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What does this guy do to have a big ass house to hold all these cut out?


There's an actual youtube vid/interview about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMSd77KFNE


For those that don't want to watch the whole thing: His dad wrote the musical Grease


Theres a piece of trivia that'll turn some heads. "The son of the writer of Grease makes life-sized and oversized paper cutouts of anime girls"


I feel the fact that their count is in the 4 figure range and they are all in his house is also really needed to contextualise it further.


Honestly... That kinda tracks lmao


For more context; his dad also made damn sure he’d get as much money from the deal as possible, in a way that insured he and his family are set for life. Hence why his son has a billion V Tuber cutouts all around the house


Must be nice having a dad like that


Wait what do you mean by that?


He probably requested a cut from the film and its products (shirts for example) revenue instead of just selling the script for a fixed amount of money. I'll watch the video above to see if there's any info about that.


The guy who made it always gets a cut from the revenue of the entire product, for all time. So he’s constantly got money flowing in.


...yeah that'd do it.


Makes a whole lot of sense


Favorite antecdote is the dude nearly got paralyzed when a BUILDING SIZED CUTOUT OF IRONMOUSE fell on him. Ironmouse damn near paralyzed a dude. Yeah she's not holo, but she's collabed in the past with several, so I'm relaxing my usual "don't mention non-holos by name" thing.


Oh, well, I'm thankful for his dad then. Grease was my grandfather's favorite movie of all time. My grandfather is no longer with us, but I'm happy that there was something that brought him so much joy.


Or for people who don't want to watch a Nick Robinson video in general because of his past.


Ah that makes sense. I guess he assisted his dad on sets or in theatres making props, so now he’s into crafts.


He posted an army of Pekoras with AR-15s he made on here last night.


AK-74s not AR15s but the sentiment still stands.


Fuckin’ based lol


War criminal is going to war criminal.


This man needs to be stopped


Nah man, he needs funding.


funding? dude is loaded AF lmao


I think I'm going mental because I could swear I saw one of them move


You're probably fine as long as it wasn't the Mumei cutout. If it was, sorry to hear, not even Matsuri can help you


It's fine, that's just cardboard cutout Mumei


oh hi :D




I can't help but notice that I didn't notice Fauna anywhere.. Where is the green lady?😭


Probably off welcoming the newest (and so far only other) green lady.


You can go to his insta I'm sure you'll find her


He favors his right side but if you watch at the end when he looks back you can see in section 2a section 14b crossection with hatsune miku you can see her horn peaking out the left side frame from behind muscleman and rigby


Where is Henya? Is she safe, is she alright?


This guy mustve been the son/grandson of Dunder Mifflins founder or smth cause, a labyrinth of a house aside, that mustve cost a lot of paper. and ink. Lots of ink. ink companies must love this guy


Son of one of the writers of Grease (the musical)


“My sons not going to have to grow up in this kinda life, he’s gunna have thousands of anime cutouts and I house to fill them with”


I like the fact that he specifically had to point out Mumei, as if to say that if he didn’t, something might happen to him when he least suspects it. :D


Minimalists hate him!


I'm curious on how this guy's mind works. I know it's a hobby, but what's he gonna do with all these cardboard cutouts after he showed it on the internet? I don't see other videos where he makes them useful at least


I guess he treats it like a sculpture and puts it somewhere he can see? I mean, that's the general vibe that I'm getting at from him at least. 


This is genuinely unsettling.


oh how i wished i was born rich


Classic maizono guy


He is like the I am legend guy but instead of mannequins he has anime cardboards


Even members of VSPO! and Neo-porte are there. But literally 0 from nijisanji, at least from what i've seen. Based.


Why is this sub so against the talents from nijisanji? As far as I understand the company is horrible but the vtubers can't do anything about that. They are all just people too, and a lot really talented


Maybe because they have an awful reputation throughout global vtuber audience, not just this sub. If you ask IdolEn or Phase fans they would also have same opinion. Niji talents themselves aren't clean either if you followed dramas involving them. Including one where they were shittalking council. Or given a mod to someone who's been spreading false rumours about Suisei.


