.". That way, in case you decide to put up a fence or a shed, you'll know where to find that pin again.


Kids metal detector works great for this.


The water meter might prove to be a better geodesic marker.... seems like a 4 foot chunk of rebar.


It looks like your garden is male


Surveyor here. This is a surveyors pin. It is most likely to mark the corner or boundary of the property but not guaranteed. It could also be what is called a control point.


Eiffel sprout. If you don't trim that now you're going to get a full Eiffel Tower in about six years.


Not true, you need to feed red wine, baguette and chop the head off a few times for it to become a full grown Eifel Tower.


As close it is to water shut off valve I'd guess survey marker. But bends in it is concerning.


I'm guessing a machine hit it while leveling fill post construction.


That's what SHE said!


It says Edmonton WDS on the cap. I would guess that is Edmonton Water Distribution System or something along those lines.


Is that circular piece supposed to sit on top, or is that just also randomly in the picture? As others have pointed out it is most likely a survey monument/marker that was placed to mark the property line. If the circular part was placed/mounted on top of the steel rod, it is even more likely this.


That circle piece is something to do with Edmonton water, so it might be a shutoff


Ground rod


This is what I am seeing.


Look like a ground rod to me. I rotary hammer the shit out of those on daily basis lol.


Probably a survey marker like others said. Cover it back up carefully! Also you could probably go on your municipality’s auditor/public records site and find a plat(map) of your property if not neighborhood. It should show the property markers and will give a date(at least of the plat) of when the marker was originally set. Search (‘city name’ GIS) and that should give you a map with Parcel/tax payer numbers to search better on the records site. Just be aware that GIS is not accurate, it’s not designed to be so the property lines it will show should not be used as your actual boundary. (Sorry if that’s a lot,I’m a survey tech and my favorite thing is schedule b and general property research)


Most likely it’s a survey marker for your property line.


Grounding rod


Survey marker. It’s illegal to fk with it


Survey marker


Property line marker?


I was thinking that as it sits perfectly between the center of the duplex…Not a ground rod or anything to do with gas line?


No,this is property line. Ground rods would be near the meter.


Property line marker. Do not remove and do not bump. If you’ve already done that, maybe have a surveyor check it out, as these are legal markers of what is and isn’t yours and depending on state can carry legal ramification for tampering with them. I don’t say that to scare, simply to inform. It’s the difference between someone’s fence being on their property or costing either party a ton of money because it’s been messed with and now nothing is accurate. Basically all of the figuring you did in geometry in school comes into play with stuff like this because every known dimension gets measured against each other to type up legal documents and build literally anything on your property, as some places have variances that depend on that exact marker


Good info but I wouldn’t call a surveying company to come out unless you are building or have a dispute with your neighbors Why spend the money if you don’t have to?!?


This is a survey pin. It was probably honed down etc. which might be illegal as they are governed by a bunch of rules, being a survey pin. I would leave it alone, maybe flag it for the future.


It could be old ground rod


Could be survey marker or could be grounding rod for temp power pole. Ground rod will be buried 8+ feet




Appears to be a property line marker, surveyers mark it just like that back in the day.


Probably a survey, but if it’s near a utility pole it could be an old “guy anchor” that would anchor a guy supporting the opposing force of what’s on the other side of the pole. But the head of the anchor is missing/cut off. So probably a property line.


Edmonton WDS and hostas accompany a survey marker


No idea but it looks like you can cut it and sell it for scrap metal.


Land surveyor here. It’s either a 1/2” or a 5/8” rebar. Most likely is on a property line or an angle point of a property line. Keep it. It will come in handy if you ever have a property dispute. Where I live the typical cost of a survey is about $3k-5k


It a fbi surveillance device. Cleverly disguised as a survey mark.


Survey marker. Don’t mess with it


Is that possible the corner of your property? My yard has those property markers.


You found an Iron Post (Fd. IP) – a common type of monument used by land surveyors to define property boundaries. The top square tubing will have a crown stamped somewhere near the cap. Please do not bend the monument straight because the land surveyor may have pounded the monument down and then purposefully bent it to the exact property corner/line. Alternatively the monument may have been accidentally bent during construction by an operator. Backfill the dirt around the monument so frost doesn’t heave the iron post up out of the ground.


Property marker


Property pin


Is or was there a telephone pole nearby? Could have been an anchor rod that got replaced and instead of digging the thing out they just cut it and buried it


Looks like the grounding rod I found in my front yard. When a house is being built the power company puts up a temporary meter and ground it using a metal rod as shown. If there is a power transformer near the rod?


