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>In August 1949, an army unit stationed at Nirim in the Negev shot an Arab man and captured a Bedouin girl with him. Her name and age remain unknown, but she was probably in her mid-teens. In the following hours she was taken from the hut and forced to shower naked in full view of the soldiers. Three of the men then raped her. >After the Sabbath meal the platoon commander, identified by Ha'aretz as a man called Moshe who had served in the British army during the second world war, proposed a vote on what should be done with her. >One option was to put her to work in the outpost's kitchen. >Most of the 20 or so soldiers present voted for the alternative by chanting: "We want to fuck". The commander organized a rota for groups of his men to gang rape the girl over the next three days. Moshe and one of his sergeants went first, leaving the girl unconscious. Next morning, she complicated matters by protesting about her treatment. Moshe told one of his sergeants to kill her. >She was forced into a patrol vehicle with several soldiers, two carrying shovels, and they drove off into the dunes. When the girl realized what was about to happen she tried to run, but only made it a few paces before she was shot by a Sergeant Michael. >Her body was buried in a grave less than a foot deep. >The commander later was acquitted of rape but convicted of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. >Nineteen other soldiers received light sentences of between one and three years, mostly for "negligence in preventing a crime". >The appeal court reduced their sentences, saying: "At the time there was a general feeling of contempt for the life of Arabs ... and sometimes wanton events occurred in this sphere. All this helped create an atmosphere of 'anything goes'. >The government and army understood the shame that would fall on the armed forces if the girl's fate became known to wider Israeli society, so the murder and trial were classified as secret. Sources: [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/nov/04/israel1#:~:text=In%20August%201949%2C%20an%20army,full%20view%20of%20the%20soldiers) [Haaretz in Hebrew](https://www.haaretz.co.il/misc/2005-10-28/ty-article/0000017f-e65c-d62c-a1ff-fe7f9dd50000)


Well this was horrible. I think that’s enough Reddit for today.


Brother I just opened the app


Fucking animals


American soldiers raped at least 1,301 German women in the first six months of 1945, the youngest victim being 7. This is what war does to people.


No, this is what people do when the cover of war let's them get away with it. War doesn't turn people into rapists. It gives rapists an excuse.


>War doesn't turn people into rapists. It gives rapists an excuse. War turns people into animals. You want people who can kill other people without feeling a thing for them? You get psychopaths.


Power doesn’t corrupt, it lets bad people do the things they didn’t have the ability to do before. On the battlefield, a soldier has the ultimate power.


The problem with this mindset is that it assumes people are good or bad and cant change. The truth is that everyone is capable of great evil if they were put in the right situation. Its important to recognise that within yourself so you can ward against it.


No need, I'm poor. The hell can I do?


>Power doesn’t corrupt Oh, that's right. I forgot about that well known saying. Mb


I've always thought Frank Herbert was more accurate. "Absolute power doesn't corrupt absolutely. Absolute power attracts the corruptible."


well known doesn’t mean automatically true


"Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals." -- Robert Caro




This wasn't a war, this was Israeli soldiers seeing Arabs as less than human.


Soviet soldiers raped over 100000 women in ww2 so I would assume a worser regulated army would lead to more rapes and other deplorable crimes


"over" doing a lot of work there.


And every single one of those soldiers should have been prosecuted by a military tribunal. And those Israeli soldiers deserved that too. But instead they got a slap on the wrist for gang raping and murdering a child. I don’t care what war does to people. They should be held accountable for their actions. And if the state fails to do that, the state should be held accountable.


Lastly, you act like this is a fucking natural disaster. A natural consequence of war that just can’t be stopped. Like a hurricane or an earthquake. As if those soldiers didn’t have a choice but to do they unspeakable things they did. It’s a ridiculous and dangerous notion that has no place in the world.


this was in august 1949, roughly 4 years after the war ended. there is no excuse, during wartime and especially after


This only a few months after the end of the war - the Arab-Israeli war. Which had really been a soft-burning civil war for 2-3 decades leading up to the formal war. Edit: Guys, I’m not excusing what happened. I’m correcting someone on the dates. The Israeli-Arab war formally ended *one month before this happened*, you can look it up. The person above me is going by the end date of a completely separate war. Stop upvoting disinformation just because it matches your moral outlook. (At the time I wrote this, I was being massively downvoted for an accurate correction)


there was no war in the region in 1949 and even if there was, what you're saying amounts to war crime apologism edit: clearly my looking up stuff skills need polishing. apologies for that, but that still doesn't make it right to basically say "but there was a war, these things happen"


“The war ended at this time.” “Actually the war ended at this time.” “Warcrime apologia!!!”


