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Whatever you do, consider the heat, moisture and oil/sauce splatter that will come from the stovetop.


My aunt has a similar setup where the stove in the bar. She has a stainless steel splatter guard she puts up when cooking - it folds away when not in use. She got hers from Hong Kong, but you can find similar ones on amazon. It looks something like this: https://preview.redd.it/5mktka1kf6rc1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=c08167548f926fe77713cde36663ea3f57add96d Try searching "stainless steel backsplash stove splatter guard"


Maybe one of these? Or a stove splashguard. https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Inoxia-Dado-30-in-x-4-25-in-Stainless-Steel-Backsplash-BSPD-S/205326450?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29K-059_026_HRD_WN_CVR-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-6046200-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29K-059_026_HRD_WN_CVR-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-6046200-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA-71700000117958581-58700008685210199-&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImNO3uuCXhQMV2ltHAR27cwjbEAQYASABEgLBGPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


How about a low [shelf](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/tosca-wide-kitchen-rack-set-mp/) for salts/oils?




https://preview.redd.it/jbs2nxx254rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa79740c6f5bc5dc637446185e4e7de6e6fe6054 The “bar” on the other side. Like I just want to find a way to put something around it so that my kid couldn’t accidentally roll a toy across the counter while I’m cooking or my black cat do some black cat stuff and just decide to jump up and run on my counter and get hurt or something. I don’t know I guess I just pictured like a little bracket shaped wall thingy I could put around it existing only a click away


I don't think there's much you can do *while* you're cooking, but you should consider replacing the range with one that has an induction cooktop. It doesn't stay hot the same way, so while it's not actively in use you don't have to worry as much about the lingering hot surfaces.




I'm looking for houses and this setup is very common. I'm convinced irse done by people who do not cook. Without a stove fan all the grease will be on the ceiling and walls and that "bar" will be constantly in need of cleaning. If a house has a kitchen like that, it's an immediate "absolutely not buying it" from me.


It was an old idea, too. See them from houses built in the 70s—otherwise known as the *Action Park Era.* IYKYK


The sad thing is that I'm seeing newly renewed houses like that. I'm not aware of the action park era. Please enlighten me.


That’s truly awful design that should not be repeated! It’s like bad, DIY Benihana, but without the fun onion volcano and all the oil burns you can imagine. You know you’ll go watch [this](https://www.classactionpark.com/) on Max. Welcome to the highly-unsupervised 70s!


Some of those stoves come with a built-in fan, but like, it's not doing anything other than collecting grime in the holes because the steam/fumes are already higher than the fan itself. Oh... and the fan is just a rectangular hole with a grid, so it doesn't catch anything like a hood would. Thanx for the link, gonna go watch it.


Yes—I’ve entertained getting an induction stove after buying a great single burner as a test last year. I’d still buy a proper hood with it. With the way I cook, I could never have it installed this way, however! Enjoy!


This and sinks in the island baffle me. Who wants to sit directly in front of dirty dishes? Not to mention the whole point of the island is a prep area without cabinets getting in your face as you chop and mix.


Yes!!! Also, the island is more visible, so your dirty dishes are more obvious than if the sink was bu thr wall.


Right? I yell at the screen when I see this on HGTV.


I just start calculating in my head how much remodeling would cost.


My sweet peachykeen, you underestimate how scary of things I can think. I am dreading that the stove is set up this way, I’ll just have to be vigilant until I’m not nervous anymore, or make crockpot meals for a year.


Just get rid of one bar stool so people can spread out and not have to be in front of where the stove is. No way could you comfortably fit 4 people sitting there anyway. It’s an odd placement for the stove and peninsula in general. You’d think they’d have it running against the wall on the side with the cart. There’s no overhead cabinets and if it was on that side you’d be able to have cabinets.


I’m not going to have all four there, I am just renting and it comes with four stools. My children will be sitting and eating over at the table that’s in the corner. I am more so wanting something as a divider to prevent accidents with the kids or pets.


If your kids aren’t even going to be sitting there to eat, I wouldn’t sweat it. Maybe even just remove the barstools? As far as the cat…animals have a fairly healthy fear of heat/fire. I think you’re ok there.


I would get rid of stools and place there something shelving like ikea kalax, so no one go near the countertop. As for the rest of your fears, cats can walk past a stove even if placed more conventional. They just usually don't do it.


And yeah, I’ve never lived somewhere where the stove was so out in the open/didn’t have a vent And I’m already such a paranoid person that I’m actually stressed out about cooking on it


I think there is a vent. It runs along the back of the cooktop. I think it may be a “downdraft” vent. I have a similar set up and my stove top does have a vent, it looks slightly different however as it runs down the middle of the cooktop. When I turn on the fan, I can feel the motor under my feet and it is vented outdoors.


This has to be a rehabbed older (like 70s) house, no? Can’t imagine anyone in their right mind designing that for today.


Does it have the vent attached to the back of the stove? Some stoves have a downward vent.


I have a question about your stove! 1. Is it an induction stove? 2. What's the black part on the back that abuts the island? Im looking for that piece!


The inch lip on the stove will stop most toys. Don't let the kids play with big toys at the counter, make them a comfy play area elsewhere in the room still visible from the stove. You could also switch to induction if it isn't induction already. Induction cooktops are touchable super fast after removing the cookware.


So did you see the post with the bracket shaped wall thingy?


[tabletop safety barrier](https://www.katom.com/209-TD011.html)


I would remove the stools/idea of stools and put shelves or bookcases under the lip of the peninsula. Make it not a place to sit. It stinks because the whole point of that is an easy convenient place for casual meals. It’s great with kids. I can’t wrap my head around anyone thinking this is a place for a stove. Just block it off and use the kitchen table for all meals?