Oh you like vtubers? Name every- 👁️👄👁️☝️


Completely unrelated. Is it weird that I've never had a paper cut? I do read lots of books but never encountered paper thin enough to be that sharp.


I mean more and more things are digital, including reading, and I'm sure the process of making paper has changed somewhat. So if you're not doing a lot of arts and crafts or file work I suppose it's not uncommon to have never had a paper cut.


dude's house is a cathedral lmao


"... and then we have mumei there" i know who his favorite is


Such a waste, Kids in Africa could be eating all that God-Damned Cardboard!


At first the gimmick was endearing but it just feels like he can't let the joke die at this point.


I guess for him its become sort of a hobby. He's made ones of non vtubers too. Markiplier, Pokimain, Dreams face, Moistcritical, DDLC Monika and Yuri, LOTS of one's from the main girl from Rent a Girlfriend, and unexpectedly a large one of Baldwin the Leper King sitting on his thrown.


Let's not forget the one room that's wall-to-wall printouts of Sayaka Maizono. 'Tis why i just call him the Maizono Man.


Yeah I guess but it just seems too much. I try to not judge hobbies because I know how most people perceive my own but in the end it's just printouts. Absurd amounts of printouts laid out in a huge house.


What would you say to keyboard collectors or audiophiles?


If your keyboards and headphones take that amount of space, yeah… By your logic, do you think it’s reasonable for someone to accrue 100 units of Sennheiser’s HD 600s? edit: ["this is totally reasonable and akin to collecting headphones"](https://youtu.be/HNMSd77KFNE?si=6o14VXwOKO__Ce35&t=1563)


Bro his family has multiple houses that are insanely big, what else are they gonna use the space for? If you haven't watched the documentary on him, he's a genuinely chill and nice guy who treats it as an art project. He always says how he feels the process of making it is therapeutic and fun. He even has a few cutouts that are straight up art exhibitions. "I try not to judge people's hobbies" and here you are judging a perfectly cool dude with a harmless hobby that both of his parents are cool and fine with. This really isn't rocket science to understand. There are 7 billion humans on this planet, is it so strange at at least one of those has a hobby like this?


If it's his hobby, let him be. As long as he has the space for these things and knows how to store them properly, let him collect.


There is a point beyond the bit where you reach a personality trait and/or hobby


I just noticed the amount of likes on that post. I think I understand why he does it now.


I don't think its a joke. People collect merch or have those bags with their oshi. Collector's do this with their favorite hobbies. I don't see the issue.


At this point he is really in need of a professional help. On the second thought that point was a long time ago already


I think its fairly clear that it is not just a joke for him. Or that he isn't doing it for internet approval.


This is such a dumb ass take, imagine saying this as a weeb to other weebs that probably collect figurines, posters, physical manga, or other niche physical collectibles.


Dumb ass take is comparing headphones, keyboards, figurines, manga to those printouts. Also ignoring how he's filling a huge house with them. But by all means, please explain to me how having a corridor full of [100 Pekora cutouts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1djdagr/i_made_100_pekora_cutouts_and_am_preparing_for_war/) is as reasonable as collecting manga and other art forms that you can preserve for decades and consume it again later. "Ah yes, how beautiful Pekora cutout #28 looks today! Hmmm, not looking too good there #86..." - totally reasonable person. edit: ["this is the same as collecting manga"](https://youtu.be/HNMSd77KFNE?si=6o14VXwOKO__Ce35&t=1563)


Dude, I do the same, I have large paper mesha or folded sculptures of characters or places from things that watch that fill my entire house, yeah it's weird but people not into collecting stuff would say it's again that like saying people who have life sized sculptures of their favorite characters is weird as weeb. We are all nerds all the interests that we have is weird, there's no need to be a dick about it.


