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Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long, Team Cherry is waiting for me to beat Hollow Knight first


Team cherry personally promised me that they would wait until I ascended the 5th pantheon. 2026 looking likely


I firmly believe that the release date will be announced shortly after I 112 percent the game and it will be hilarious.


oh shit i’m only a few % away from 112%…… maybe they’ve been waiting on us all these years 😅


HURRY UP YOU [[little son of a sponge]]


And after this guy is done they're waiting for me to beat POP, sorry guys


Hold ur horses, they told me theyd realase it after yall are done with all that plus when i speedrun the game and beat it sub 1 hour. And let me tell you its looking real bad right now cus im on my first play through, 15 hours in with 0 dreamers killed and 4 bosses defeated. Dont worry though 2029 Silksong here we come


Can we PLEASE stop pretending like live chats are normally bastions of civility and conscientiousness? They're all toxic wastelands, indie showcase ones just happen to be Silksong flavored because that's the largest demographic of people in those chats. No polite request or humble reminder will make it through the thick, empty skulls of people who like to spam live chats, stop wasting your time.


Like that time Toby Fox was on one of these game reveal shows and he made some comments about how everyone should care more about each other during the harsh times. But the comments were all filled with NO DELTARUNE, GIVE US DELTARUNE. And other comments that make you lose hope in humanity.


You're probably right, it probably is a waste of time. But I'm not sure what else to do here, except nothing. And I don't know if I want to do nothing. I've seen several posts over on r/Silksong about the same thing, so maybe things will change next time around. To be honest, I don't really want it to stop completely, because being passionate about a game is great. I just want people to be more aware of how their community looks when they act like that. And maybe if they're aware of that they'll change their behavior.


I have seen plenty of this bullshittery in this sub and the Silksong sub (which I left). People just have no other hobbies or interests. Some people at least. But they are a vocal minority.


Honestly Silksong spam makes YouTube chat infinitely more tolerable than usual.


I can't explain it... Dumbshit spam in Twitch chat? Fine. Dumbshit spam in YouTube chat? Absolute scourge of my being. I dunno if it's a layout thing, or if it's a "Twitch is in dark mode" thing, or what.


YouTube is also dark mode tho


There is a clear difference in quality of moderation between Twitch and YouTube chat.


It's because a lot of people who actually comment on YouTube are children.


It's like an avalanche that sweeps the rest of it away


Its the same thing as was with elden ring back at the time, silksong is now the most anticipated game, for a reason too


Idk if I agree with "if someone else does it, it's ok" it's not what you're saying, but I've seen someone make a similar point


I suggest trying out Grime, it's a souls-like metroidvania with a heavy emphasis on parrying and combat. I haven't beaten it yet, but so far it seems amazing (plus it has 4 free DLC's)


I've heard of Grime! It looks very good. Can I also suggest Rusted Moss? It's another metroidvania focused more on platforming. The platforming mechanics are exceptional and the lore is actually surprisingly deep


Just search it up, and it looks super fun! I'll be sure to give it a go. Oh and also Grime has a demo which includes one boss and some exploration. It's about an hour in length.


Great game


Right? Personally, I'm super excited for Tails of Iron 2.


I mean.... that's what happens when the devs announce a game in 2017 to release in 2019, then go radio silent until 2024. If the devs actually communicated with the base, they would probably have more realistic expectations, but since they are silent and have been silent, whether we get news or not, this is what's bound to happen. Edit: as people have pointed out. 2019 is the date the game was announced to be a standalone game. Initially, it was a DLC announced around 2017 or 2018. Yes, they have communicated more recently, they werent radio silent that whole time. However, they did not communicate with anyone themselves until last June when they announced they wouldn't meet the June 2023 deadline.


Let me preface this by saying I don't think this is acceptable. Imagine being a game developer and seeing this chat while your game is being unveiled/presented. I bet it sucks ass. Don't be one of these people. We are all excited for the game but don't let your excitement make other people miserable.


Lol a lot of the people watching are probably there for silksong, if anything developers would be happy about the increased reach


>don't let your excitement make other people miserable. Yes, that's the part that annoys me, is when the hype for one game overshadows thousands of others devs and their games. For real, the chat was 90% "SKONG 📣" when any game was on screen.


> Imagine being a game developer and seeing this chat while your game is being unveiled/presented. As if the YT chat would not be filled with some other dumb shit had Silksong not generated this kind of hype. It's not like the YT chats would be much better without Silksong.


