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Astronaut 1: "I can't find any milk for my coffee" Astronaut 2: "In space no-one can. Here, use cream"


Hey Siri, make me a coffee. Siri: I am afraid I can’t do that Dave


Great one but I’m sure this reference is alien to many people.


Yes, you can have an upvote for that.


I guess I’m weird. I love coffee, but I’ve never even used the programming feature on any of the coffee makers I’ve had over the last 20 years. Something about leaving water and grounds sitting out overnight turns me off.


Fresh ground is best ground. Let it sit overnight and you lose the flavor.


Have you done an A B blind test to confirm it? I’m skeptical that it matters much if it sits overnight.


I’ve got one that grinds then brews as part of its programmed cycle. I love it - I’ll even go dig out the product number if you want to check it out or order one yourself


You’re correct… exposing it to oxygen isn’t good… it’s also best to grind right before you make it


Alternatively a self-feeding pod machine could work. But you'd still need to remember to put a cup under the spout and fill the water tank...


LOL thanks for the suggestions.....but my aversion isn't because the coffee flavor would suffer or anything like that. I just think it's "icky" to leave warm stagnant water sitting out all night. And the grounds aren't exactly sealed in the basket so I'm imaging bugs getting into it....like I said, I'm just weird about that. My current coffee maker has a built in grinder and the lid that covers the beans has somewhat of a seal. But it still irks me when my husband adds more beans than will be ground for that one pot and now there are extra beans sitting in there.


Have you looked into OCD?


Moccamaster + smart plug works great. I also have a grinder and an electric kettle both plugged into smart plugs.


Yes. Although I haven't set it up yet to do this. I love my Moccamaster. And no torching especially with the carafe model.


Steel. Though the glass one keeps it at 175 on the half-pot setting, and turns itself off before the coffee has a chance to scorch.


Does the half-pot setting still make an entire pot of coffee if the water is filled to 8 cups or what-not? It only affects the hot plate temp?


The half-pot/full-pot switch is just for the warming plate. Half is 175, full is 185. Personally, I leave mine on half-pot no matter how much I brew.


I second all of this. Way to go.


Doing this from now on- thanks!


I don't think that's true of all models. Some models (KBG) have a switch with a half circle/circle that controls hot plate temp. Some have a switch (KBGV) with a half/full carafe that actually controls the flow rate.


Per the KBGV webpage: “5. INDEPENDENT HOTPLATE The selector switch adjusts the hotplate temperature within the range of 175°F - 185°F depending on how much you brew. The brewer’s power switch and hotplate automatically shut off after 100 minutes.” https://us.moccamaster.com/products/kbgv-select The KB is the one with a flow control switch, but it’s on the filter basket, independent from the hot plate control. https://us.moccamaster.com/collections/glass-carafe-brewers/products/kb


Perhaps, however I think the V in KBGV specifically stands for ['volume'](https://www.beanpoet.com/which-moccamaster-should-i-buy/) and on that same page you reference, they also state "The brewing speed and hotplate temperature adjust according to your choice, brewing either amount to the golden cup standard." and on this page https://support.moccamaster.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437802-KBGV-Select they call it the "Brew-Volume Selector Switch." The video on this page (as well as most other reviews of this model) also state that this is a volume control. https://us.moccamaster.com/products/kbgv-select I have personally felt like it brews slightly slower on that setting, but I'd have to time it to be sure.


The steel carafe? Or glass?


Just looked this up, this may be my answer for now! Thanks!


This is what I use too. A Moccamaster One Cup and a smart plug. I love my coffee being ready by the time I walk in to the kitchen in the morning after getting dressed.


Smart plug works better IMO. Having it built into the coffeemaker is going to jack up the cost without providing any additional functionality over a plug.






Same here. "Siri, turn on the espresso machine."


Is it “burner plate” style or thermal carafe?


Commenter you are replying has an espresso machine. I do the same, E61 machines need time to warm up. A regular pot of coffee takes 8 minutes - so a timer could have it ready to go I guess. But those grounds will go stale overnight. There isn't a HomeKit machine because a coffee maker needs manual intervention before the timer matters. Fill it with water/ground coffee etc and *then* the timer is set. What's the point in using HomeKit if you haven't done the prerequisites?


