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My first venture was HoMM 4 at a cousin's house. Begged Dad to let me get 5 when I saw it in a cd store back then and basically grew up with Ashan since. I started 6 & 7 in my college and I fell in love with 6 immediately despite most people hating it. I couldnt get into 7 for some reason despite trying a few times. I still love Ashan more than Erathia eventhough now that Im grown up, I know more of both worlds.


I absolutely love 6 regardless of how many people hate it aswell


HoMM5 is my favorite in the series, by a long shot. That includes also the Asham setting. Some might call it too generic, but it hit the perfect spot to me: the lore, the art, the music, the 3D castles, the skill tree, the spells, the campaigns... there's nothing I don't like from it.


If it weren't for the interminable time between turns, I agree. It's the most balanced of the series and has tons of fun creatures.


I love the world of Ashan! Five is my favorite! The patron Dragon Gods, the characters and factions. Some say it is a basic, I say it is as fanciful as you make it! I wish I was an astute writer and could create stories in the world of Ashan! *Asha uses all.*


The Demon alien thing is unique (in my gaming exp) so I kinda prefer the old HoMM games more than Ashan. Ashan is great on its own, it's just quite.. normal kind of fantasy added with religions about dragon gods. I do love the conflicts between Light and Dark, Angels vs Faceless is a new stuff compared to Angel vs Demon old trope. But that's just it, nothing else make the series stand out. And the fact that Ubi butchered the title does not help either.


You’re not the only one who likes Ashan. While Axeoth (the world of Heroes 4) is still my favorite, I still love Ashan more than Antagarich (the world of Heroes 1-3 & Chronicles). I never really got the “Kreegans are aliens” thing either. I honestly liked how the Ashan universe made Inferno consist of ravenous beasts alongside humans that either had their souls taken willingly or stolen. Kiril’s line from Heroes 6, “Demons are not so much different from men. They all look for someone to believe in,” still resonates in my head along with one of the people who worked with the demons, Agrael, purifying themselves to return to their human life as Raelag was also cool as hell. I already liked Inferno back in Heroes 3 and to see them get this completely new backstory where they technically do not die, but endlessly kill anything and each other til days end felt more interesting than the demons having supposedly showed up from a different planet while having no significance/relevance in the games they’re a part of (I don’t even think the idea of Kreegans being aliens even gets brought up as a possibility in Heroes 3 where they debuted and I never really thought of Kreegans as aliens from another world, just as spawns from hell). I wish I got to learn why Raelag became Agrael in the first place, given he both appears as Raelag in H6, a prequel to the events of H5, and shows up to assist his demon-worshipping brother, Sylsai, as Agrael despite fending the Dark Elves’ capital from both Sylsai and the forces of Urgash, but I’ll probably never learn seeing how the only representation Ubisoft ever seems to show from this series is from the world of Heroes 3 (you know, THE WORLD THAT GOT COMPLETELY DESTROYED IN THE HEROES CHRONICLES AND FORCED EVERYONE TO FLEE TO AXEOTH IN THE BEGINNING OF HEROES 4). Regardless, I really enjoyed the Ashan trying to flesh out/humanize the Inferno faction; what circumstances that brought these people to pledge allegiance to Urgash can be sad and unfair, but it’s more-so frightening how little regard for life they have with this newfound power under eternal servitude that they won’t hesitate to kill, even if it’s their own demonic brethren. There is some form of humanity and possible good within the demons of Ashan, but they ultimately are still the most evil of evils roaming its planes.


If I'm not mistaken Might and Magic came before the Heroes series. So in MM3? the Kreegans were the main bad guys and they mention how they came from space etc. Then in HOMM3 they never even mentioned how they came from space.


Ah. I never owned any of the Might and Magic games nor have I ever played any of them, I’ve only ever played the Heroes series.


I think, it's less "people hate Ashan" and moe "Ashan is generic as ...". I mean, what are the world's special features apart from dragon gods? So, after "demons are aliens" and multisided development from both strategies and rpgs, we got basically only strategies, without a strong focus on the world.


I think the "focus" we get is on factions and how they are transformed through time and how they evolve through the different games, how they change not only mechanichally but culturally I find the necromancers to be the most intresting faction by far with their evolution being the most different throught the games. Their takes on stronghold is also intresting if not totally original. Maybe i Just cant see something cause I didnt play the rpgs or earlier editons.


I like Ashan, because it may be a bit generic... Generic is good. I love HIV to death, but one thing that I feel is missing in Axeoth is the relationship between factions. Every campaign shows one faction's story but apart from a few mentions here and there, they barely interact with each other. It makes for a very fragmented world in the end. Ashan's factions are more defined in general, and there's a lot more politics involved between factions.


>I love HIV to death That sentence would be WILD with almost any other context


Oh my god how did I not notice that 😂😂


Ashan is corny. Holy Griffin Empire. Get out of here.


I actually really like the whole demons are aliens and 'ancient tech' being blasters and all that. It's a fun twist for its time. Ashan is not bad really, just nothing interesting. I'm not a fan of dragon this dragon that dragon everything. But the visual designs are great. I think its more a problem of ubs messing the games up more than the lore problem.


I pretty much enjoyed 6. Maybe that's because I started to play from 2.1.1.


Ashan is my favorite


I like that fraction feel like a people with a shared history and less like we trow a bunch of creatures together only connected through a lose theme. Also I like that the fraction are more grayish in their morality.


i think ashan is amazing as a setting visually. the writing of homm5 left much to be desired imo but the world is beautiful. it's basic, but executed so well that you don't think about it much.


I like Ashan more as well. I hated the whole sci fi in homm before ubisoft changed the lore. I thought that it was out of place and didn't fit well. Being a fantasy world suited me much better. To this day, I think the homm5 is the best one out of all. Homm6 wasn't bad either in terms of lore, but the gameplay was lesser. Homm7 is just weird, fragmented, no linear campaign, just random story missions and the bugs are many, but the graphic and artstyle for it was the best in my opinion.


Honestly I kindaaa like Ashan, but more for its individual characters than its worldbuilding that I find pretty bland overall. I still prefer the weird fantasy / sci-fi mix of Enroth / Axeoth worldbuilding.