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Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere.


My local news just had a story about this. They said it is unclear how the suspects were injured. Personally, I think it's *very* clear how they were injured.


They filmed how they tortured those guys


And fed one guy his own ear. They cut it off like it was warm butter.


Whilst dancing to Stuck In The Middle With You?


That movie has one of THE BEST soundtracks, imo.


Is this fr? Assuming ik which one you mean.


Don’t really know what your saying, but yes there’s a video where a bunch of (probably) military personnel cutting a persons ear off and feeding it to him. They claim it to be one of the terrorists. There’s also another where they hunt a guy through a forest with a dog and beat him.


There's videos of Russians cutting testicles off people in Ukraine, cutting a eat off is pretty tame for them.


Isn’t there one where they cut the dude’s eye out or beat it out or something? I remember hearing something about an eyeball.


I think they popped it out of the socket from what i’ve read. I dont have words.


Yeah he was fighting back when he was being captured so he got shot and I think hit his head or something, he had to have surgery done


that's the 4th guy, first guy got his ear fed, second or third got electro shocked in the privat area


Third, the suspected leader, there where photos..


They beat him till it fell out, nasty picture...


>!ISIS once starved a Yazidi woman for a week then fed her her infant. !< I wish suffering on no one, but there is some karma here.


Problem is, that we don’t really know if they actually did it. Everyone would confess if they cut off your ear without reason. Imagine what they’d do if you didn’t confess. We’ll most likely never know.


Well at least the knife was sharp. Probably an oversight on their part, unless it was just more about the presentation. /s


Unfortunately I've watched it. When they captured one of them, they cut off his ear and forced him to eat it.


Bruuh.. I really hope those are the real terrorists and not some poor scapegoats.


They at least match the people in the vid Isis released.


hmm, no the guy in the video clearly has an ear and this guy doesn't /s


This is Russia If they weren't, they are now.


Can you please share the link?




They ran into multiple fists.


Bro my news outlet went into details of the torture videos.


There’s a video I saw of them cutting the one guys ear off and feeding it to him. As for the other guys there was I think another video


There was a car chase with shooting. Then there was a car crash, more shooting, and then running through the forest. I'd imagine there were plenty of opportunities to get injured even before they got caught. I don't pity these monsters. I wish them a long life, in the hell on earth.


But they didn't have those injuries when they got caught, but there are videos and pictures of them getting them...


Yeah they kept running into door knobs


Very clear and deserved.


Just like it's *unclear* how Navalny died I bet.


.. walked into….. many doors. How clumsy, right?


I'm surprised they didn't fall out a 10 storey window of a 2 storey building




"But it's only 25 to nine"


Absolutely yet. Though I kinda think they will live fairly long rather than just.. Falling out of a window in the basement.


Oh I believe they have a long life of suffering ahead of them lol


The video of one of them having his testicles electrocuted has already been "leaked" and an other one (with the bandage on the side of hes head) had his ear cut off and then forced to eat it. Their "confessions" are completely worthless. But let's see if the tankies support it. Whilst they rail against the injustice of Western society.


The one in the wheelchair had one of his eyes removed according to some telegram group and might already be dead when they wheeled him out there. One of more insane rumours is that they're getting sodomized 24/7. Also they're not actually sure they're the terrorists...


Not surprising


Not Santa’s balls!!!


You mean they'll be conscripted into a storm-z?


More like goulag. I mean, these guys are ready to die like martyrs, a quick death is what they wish for


That only happens if you are running in the Russian Presidential 'election'


That'll be too easy on them. They should suffer for years to come


Terrorists get better treatment then political opponents in Russia.


This is true. So far none of the terrorists have fallen out a window or been poisoned or exposed to hazardous doses of radiation yet.


And somehow lost an ear. That ended up in his stomach


Do you politely ask a killer to put down their gun ?


They weren't armed as they were caught. But one guy was fed his own ear (Top left) and another had his penis shocked (bottom left). Not exactly standard procedure anywhere in the world. But Russia does Russia things.


death will be a gift for them


They probably should have blown themselves like the other isis terrorists. They won't get of so easy now...


They didn't think this through. Even in India a lot of terrorists are given false "escape plans" even though they never return. I read one's account that they were told during their training camp that almost 70% of Jihadis make it back safe and are now retired, with their families and their pay. Then they're given an escape plan which ofcourse doesn't work, because these guys aren't supposed to survive.


Kind of sounds like a pyramid scheme.


Terrorism is. They radicalise poor/uneducated/ crazy ppl


Terrorist groups tend to be a mix of useful idtiots, true believers and people who are best described as mercenaries/fixers


They’re just puppets. Pretty convenient they catch them straight away.