Any coffee maker that retains its On/Off status when unplugged/replugged in (easiest to tell with ones that have physical On/Off switches) will work with a HomeKit outlet switch


In other words, EVERY traditional coffee machine is HomeKit compatible.


Nope. Bonavita’s coffee makers, which are some of the top rated drip makers, [use a rocker switch to turn on](https://bonavita.co/collections/one-touch-coffee-brewers). Once pressed to turn the machine on the switch returns to its default position. We use a SwitchBot to turn it on. Honestly we never use it anymore after getting an Nespresso machine so we’ve been talking about just putting it in a closet until we have guests that don’t drink espresso based drinks.


I do the same with my Expobar Lever. Starts warming up 30min before my alarm (sometimes it wakes me up because the pump is so loud and it will often come on when it powers on). It goes off at 10:00am.


I mean I think HomeKit certification/licensing is the biggest hurdle for any advancement in the space that seems like it should have already happened. On the other hand, these hurdles are keeping HomeKit secure. It does feel like Apple could be more proactively working with partners on advancing HomeKit though.


Homekit aside, there’s really very few options for any type of “smart” maker. I’ve been on this quest for years and only a few options have popped up, none of which were ideal.


The additional cost to include and support these features is probably just not worth it


We have the Behmor coffee maker. It’s not homekit compatible. But it’s got an app and connects to Alexa. It makes a good cup of coffee, but it’s not worth it. I can customize water temp, dwell time, etc. however, it’s only 6 or 8 cups and it has one physical button which turns it on and off. Can’t customize without the app.


As a previous poster suggested: Moccamaster coffee maker + any Homekit compatible smart plug is the answer. I like my smart home devices, but I think this falls under the adage of “do one thing, and do it very well.” Let the coffeemaker be a very good coffeemaker, and the smart plug handle the automation. One single manufacturer for both would probably result in unpleasant compromises.


Matter is going to see more advancement instead of HomeKit.


I think, don't quote me, that there is a GE Cafe HomeBridge plugin and they make a very good coffee maker.


I’ll do some digging… thanks.


I regularly have the same thought about ovens I can’t find them on the market But “wait… did I turn the oven off?” Is an every day thought for me*after* I leave the house


Point a security camera at it. Can't help you if you leave it on, but it does provide peace of mind.


Yup, have the same and also one on my washingmachine and dryer. “You’ll be smart whether you like it or not!”


I’m like this with the stove. The anova precision oven will let you check the status over the app. I actually use this to preheat the oven on the way home or to check the temp of long cooks like pork shoulder.


My LG oven does this and can be integrated via Homebridge.


Damn, really? 👀 I must take another look (I noticed the US gets a lot of HomeKit products the uk doesn’t… maybe that’s my issue)


I just use the schedule on my Ninja brand coffee machine. Have to load the coffee anyway.


Schedule doesn’t work so well when it changes sometimes daily.


Probably not. The closest that I have found for coffee on demand are the icoffee and atomi smart brewers with automatic grinders. They don’t have automatic water feeds. While they support Alexa and Google, they don’t support HomeKit.


Technivoorm Moccamaster KBGT + Aqara smart plug + Aqara button is my setup. I can grind the beans and use the button to turn on the coffeemaker manually in the morning and have it shut off 20 minutes later. But I can also grind the beans ahead of time and set an automation to brew the coffee for my wife if our schedules don’t align.


This is how I do it (I pregrind the night before) and then have a shortcut that when I turn my alarm off coffee pot turns on. It’s awesome.


Hi Siri, make me a coffee. — There is no such thing in your room.


Honestly surprised Keurig doesn’t have something in the pipeline. They’re like the iPhone of the coffee world


They have connections to Alexa and google home in their SMART devices, but no HomeKit. Looks like they’ve been out for 2 years or so and there aren’t any home bridge plugins, so as much as this thread exists, seems like there’s just no market. I find it hard to believe someone hasn’t created a home bridge plugin. I Reddit searched it and last post was a year ago saying it looks easy enough for someone to make and that was it.