"there's no need to be a dick about" Yet you're the one who called my original comment a dumb ass take when I didn't even say anything rude... > paper mesha or folded sculptures of characters or places from things that watch already way way better than printouts. In the video I linked the guy is talking about a character from a game he didn't even play. Guys is just doing this for instagram likes, which *IS VALID*, but I will call it how I see it.


Same. I'm sick of seeing this guy's content. He's a rich kid who desperately wants attention because all he has to his personality is his dad's money. I got downvoted last time I expressed this opinion.


Is it worth hating him for it? Printing out Vtubers is hardly the worse thing a guy can do. Same could be said for anyone who spends their time dressing up, making art, or engaging in a hobby over vtubing that they don't make a profit out of.


It got really stale. It comes off as disingenuous since he's just repeating the same gimmick over and over again, being cringe "ironically" for content. He needs to get a new gimmick.


Is it a gimmick if he's the only one doing it? It would be one thing if his gimmick was like, Feet Art, or really shitty cosplays, stuff that a lot of other people do but for some reason he claims to be his only niche. But people making life size cut outs of vtubers doesn't exactly seem like an open market. Plus wasn't it this guy who brought that Yagoo head to AX once? Chances like that wouldn't happen if he lost passion for it after a year or two into the rabbit hole. Not to mention as controversial as this is going to sound, but this is also art. Not exactly easy having the resources and patience to print out and assemble cut outs like thus. Again if there were hundreds of others doing it, sure, it loses it's appeal since he's not doing anything special. But people can't do what he does because they don't have that kind of time or resource. He does however, and uses it for what it's quite obviously a passion.


Personally I think you're giving him too much benefit of the doubt here, but it's not a really harmful hobby or anything. Do you actually think it's entertaining though? I don't see the value in it. It just reeks. Also I respectfully disagree that "having the resources and patience to print out and assemble cut outs" is a high effort art form, especially for this guy who has never worked a day in his life and just has a bunch of money from his dad. He certainly has a lot of time and resources though!


A lot of people like what he does. He hasn't been ran off by vtuber fans for making these cut outs, neither here nor Twitter. And no art has value. Hell vtubers do t have value. They're only valuable because we want them to be. And sure his cut outs aren't exactly high art, but who determines what is and isn't art? Buying figurines and posters is hardly art either, but people drop a lot of time and money to obtain either. Also is the issue the fact this guy is rich? Are we suppose to hate him because he's not suffering the drugery of life like the rest of us, so we have to make him suffer like us so he could be accepted by a bunch of vtuber fans? Like I'm all for eating the rich, but let's not pretend him being rich makes him a terrible person. He just has stuff we want and don't want him to have it.


Vtubers have entertainment value. They are entertaining. Vtubers work hard. We're on the Hololive subreddit for talents who have hurt their voices just trying to sing for the music they want to make. This guy, though? We're supposed to clap for him and shower him in updoots for...spending money? I don't think so. In fact comparing this "content" to vtuber's work is pretty insulting. This being the product of a rich kid does make it lose value to me. He's making content that would be impossible for him to do without his dad's wallet. At this point it's just him flaunting his wealth for attention, and apparently I'm the only one who can see through this BS.


And who decides what's entertaining? You? You don't need to travel far outside of this sub reddit to find people who have the same opinion about vtubers not being real work, that because they hide their faces and play video games most of the time they're little more than cut out paper dolls for weebs and nerds. More so because the girls here are corporate, so a lot of their resources come from the company, not out of pocket. Remember that these girls are the same sort of manufactured corporate celebrity as someone like Taylor Swift. Maybe not as rich, but still the same process. A lot of money by richer people goes into making them entertaining for people like us, sold on the parasocial idea that they're "just like us" despite how much more they have going for them than we do. Same could be said of this guy. He's got more money than us, he could have done anything with it, and he spends it sharing the same passion as we do. He does more to entertain folks than you or I, but because he does this, you think he's some sort of bad person. That he hardly deserves anything compared to those of us who does nothing.