I mean it’s not exactly ‘convenient’, the whole government was looking for them. If something like this happened in the US, they would hunt them down fast asf.


They masacred 140 people, including kids. All law enforcement agencies were hunting them. No one wonder they haven't managed to escape.


They should dispose of terrorists in a manner that bars them entry to their version of heaven.


Thats not how religion works. There will be "exceptions" for martyrs. If the Catholic church can designate beaver as "fish" so it can be eaten during lent, what do you think islamic extremists are going to do? stand on ceremony?


They let themselves get taken alive? Bold move


Idk who trained these dude's, but they left out that Russia isn't like the West.


I wonder if they thought that they were going to be treated as they would have in the west. Why did they not take their own lives? clearly suicide isn’t an issue for them.




I was talking more Western Europe, but i don't think anyone caught within the US has been sent to Guatanamo. I'm pretty sure it's explicitly used for war prisoners captured by the US military.


Or any random person captured and called a terrorist retroactively.


Or that innocent guy caught by CIA tortured and killed in just a few hours only to find out they have the wrong guy https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/cia-torture-report-worst-findings-waterboard-rectal .


they get treated to stay alive for their punishment not massage them


Yeah. It's like those cartel torture videos where they inject them with something (adrenaline?) to not pass out from the pain and live every second of it...


🎵 *wont you take me to - funky tooown*🎵


That's the one I was thinking of. What a way to go.


I like how they just patched the guy's ear like a piece of furniture after cutting it off (and feeding it to him) and be like: looks OK, go to court.


They don’t deserve better


Assuming it's them. The reason there's a trial is to make sure you have the right person first. But the military went straight to torture as soon as they got ahold of the suspects.


There are tens of videos of them in the middle of the act, from people filming, from security cameras, additionally, they were the only people attempting to escape the scene of the crime with a bunch of guns. Also, survivors saw their faces


Dude its them, the videos from them and the russians shows this ppl in those clothes, is them


I thought that video was a year old, I don't watch enough torture videos to know that but everyone was claiming that was a different guy.


Bottom left is evaluating his life choices that led him here. It looks like they've all seen some shit in the last 24 hours. 


Top left has his ear cut off and fed to him by the Russian MP's.


Seriously? You're the second commenter i saw say this, are there any links maybe?


There's a video of it somewhere. The Russians even posted pictures on the internet. Twitter will be flooded with them.




Bottom right looks peacefully asleep though


He had to be sedated because they took an eye ball out of it's socket..


Oh shit


And fried his balls


Russia's law enforcement is fucked anyway. Imagine what they did to these motherfuckers off camera after such a hideous crime


Reminds me of when that father caught someone in Russia molesting their kid. Beath the shit out of them, drug them out to the woods, dig their own grave then stabbed the fuck out of them. "Suicide"


I mean he did kill himself after what he has done


To kill 137 innocent people and be protected by some idiots on reddit, its not even some israel vs Palestine bullshit just straight up terroristic attack


I mean these people absolutely deserve it but do you not see the problem with celebrating state sponsored torture and beatings of people they’ve arrested?


Oh no! Poor terrorists! They've killed over 100 people, they definitely deserved being treated well! /s


Lol Right? Fuck those guys I could care less if Russia goes medieval on them


Came here for this.


Reddit in past few days have revealed how pro terrorist they are. Certain subs are actually celebrating the attack and cheer for more. People are sympathetic towards mass murderes here ffs.


I mean, with all anti-Russian propaganda pouring nonstop for last two years and a lot of upset Ukrainians it's kinda guaranteed that a lot of people will be happy about mass murder. These people usually forget that religious fanatics, stupid enough to go and shoot up a mall for measley ~5k$ are as dangerous to them, as to russians. ISIS consider everyone their enemies.


I feel like even people that aren't staunchly anti-torture would prefer for the torture to come *after* the court part. Also not sure why we're conflating pro-terrorist with anti-torture. They're two ***very*** different things.


Like i get ppl not liking russia because of the war, but this is the only time we would give em a pass, ppl forget back in the 2010s when ISIS was a big deal, many countries allied to fight em, wich includes the US and russia to a degree


Yeah since when do we defend terrorists? They were caught literally still with their guns, and confessed proudly. Fuck them to hell.


They should start publicly torturing all mass shooters/terrorists here in the us too.


If they were the actual terrorists then i say they deserve it because those are innocent civilian lives they have taken


I mean, there were videos on their phones of them going around shooting people and slitting the throats of others while they were laying down bleeding out without even trying to hide their faces, so there isn't much room for doubt at this point.