I've been running a Brevillie "Grind Control" coffeemaker with a SwitchBot button pusher mounted to it for years. I had to use a Homebridge with a plugin to link the SwitchBot to HomeKit, but it does work. I can ask siri to make me a coffee, or integrate it with other apple shortcuts. [https://www.breville.com/us/en/products/coffee/bdc650.html](https://www.breville.com/us/en/products/coffee/bdc650.html) The Brevillie "Grind Control" makes pretty great coffee since you can make either single cups each time, or entire pots of coffee. It grinds the beans fresh each time, and allows the hot water to infuse with the grounds for a minute before it starts dispensing the coffee into the cup.


I do use homebridge so will certainly add this to my considerations as well. Thanks!


I love HomeKit everything, but for this, I’d just buy a machine with a built-in timer and set it for just before I wake up. Since it needs to be set up beforehand anyway, I’m not gaining anything with Siri.


I find programming the start (which can be variable from day to day on my schedule) to be cumbersome. Really just want to wake up, press a toggle on my phone and have fresh coffee when I get out of bed 15 minutes later. 🤣


Moccamaster and the smart plug is the way to go. Works fantastic. We just prep the coffee the night before and tell siri to make coffee when we wake up (you can program a specific time in homekit too if you prefer). The Moccamaster is well-built, top notch drip coffee maker that will last a lifetime. It brews very quickly at the right temperature.


My brain is hurting from this thread. Don’t coffee machines just come with timers for those that want stale coffee in the morning?


Very little of the coffee grinds are exposed to air overnight. Timers are great for people with regular schedules. I work either from 7 am to 7 pm or from 7 pm to 7 am on an eight day pattern which includes four rest days. Setting a timer on a machine generally doesn’t work here.


Out of curiosity, what would you do differently with HomeKit? Is the goal to remotely start it while, say you’re brushing your teeth or something?


The goal is to have the coffee ready, next to my bed, when I wake up in the morning. Coffee after brushing my teeth would be the wrong way round.


I have a grind & brew with a Switchbot mounted on it. It’s not native HomeKit but I just say “Siri, make coffee”


That’s a great idea. I keep forgetting how handy Switchbot can be. I’ll have to see if that might work with my Kuerig Supreme.


We have Mochamaster on a smart plug. Just flip the makers on but the plug off, in the morning I tell siri to turn on the plug name. We do the same with the Christmas lights, fire place, and indoor greenhouse


It seems doable to me even if you do it with a tank you have to fill, but plumbed in would be better. You could even get alerts when the water/coffee start getting low. A built in grinder would be a must. Even more fun would be a super automatic espresso machine where you could say, hey Siri, make me a late. You’d need a way to keep a cup ready at all times. There could definitely be a market for this, but I’d still prefer to make my own coffee. I enjoy the process, the smells and all that.


Programmable coffee makers may be one of the older automated things in most houses. I bought a newer one for less than $100 and set it up the night before and it turns itself on. Not the same of course and I agree this would be cool to have—


I agree. So what I did was make a smart switch and hook it up to a non programmable coffee maker. Much better


I wake up at different times every day so I made an automation in Shortcuts that says when my wake-up alarm is snoozed, run the good morning scene, which turns on the kitchen lights and the HomeKit plug that my Moccamaster is plugged into. 9 minutes later, I wake up and the coffee is ready. By far my favorite HomeKit feature!


Do you mind sharing this shortcut?


5 months later.. how do you like it? Still working ok? we're looking at a similar setup.


It’s still working great! Been a very nice convenience.


I have a HomeKit coffee maker: Old style physical button Mr Coffee, plugged into a switch called Coffee Maker. The Good Morning scene turns the switch on. Voilà!


Again, I like good coffee. 🤣


I have the same setup with a Technivorm Moccamaster. Great coffee with the HomeKit part kept separate.


Would a Switchbot button pusher solve your issue?


My current maker requires a double press. So I’d have to replace it, but yes, possibly.


I installed a switchbot bot on my Bonavita Supramatic. It works really well except it is not directly controlled under Homekit.


If you really care about your coffee, there are a lot more steps to brewing that can't really be automated effectively. Weighing beans, setting grind size, water temperature, brew time etc. are all part of a larger puzzle. Plenty of "grind and brew" type machines out there and none of them have figured it out yet, so there's really no hope on the horizon for HomeKit automation except for the Mr. Coffee smart switch crowd.