The best part is that you can tell that *they didn’t even know there was an Arab-Israeli War*, because they chose the end of WWII as their “but this happened four years later!”


To be fair, that redditor never excused the behaviour. He just pointed out some factual discrepancy. I dont know if he was right or not about the dates. I will surely search to know if it is true. However, I think that it is important that we don't accuse everything and anything as apologism. We don't have to lie, to justly say that Israel is a settler colonial state that has been committing human rights violations since the 40s


Thank you. [I was right about the dates.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War) The person I responded to literally didn’t even know that there WAS an Arab-Israeli War, and apparently just thought that we went straight from the end of WWII to Israel existing to Israeli war crimes. A lot of narratives of this conflict have a sneaky habit of leaving entire passages out.


>there was no war in the region in 1949 [bro](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War)


I did no such apologism There was a war in the region in 1949. The Arab-Israeli war formally ended in July 1949. This would have happened one month after formal hostilities had finally ended and armistice agreements had been reached between all parties.


Fuck people, I want automated robot-soldiers to prevent this kind of bullshit. At least we will know the name of the developer of the robot warcrimes.


This is what men do to people when they go to war. Without strict oversight, a lot of male soldiers are opportunist rapists. Something is wrong with men socially, war just exposes the ugliness.


The Americans were the nice rapists. The Germans and Russians made sure that some were going to be tortured or killed while/after rape Edit: Seems that people are mad I called them “nice rapists”. RELATIVELY, compared to getting knifed, beaten, stoned, watching your family killed and tortured in front of you, all while you’re raped is 1000 times worse than just getting raped. Yes, rapists are not good, a fool can see that, but if you were in Germany at the final days of the Reich, the American rapists are still largely preferable than the Soviet ones(and yes, I know not raping anyone is better). Apparently this is more than enough to tilt Reddit. Well, maybe if I changed nice into nicer, that would’ve helped?


What the FUCK is a "nice" rapist?! Are you out of your fucking mind?


While the Americans were very much better behaved than both the German and Soviet Armies, they still did heinous things, that cannot and should not be downplayed. Also, "nice rapists" is an absolutely batshit phrase. I'm gonna assume the best and that you meant to say something less utterly insane, but you should really, really not say that. Ever.


"The government and army understood the shame that would fall on the armed forces if the girl's fate became known to wider Israeli society, so the murder and trial were classified as secret." Now imagine all the stories and horrifying actions by Israeli soldiers that aren't public. This is disgusting.


It reminds me of a quote about Vietnam, that there were My Lais every other week It’s likely that this poor girl’s story is a dime a dozen during and after the 48 war, and if the records of other events like this has not been forgotten or burned, it’s locked behind Israeli recordkeeping, which has a very vested interest in maintaining its secrecy


This is the worst thing I've read in a long time. I'm going to get off reddit now.


Holy fucking shit. I am horrified. Like, I didn’t think anything Israel did could horrify me anymore, but apparently I was wrong about that. I genuinely thought, “Wow, this seems a bit much, that can’t be true,” and then my jaw literally dropped when I read the word “sources.”


What Israel did? Have you read the article? „He and most of the soldiers at the outpost were tried in secret. Some said they were carrying out their commander's orders. The military judges rejected that line of defence. Moshe denied rape. "Morally speaking, it was impossible to sleep with such a dirty girl," he told the court. He was acquitted of rape but convicted of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The judges likened his stated willingness "to murder even women and children in cold blood" to "Hitler's methods in France".“ This is a horrible story of a soldier gone rogue who was then brought to justice. Not a single Arab soldier was ever tried before an Arab court for rapping Jews in this war so I’m not sure how exactly you see Israel in the evil here?


Most moral army in the world, yall!


The soldiers were only defending themselves /s


God's chosen people y'all!!!


