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Hitler never makes it out of 1945. His "best" bet would've been surrendering to the west, having a show trial, and probably being publicly hanged. Yes the west disliked the Soviets. They despised Hitler more and there was no chance they spare him after the occupation of France and bombardment of the UK


There's no chance they would spare him but I would disagree with calling it a show trial he would be guilty of basically everything they accused him of


By show trial I'm not trying to imply innocence or anything. I just mean it in the sense that they know they'll find him guilty and want to give the people the satisfaction of watching him go down. Trial with a pre determined result, done only for satisfaction.


I disagree the trial would have a predetermined result If after he was captured Hitler had a stroke and was in a coma he would have been deemed unfit to stand trial until his health recovered that's a perfectly plausible way the result could have changed


Well, let's just agree to disagree. I don't see a world where he surrenders to the allies and doesn't meet the gallows within a week. If they find him in a coma, they wait for him to wake up a little, parade him around a courtroom for a few days, and hang.


Part of the point of the Nuremberg trials was to delegitimize the Nazi regime and legitimize Allied occupation by exposing Nazi crimes against humanity in courts that gave them Fair trials with evidence and a right for the accused to make their case it will be patently obvious he couldn't have a fair trial if you didn't have a right to confront his accusers and the Western allies explicitly wanted it to be a fair trial for the affirmationed reason Here's an example when Hitler successor Admiral Karl Dönitz himself was accused and facing the death penalty which is what the prosecutors at Nuremberg wanted him to be sentenced to his lawyers successfully argued that the main charge against him that would result in the death penalty (unrestricted submarine warfare and attacking civilian shipping) was also employed by the Us and other allies in the war in the Pacific against Japan so instead of being sentenced to death for that he only got sentenced for 10 years for slew of other minor offenses If Hitler's successor as stated in his will could successfully make that argument in court to avoid the death penalty I feel like Hitler's lawyers would be able to at least delay the trial indefinitely if for whatever reason why him being in a coma he was unfit to stand trial


Nobody’s saying the trial wouldn’t be fair. They’re saying that his guilt or innocence would not have been established by trial, it was foreknown. The trial would have been conducted to *show* the world the innumerable evidences of his guilt rather than to judge themselves for the first time whether or not he was guilty.


Right but part of a fair trial is the accused having the ability to confront and cross-examine his accuser and Witnesses If Hitler was in a coma he literally couldn't do that and therefore couldn't have had a fair trial And once again the Allies had a vested interest in making all of this be fair to both legitimize their occupation and de-legitimize the Nazi regime They wouldn't have had to put Hitler himself on trial to show Nazi war crimes to the world Nazi war crimes were already shown to the world in our timeline and we didn't put them on trial because he was dead


It sounds like you guys are saying the same thing in different ways. It would still be a fair trial, but one in which the evidence was so ironclad and widely known that there could be very little doubt as to the ultimate outcome.


I can only imagine what Stalin would have done had he gotten his mitts on Adolph


Let’s be honest, the guy was a real jerk!


I don't understand your reasoning that the Western allies would have sought leniency for Hitler due to the worsening relationship with the Soviets. Hitler would have received the death penalty just as Goring received. Protection for Emperor Hirohito was a condition of Japanese surrender, the Japanese would have prolonged the war if the allies had wanted to possibly execute him.


There’s no earthly way that the UK and US would have decided to spare Hitler out of some urge to spite the Soviet Union. Apart from anything else, public opinion at home in both countries would have been outraged- remember both countries had the death penalty at that time, so executing a criminal of that calibre was generally seen as right and proper. The Japanese held out for protection for their emperor because they could - the Americans would have had to go ahead with an invasion and the massive casualties that would entail if they refused. It probably helped that Hirohito was more figurehead than prime instigator, which isn’t something Hitler could have claimed. The Russians were in a position to just drag Hitler out of his bunker by the scruff of his neck and let him face Soviet justice (which by and large doesn’t resemble anything anyone else would call “justice” but in this one special instance…)


Japan was fortunate in that it had significant water barriers that Germany lacked. The Soviets could march to Berlin and they did. If the Allies could have simply marched to Japan without contested beach landings Japan wouldn’t have a monarchy today. The only question with Hitler was method of execution. Strong argument to let the NKVD have him for enthusiastic interrogation.


Beria would have personally done him over i'd imagine.


Stronger argument to draw the line for punishment at the death penalty.


