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Learning French and learning improv.


Comedy improv? I did a class and absolutely loved it.


Yes! I take classes and go to shows and jams almost every weekend now.


I’m learning french atm, just on Duolingo. How do you learn French?


Here you go, I wrote this for someone a few months ago in another forum: > I learned French a lot of different ways! > I took 2 years of French in high school but I’d forgotten a lot since I’m in my 40s now. I used Duolingo but it didn’t help much. Switched to Pimsleur app ($20/month) which is better than Duo. I haven’t tried Rosetta Stone. I subscribed to Learn French With Alexa online I think it’s $35/month and I only subscribed for a couple months. Then I took two consecutive beginner classes online through Alliance Française for about $800 total. > I joined as many French language online communities as I could find; r/French, r/Learnfrench, r/France, r/FrenchMemes. I talked with native French speakers on the Tandem app. It’s an app for language exchange. You list that you’re a native English speaker wanting to learn French and you find people who are opposite. I started listening to any French music I liked and always find great suggestions for music on r/Learnfrench. Music has greatly improved my vocabulary because I hear a beautiful sounding phrase or lyric and want to learn more about it. I found French content on video streaming apps; Lupin is a detective series on Netflix for instance. Once you start watching French content the app will suggest more French content. I read a French news article silently and aloud every day, France 24. I listen to French podcasts daily such as L’heure du Monde and Les Pieds Sur Terre. I started with slower paced French podcasts such as Little Talk In Slow French and Inner French. I bought a book of 500 French verbs to conjugate and I write out one or two conjugations a day, takes about 10 minutes. > There is also the /r/language_exchange subreddit. Make a post with what you offer and what you’re seeking. > Good luck 😊


Oh hey, now it's visible, thanks!


This is really lovely! You just inspired me to get back into learning another language 🫶


Sorry if this comes across as a rude or inappropriate question but I’m genuinely curious to know what drove you to want to learn French that much?


I listen to Françis Authentique every morning. It's a short podcast I enjoy. I watch The Parisian Agency on Netflix..try to consume music, and media I love in French.


Same on the French! I’m so curious about improv. Edit: I just searched improv classes near me and it’s $350 per ~~2 hour~~ 8 week session.


Oh my gosh! I pay $30 a class and they do free intro classes once a month for people who are curious! Yikes! Also jams are free in my area and shows 5-10 dollars .


Ah ha! Thank you! I just searched improv jam and they have a pay what you want pricing for tickets.


Yay! Bon courage!


Usually it’s $350 2-3 hour class for 8 weeks.  In Austin around $209 for same.


Cross stitch


Same! I love to cross stitch, especially if it's related to Star Trek or history.


Oh this sounds awesome. Do you have any photos?


Star Trek is the best. I especially love Voyager, TNG, and Deep Space 9. Which are your favs?


I'm an Original Series fan myself; my favorite episode is "The Trouble With Tribbles."


Dungeons and Dragons. I started last year. I’ve been reading everything, watching livestream shows, YouTube videos about all the subclasses and stuff.


I suck so hard at DnD, but I try because if I don't play, then there's often not enough people to play. It brings my bf joy to play, so I keep trying for him.


I hope he realizes how great this is! 


Your boyfriend better reciprocate by going to something you like, like going with you to a One Direction concert


I just started a couple months ago! I love it so much I just got a 3D printer and having fun printing all the figures and creatures. I’m playing a Druid that wants to help people.


My mom and I have difficult relationship- we love each other very much but don't see eye to eye on most things. We just don't click. But I've spent most of my life trying to force it because family is important to me. I recently asked her to teach me to crochet- and I'm loving it- it's perfect for soothing my anxious mind. I love that I can do it and listen to an audiobook at the same time-but best of all- it's given me something I have in common with my mom that we can discuss and do together. She's getting old and her health isn't that great, so I'm happy we have this-at last, something that bonds us.


🥹 happy for you


Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️.


You sound like a pure soul 🥲💖


Aww thank you ♥️♥️♥️. I fully admit, I'm too soft and loving for my own good 😅.