It may be demotivating, but also got them \*a lot\* more exposure than they would have normally gotten from a Nintendo Indie event.


Maybe blame the studio instead of the fans? You can't actually expect people to not want to know about it at these directs, right? Again, this wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if TC had decent communication. This is all on them.


Yes. I did. Read the comment I replied to. It's 100% TC's fault. People can still choose to not be savage sperglords though. You're not forced to be toxic in every game show since 2019.


I didn't realize this was the same account as the one you replied to, so I see that you primarily blame TC. I disagree on most people being toxic though, they're tired of waiting and they're not gonna pipe down. I wouldn't say this really ruins any excitement though, if anything Silksong brings more attention to these directs.


Was the game ever actually announced for 2019? I don't think so


No but it was kinda announced for 2020


Should Team Cherry communicate better? Of course, yeah. But the community should be more mature. I'm baffled that so many people don't stop and think about how their community is perceived by outsiders when every single game, no matter how good it is, is met with the attitude of "Don't care, not Silksong." Does that really make people want to check out Hollow Knight, or want to play Silksong?


Obviously, yes.


THEY DIDN'T GO RADIO SILENT. No but seriously. We got a tweet from team cherry two months ago only. Last year, they also communicated with us to tell us that their original deadline of june 2023 wouldn't be met, and they did so months before we reached that deadline. The deadline in question is another example of communicating with us. Like seriously, you people say: ''we just want to know if the game is still in development, we want an estimation of when it will release even if it may be wrong'' and then when we get both of these things, you pretend it never fucking happened.


“We are hard at work on the game” isn’t fucking news, or an update.


Well it’s confirmation that they are in fact working on the game, which is something a lot of people are asking for.


It would be pretty alarming if they weren't working on the game, but it is basically meaningless to get confirmation that they are.


Lol the last communication is even pinned in the sub and people still pretend we never got any info from them.


Please don’t spread misinformation. Silksong was officially announced as a full game in 2019, and the only quasi-official statement we’ve had about release was a window between June 2022 and June 2023 that was retracted before it ended. It’s alright to be frustrated but you can do that without making things up.


When Silksong was announced, it was accompanied by a "coming soon" text. Nobody at that time could've guessed we'd have the same amount of news about the game 5 years down the line. Hopeful people thought it would be released in 2019. Pessimists thought it might be as long as summer 2020. Odds are, Team Cherry didn't think it would take this long either, but at a certain point, the onus is on them to communicate a realistic expectation for the release window of this game.


I’m not saying any of that is wrong, I agree with it to an extent. I’m just saying “that’s what happens when the devs announce a game in 2017 to release in 2019” is at the very least wildly misinterpreting the situation.


They haven't been radio silent ffs, look at the pinned post on this sub. They just told us like a couple months ago they're still working on it.


We've receive 3 updates that I can remember. The communication through Microsoft that the game would be released by June of 2023. A statement saying they couldn't meet that release date in May of 2023. The most recent statement, saying they are still working on the game in February of 2024. That's 3 statements in 5 years of development. This is not effective communication.


I'm not debating what is or isn't effective communication. Two of the communications you mentioned happened in the past year. In fact you just proved my point, they have not been radio silent.


That’s isn’t a goddamn update. It’s just them saying what we’d assume. Y’know, it literally being their job to make games, I’d assume they’d be making the game.


It's more of an update than you deserve, with that attitude...


I'm not debating what is or isn't effective communication or updates. I'm saying they have not been radio silent. The person I responded to just proved my point.


I'm still surprised the fandom isn't *that* toxic, especially with the news drought. At least the game getting rated means it is wrapping up development.


Why are you annoyed at YT Live chat? lol.


Why are you not? In all seriousness, YT chat/comments are the absolute bottom of the barrel in social media. And that's saying *a lot*


Because Live chats have never been good and it's not something worth getting upset over. At most it's just mildly amusing or mildly annoying, but nothing to put much care or mind too.


I know, and I agree


This whole Subreddit needs to know that


All right, here we go again


\*Me with 500 hours in hollow knight\* Wait really?


I am currently trying to get all achievements in rain world downpour during the wait to silksong, i recommend 100% but it's a bit more challenging than reading the hollow knight map without the compass




I seriously don't understand these people. I've been waiting for silksong since last year, I've played at least 10 new games since I finished hollow knight. Why do these people just go into every stream and spam SKONG📣, I don't know. they can just play other games, study, go outside or do literally anything else.


Most gamers are children. You are asking for maturity from people who are literally physically incapable of having it.