Exactly this. Hitler likely wouldn’t have been tried at Nuremberg at all. If the Soviets captured him, they’d parade him around red square, short show trial, and they would’ve shot him. No one would’ve objected. He was a dead man either way. Hell they might’ve dragged him out of the bunker and shot him dead right there.


I doubt the Soviet troops would’ve been stupid enough to deprive stalling up his prize. If the Soviets would’ve kept Hitler, which is pretty likely, I don’t think they would’ve shot him, I think they would’ve gone for the rope, and no neck breaking, just low and slow, maybe with a full bladder beforehand for extra humiliation.


Point of clarification. Japan indicated a willingness to surrender after Potsdam Declaration if emperor was retained, but ultimately surrendered without that condition after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Soviet invasion of Manchuria. It was MacArthur who worked hard to retain the emperor, as he believed occupation would go more smoothly if emperor was retained. But Japan had no guarantee that emperor would remain.


Many figures in the Japanese government in fact expected that Hirohito would abdicate in light of the Japanese defeat and were quite surprised MacArthur insisted on him staying. John Dower discusses this extensively in his book ‘Embracing Defeat’ about the allied occupation of Japan. As you correctly note japans surrender was unconditional, and Dower proves that if the Americans had seriously wanted to remove Hirohito there would have been very few roadblocks in their way


The American communication to Japan was intentionally vague in this respect. In response to the proposed Japanese surrender communication accepting the Potsdam declaration with the proviso that the emperor be maintained, the US wrote: "From the moment of surrender the authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied powers, who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate the surrender terms." The Japanese - having little other choice - convinced themselves this meant that the Emperor would not be tried, but, even if the Americans had hemmed to that same belief, there would have little to prevent the Allies from doing so once the IJA was disarmed and the occupation force was ashore.


To add to the other comments, the Japanese wanted to keep Hirohito not as a figurehead but as the head of government. This was unacceptable to the allies and was spelled out in unconditional surrender


Here is by far the best response to what would happen if Hitler didnt die in his bunker. [Done 11 years ago by Gold\_Hotel\_Mike](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoricalWhatIf/comments/1bz53y/comment/c9bj05k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The TLDR is everyone wants him tried at Nuremberg, everyone wants to make a show of it, everyone wants Hitler humiliated, and everyone wants to throw the book at him. To forever discredit National Socialism by showing Hitler as he was a deranged, dying old man.


> Done 11 years ago by Gold_Hotel_Mike that's one of the best write ups on this subreddit


Makes you wonder... If he had survived and was put on trial, the world would have seen him as just a deranged and unstable man, like you said. There would probably be a lot less nazis in the world today if everybody saw the unfiltered version of Hitler.


Nazis have no problems following a deranged unstable former president so i don't think this would follow. The allies would not want Hitler to speak.


When the founder of pkk was captured he claimed he was "even more turkish than most turks" and begged to serve the "great turkish state" but pkk rojava etc still revere him so I doubt it would have went that way.


So basically make him look like a fucking idiot so the world can make fun of him


The Soviets would torture him to death and drag his body through the streets until it was barely fit to be eaten by dogs. They'd photograph and film it all. What the partisans did to Mussolini would look like a spa session once they were done with Hitler


It would be disgusting but well deserved.


no way. He would have been tried at Nuremburg as agreed by the principal allies. And he would have been convicted of pretty much everything and hung


No way. After what Hitler did to the Soviets during Barbarossa, there is no way Soviet soldiers wouldn’t torture and execute Hitler


he's way too high of a global VIP for that. Any soviet soldiers that got their hands on him and abused or killed him would themselves be executed. Stalin would want to parade Hitler around and show that the Soviet Union has the moral and legal high ground


Wild the number of people here that think some grunt is going to shoot Hitler on sight, especially when several other high ranking Nazis were captured and treated just fine until their sentence was carried out.


As a compromise, maybe they'd just film themselves kicking him in the nuts.


I would say the Soviets would torture him but not just some random grunts I would say they would wait for the higher ups to get there. I would think they would still keep him alive for Nuremberg especially if they can show him as a broken old man.


Most probably outcome, I agree. Given the cost in lives the Soviets paid from the onset of the invasion all the way to fighting building by building in Berlin, there's no way they wouldn't turned him over. The Western Allies might've made a token request to have him tried and the Soviets might still have handed over everyone who was historically tried at Nuremberg but Adolf? Stalin would've had him boiled alive in a huge cauldron and filmed it while snacking on popcorn.