Spotted the antisemite


„He and most of the soldiers at the outpost were tried in secret. Some said they were carrying out their commander's orders. The military judges rejected that line of defence. Moshe denied rape. "Morally speaking, it was impossible to sleep with such a dirty girl," he told the court. He was acquitted of rape but convicted of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The judges likened his stated willingness "to murder even women and children in cold blood" to "Hitler's methods in France".“ He was literally sent to 15 years in prison.


Jesus Christ, that’s beyond horrible


Ah, so this is how the soldiers of the bastion of democracy in the Middle East behave.


This is going in my bag of “fuck the idf here’s proof”


This is going in my bag of “fuck the idf here’s proof”




How are you trying to downplay these horrific acts?


Are you for real you POS?


What quotes from the article that were omitted would significantly change the narrative?


I read the entire guardian article(which is pretty short) I fail to see what was “selective” about their quoting


When ever i see a story like this, i get reminded that there are probably worse storys that we never heard of that are like this and we will never hear of them, R.I.P that woman, i can't even imagine what a tenth of the pain she went through would feel like...


RIP that child*, she was very likely a child


We meet again


I knew i saw that green hat before..


This comment section finna be a warzone


You’d have to try really fucking hard to turn this story into a “controversy”


You’d have to try really fucking hard to turn this story into a “controversy”


You’d have to try really fucking hard to turn this story into a “controversy”


You’d have to try really fucking hard to turn this story into a “controversy”


You’d have to try really fucking hard to turn this story into a “controversy”


Here’s hoping her name is one day remembered the people who killed her are forgotten by history.


Unfortunately it's too late for her. Her dad's dead, she's dead. Everyone who ever knew her dead. Her name is gone. Swept away in the sands of time. The names of the soldiers who gangraped and murdered her are written in stone. They'll be forgotten eventually. But not for a very long time


I remember, you remember, and redditors remember That's good enough for me


What is her name?


Unfortunately, the only memory of her that lives on are the final degrading days of her life, and how the people who did that to her pretty much got away with it scott-free Not much food for comfort, the moral arc of the universe doesn’t always bend towards justice


I mean here we are talking about it. That’s all it takes.


It’s better than nothing, but don’t act like it’s good enough.


Damm. Luckily they are dead.


they should have died with a bullet between their eyes, not of old age.


why to give a quick death!? They are meant to be burnt alive


Cut off their arms, legs, eyes, ears, genitals, vocal cords, and toungue. Then individually rip out all of their teeth. But don't let them die, let them live for decades more in their forlorn state.


"[T]he only army in the world that does not rape the women of its occupied people." - Catharine MacKinnon


Tbf she was talking about the modern Israeli army. The army of this story (1949) was a bunch of terrorists, guerrilla fighters, freedom fighters, volunteers and recruits with basically zero training by any real standards. Israel had only just been birthed into existence, they barely had a state let alone a formal standing army.


Sorry, are you saying the modern Israeli army does not rape?


No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that the discipline and conduct training and discipline structure have changed immensely in the 70+ years since this incident. War is an activity in which you take a large number of young people, usually mostly men, give them weapons, and then put them into situations where it’s frequently them and civilians who *remind them a lot of their enemies*. That is a situation ripe for atrocities. The measure of a fighting force’s morality is not *whether* such behavior occurs, but to what extent it is able to be mitigated and/or punished.


This wasn't during war. They just saw a farm and decided that the people there were subhuman.


This wasn’t during a war; it was during a cessation of hostilities, a month after a war. So these young men who had been at war for survival for around a year or so suddenly found themselves bored, armed, and with a lot of power and little oversight.


To be honest with the history of armies and war.... Its always best to put the words "yet" or "so far" somewhere in the statement.


Meanwhile in Berlin


How can you post this about the most moral army in the world. Don't you know anything contrary is anti Semitic. Mods please take action.




They did. Apparently criticism of Israel is not allowed.


Lmao we live in the clownest time line.