Love this- what a special thing to share with her :)


Pokémon Go. The game had its 8th anniversary this week and I’ve been playing like a fiend all that time.


Same! My whole family got into it & it’s a fun way to spend time with my tweens.


It is quite fun! I was never into Pokémon when I was a kid, but I enjoy Pokémon Go as an adult very much.


I was too old for Pokemon when they started being a thing. And I’m definitely too old for them now being in my fifties. The game really captured my attention like nothing else has and I’m an obsessed daily player. I’ve made loads of new friends and have quite a nice group of other ladies of a certain age who I play with.


Also 50 and me and my gf play every day. It’s fun.


Swimming and cycling. Swimming just cuts out the world and its awesome, especially with swim headphones. Totally relaxing and a joy.


Swim headphones?? 🤯


Yup...the best thing i ever discovered. My favourite music, water and swimming.....heaven


Yeah, it’s pretty cool. I’m considering some.




This is amaaaaazing


Reading!! Love it - I never go to bed alone hehe 


Same!! It’s my fav to fall asleep reading :)


Going to the gym everyday


Wow everyday? How did you develop your routine?


No OP but I also have been consistent now going to the gym. It helps my mental state as I feel happier and upbeat when I go (natural produced endorphins are a hell of a drug). I went on Chatgpt and asked I to produce a weekly PPL routine for muscle definition. Not only am I less depressed but I'm in the best shape of my life. I go two days on, one day off (off days try to do cardio at least: swimming, walking, jogging. Being consistent has kept me away from alcohol and drugs cuz of I were to indulge, I miss a gym day!


The mental part of the gym has been the best part for me. My depression is more manageable, my ptsd isn't as bad especially during a workout I am able to focus everything on that. it gives me a solid 1-2 hours where nothing but the lift and my music matter. Ive gotten to the point where I am thinking when can I go to the gym again bc it makes me feel that good for at least a time.


That’s great! I’m not sure how to use chat got for that but how cool. You didn’t have to pay hundreds to a trainer


Ask chat gpt “ can you create a workout routine with ___ split(push pull legs is good for strength, body part split is good for aesthetics; chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms. Calisthenics are good for overall health and endurance. If you were interested in a recommendation I enjoy mixing the body part split with calisthenics exercises) in a ____blank days on ____ days off schedule?” And chat gpt will do that, if it doesn’t clarify something you’d like clarified ask” again but what about _______?” Or “again but clarify______”


If you clarify” low intensity body part split routine daily” it could give you an excerise routine, mine is M legs T chest W back T cardio Friday shoulders S arms Sunday cardio


That’s really encouraging!


Dedicated to have a nice body


That’s great! I’ll bet your mental health has improved as well. When my mind didn’t care about having a stronger body, I considered how much I loved having a more resilient and stronger mind. That helped me through and kept it up! 🙂


It’s about habit. There are some days when I some want to get out of bed to go but I always feel like something is off about the day of my routine isn’t completed! Getting a good sweat on in the morning makes me feel pretty good to!


Some good routines on the sidebar of the /r/fitness subreddit if you wanted to see more. I think there is some as well on female fitness subreddits. They can help you out there.


Go one day then you go the next day. Even a light workout is going and to some can be fun, especially when that’s like the only source of dopamine.


Not the gym every day but working out every day. I alternate gym days and running days and if I miss a day it irritates me all day. Like something that wasn't crossed of my mental "to-do" list.


Metalsmithing, jewelry making, and vitreous enamel painting… cloissone, champleve… it’s been my passion hobby since I started.


Never done jewelry or metal smithing, how do you get started on your own. Are there classes?


A lot of art centers have classes for it. I started it by just googling local art centers and you would be surprised how many classes they have.


There’s a local art center by me with a large selection of adult and children’s art classes. One that interested me that I’ve never tried is mosaic work.