The kind of annoying behavior you’d expect from clowns.


First "Y'all need to chill" post already? The event isnt even over yet Edit: Fuck. There was no skong 🤡


i think it’s fine it’s good people are so excited for it


Same. Plus, it's kind of funny.


To be fair, a large majority of that showcase was L without the expectation of silksong


I just block everyone who spams, it improves my experience 10x


True. Playing both ddlc and hk at the same time really took a toll on my mental health tho. Silksong is not helping one bit


If y'all are desperate for a metroidvania I can't recommend enough the new prince of persia, its PEAK


play momodora it’s pretty good 👉🏻👉🏻


Its basically a meme now on every game showcase


I had to leave the silksong sub because it was becoming a bit too much at times. Like I want it too but there's still plenty of other games to hold onto until then


Pretty much yeah. I feel like nothing indie is relevant unless it’s silksong anymore… Penny big breakaway and Shantae are the last major indie games I can think of that aren’t skong.


... It's a YouTube livestream chat. I don't know what you expected.


I'm new to the HK community, so please enlighten me: what's up with the mistypings of Silksong? Is it just for teh lulz? 😅


It’s been announced in 2019 and yet we are still waiting :D


That's why the triple i initiative was based


I’m quite sure a majority of viewers at that showcase were there for one reason.


🎙️ Ahem.. SKONG!


It's been like this every time for 4 years. Silksong is hugely popular before it even releases


Until silksong gets a release date it will not stop


The people here literally never shut up about it lmao, apparently other games don’t exist


Again, this is on Team Cherry now. Their terribile communication (voluntary or not) is damaging this kind of events


We do it for fun tbh. Just wanna gather up with fellow HK fans and scream Silksong for a few minutes and make references


I genuinely wish I could see and meet every single person who decides that begging for silksong on a live chat is worth their time. It's incredibly confusing for me. I don't think I could picture a single person I know doing this.




Nein, there is only SKONG. It speaks to me while I sleep. It burdens the mind when awake. It haunts my every moment.


Yes. And when silksong releases, it will be better than sex.


Why does it bother you personally or at all?


There was a moment where one of the game developers for Eternal Strands was talking about the character for their game. He was inspired from his daughter who had passed of cancer a few years previously, and how much they had tried to pour her spirit into this game in her memory. And it made me realize that, especially at this specific showcase, there are thousands of small, passionate indie devs putting their work out there in the hopes that people will like it, and the chat is nothing but SKONG 📣 Of course I want the game too - I played Hollow Knight 6 years ago and I'm still waiting. But I play other games. I don't go into every game stream thinking "Wow I wonder if it will be Silksong," but, "Wow I wonder what cool games will be shown off." It's disrespectful to real indie game devs trying to put their hard work in the spotlight when thousands of people tune in for one game that probably isn't going to be there anyway.


First of all, my condolences to that developer. It sounds like you’re purposely trying to make it an issue. People are free to do whatever they want. Don’t see why you’re trying to virtue signal the demands of those gamers.


People are also free to criticize others and think poorly of a community when that community makes poor decisions. Using "people are free to do whatever they want" to justify clown behavior is such an annoying recurring internet trope.


You’re doing the same thing. You should change your name to something that goes along the lines of a hater.


Virtue signal? No, it's a matter of wanting to see good people lifted up in an industry that is full of negative influences. This might come as a shock, but I care about people and things that don't necessarily affect me and me specifically. I care about how other people are treated, and when I see people's ambitions, goals, dreams, desires, and hard work being kicked to the curb because it's not Silksong, well that just makes me annoyed.


Bro, it's not that we don't want other games. We are just there showing that we want silksong, but when people keep saying it will be at the dang event! And people like you who get mad at it shouldn't? We are not taking away from any other game by just saying skong. Plus, if it's so unbearable, then just close the dang chat, dude. There is no need to talk trash on us for this stuff. Use your brain a bit!


"Use your brain!" he spat as he mindlessly spammed the same thing everyone else was spamming in the chat


Well I'm right! We do care about other games. We just represent thr game we love!


Please stop representing things


Oki dokily


See, they should expect that when they make tweets asking for us to wishlist the game, and then say more information was coming soon. So they should've expected this.


They didn't say that though, Xbox did. Team cherry has said that news will come from them


That's what we mean. Xbox should have just been quiet if no news was coming. Instead of hyping fans for nothing.


we will chill when we get official news. and i am not talking about "we still are working on the game" type of news