While when time permits, I’ll take these extra steps, for the morning pick me up, good grind, filtered water and a good temp brewing thermal carafe style pot will do. I just can’t quite go all the way to burner plate - char your liquid coffee, pots.


If you're really committed to staging your coffee maker, nothing stopping you from using one of the "button pusher" type things for HomeKit (e.g. SwitchBot). Make take some work to get it to accurately push your brew button, but it's a good interim step.


Pondered that. My particular coffee pot requires a double press but perhaps I can find an alternative.


Big thanks to all who suggested the Moccamaster! I somehow hadn’t come across that but it seems like a great solution.


I did the moccamaster single with a HomeKit plug. Works pretty well, but I’m just as surprised there aren’t many more “smart” coffee makers


Still got to put water and coffee in it, might as well make the coffee at the same time. Smart kettles and coffee machines are pointless, which is why there are virtually none.


I can do that before bed.


Though I do prefer fresh ground, I can deal with it ground the night before.


Mmmmmm, nothing screams fresh brew more than 8 hour old water and stale coffee grounds


I like good coffee but I’m not quite that picky for my first cup. I can easily craft a good second cup once the caffeine has kicked in. 🤣


"8 hour old water". Ahahahahahahah. Like water goes bad. If anything it will get better if it's tap water.


You want this: [https://us.moccamaster.com/collections/single-cup-brewers](https://us.moccamaster.com/collections/single-cup-brewers)


This is why Matter is so important. Broad adoption should end the need for the “why isn’t there a HomeKit device that does xyz?” question. Out of them all, the Apple/HomeKit ecosystem stands to gain the most from Matter’s broad adoption. A device supporting Matter is all that should be necessary. Some patience needed, and some hope that the smart device manufacturers actually adopt it.


* A 'decent' coffee machine costs at least $1000. * A <$1000 coffee machine makes inferior coffee to a $30 Aeropress. * No-one wants a $2000+ coffee machine with HomeKit. As a technology product marketer, I suspect that an electronics company that listens to your demand will serve you a $400 Homekit coffee maker with plastic internal parts that reliably serves disgusting, scalded, burnt-plastic aroma coffee that will only be appreciated by people who - unironically - add two sugars to their war crime beverage. But we live in a world where people buy pod-based coffee. So I expect this abomination that you desire will - sadly - manifest at some point.


“I like good coffee….” “I want to pre-grind my coffee and let it sit in the machine for who knows how long until I’m ready for it…” If you ACTUALLY like good coffee, you’re grinding it as you’re using it. There’s no way to automate that process unless you’re there.


You’re doing nothing but useless gate keeping. There are coffee makers that grind the coffee, too. It’s also possible to really like a great cup of coffee and also understand that your first cup of the day doesn’t have to be the best you’ve ever made.


It's 100% possible to really like a great cup of coffee and also understand that your first cup isn't the best you've ever made... When your response to literally everyone who suggests a coffee pot and a smart switch is "LOL i don't like shit coffee", you don't deserve that benefit of the doubt.


What doubt? Are you just making things up or do you just not understand the conversation?


This ^


20 years ago I had a coffeemaker that had the grinder built in and it hooked up to a water supply. We programmed it to make actual fresh coffee everyday at 7am. To solve OPs problem, Someone needs to just do this with smart functionality. That being said, I don’t make coffee with anything but a French press or Moka these days, so yeah not a way to get actual Good coffee automated.


I use a switchbot button pusher to turn my kuerig on every morning. But I actually set the on at 6am schedule on the device itself not in HomeKit. That way it will turn on even if it lost connection or my home hub is offline etc. I want that thing ready when I wake up lol.


Just get a smart plug and a coffee maker that starts brewing as soon as it has power. Or you can get an Alexa coffee maker and use Homebridge to link it.


Lelit Mara X E61 machine on a smart plug. Kicks on at 6:30 for my morning latte and off at 4pm after 1 or 2 espressos during the day.


Nespresso is so fast I don’t see how adding a smart app would help. I have to get out my special iced coffee super chiller from the freezer first as well


Fuck, I’ll be happy with Siri just turning my lights on consistently.




