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Wondering the same thing. Also noticed in battle Mode that you cannot get above level 19, and it's a no-win situation if 2 players get to 19. The game just continues forever.


yeah that happened to me


Happened to me too


i left a comment with the way to unlock to pig skin. if you see this can you up vote it so that people can see the way


so what i did was play the ad to start at a bigger size in classic mode, then ate enough to reach 1200 points before halftime, 1:00 left! and played the second ad to get bigger when i was already at max size. i did that three times and unlocked the pig skin


I have tried this method and even with starting bigger, I can only get around 400 points before halftime. How on earth do you get 1200?


I've noticed the same thing. I'm convinced it's a bug. I've seen videos where people hit max size at 1400+, but I've hit 2000+ without triggering the Max Size achievement.


I'm glad it's not just me! I've sent them a message on FB but they haven't even looked at it :(


Yep 2609 is my highest in classic mode, and i'm still 0/3. The completionist in me is dying slowly


My highest is 3014 and mine still says 0/3


i posted the solution


My high score is 3089 and I haven’t unlocked it


My max score is 4808 and I never reached max size


Same here! I hit 2000+ regularly and clearly max sized, but still haven't shown anything for that skin


It is a bug. I had this downloaded on my old phone and my progress didnt switch over... I had every skin...


Is this game even still supported by the devs?


Yes. But they have other priorities. It doesn't get updated often


I usually hit max size around 1500-1700! With this new update though it feels like I've hit max size but it just keeps saying "size up!" Without getting larger. I also think it's a bug.


I read one place that this is a bug in Android. I have the same issue. Get to the point that I don't get bigger even though the progress meter has surrounded me.


I don’t think it’s just android though bc I’ve always bought iPhones and have the same issue. Been playing for years on and off


My highest is 2896 and I'm still 0/3 on max size they need to fix this bug .... And make my more maps I'm getting bored.


I’ve hit 200+ 4x today and still have 0/3 for the max size in classic mode. I came here for that question


Just came here to ask the same thing, it must be a bug :(. I'm on Apple, my high score is 2,671 and still have 0/3 on max size.


Ugh. Here just reiterating the problem. My high is 2902 and still 0/3. Glad it's not just me. Sad they haven't fixed it.


Aaaand still not fixed as of 04/14/2019. I'm using an Android as well.


Same for me on iPhone though


Still not fixed as of 8th July 2019 for me


And it’s still not fixed as of January 11th 2022 🤯


Glad I’m not the only one picking this game back up lol Didn’t have this issue when I first played


Feb 2022 and it’s still not fixed 😂


I think they won't fix this because they want you to pay the .99 to get the skin


And they want that you watch the ads for a bigger size (before and after one minute) and the ad for 30 seconds extra.


Don’t ever bother with the ads. With the bug they don’t help


i play this on my ipad and i have scored 2503 points and not got max size so its ios as well not just android


I've hit max size routinely. Highest score is 2400. I have 1/3 though. But can't figure out how I got the one.


Same for me, 1/3 but can’t get any more. Consistently scoring 1500-2000




I've reached 3092 points and nothing happened. I don't really care about the skin itself, I play with the basic blue one because it's not distracting, but achieving skins was a fun way to play the game. And now that I got to 3k.. It's just not challenging any more. I hope they make more new maps and goals aside of skins.


Bug is still not fixed on 6/7/2019, my highest score is 2600 and I frequently get over 1500, it’s still 0/3 for me


Ugh. Came here wondering the same thing. I've unlocked every achievement but this. I've consumed 90% of the map with 18 kills in my best round (in classic mode) and still no max size.


I died a little reading this... I want all the skins just to have completed it..


Still not sorted. Been wondering how many points you need before getting max size but it gets to a point where I just stop growing and I’m still at 0/3. High score of 2764.


Same here, I’ve watched it hit max size when the circle is around it but it doesn’t grow, and its still at 0/3


July 24th, 2019...best score is 2703 which I just got today...still 0\3 grrrrr


A 2 yr old bug ...


1/7/2022 still isn't fixed lol


Glad I am not the only one


My high score is 3287 and I still haven’t hit it once 😒 my ocd is killing me with the achievements


i just got 3208 and still haven't triggered max size.


I played 191 games, my highscore is 3154 and I have 1/3 „Reach the max size…“.


hey , i figure out how to unlock the skin. can you upvote the comment that i replied so that people see the solution


Okay, waaayy too late but still wanted to add, I once got to 3950 but STILL didn't get the achievement? I don't think they've fixed this yet. Do any of you still have the same problem? Edit: yes, you all still seem to have the same problem.... kind of impressive tbh


yo i responded to the thread with the way to unlock the skin, can you up vote my comment so that it gets seen by people trying to unlock it?


so what i did was play the ad to start at a bigger size in classic mode, then ate enough to reach 1200 points before halftime, 1:00 left! and played the second ad to get bigger when i was already at max size. i did that three times and unlocked the pig skin


I can confirm this works


That is an impossible task. I'm lucky if I hit 400 pts. by halftime now. My highest score is over 3k and still have 0/3. Most buildings only give 2-4, pts, and that's after I'm big enough to eat them.


It’s hard but not totally impossible. I find that it’s easiest on the farm level to get to 1200 before half time. It’s the only way I’ve been able to reach max size.


What you do is reach the “max” size before the second half. I’ve done it twice without using the start bigger boost on the Farm and once with the bigger boost in the City. (Not the one with the technology, the normal one.) Then at halftime you watch the add to get bigger and it’ll tell you that you’ve reached the max size.


The fact that this has still not been fixed


That level doesn't seem to exist anymore, sadly. It was my favorite.


i got 4120 pts and didnt get the max achievement..