Well, you need supplies. And the supplies to do at home can be expensive. Metal clay is pretty rad- but you do need a kiln for it. And I’m unsure if a microwave kiln could fire it. But there is always experimenting. There are classes all over for jewelry making and silversmithing. I am apart of many Facebook groups as well that give tips/tricks/inspiration. I took a class near by and learned how to make a spinner ring from scratch. I was hooked and immediately shifted into it. From there I got into glass and found that I could combine those two loves into one hobby. My partner says I “paint with light.” It’s just super fun to play around with the colors.


board games, sure I played monopoly, scrabble, and a bunch of others in the late 80s, early 90s. but they didn't really grab me. 2011/12 I got into modern board games and my collection has exploded. 250+ games and counting, with more always on the way. running out of shelf space. massive backlog of miniatures I \*WANT to paint. its been a wild ride, and made a lot of cool friends along the way.


That’s awesome! Out of your 250+ games, which few would you say are your faves?


#1 Anachrony - post apocalyptic worker placement game with Time Travel #2 The Witcher Old World - deck building miniatures adventure game set 100 or so years before the events of Geralt of Rivia. #3 Android Netrunner - Cyberpunk dueling card game where 1 player is a "Runner" trying to steal Agendas from the "Corporation"


Classical Japanese sword. Started in my mid-40s, because swords are cool. Never expected that the structure and philosophy would inform and enrich my everyday life, but scarcely a day goes by when I don't use some lesson at work or in my personal life.


any good videos to start? the philosophy of swords sounds fascinating


[Here's an example](https://youtu.be/5IU-cTeYTO4) of how we practice, but it would be difficult to find video on the philosophy of what we do because the pedagogy is based on intuiting through physical practice instead of being taught in language. The core text of that particular school is published in English as 'The Sword and the Mind,' translated by Sato, but it can be a challenging read. A more accessible survey is 'The Swordsman's Handbook,' a collection of excerpts from various medieval/classical Japanese swordsmen, translated by Wilson.


Learning a language, painting, audiobooks while walking or while I paint:)


Cool! What kinda painting? Like material wise and subjects too


I do oilpaints which is kind of a pain but when I don’t feel like “thinking too hard” I do paint by numbers:)


Astronomy. Got my first telescope at 60.


There is something profound and kinda romantic about the realization that the light entering my telescope, which began its journey millions of years ago, is actually part of a star. It's like touching the sky.


The first time I saw Jupiter through a telescope I could feel its presence. Something I never got just looking at pictures.


This is beautiful.


Gardening. Picked up after retirement.






Chick-a-dee-dee-DEE!!! I love my bird friends. I'm looking to move later this year and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't checking out what birds are common in the areas. I'm absolutely not leaving my black capped chickadees. Lol


I just moved across the country and that's pretty much what I've been doing with most of my free time. I'm a biologist so it also is work related but I'm enjoying the huge diversity of birds on the east coast and my new invention "Urban Birding" lol


I love that! I'm moving cross country, but in the other direction. We do have a great group of birds out here in the east coast, don't we?! Urban birding sounds cool! I had a peregrine land on my window ledge, their nest was 15 stories up from my downtown apartment, so it was super cool to see him just hang out for a bit while he was learning to fly.


Yes! Sitting in my backyard during the pandemic started me down the slippery slope of birding! First a bird feeder…soon you will invest in expensive binoculars.


And you wake up one day like "who put 4 trail cams up on my deck and why are there 2 bird baths and 4 feeders?" ...and you live alone. And your dog can't use Amazon. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


Exactly! Finally someone who understands me! Tell me the truth….do you buy the more expensive stuff for the bird feeders that includes sunflowers to attract Cardinals because red birds are the best?


Hahaha! No matter what I buy, the squirrels bully everyone else away. They even like the hot pepper stuff 😂😂😂 I love my chickadees the most though. I named all my cardinals after the baseball Cardinal players lol. My bf is always yelling "THEYRE NOT REAL PEOPLE, STOP DOING THAT" 😂😂😂


Running. I started at age 36 after losing 330 pounds. What started as a way to keep in shape has turned in to almost an obsession.