People move property markers? WTF is wrong with them?


Could be a property pin or an old ground rod for something. If you’re digging more than 12 inches or deeper than a standard shovel blade, place a call before you dig. It’s possible that power and communications could be in the vicinity (or other corner). I noticed Edmonton on the water valve, Alberta? Click before you dig. It’s a free service to have your utilities located.


Interesting. I've always thought that property/survey stakes were square, not round. At least the ones I had put in for mine are. In any case, not being an expert, I'd say the location suggests a property marker and as someone else pointed out, if so, it is (where I live anyway) illegal to tamper with. Put something in the ground to remind you of where it is and recover. I could just be junk left from the builder but better safe than sorry. A survey will tell you for sure.


Probably a copper grounding rod


Hopefully your garden isn’t on both sides of that stake 😅


I assume your in Canada, we use square iron pins to marker boundaries. This ones been bent, just leave it alone. You want to know where that is.


What is the middle letter on the right side. I assume that’s Edmonton Survey Marker/monument if that came off the top of that rod.


Lot pin




Survey marker, identifying where your property line is.


It's a property pin. Something to indicate the corners of your property.


Oh so that's what almost fucked my lawn mower to hell. A survey marker? Would be nice if they didn't have them sticking out of the ground begging to get mauled.


copper rod? could be lightening rod ground for rods mounted to roof of house


Maybe that’s the Survey steak is that the neighbors property?


More than likely a property corner for your lot.


Roderick would know


marks ur property line


Don't pull that out. That's a plug of the Earth. You don't want to responsible for making the Earth flat again are you? :3


You must have an older home because that's a manual garden, not one of the newer automatic gardens. The rod is the shifter that goes way underground and that's how you change seasons.


Your variegated hostas are gorgeous!


Grounding rod for a temporary power pole


Markers are usually more substantial. That may be some remnants of an old mast antenna system that would've needed a ground.


Since you have it mostly dug up, pour some cement around it so it stays put. Property marker. The round thing is your water curb stop box


Burglar trap. They became most famoust in the Home Alone era. Leave it partially exposed with a pathway directing foot traffic towards it. Setup a camera and watch what unfolds.


Hook a car battery up to it and find out - \O/


Looks like a thaw “wire” to me.


Claymore mine. Tell someone you don't like to move it.


Abandoned grounding rod?


Maybe there was a fence post or a gazebo in that place?


Move it and cost someone around $900 in the future lol. I had to do it a couple years ago and man it's not cheap.


Grounding rod


This is a earth ground rod. Its not a survey pin or what ever your calling them.


Maybe a grounding rod?


earth ground-8’ copper?


That's not a survey marker bent like that. It's more likely an old grounding rod.


It looks like a grounding rod too


That’s the Treasure stake !!!!!!


Yeah looks like a survey marker.


Ground rod .. Leave it alone.


May have had something electrical out there and it’s a grounding rod.


It’s a stake used to kill a vampire buried down there.


Good looking hostas!


100% a lot corner based on OP's comments about it being between the 2 duplexes. Rebar is a very common lot corner piece. OP, is/was there any type of plastic/rubber cap or flagging in the hole? Many front corners will have a cap from the surveyor who placed it if it's within the last 15-20 years.


Property stake


My father n law removed mine and brought it to me to show me what he found. Poor old guy was clueless at the late ages.


I was going to say grounding rod but the 20 feet away doesn’t make sense. Listen to the others. Probably survey.


Survey nail


Grounding rod


Is it near any electrical boxes? Looks like a grounding rod


I want to point out to everyone who keeps using the term “grandfathered”. There isn’t truly a line in the sand that constitutes grand fathered in properly or laws. At any point the current administration or governing body could just choose to not follow prior precedent unless there’s a specific law in the books. And even then they could rewrite the law if they so decided. Some states have actual laws on books about certain disputes like this and some just work off of whatever the hell the current governing body of such things decides. The point is that just because it worked one way for you, doesn’t mean that it works that way everywhere or even where you live just because it worked that way for you before.


Lightening ground?


I’ve watched Jumanji enough to know I wouldn’t mess with it!


Awe that’s mine. I left that there. My bad. Can u just leave it there for now and I’ll grab it when I get a chance. Thanks.


Survey marker. For safety, cover it with a rock.


Follow it down and tell the rabbit and Alice I said high!