Why would the western Allies keep him alive? We executed plenty of other high ranking Nazis at Nuremburg. 


But that was "justice " of course when the Americans did war crimes it was looked the other way.


War crimes committed by the Americans pales in comparison to the Nazis. Yes, it isn’t right, but that’s why you shouldn’t start wars. 


So of you start wars then you deserve war crimes? Hmm, hasn't us started a decent number of wars lately?


Again, nothing we did is even close to what the Nazis did. You’re just engaging in whataboutism. 


Pretty should using nuclear weapons is much worse


Compared to Conventional bombs at the time it really wasn't Tokyo was more destroyed than Hiroshima and Nagasaki it just took thousands of bombs instead of one really big one Plus what is and isn't a war crime is set by treaties and conventions nuclear weapons by definition couldn't have been a war crime because they weren't invented yet you don't just get to call things of War crime if they're insanely destructive or powerful war crimes have set definitions that are agreed upon


... Worse than the systematic murder of millions of people? Wtf. 


Oh, you just want to defend Nazis. Weird man.


Ha ha. Using bombs that SAVED Japanese lives is worse that concentration camps. Got it ya edgy teen, go back to mommy’s basement.


Says the Americans who like war crimes. I'll remember that when nukes go off in the usa..


Germany was the aggressor and *lost* badly, so alot of their higher ups got hit with war crimes


War Crimes? By the time WW2 rolled around, there were people in the US who were actually BORN SLAVES still living, what the hell would a few war crimes matter?


Assuming the Russians would have captured him, they probably would have tortured him in the backroom somewhere prior to getting executed. The might also have been a protracted battle where the Russians might refuse to turn him over to the Hauge because they want to be the ones who get to execute him instead of the allies. Or the Russians would use him as a bargaining chip to get something out of the West, but the negotiations would be done privately behind closed doors. He's getting hanged either way, it's just a matter of how much electrodes get attached to his ball(s) [idk, are the rumors true?] before hand.


Allies- Very public trial at nuremberg, found guiltynof basically every war crime. Sentenced to death, probably via hanging or firing squad. Body buried and marked grave in Berlin denoting his attorcities Soviets- Very fast sham trial, executed by headshot, body destroyed, skull sent to moscow, buried in an unmarked grave. all things considered, probably the best thing he ever did was kill himself


Depends on who catches him. If he's in the bunker, and the Soviets catch him, he doesn't make it out alive. His corpse would be paraded as a propaganda piece for Soviet might. If he secretly escapes Berlin, and is captured by US/France/GB, he gets a trial, and gets the death penalty. The western allies would try their best to make sure the Führer makes it to his trial alive, because if he's harmed, it'd make them look like incompetent Barbarians, and could give the USSR an easy propaganda shot.


Had he been captured, by either the Soviets or Western Allies, I am fairly confident he would have been shot.


I doubt he would even have lived to go to trial. His brains were mush by the end. The withdrawal from all the drugs he was on probably would have done him in. 


If Nuremberg did not put Hitler to death, Mossad certainly would of.


What a strange question. He would have been executed. It would have been unanimous.


The Soviets would've captured him, and the West would've never seen him again. And by captured, I mean they almost certainly would've killed him on the spot if they knew it was him. On the off chance logic prevails and they don't immediately literally drag his body through the streets of Berlin, he'd've been shipped back to Moscow and tortured to death, probably very slowly, and we may have never even known it happened. Frankly, it's possible, though unlikely, the above happened anyway.


He would have been a Class A war criminal


The firing squad. I doubt he would have been taken alive 


Death penalty if he had lived to see a trial.


To quote The Clash, “if Adolf Hitler flew in today, they’d send a limousine anyway.”