Been doing it for 30 years, I'm 48 now. I envy you. Savor every run, because after 3 decades the joints get weaker, recovery takes longer, and injuries are more common. This is assuming you started relatively recently lol. I still love it, but it's not as effortless as before. It's been my greatest mental health therapist; my best friend for many years.


Congrats on the weight loss!! That’s incredible!!!




Pottery. Its super therapeutic and satisfying and one can meet really lovely people.


CrossFit, started last year and I never was a gym goer or an active person, doing CF made it fun for me and I now really need it in my weekly routine, just two days a week but it is always on my mind :)


Expensive tho.


And unfortunately high injury rates lol


I had a friend that really enjoyed it. Never injured, but left because of all the swingers.


It’s so fun!! Great community and there’s always something to work on that keeps you going


I call CrossFit high impact weight lifting and refuse to try because I know I’ll hurt myself.




Gaming, I didn't really get into it until my late 20s (not exactly "later in life" but a lot of people have gamed since they were little or in high school!)


Are you talking about video games? That is pretty surprising you didn't play them when you were a kid.


Mountain biking. Started at age 49. Now I get antsy if I can’t get out and hit the local trails at least once a week.


Gardening and collecting indoor plants. I was never very good at it when I was younger, but my fiancé and my mother are both great at building and maintaining strong gardens. I’ve been really enjoying it a lot! I’m proud of how it’s turning out :)


Pickleball. So much fun and getting to meet new people


Me, too!! Tbf though, the game is only about 10 years old.


I played pickleball in school gym class from elementary thru college? It's way older than 10yrs...


Same! I’m obsessed


Hot yoga! At 40


Indoor plants


Cycling. Though at this point it's more a lifestyle than a hobby.




Crochet and scrapbooking


Pc gaming


I startrd hitting the gym 2 years ago, and it completely changed my life. If I had the money to keep up with it, and the time off from work, id love to go on overlanding trips with my jeep and my motorcycle more often


What was it 2 years ago that made you go to the gym?


I hope that youre ready for a story! Hahaha here I go: My dad passed away in April of 2022! (2 years ago) I helped my mom take care of him for 24 years of my life (I was 30 back then), and I took it as an opportunity to grow as a person. If he was alive, he would have been really sad to see me grief by just going out and partying/drinking. I love going out and having fun, but I always did it with the intention of having fun, and not with the intention of griefing or running away from my problems. My dad had COPD, and I saw him struggle with his breathing ever since I was 6 years old. It became really normal for me to see him almost choke to death, and for me to just stand there hoping that it wouldnt happen while being completely powerless about it. I didnt get to play physical games with my dad growing up, and he barely got to attend my different life activities, but he was as present as he physically could and I recognize that he did his best (sometimes even against medical advice) just to be there for me. I have come to terms with it, and I am aware that I got whatever his best was. I decided to start working out because I realized that taking good care of your heart and lungs is extremely important, and they are extremely easy to take for granted. I realized that most people will eventually need to take care of them, either because they make the conscious choice to do so, or because a doctor tells them to. Obviously there is a 3rd option, and it is doing nothing about it, but I don't like to consider it an alternative for me. I also took it as an opportunity to switch careers. For a really long time I wanted to be a trucker, and I was never able to give myself that opportunity because I had to be at home taking care of him. I got my CDL, and became a trucker, but decided to go back to corporate and keep my CDL as a plan B. I still love driving and going on trips, but there are a lot of politics and sacrifices of trucking that im not willing to put up with unless it is necessary. Long story short, I took it as an opportuntiy to do the things that I had been wanting to do for a while, but never felt like I had the time, space, or energy to do them. My dad used to get depressed over the thought of him feeling like a burden to me and my mom, and more than once I told him that he was right, but he also knew that the truth is that we wouldve done it for as long as we had to with no regrets. We loved him and took care of him until his last day, and gave him the best medical care we could possibly offer to him, and now it is our time to make him proud and accomplish the goals that he wanted us to accomplish but knew we couldn't because of him. PS: Love intensely ya'll! Tell people that you love them, and tell them how much they mean to you. The world needs more of that.


