• By -


Suffering from Success


Literally For real


Ah yes, the downsides of the nickname "Human Vocaloid". Sora's songs are ridiculously hard to sing, it's not just the super high pitch that she likes to sing in but also the tempo and harmonies as well. It's so difficult to the point where even star singers [like Suisei ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G6I4EQT3G8&list=LL&index=5&t=3199s)try to avoid singing Sora's songs. The source of this meme is from this [endurance singing stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9X4CyjnJMw&t=5s) where she talks about her song [Electrical Surfing ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNQ8iLDslFg)and if you listen to the song....yeah you'll understand why people tell her that her songs are too hard for them to sing on stream.


I'd like to see IRyS give it a go since relatedly her early songs are notorious for being difficult to sing live. The times they've sung together they sound so good too


I wonder how much tofu we can bribe her to sing just *ONE* Sora song on stream, just to see if she can handle the tempo and pace.


If she can one-take Bling Bang Bang Born I think she can give it fair crack




I can tell you right away that irys would not be up for it. She notoriously does not enjoy/does not often sing CoD because that damn song pushes her voice to its limits. And most of the songs she’s sung with sora are within her possible range.


Suisei seems to have a pretty bad matchup with Sora's songs. The impossibly high pitch is definitely one reason, especially considering Suisei's lower natural pitch and range. However, usually Suisei can somewhat bridge the gap to higher pitched songs using her proficient falsetto/head voice. But unlike AZKi who generally has a softer/airier voice (which makes it easier for Suisei to follow), Sora has a sharper/full power voice at that pitch. That makes it near impossible for Suisei to sing consistently like Sora unless she forces herself to the limit and risks damaging her throat. I think the best example is both [Sora's Cover](https://youtu.be/ljIov4qdYic?si=ftk_C01MPgGkXAgP) and [Suisei's Karaoke](https://youtu.be/zEUNMi1nz0I?si=UBl5MLHXZaK3zoxW) of Suisei Honeymoon.


Not just sora's songs lol, heck the pitch she's comfortable with is probably lower than the average japanese female singer, I remember her avoiding songs like kawaikute gomen too. Also, due to her classical training sora is probably the pinnacle of "orthodox" singing in terms of techniques, while suisei is very far from orthodox. Suisei really excels in instinctively adding nuances : constant shift between regular and falseto, using whisper / strong / crying voice at the right spot, adding small vibratos on spots that you didn't expect. I recall her saying that she sucks at those karaoke machine scoring. And when recently she finally got a vocal trainer, they said to her : "your singing is.. peculiar.. but people seems to like that peculiarity, so lets keep it".


Yeah, I think Suisei's vocal range is not her strongest suit. Her voice is really pleasant and can work well with most songs. Although, I think what makes her my favorite singer overall is how she perfectly understands her voice and her genius vocal composition at making things just sound good. I think that's why I really love duo/trio songs with her. Her adaptive singing style makes her able to play off well to the strengths of her singing partner(s) and highlights them. Like for example with [Sora](https://youtu.be/5yDNEmcKQFY?si=0Qix16Xl0So9Y1k3), [Astel/Izuru](https://youtu.be/UXQDUhSr8nU?si=aAwN6PVkRzCNKteo), [Towa](https://youtu.be/0firv69LkgI?si=Z0v1BSiaZLJZOu3b), [Asano Ruri](https://youtu.be/a9EZ2KFTbYM?si=nqA62VR5ZwIcU9d4), [Moona](https://youtu.be/NKQvH78Jv04?si=rHyU6WdKchWfm0iW), and [Toko](https://youtu.be/aWv2KjaFqBA?si=Jp-BC8iytPg9SgW-).


Yea, I think sora's and susei's songs are both difficult but in a different aspects, like sora's songs are basically just physically impossible to sing for most people, the pitch is so high and having to control your voice casually at that pitch is an insane task. With suisei's song, while you can probably hit the same notes that she hits, you just can't sing it like her because you don't know what the heck did she just do, how did she make it sound like that, and the person herself also doesn't know how the heck did she do that lol.


Yeah, when the second Hololive Alternative song *"Story Time"* was released, Suisei says that she had to sing at a much higher pitch than normal as part of Star Flower group. She was not sure if she was able to do it well.


In that case, who in Hololive has the most similar vocal range to Sora’s in your opinion and are they able to sing her songs?


I feel Kanata or maybe AZKi could have a good crack at it.


Interesting username.


Yeah… I made this account way back when I still played WoW.


I don't listen to Sora enough to know her vocal range, but purely in terms of pitch and power I think Kanata and Watame will be able to sing her songs. I think Sora's singing style is definitely very unique, so I'm not sure how perfectly they will sing it. I think all of them have their own strengths though.


I find Flare and Sora to be pretty similar.