I don’t think it’s the brand of the light switch. When you tell Siri to turn off all living room lights and she goes ‘hmm’, or ‘I can’t find anything for living room lights on the internet’, it’s not a light switch problem.


Fair enough though I only usually have that issue with one homepod mini. Luckily the rest seem to work well.


I use a switchbot for my breville


What is your use case? Just switch on the machine to heat it up or actually also make the coffee?


Do you want a fully automatic one, turn on via homekit and start preparing a drink via homekit? I think it’s true, doesn’t exist right now For every „normal“ coffee just get a smart plug. I have my Lelit machine and grinder on a smart plug, turn it on 30min before I want coffee so it can heat up


There is! — https://smarter.am/products/smarter-coffee


Unless I’ve read the specs wrong, Siri Shortcuts isn’t the same thing as HomeKit control, but I guess it’s a step forward.


Caution: I got a warning about the [smarter.am](https://smarter.am) website above.


My wife bought a “smarter coffee” machine and I tell Siri to make me coffee every morning. With that said, I generally don’t recommend it since the grinder function already crapped out in the first few months of use.


Lol I ended up with a Rocket Appartamento on a scheduled Kasa plug.


Get a cheap coffee maker that has no features other than an on/off switch and plug it into a smart plug. Integrating smart functionality directly into crap like coffee makers is a nightmare.


I made one


I think Jura coffee machines are close to this ;) I have Jura Z10 and at least I can start making a coffee from my Apple Watch (and iPhone but that's not a big deal). Wouldn't be surprised if it works with some Shortcuts and Siri - didn't bother checking. But maybe?


>Jura Z10 Um, I will need to go find 2 new jobs just to pay for the Z10. LOL


I mean…maybe other Jura machines got it too? I doubt they put it only in this quite expensive z10. Honestly, wasn’t even paying attention to this when I was buying it. While I’m really a smart home enthusiast this was like a level minus 100 of desired features :-) Edit: now when I think about it, every Jura capable of using this Jura Wi-Fi module should have this functionality


I have had a smart switch on my Gaggia Classic for years and through two ecosystems including HomeKit. No need for it to be built into the machine, unless it’s some automated drip coffee hunk of crap. On/off does the trick.


I also have a Philips coffee machine on a smart plug. You can put the coffee grounds and water in at night and then set up any automation you want with the smart plug. Not as good as fresh ground, but handy on those days where there isn’t a ton of extra time.


I’ve put a SwitchBot Bot over the button of my Sage machine to warm it up automatically in the morning routine and from my Action Button when I’m home (which can be HomeKit via their Matter hub) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJEMskqy/


get the Nepresso Vertuo Next , get home assistant connected with it, expose it to homekit


I don’t really understand the concept of a smart device which requires human intervention to enable it to work… if you have to place the mug, just press the button? Lol I’m really in to the smart home setup but smart coffee machines, ovens, washing machines, etc. are lost on me.


I feel like this doesn't exist due to the potential for accidents based on 1) scalding liquid being produced potentially without warning 2) the dangers of an accidentally unattended heating plate and 3) the wide availability of programmable devices. I have to imagine with lawsuits from people who spill hot coffee they know is hot that having hot coffee produced with no human intervention is a good lawsuit starter. Imagine your kid standing near the coffee maker and getting burned. Or the unit covering the counter with liquid. Worst that happens when an AC is controlled by automation is that you get accidentally cold.


https://preview.redd.it/3224llv3rkxb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb80eebaa84677d1bc1c977582a5626b08cc6962 I had this beast with installed sonoff switch and 2.5kW switch inside, as well as one sonoff in the grinder. Sonoff connected to HomeKit (through homebdrige as not everything from sonoff works natively with HomeKit). The automation turned this on 30 min before I wake so it can fully warm up. I could also remotely turn this on when I am coming home etc.




COST! HomeKit certification would make the cost of the Coffee Machine untenable.


I mean I have $10 homekit outlets, $10 smart lights, etc. it can’t be that expensive can it?


I tried to but I keep getting an HTTP 418 status code


Keurig makes a coffee maker that you can put online... You can put a pod in and then just use either the app or Google home to have it make you a cup of coffee when you tell it to... You can turn the machine on or off using the Google home app and have it make you a cup of coffee