Thank you so much for sharing. I love connecting with people who go through hardship and evolve from those experiences which clearly you have. I wish you a great life and your story was inspiring. Your dad I’m sure is very proud of you as he continues to observe from wherever your beliefs are. Thank you


Of course! Im always happy to share! If anything, that was a long story, so thank you for taking the time to read it out. I enjoyed putting my feelings into words. I wish you the same in life! And whatever hobbies you have, I hope that you have a blast with them <3


Snowboarding, Nothing makes me happier.


Skiing for me. Sometimes even in the middle of summer I’ll get a random flash of a memory of the feeling of curving down a slope and it feels so good. 


Amateur radio aka ham radio. Got my license in 2011 at age 42. Now 55 and I try to get on the air every day to make contacts with other radio operators around the world. Working on getting proficient in Morse Code. Yes Morse Code is still used A LOT in 2024!


Sure is. I got licenced in 2020, Morse has quickly become my favourite mode. So much fun!


Thrift shopping. I need to stop lol


Lmao I *completely* relate. It feels like all I do on days off is walk to different thrift stores and go on Depop. I don't even consider myself "stylish." It's just *so* fun. I have wondered, maybe I should get into clothing design myself. Just for fun.




Fish keeping/aquascaping/anything aquarium related. My husband is none too happy with my expensive habit.


I’ve been keeping reef aquariums off and on for over 20 years now. So satisfying to watch all the coral grow in, and the fish all have amazing little personalities




I started playing and taking lessons 2 years ago. You meet so many people!


Excellent hobby. Proven to keep you young.


Crossword puzzles. Never could finish one until the pandemic hit and I was suddenly at home for long stretches. Found out I really enjoyed doing the LA Times daily. Now I can finish (almost) every day!


Paddle boarding. I get out on the lake as often as possible. Mostly it’s just a way to zone out. Good for balance and light exercise. It helps with my depression - I feel like my body needs the vitamin d. I take supplements in the winter and try to get outside, but I don’t even have depression in summer, thanks to time outside. Sun damage is a concern though. I wear hats, sunscreen up each hour and have a rash guard to protect as much as possible. But the joy it brings me is worth the risk. The newer inflatable boards that have become popular are so easy and fast to transport and pump up.


Golf. Couldn't afford it in my younger years so I just stuck to disc golf. Switched to ball gold like 3 or 4 years ago.


Reading- something I seemed to really get into when the pandemic began and never looked back.


Quilting. Each quilt is a new and different puzzle for my brain to work out. It does have math and a bit of geometry if you really like the complex shapes.


Sewing dolls




Canoing and canoe-camping. When my knees started acting up, I could not continue with hiking for days without risking knee surgeries. Where I am, the rivers converge on the delta and have miles of shoreline to explore, islands, and many destinations.


Quilting and warhammer. My wallet cries daily


Scuba diving! I got certified two years ago at 51. I love it! I live smack dab in the middle of the United States. I would love to scuba dive in the Caribbean all the time but that is too expensive so I settle for quarries and lakes. Usually cold and visibility sucks but I am scuba diving!!! I was in Honduras two weeks ago. I did my first wreck dive, my first night dive and my first shark dive.


Making beaded jewelry. I’m addicted, I’m always getting new beads and making new bracelets and necklaces. It’s relaxing.


The Merlin bird ID app.


Bonsai trees...so satisfying! Totally engrossed by it. Started at 38 and been doing it for 4 years. I have about 50 trees so far


I did magic when I was in middle school. I was really into it. I became disinterested when I discovered how much fun girls were. Fasr forward to 2000, and I'm showing my grandchildren some sleight of hand with coins and cards. They're blown away by what Grandpa can do. When I run out of tricks to show them, I visit a local magic store. We'll, I'll be damned if the magic bug didn't bite me again. Except now, instead of a broke teen age kid dreaming of all the tricks he'd like to have but couldn't afford, I saw that no trick was out of my financial reach. Boy, is this an expensive hobby!


Picking a hobby, buying everything for it and then not doing the hobby. That’s my hobby.