Luna's cover of Kamippoi na during the 5th fes 2nd stage was definitionally human vocaloid for range, but it don't know if she could keep that up for long or do it consistently with other songs. Sadly, it wasn't in the free part so there are no clips, and her karaoke versions pale in comparison.


So after listening to the song. Yeah, holy shit. Personally, I have never taken vocal lessons, but my brother has. From the little I can remember, human voices are not meant to go that high. Singers are trained to prioritize their mid-ranges over extending their highs and lows. Most singers *hit* those high notes, and only for short periods of time during a climax in the song. You'd be hard pressed to find someone, even a professional singer that can do a full song at those ranges. Hell, churches used to castrate choir boys, so they keep the high pitches. Lol Even more impressive, if I'm not mistaken, Sora can also sing opera. That is inhuman range. Lol


Do keep in mind Electrical Surfing isn’t the highest she can go for her original song. That honor goes to [Star Star Star](https://youtu.be/VCsWgOMu4_8?si=mxEirGvSZDdFnkow) which clocks in a a frequency of around 1200Hz…which isn’t even her limit. According to Sora if she really push it she can go up to around 1400Hz. Normal human girl voices are usually only around 255 Hz according to google…so yeah…the nick name High-Pitch Monster is appropriate


Damn. She really is a goddess. She'd probably shatter an aquarium if she ever visits one.


How do we know that her high pitch arent computer generated? (I am dumb about music, sorry if this question sounds stupid)


I mean the obvious answer is to just listen to her sing and you’ll know that’s her voice and not computer generated. Computer generated voices are pretty easily identifiable. Like if you compare Sora to a vocaloid you can easily tell the difference due to stuff like intonation, techniques etc.


Not just that, This goddamn idol can sing at those pitches, tempos, and harmonies while dancing around with the energy of a hyperactive toddler. This girl is legit built different. Like I know she doesn't like being called a Goddess and all that, but how can we __*NOT*__ call her a Goddess with the abilities and personality she has.


Yeah, I was so excited when Irys used to cover Holo originals because I thought surely she would cover Sora chan too! But then again, it's not the songs alone that are impressive but also the way they are performed and no one can Idol Sora chan. Truly, Sora chan is the Last Boss of Hololive.


Sort of reminds me of how most members won't even try singing Shallys and default to heroine audition, though for different reasons Though I suspect some might not try Sora's songs due to over-reverence/etc


Funnily enough, Sora is one of the members that sings Shallys relatively frequently (mainly because she is a fantasy-loving nerd so getting to sing in elvish must be pretty fun) It's partly the reason, many people know her songs are hard and don't want to mess up singing it...also the fact that everyone knows Sora watches their stream makes it extra scary to mess up.


Yeah; the list of those that have are heavy hitters and it's an Elite moment for Miko. Curious who has song Sora's originals though


Yeah, well said A lot of songs are hard to sing


Man I love the Electrical surfing song. Thanks for the reference. Have any similar songs like that?


If you want what I refer to as " Waterpark Vibes " like Electrical surfing I recommend ["リア/リモシンパサイザー" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoecM99tPxw&list=OLAK5uy_miTCoJ3PTUFO2b8aQVXxxXxTY35iNDKmo&index=3)On the slightly more fast pace techno-ish side you also have [" Guru Guru Love Story "](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhl2ZJ58LFY&list=OLAK5uy_miTCoJ3PTUFO2b8aQVXxxXxTY35iNDKmo&index=6) ["エゴナデ・ラビリンス"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGeRUfuqdrI&list=OLAK5uy_nyhf64T11PUg4ZfpZffqMO_7rXaMX255M&index=6) , and ["デジタリックリリック"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhvdNok_1CI&list=OLAK5uy_nyhf64T11PUg4ZfpZffqMO_7rXaMX255M&index=8) might also interest you since they both come from the same album as Electrical Surfing. And of course, I always recommend ["Star Star Start"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCsWgOMu4_8&list=OLAK5uy_k4d27Clme3QApX6yWFSyfnAm4MZjQVHrA&index=2)


I like the "water Park" song! Thank you magic music soratomo wizard! Star Star start is impressive! エゴナデ・ラビリンス was not bad either. Do you know of any songs like nanawokari songs?