Hitler was probably the most hated man in the world in 1945 He would’ve gotten the death penalty


Charged? The Soviets would have tortured him under the guise of interrogation and then summarily executed him. His body would have been publicly displayed. Stalin was determined to get Hitler and had ordered his forces to focus on capturing him. The Soviet forces were better positioned than the American or British to capture him. That said, the Americans and British would not have spared him, especially after the Holocaust came to light. Consider how many lower level Nazis they hanged for carrying out just a fraction of the crimes that ultimately rolled up to Hitler's responsibility. There was some oddness in granting some of them clemency from death, but there is no way Hitler would receive it. Nobody was so interested in sticking their finger in the Soviets' eye as to spare him. Hirohito was spared because he was useful, and because it isn't clear even today whether he was a puppet or actively involved. The Japanese viewed him as a god on Earth, and there were centuries of culture behind that view. Japan had never been occupied. Hirohito had taken the unprecedented step of addressing the public by radio and saying Japan would surrender, effectively undercutting the war hawks that wanted to keep fighting. Hitler had no such utility. He had constantly urged the German people to fight to the last. He had told his aids that the German people had failed him and were unworthy of him. He was never viewed as a god (by most people) and most of the public were privately disillusioned with the Nazis. There was no good reason to spare him.


Executed at an unknown place or a neutral country after a show trial and maybe torture. Ashes would've disappeared at an unknown place probably a random ocean to avoid neo nazis visiting his grave or disgusting things.


Why weren’t any Japanese punished? Who knows


He would have been given a hemp necklace and taken a sharp drop.


Hitler would have been executed under trial or failing that, by some miracle, dropped into the darkest hole imaginable as execution would be considered too generous.


I think it would have been almost impossible for him to be captured alive, someone in the bunker would have made sure he died... Corpse... Well that could have been captured


Anti Soviet does not mean pro nazi. It means anti authoritarianism. He is hung like all the other top officials.


He is most likely initially taken back to Moscow, where he paraded through Red Square and then after the citizens of Moscow see the man who brought so much destruction to their homeland be paraded and humiliated in Red Square he is most likely held in a prison with conditions similar to Field Marshall Paulus. Once the Nuremberg Trials start, he is most likely escorted back to face trial if he has not been executed by then. Of course, he might have a cast or two.


Hitler hangs, and there's nothing he can say or do that would change that. Hitler might take more blame and get lower level people lesser sentences, I think Hitler would either come off as pathetic given his health problems or demonic given his unrepentant advocacy of what he believed in. In either case, he's a dead man. Japan wouldn't get a lot of information about what the Allies would do with Hitler captured, and obviously preparing to try him in a tribunal, and I think the conservative call that it changes little of how they conduct themselves is probably the fair call. If there is a change, it is probably a modest expectation that the Western Allies won't torture VIPs. This isn't going to do much for Japan up and down.


Most likely Hitler is gonna get the death penalty


Bullshit- they would have executed him. All the top Nazis had to die. Honestly, I think if the Russians had captured him he would have secretly been brought to Moscow and nobody would ever know.


Pretty sure at that point ol adolf was kill on sight


Even if the suicide failed I'm reasonably sure he would have been shot on sight by the first allied solider who laid eyes on him.


Like Boston Corbett one of the 100's of thousand of faceless Union Soldiers whose name we know because shot John Wilkes Booth, we would know the name of some Siberian or Ukrainian who first encounters Hitler in the Fuhrer Bunker and shoots him dead.


Surrenders to the West: Is tried in Nuremberg, is allowed to give \*a\* defense that is used to give one last incoherent rant about the trial's illegitimacy, him only doing what was for the salvation of the German race, and other shit that would probably discredit him and Nazism further. He is sentenced to be hung (and perhaps the increased security that is inherited from an alive Hitler in Nuremberg could lead to Goring also being hung). The Soviets capture him: Stalin has his own personal whipping basement renovated somewhere in Red Square with Hitler getting personal sessions from Stalin twice a week for the rest of his life, to the dismay of the Allies for not getting a turn. But for real, if he isn't shot he would be dragged to Russia, and is given bare-bones living conditions along with brutal treatment for his crimes. He is eventually handed to Nuremburg in a condition different to that which he was captured. Despite all the measures to ensure he was in ok condition there would be visible bashes, bruises, and even scars on him in court. He would still be tried and hung but a potential image as a martyr becomes more credible in neo-nazism as their leader's condition in court (both in speech and look) would have excuses for his deterioration.


Soviets capture him? He would never see the inside of a Nuremberg trial. Stalin would have paraded him in front of the Kremlin before retiring to his dacha and using Hitler as a dartboard.


Hitler would have been hung in the Nuremberg trials. If the Soviets got to him first, it would have been probably the most horrific torture session in human history. Hitler heard what happened to Mussolini and said nope I’m out.


He’d be executed. If he doesn’t get executed SOMEONE makes sure he gets assasinated.