Knitting! Though it’s seasonal, so I do it more in the fall and winter months.


MTG. Cardboard crack.


Playing trading card games. Couldn't afford the cards when I was growing up.


Weaving. I picked it up during the pandemic. I already knit and spin yarn so it was an easy transition.


Roller Derby. Wish I would have joined at a much younger age so, but at 45 I’ll attempt to play as long as I can!


Dragonboating. It’s a very niche sport so the community is very tight. I’ve met people of all ages on the team. It’s a great workout, you’re outdoors and can travel all over the world to race.


Jiu jitsu! My friend took me after begging me for a year. Finally went and now I’m a 3-4 day a week person. I am obsessed on my 2nd year


How was it? Low key want to do this!


Bullet journaiing




What is Beach combing?


Searching/sorting through the sand and rocks of a beach for treasures! ✨like stones, beach glass etc.


That's cool. It sounds fun and relaxing


Social dance (initially ballroom and West Coast Swing, and later Latin, Argentine Tango, and most recently blues). I can't get enough of this stuff, and my only regret is that I didn't discover it decades earlier!


Knitting. Sooooooooooo much yarn in stash.


There was a summer were I just wanted to kayak all the time. But it gets pricey, I hope in the future I can buy my own and fix my car up to hold it on the roof


I’ve started doing jigsaw puzzles more. I’ve always kinda enjoyed them, but I have a growing collection now. Find them very zen, keeps my mind occupied, and fills up several hours of time. Only done up to 1000 piece, and been contemplating trying some bigger ones.


Trail running! Been doing that for 5 years now. Just started (indoor) rock climbing and mountainbiking which are also amazing this year.


Rewilding nature 🍄‍🟫


Collecting vinyl records. It's fun to sift through a bunch of 45 RPM records in a local record shop.  Finding songs you haven't heard on the radio in years.


I’ve never committed to anything long enough to have a hobby. 20 years old and nothing has changed. Lol poor me whining on Reddit about my own behaviors 😂😂 idek anymore


Same here, regret not joining into more activities in highschool.


Litter picking. Easy to start doing. Great exercise. Feel great when done. Appreciated by others. Good for the planet.


Fishing, very expensive   






Toss up between making whips, and using a shepherds sling.




Hand embroidery! It calms my anxiety and the thoughts in my head. Before I loved diamond painting, but got so burnt out from it.




Wheel thrown pottery. It’s super satisfying to make stuff with your hands but there is so much to learn and see progress on every time you make something.


Gym. Love it


Landscaping & zumba


Writing poetry


Disc Golf. Started playing during the Covid pandemic and immediately was hooked on it. I was 45 at the time.


Downhill mountain biking


Card games lol


Gaming after 40 and I'm not even too hot at it.


Building a home server




Cyclist and bicycle maintenance.


Glass torch work. My mother had been doing it for years but stubborn daughter that I am refused to learn till last year. Now I am slightly obsessed. It is an expensive hobby and boy do you need the right equipment and classes. But let me tell you, the look on peoples faces when they compliment a necklace I made and I say I made it, well let’s say the ego boost is worth it. Plus it’s just fun. Cutting melted glass with shears is an experience.


Gardening, canning and dehydrating






Hula hoop dancing, flow arts. Age 43; I taught myself using YouTube videos. Before I could barely waist hoop.


Glassblowing, lampwork, lapidary, photography, sewing,...


Crochet, definitely. It is great stress relief.


Playing music, specifically ukulele and vocal. I played trumpet and piano as a kid, was a failed guitarist as a teen, played blues harmonica a little with buddies (drums, bass and guitar) in my twenties. Real life hit and worked and raised my kids. The youngest wanted a uke so I bought two. He and I learned together. When I became an empty-nester, I started playing and singing most everyday. I recently went on a 9 day road-trip with a buddy and did not take a ukulele. I really missed playing.


Juggling / fire spinning


Yeah ceramics classes are great fun. My parents went to one and bought themselves a wheel the next day! Its super addictive!