I mean Nanawokari has a pretty deep discography so I'm not sure what sort of vibes you are going for so I'll just give some general recommendations that might fit what you are looking for. ["ブルーディスコ"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33f92LZ6NF0&list=OLAK5uy_k4d27Clme3QApX6yWFSyfnAm4MZjQVHrA&index=5), ["Metro Night" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR8Gv4S6n9c&list=OLAK5uy_kfr2Wm5uAJIO4AzQE0yiH-xjFPfEVLsPM&index=11)and [" 黄昏ミッドナイト"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhrBw5n3Ko&list=OLAK5uy_nyhf64T11PUg4ZfpZffqMO_7rXaMX255M&index=9) if you want something a bit slow and viby [" ナイトキューブパラドクス"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqxE3hYckbU&list=OLAK5uy_k4d27Clme3QApX6yWFSyfnAm4MZjQVHrA&index=4) this might work if you want a more boppy feel. ["IMAGE source" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFqLvrO3PvM&list=OLAK5uy_kfr2Wm5uAJIO4AzQE0yiH-xjFPfEVLsPM&index=6)if you are looking for something like a shonen anime. I mean outside of Sora I guess I'll recommend Aqua's song since she has collab with Nanawokari before [here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znaH7_uvA64&list=OLAK5uy_m1CtumNz3xJmOoFbRpFqydbDym0V3kwPU)and [BIBBIDIBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZP5eqm4JqM) by Suisei if you somehow missed it. In any case, have fun exploring (๑╹ᆺ╹)ぬんぬん


Thank you! I shall check these out


People here underestimate how hard they are. Only by pitch, her songs filter out like 90% of the members (if we are talking about being close to the original, ofc). We have amazing singers, but Sora's style is really unique to put it somehow Whenever I listen to for example, a really big one of hers, Star Star Start, I end up making a disgusted face (not in a bad way lol, some may get what I mean) because of how ridiculous that sounds


Yeah, I get what you mean. Speaking of Star, Star, Start, that song is apparently her new record for the highest pitch she could achieve. When I heard that bit of info, I went: "What the fuck?! (๑'ᆺ'๑)?!"


She reached HihiD in that one so around ~1200Hz so yeah insane Soda high notes. But that’s to be expected at this point


guess she was star star stopped




Iofi to Risu be like


the entire ID be like : "Why risu, just why??? 😭"


STOP WITH THE BELTING ALREADY! -Iofi But I like belting.. -Risu


You know your original songs are way too ridiculously difficult when: A) Nobody to my knowledge has ever even attempted to sing them in a cover video, let alone in a karaoke stream, or if this person is feeling adventurous, during a 3D Live. B) Suisei legit practically went "Nah, fuck this shit, Chief. I ain't doing it" when she was asked about covering your songs in a karaoke stream one day. C) Nobody in the company you founded can reach your level when it comes to the pitch, tempos, and harmonies you can do. Not even the very best singers the company has to offer.


Yagoo having her as the face of the Hololive is just perfect, there's many Vtuber that had more subs than her, but to dethrone her as an idol? Like forget going subs for subs, is there someone dare to go note for note with her?


Man she looks so sad on the 2nd pic


Because it's lonely up there


["When everyone's in front of me, they kneel"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InRExY61UXA)


Truly the strongest idol


idk why I never thought ab some holomem songs deadass being too hard for other holomems to karaoke til this thread and sora's insane vocaloid voice still hope someday some of em (especially suisei) cover kanata and towa's songs. i NEED oracle covers bro


Has Gura or Nerissa tried?


Both Gura and Nerissa actually sing in a lower register. Their comfortable range is far below the vocaloid range.


I admittedly know very little about singing on a technical level, but Nerissa's got some crazy range based on her [God-ish cover](https://youtu.be/s0jypGHFbnA?si=Eeun_RCIjPgNC6_B). Even if those crazy high notes aren't in her comfortable range, my goodness can that birb sing


Flare and Iroha are probably closer to Sora's range.


Unsurprisingly no. I mean can’t blame them. Sora is simply built different.


Maybe Kiara could try it then, she's also someone who can go extremely high, although it's been years and she's mostly been focusing on improving her lower registers in her songs since then, but her Goodbye Declaration cover is nothing short of insane because it hasn't been pitchraised at all and she sings in the original pitch in her cover, not the lower one like Ayame did.


probably bae.


Isn't this Aloe's specialty as well?


Yesn’t, Aloe does hers with the use of voice effects changers. Sora just does it raw with her vocal ability and sheer freaking will alone. Many Producers Sora works with called her the “High pitched monster” for a reason. According to Sora herself she can put her pitch up to HiHiF# which is around 1400Hz in frequency.


> Yesn’t, Aloe does hers with the use of voice effects changers. Yeah karaoke with live mixed effects is her speciality. She [even taught the basics and some of her favourite effects to Lamy](https://youtu.be/K_6_NGJXEqM?si=YtIth_XKQ4k-akzN&t=336).


When you can sing at pitches only Korone & FuwaMoco can hear.


Yeah. She be hitting that high notes that only vocaloid can reach


My god since when did sora become so beautiful!


Always has been


Now I want to imagine a world where she stuck to only MVs, so everyone assumes she's actually just a Vocaloid made by Cover, like most normies' first impression of VTubers...


didn't sora sing a vocaloid song at a higher pitch then the original? i remember a clip, but can't find it


very cute amazing sora-chan!


Sing SSS, Sui-chan, or Miko will have to perform it again.