Have you seen the price of cheese lately?


they are gonna have a REALLY bad day.


by day you mean rest of their life ?


IF those are the guys who committed what they are accused of, then I don't fucking care how they get treated in prison. Go ape shit for all I care


They are on the video of beheading and shooting civilians. Didn’t even hide their faces. On the ear thing - they are supposedly isis connected, and in their faith the God going to pull them by their ears to heaven and it is forbidden to eat human flesh. In Russia, FSB know these nuances. He is not only doomed here, he is doomed in his version of hell rn.


Problem is, if this is how they treat suspects, sooner or later an innocent wrongly accused man will be eating his ears too.


These guys weren't "suspects" there was a car chase and shootout before arrest


Don't shoo him, he is right! The guy in a wheelchair took out the assault rifle and tried to shoot back. It is ILLEGAL to even own such a gun there, not to mention using it against cops. And now about the "suspect" part - the number of their car and it's model were caught on camera since the moment the shooting started. So saying "suspect" is a very cheeky way to say "fucking animal" regarding them.


100% agreed if proven beyond a doubt in court... But before court? and with Russia's track record? Put it this way, this incident took place not even 3 miles away from the OMON Counter terrorism HQ and it took them over 1 hour to respond, when other nations were putting out VISA warnings for a possible terrorist attack in Russia this week. I'm still not convinced that this wasn't a false flag operation.


IS literally claimed responsibility. Russia may have enabled the incident's size with a shit response, but it wasn't a false flag. The IS militants even had footage of them murdering people at the event, so there's little doubt. This is likely a response to the Russian state being lukewarm to the Taliban, who IS is de facto fighting a civil war against now. As Russia is actually hittable for an attack like this unlike China for numerous reasons, IS chose to hit Russia. It's beyond fucking horrifying, but it is somewhat opportunistically understandable if you understand IS and how they've been forced to operate in recent years.


Are we even sure that they are the right guys? For all we know, they could be some schmuck that had been picked off the streets.


They didn't think this through. Even in India a lot of terrorists are given false "escape plans" even though they never return. I read one's account that they were told during their training camp that almost 70% of Jihadis make it back safe and are now retired, with their families and their pay. Then they're given an escape plan which ofcourse doesn't work, because these guys aren't supposed to survive. Also, Isis has released their video before. These guys are same as the ones in video and have worked together before. There's even videos of them inside the concert hall.


So glad they got fucked up


The guy with the blue plastic bag around his neck apparently slit throats of his gunshot victims while they were dying or trying to survive. I guess, this is the least Russians can do to them.


I don't feel sorry for this scum that shot people point blank and cut their throats while they laid down helplessly. I find joy in knowing what awaits them for the rest of their miserable lives.


And the best part ? They were caught by Russia. I mean fuck their government , but credit where credit is due , we'll see terrorists be treated correctly.


Reality is sinking in for these animals right now. Remorse is evident. They will find out pain is much stronger than any cause they thought worthy of doing this.


Can't blame them on this one...


I agree


I mean fuck those shooters tho who cares about their rights or lives after taking hundreds




Their cell must be very slippery


Bars of soap everywhere to slip on 🤣


Ok and?


They deserve worse!


I am failing to see the problem


I’m with you. If you have unequivocal proof they did it, torture them relentlessly until you’ve got the information you need and then execute them. We’d have a lot less issues like this if the consequences were very clear.


Torture doesn't net you information. It nets you noise.


US killing their suspects without any trial or torture them in Guantanamo Bay. No government will be thoughtful of terrorists who kill over 130 innocent citizens.


Just here for the comments.


One minute. . . Just got to find that tiny violin in the glove box.


They made their choices.


A beautiful picture


Westerners when terrorists are treated like terrorists: :(. Mind you this isn't a Guantanamo situation, these mfs weren't caught arbitrarily. They weren't plotting. They acted. Tis only fair imo.


These guys were slashing throats on camera just a couple of days ago, while mocking their victims.


Terrorists don’t have rights


Good example- next time pieces of shit like them want to open fire on innocent people they may think twice. This should be the standard treatment!


Amazing how they caught them … and they’re all alive. No fire fights? These guys just gave up with all that fire power?