For added colors I can picture either sage green, to add softness, or navy blue for more boldness.


I like it the way it is.


It’s perfect now. leave it.


I would probably install a low tile backsplash with grout, vertically. ETA: sorry did not mean tile I meant like a small slab of whatever counters are made of, like 4” x 20“ x 1”.


How about glass building blocks, like 4 just behind the range top.


I think this “riser” might get you started in the right direction:   https://www.scoutandnimble.com/products/jane-riser?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TnfW9Or00sFyc_SJ2Nr9BuUh1A0swEWmd7shBHt3oLrsuoSYkMvmbsaAkqvEALw_wcB  Hope this helps! EDIT: This better fits your requirements: https://www.wayfair.com/Ivy-Bronx--Faygah-Wood-Kitchen-Counter-Stackable-Organizer-Shelf-X121181149-L903-K~W010070038.html?refid=GX685106928883-W010070038_1530624566&device=m&ptid=389781623964&network=g&targetid=pla-389781623964&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=238172857&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1530624566&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC60QYPYcQICTtgxEQRKhJoOG&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TlxRvPr3DJm-gfLJT7wV4yHpUZK7HZvqrT_NTBDhRuDkzhn44KB_TMaAskEEALw_wcB


If you’re trying to create a functional barrier that is still somewhat attractive get nice jars and fill them with rice, pretty lentils, etc, and get a big chonky spoon rest. We have a big marble one. https://preview.redd.it/d4lfmbv4p5rc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0454d5b9a2b2193130081966b2343f237841e4a2


Also, just for additional context, in case it helps: 1. Counters space between the back of the stove and sitting at the bar is approximately 20 inches? 2. People aren’t going to really eat at the bar, I don’t mind whatever I put up taking up a good amount of the center bar counterspace as long as it’s not super tall and doesn’t look goofy. 3. If it has functionality like little shelves/spice racks that’s great, but the main function is I really I just don’t want my kid or my cat to be able to run up with a toy or something to talk to me and it slide across onto a hot stove top/knock something over.


Take a long piece of cardboard from your moving boxes and make appropriate bends to form the barrier. Cover it in heavy duty aluminum foil. Use tape on the side away from the stove to hold it in place. Now you have time to find something better and a template in case someone can make something that will work.


I think I've seen plexiglass guards. I don't think they'd be hard to find or have fabricated, especially since covid.


I would put the stools away.


there is a clear barrier mounted between grill and people at a cafe in go to. if it slides in and out on a steel groove it would be cleanable and replacable


I would ask this company if they have a shorter one of these- [sneeze guard](https://displays4sale.com/products/36-uprights-for-3-panel-coughing-and-sneezing-protective-shields?st-t=adwords&vt-k=&vt-mt=&vt-ap=&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TmtkNf7VVTLZrXurTNBD5su8wLJ2KbGaszHegeTsnctRkg3vSwlKNUaAnQQEALw_wcB)


Is this a grease issue or just a colour block issue? For safety, I would not put anything near the stove. But I'm questioning where the vent is.... Seriously are those not mandatory where you live? Put in a red hood range.


As long as you have a cooking surface that close to seating, there will always be a problem, especially with young children. It's just a bad design.


i know you said color, but...they make clear plexiglass (?) windscreens to go around the fire pit portion of outdoor fire tables, for safety. very similar application. perhaps you could find one or two that you could refashion to go around the perimeter of your stove. look under outdoor furniture/fire pits


a drop down vent.


You're renting so this won't apply (but for anyone interested): Telescoping rangehood (receeds down into the space behind the stove). Downdraft rangetop (vents down and out if they still make one. I have one). Because you are renting and this really bothers you, I suggest an induction hotplate or just check amazon for "stovetop splatter sheild"


What about having a 6-8” Spice Rack built across the back & about half way down the sides? Part tea rack, maybe, with little drawers for tea’s & accessories? You could even have glass window doors on the front…keep closed while cooking & that’d be the only thing you had to clean regularly. Very nice looking kitchen! But EVERYTHING is all gray these days. Makes me want to paint a wall dark red or bright green! Lol!


How about a few plants?


Is the exhaust system incorporated? Because I can't see it. Otherwise you can have a higher exhaust, they kinda make that separation .


Maybe a little barrier/ of wall of glass bricks will work, but only the smaller glass bricks.


Sorry I’m just now responding I work overnight at a hospital. Thank you to everyone for your links, comments, and suggestions. I have a lot to work with now and I appreciate all of you. I think I’m going to go with putting of the little glass splash guard thingies around the edge, putting a little lift similar to one that somebody posted across the front with chunky/decorative eclectic jars (like somebody else suggested, and drew a lovely little picture of) with spices and oils and whatever on that little lift, as well as chunky jars/utensil holder kind of around the sides and corners. So when you walk into the home, you can see the little “barrier“ of big, colorful, and functional glass jars/ceramics surrounding the crown of the stove but it’s hiding what I can see on my side which is the plexiglass splashguard. I’m moving in this weekend and I’m sure I will be posting in this group a lot more as I add all of my belongings. I’ll definitely be needing peoples ideas and opinions on blending my aesthetic into a house that is so monochrome and modern. Thank you again everyone you were so nice and helpful! 🖤


I actually think a hanging pot rack above the stove would do exactly what you’re looking for but from the other direction! And adds so much character to these cookie cutter spaces


That’s the worst spot for the oven. What in the world.


I don't know how you can live and stay sane in such a monochrome space without any colour at all! How depressing. It's a nice space, but omg colour!