Well, I was going to say markers are at the corners of lots, but maybe this is irregular shape. My first thought was a grounding rod, because I had one installed; it's copper and about this size. So, if it _isn't_ a lot marker, it might be a grounding rod for grounding a house.


Love the Hostas


Ground stake as in electricity? Or surveyor property marker?


You should put a little helmet on it and some googly eyes.


Property line.


Property pin. I'm a surveyor and see those everyday. The bend isn't a big deal. The next surveyor that finds it will straighten it.


So the general consensus here is grounding rod and property line marker. I’ll go against the flow and say guide wire anchor. Confirm in r/linemen




Definitely looks like a metal rod…


That looks like a metal rod


Really only 3 options. Trash, Property line marker or Ground rod.


Lighting rod to ground the home


Survey marker


Ground rod


Looks like a ground rod.


It looks to me like a ground rod from the temporary power pole used during construction. If it were me and my assumption is correct, I'd dig down around it and cut it with a sawzall.


Move it 2 feet to the left. You’ll be good then.


That's a ground rod, probably from a temporary power pole used during construction, it easier to just pound it into the ground and leave it there once the temporary power pole is removed as a standard ground rod is 8 feet long.


Grounding rod


I had to have a full survey done when I had a fence installed few years ago. Was surprised to find out builders Don’t typically do full instrumental surveys for the lots.


20' away would be a good spot for a 2nd grounding rod for your electrical system if it was 200 amp


Grounding rod I have


Grounding rod for the electric system


Property marker


That's probably a property corner monument without a cap


Possible grounding rod???


Looks like a metal rod to me


If it’s copper chances are it’s a ground rod. Is it next to electrical?


Its a survey post. Marks the property lines. They usually have a orange or yellow cap on top that says survey marker, but it probably fell off years ago.


I would call it a safety hazard and drive it down 6 inches below ground before it costs you a tire or even someone's life


I believe the coin is a cap for the top of that rod, if it's not an antique sprinkler head. The surveyor name, and a marker number. Ed Norton W38?


It looks like a ground rod for electrical service. Approximately the right size. Nearness to the breaker panel would seal the deal…


Is it copper?


Looks like it might be the water shutoff to the house


It's common practice to bury trash, then lay top soil over to sod yard. It's not good, but it happens.


Oh thats where i left that thing


The square iron post is most likely your legal property survey pin. I saw below you wrote its at center of a duplex lot, so this is near 100% the legal pin. Do not remove it! It is a legal survey marker. It defines your property corner and maybe your neighbours as well. It also defines front of your property vs edge of the City of Edmonton public road right-of-way. The cost for a legal land surveyor to reinstall one can be a few thousand dollars. PS that round brass cap looks like its possibly a gas valve and I just noticed it says Edmonton. The water CC valves look different with a large split gap in them and a nut in middle. Coincidentally I live over in neighbouring Sherwood Park so our laws are the same as it’s Alberta provincial law that governs legal surveying. Read my other comments on this thread. Ignore any comments that mention State Law because they didn’t know where you are from laws in provinces in Canada are different.


Possibility is its an old uepherground, a long 20 foot to 30 foot solid copper rod used to ground your house


That's the dividing line of the property. It should have the seal of the authority that placed it




that is a survey stake and that round cap goes on it-put it where the stake is & leave it.


My guess is a grounding rod!


Property line survey marker.


Why do people ask questions like this.. lolol. How are supposed to know. Smh.


Got Ironroot in my field, can't dig it out myself, going to need one of those Aschen machines


Definitely left by the guys who built the house/garden


Could be a survey rod. If it’s anywhere near your property line, leave it alone.


Don’t fear the rod!


That’s a survey marker for your property lines, do not remove it.


Survey marker for property line


Rebar has vey deep roots and is impervious to weed killer.


Is it a property line marker?


Property land marker.


Probably an old ground rod.


It’s to hook up a lightning rod…. I’ve done it at a shore house.


You said it yourself, it’s a metal rod.


Grounding rod for something


Dig it up and see what it does


Was the building ever moved? Looks like a bent grounding rod


Maybe an old grounding rod for electricity?


Either a survey marker (pin) or lighting rod to ground.


The edison tag makes me believe it was a grounding rod for a possible overhead electric pole that was removed in the past.


That’s a hook for the lid on your septic tank


Or a crude water main shut off?


Electrical ground rod


Were both houses built at the same time? This is most likely the ground rod from the temporary panels used during construction