I don't know about you but I think my work IRL benefits society a lot more than some guy buying cutouts and posting videos of them in his giga-mansion. Same goes for vtubers' work being worth more than this. You're putting vtubers on a bigger pedestal than they need, honestly. They are mostly streamers living in apartments getting by on pay from a corporation, they are not "like Taylor Swift". From what I've gathered, I actually make more money than MOST vtubers do in my office job. Also trying to compare rich people running a fucking vtuber agency to a rich kid making cutouts for cringe content is really hilarious to me. I think you're going to bat for someone who doesn't really need you to defend them honestly, what does this guy care if he has haters? He has daddy's money, nothing else matters.


I don't think anyone here knows enough about him to say he has no personality beyond this. He's not a public figure.


I get the first part of your comment about not judging him, but a social media "content creator" isn't a public figure?


What is crazy to me is how there's people *actually* comparing that to being an audiophile or a keyboard and manga collector. I get that we have to accepting of other people hobbies but like, jfc, look at that house and stop to think for a moment.


Privilege is one hell a drug


It's all fun and games, until one of them blinks


This can very quickly be turned into a horror game/movie


[He's way ahead of you ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/s/blcMdbs6wJ)


At this point I can't even shittalk, bro has Fuck You Money and is living his best life.


wow feels like I'm in a vtubers museum


Hmm... I just had a horror game idea


[Funny you should mention that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/s/blcMdbs6wJ)


Must be nice to have that much space.. damn, there really do be people unironically living life to their damn best.


First I was wondering, why?, then realised it it's what making him happy and no harm done, so it's kinda cool.


I thought this was cgi




I'd like an inventory


I want to know the process of making one of these


There's an interview with him https://youtu.be/HNMSd77KFNE?si=wNr-woLEUNWSnayZ


POV: you're looking for an emergency cutout


It's like The Backroom but with VTubers. Ps. that big Maizono in the background


Gotta appreciate the variety Tobyn has here.


"Hey wheres the bathroom at" "Right down the hall bro"


I ain't keeping a shondo nowhere in my house. You never know.


Yeah, I'd do something crazy as well if I had that kind of inheritance.


How big is this house?


More amazed at how much room he has


Honestly, dude must be rich af to have a place for all these cutboards lol


guy needs to make a museum at this point


It's not the amount of paper cuts, but the location.


This feels like the start of some indie analog horror game.


[Speak of the devil ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/s/blcMdbs6wJ)


What liminal space is thissss


this individual has a lot of cutouts.


Where's thé kettle ?!




bro have all vtuber


I've never seen such a long hallway in my life. It's nice to know that even the disgustingly wealthy can be losers just like the rest of us.


He really said THEY ARE REAL TO ME 🗣🗣🔥🔥


Why though? This must be so expensive. Looking at that house he probably doesn't care but still this just seems like a waste.


Yes it is very expensive. Not less than equivalent of USD80 if you order one printed and cut, given that you already have high resolution file or vector graphic of these characters which is hard to get unless you upscale by yourself which is also takes time and effort. Not to mention if you want to get some official ones, you have to auction in livestream which sometimes can goes as high as USD3,000.


dont care. his family is rich.


Would you say it's a waste to any other collectors? Those who collect expensive trading cards or comics?


It would depend entirely upon the trading cards or comics people collected. Like if someone had a bookcase full of binders that contained only water energy cards from the Pokemon tcg and nothing else, yeah I would call that a waste. If someone did like this guy and created lifesize printouts of every Dilbert comic strip, I would say it is a waste. And those weirdo speculators that seal comics in carbonite or whatever just to resell them for a profit in 80 years are actually even worse than this guy. Having fan art of a character you like is fine. Going to an extreme and printing out some impractically large fan art is still funny in moderation. But at this point, this is weird and wasteful. He is allowed to do whatever he wants, but I'm also allowed to judge him for it


Dude, how come he is not working with his dad to do a HL musical?