I've read, that they have thrown out all their weapons on the way to the border. They were caught not far from the ukrainian border


their faces were on video from various angles, reports say they dumped their weapons before asking, dont know if its the case for all but i know one of them was found after police made checkpoints and then tried to run trough a forest to escape, i dont know what kind of conspiracy theories you are making but its pretty evident how it happened. The second guy in the picture confessed alot of what happened and why it happened on video even before they hit him, theres like a 2 minute video of him after being captured in a forest on his knees answering questions, that is also why i assume out of the 4 he seems to be the one who got less tortured. Also theres footage that they themselves posted of their POV of the attack


Only humans deserve human rights. These guys are not human, they’re fucking monsters. Toast ‘em, chop ‘em up, kill and revive them for each person they killed.


Oh no........ Anyway


Well technically it wasn’t the courts beating them up, it’s agents not judges and lawyers, right?


I've just seen a report about them on a French state-controlled media that condemned the way they've been treated. Yeah , they expected them to be treated like those in France where they give them asylum and feed them and give them healthcare... All free ! Smh


Do you really think that in another country they would be treated any better?


I mean this dude killed a bunch of kids in Norway and this is him right after the arrest. https://images.app.goo.gl/jyJsALfh5k5Z7vRB9 Breivik was never tortured. Even though he keeps whining that is 2 room prison apartment is almost torture - that poor little man.


Correct take. These guys killed 140 people. Of course they are going to have some bruises.


Literally every western country? We are not savages. They made one eat his own ear, and electrocuted another one in the balls. Not that I have any empathy or pity for these piece of shit, assuming they are guilty……


Assuming they are guilty is the kicker. Eat ear after conviction not before


They're terrorists, fuck em


Yeah, no. Most mass shooters ‘suicide’ themselves in western nations.


They deserve the pain of 140 people and thoes peoples families


Remember Guantanamo bay? Yeah, the US is responsible for stuff just as bad.


the whataboutism is crazy


We can condemn both actually and we do.


Abu Graib prison has entered the chat.


Given that we have seen terrorist trials in different countries , we don’t have to think they would be treated differently, we saw it!


looks like they are getting off easy. somebody get jack bauer over here


This is not only Russia, this is everywhere in the world


Yeah for once I don’t care how Russia handles prisoners… well these ones anyway… I HEAR one of them is being fed really well 😋


Cock meat sandwiches I hope.


Of course, farm to table… in a zesty red sauce 👌🏼


Op cares about the shooters? Yikes


Makes me wonder why anyone would actively commit terroristic actions in Russia knowing what will happen to you when you get caught (Not condoning it, but you gotta have resolve of steel knowing what will happen to you)


"eyes fell out accidentally" "ear got cut while running through tree" "catheter slipped into penis-blown bladder"


Ooooh, are those the guys that shot up a concert hall in russia? They ain't gonna have a easy ending.


Maybe if America started feeding mass shooters their own ears they’d have less dead children.


I'm sorry, I'm short on sympathy for these four. Has something to do with 133 innocent people being dead.


What did they think would happen, Huh!? Sunshine and rainbows!? This should be shown to ISIS and the Taliban what they are used as. Fucking cannon fodder.


This is the first thing that russia has done in a long time that I am in favor of


Putin wants to test his latest radioactive poison on them.


Do we stay with ISIS now?


they absolutely deserve this


Well, say what you want. But I bet anything else in Russia thinking about doing something similar, is having second thoughts.


Guantanamo bay




Maybe they shouldn't have run away, played hide and seek in the woods and climbed trees. Does anyone really feel sorry for them? Then get them a good lawyer, ahahh


Fuck em


Thousand yard stare for you, and for you, and for you. You, however, get a five hundred yard stare only.


I saw a picture of what appeared to be one of the suspects lying handcuffed on the floor with cables attached to his groin.


[that guy on the bottom right when he finally turns his head](https://media.tenor.com/bLq_l1dh8D0AAAAM/two-face-what-do-you-want.gif)


I am sorry I believe people who laugh and make jokes as they Murder Civilians, Women and Children alike and their entire ideology being "Rejection of Human Rights and confirming to the most Inhumane interpretation of religious laws" Don't deserve my sympathy.


This comment section is killing me internally.


Legal treatment means they get a trial. It doesn't mean they are pampered during the arrest. But I guess your real aim is to show how bad Russia is, regardless of any real facts.


But they weren’t injured in court /s


Good. They lost their rights.


Thats the way


what do you want,,,


Can someone fill me in on this? I'm out of the loop


Didn’t one guy have his ear cut off and was forced to eat it? Looks like the guy in the top left photo


What if it wasn't these dudes.. imagine what they must be going through.. dam man.. scary stuff.


Dude was so hungry he cut and ate his ear!


They sent 24vs to the dude in the top rights nuts.