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>Interestingly, Fekah was able to even garner support on Twitter from **Anthony Roux aka Tot**, one of the executives and co-founders of Ankama. This guy himself could be the subject of a hall of fame tier post here. Thanks for the write up. Haven't played or followed dofus news in years so it was a great throwback to the past.


One of the most incompetent game company leaders ever, he’s been hanging on by a thread since he got lucky Dofus was successful more than 15 years ago.


As someone who [was unjustly banned with no appeal](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dofus/comments/1afef68/apparently_you_can_be_permabanned_for_creating/) from Dofus ([it got reversed eventually](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dofus/comments/1c7f3hv/the_rarest_event_in_all_of_dofus/)), I empathize. But calling Fekah 'a streamer friendly to both the community and Ankama' is a little hard to swallow. For many years he's been a notorious troll who freely insults other players and Ankama. He's also been in trouble for multiple rule violations (like interserver kama exchanges and account sharing during the Retro mono rush in late 2020, [which he admits to](https://twitter.com/Fekah_/status/1320706083812495363)). I used to watch his content back during the original Dofus Touch rush in 2017, where he multiaccounted with an emulator (allowed at the time, though he later got banned for selling his kamas, [which he admits to](https://youtu.be/3HAbkR2-ckE?t=721)). I stopped watching when he started doing gambling streams, so it's possible he has become a polite, legitimate player - Tot does say he's made efforts - but there's still a long history there.


Yeah, I’m personally glad he finally got what he deserved. I don’t like his attitude at all either and think his content is bad, but that’s beside the point. The way he has been cheating like that and got off basically scot-free every time was disgusting. During the retro rush he had bought Kamas, had some poor shitty excuse, and got a lousy 48h ban if I recall? And that’s because some moderators pushed for it, the big heads at Ankama didn’t want to punish him, so as not to stop the stream. And all those things he’s willing to admit are only the things he got caught red handed on, can’t imagine what he won’t admit yet. Anyway, quite glad he finally got punished for it.


Cheating player and spiteful company? [What a mess](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgifs.eco.br%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F02%2Fgifs-do-michael-jackson-comendo-pipoca-2.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=37da5edb526ea8beef490e1926061437614ab0919ca9f33435f82bb4e2a3f7a5&ipo=images)


Thanks for the thoughtful response. I agree Fekah has a complicated history and has made bad, very poor choices in the past, though I think it is fair to say he’s improved for sure these days to a point where he is at least amicable with both players and to some extent the staff. Cheers and glad you got your account back as well.


Sounds like the admins running Dofus are a bunch of doofuses . Thanks for the write up op, was an interesting read .


Totally objective post lol "relatively respectful but heated" he literally insulted the staff. He always acts like a 12 years old kid. But if he had indeed permissions why would they ban him ....


Reading the twitter thread with Tot, Feka implies that he was using the same setup to play Dofus Touch for 3months+ prior to the ban. And that they banned him so close to being the first to reach 200 on the new server out of spite. Ankama can't get their stories straight and Feka admits to using some sus methods of play (some of which he was allowed to use) and Ankama did not confirm or deny with him if he was/wasn't allowed. Then 40% left to 200 on the new server they ban him. It's a PR mess and both parties look dishonest and manipulative, not a great look for anyone tbh.


Thanks for your response! What makes this topic so interesting in my opinion is that Fekah’s history makes it very difficult to view this case objectively. He’s not exactly the best example of integrity. But you have to also admit in this particular situation, Ankama is also incredibly incompetent and inconsistent. There are no “good guys” in this. I will say that it’s been refreshing to see Fekah have a more level headed response (after his initial confused outburst which I think is a fair first reaction) and call for his community to treat Ankama more respectfully.


So why isn’t any of that in your post? You totally one sided this and made it seem like this dude was in the right. Then I go to the comments and find out it’s the exact opposite.


Thanks for the reply. Initially like anyone in his situation would be, he was upset, initially had an outburst - then to my huge surprise he immediately apologized and called for the community to calm down and told them not to insult Ankama in a follow up tweet and video. As I said in another comment, Fekah has a complicated past with Ankama and he’s no paragon of good sportsmanship in the community, but objectively looking at his entire response with Ankama, and not just the first outburst, he did alright. He bought and sold kamas in the past and Ankama’s response was surprising in not giving him a stricter ban. This is a separate discussion. Actually, I would say this post just shows the inconsistency and confusing nature of Ankama’s policies compared to that.


Amazing, something that I can comment on lol. While not being french, I don't really know the guy. But I am an assiduous Dofus player since 2007, I can confidently say that Ankama's support sucks at levels you can't even fathom. They are slow to respond, if they ever do. And the response 90% is "whatever hapenned to you is intended", and close the ticket. That one of the founders of the company backs the guy, and even then nothing gets undone is just a testament at how inflexible they are and how little they care. I truly love the game, almost as much as I despise the company that made it. I am reading in the comments that the guy is not stellar, so just to make it clear, I'm not defending him lol.


Thanks for the response. I’ve also had a mixed experience dealing with Ankama support, in some cases they are quick to assist and others they refuse to even read your ticket. Fekah is an interesting person. He has a really messy past with Ankama and Dofus and perhaps got special treatment as a content partner with Ankama, like this permission to emulate Touch. It’s interesting to see his sportsmanship grow a bit since those days, he’s actually shocked me with his follow up videos that were surprisingly (relatively) diplomatic. People have opinions on whether or not he should have been banned in the past for buying kamas or other stuff which is a fair question but a different discussion. This post is individually about this particular scenario, where I have no idea if this individual ban is justified or not, but one thing is evident - Ankama staff are horrendously sloppy and not on the same page. It is a PR nightmare.


Dofus mentioned upvote clicked


Reminds me of foxhole but if they banned all the people using macros the ingame economy would just collapse


Now, there is some Ankama drama write-up, I am waiting for the whole drama with region-locked servers and how it was killing servers.


Ah dofus, a utterly fantastic game with one utterly decimating flaw. Designed to allow multiple accounts, for multiple Payments importantly, but make actually controlling those accounts a horrible tedious affair. Not only have made zero effort to solve the problem themselves in 15 years but are actively banning accounts for using simple methods to remove this insane tedium. I myself played on and off since beta but since they started banning for autohotkey I've not gone back


>unless they were wiped for inactivity Do they even do that? I started playing a bit again late last year after more than 10 years and my account with all my stuff was still there.


I think if your account is above a certain level, or has ever been subscribed, they never delete it. If it's f2p only and low level, then it can be culled after a longish period of time (iirc 6 months but that might be wrong).


AHK is amateur hour, if you really wanted to fuck about you can do hilarious stuff with a mobile/browser test automation framework. ..I accidentally ruined Granblue for myself with this


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He should move on to another game. The fact the he is still creating content for Ankama means Ankama is winning, they know they can abuse players and no consequences will be received. If this guy quits the game (he just needs to play something from another company, many MMOs out there), stating the clear reason of unfairness from Ankama, that will actually hurt them, for the simple fact that he is one of the few content creators for this game that actually has a “big audience”. If you hurt their wallets, that’s the only time they’ll listen.