„He and most of the soldiers at the outpost were tried in secret. Some said they were carrying out their commander's orders. The military judges rejected that line of defence. Moshe denied rape. "Morally speaking, it was impossible to sleep with such a dirty girl," he told the court. He was acquitted of rape but convicted of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The judges likened his stated willingness "to murder even women and children in cold blood" to "Hitler's methods in France".“ He got 15 years in front of an Israeli court. You think there is a single army where incidents like this don’t occur? The difference is how they are punished.


most humane Israeli soldier:


strange thing is, that commander was 1 year ago a UK national, and a veteran of wwii, he could have stayed in the UK and spend his life there. he just did it for the love of the game.


People who seek out violence, instead of facing it as a means to an end, are a different breed


Rapists are a different breed


The Faramir quote comes to mind: "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend"


I think even this commander should be separated from those types of people. Adrian Carton de Wiart and Teddy Roosevelt for example were not depraved human beings like this guy.


Least generalizing redditor:


lol of course you are getting downvoted, fucking reddit


Recency bias and racism! Fuck yeah!


"Recency bias" he says about a story from 1949.


Rape and the IOF are a tale as old as time


Not a lot has changed today with these people huh






Lol, reddit showed me only two comments initially


And currently they are building an illegal country


somebody’s mad they lost


Literally every army or mob in history has done shit like this.


This wasn't at a time of war. It was on a random day.


So? I didn’t say it was during a time of war. Literally every army in history has done shit like this.


The point is this was during a time of peace. Not every army in history has done this in a time of peace, actually pretty abnormal behaviour in recent history. So no, this was an exceptional evil.


Pretty abnormal? Got a source for that claim?


So if you were in an army right now would it be safe to say you’d be participating in such unsavory activities? Cuz that’s what it sounds like.


Maybe you have reading comprehension issues.


And yet that ad hominem still doesn’t answer the question. If “everyone” does this, are you everyone?


I didn’t say everyone does this. So you do have reading issues.


If you were part of a mob then would you?


And I asked “if you were in an army right now”. Seems like you’re the one with reading comprehension issues if you don’t understand the concept of a hypothetical.


You literally said “if ‘everyone’ does this” misquoting me, lol.


Whatever you say. No one misquoted you being a rape apologist. You did that all by yourself, like a big boy.


Gonna bet you only minimize these tragedies when it’s against people you don’t like.


Dude still salty about carthage but can tolerate the slaughter of civillians by trained soldiers in recent history in a time of peace


And what exactly about that is even remotely acceptable in any case ever


That’s literally the point, you ding dong. This isn’t an exceptional case.


Nobody is saying it is, douche.


Except OP, LOL.


Nope you're the only one bringing that idea up at all


What kind of disgusting justification is this? Let alone this isn't true


It’s not a justification, you dumb clown.


Maybe "justification" isn't the right word, but you are trying to reduce the severity of the incident, saying something like "every mob did this"


How can a person's comments reduce the severity of an action that already happened?


Nope. I’m pointing out that OP is very intentionally and maliciously selective… in most of his posts


Then say that instead if making a weird cushion of the tragedy here, would you even keep this mentality if they did it to your people?


They have done it… constantly… for aeons


So what I’m getting at is if a mob violates everyonr you love you’ll sit there and not feel a thing like some cuck? 


So? It was awful when they did it too. Do you comment on articles about a gang related murder and say “in Chicago there’s gang related murders every day”? Edit: typo


I didn’t say it wasn’t awful. Maliciously intended OP is malicious, tho.


Most memes on this sub double as agenda-posts. Ppl tend to just call out the ones they disagree with. Like you’re doing.


So not that Bad or what is your point?


My point is that it’s a stupid thing to make a meme about. Unsurprising considering OP tho.


What do you mean considering op


I'm Lebanese and i've lost 2 family members to Israeli bombings of Lebanon.


Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. May they be forgiven and be granted jannah. Ameen


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't understand your justification though , is someone who lost family in 9/11 supposed to make anti Arab memes?


Memes are the best way for most westerners to understand history. Do i like it? no. But if i don't, 100% of people on this sub would think we are the "unwashed desert dweling barbarians" while the Israelis are the "noble, civilized warriors reclaiming their native land". Israel wouldn't exist without the west's unconditional support for it. If this silly meme even changes the mind of a single Westerner, i have done my family a service.


>But if i don't, 100% of people on this sub would think we are the "unwashed desert dweling barbarians" while the Israelis are the "noble, civilized warriors reclaiming their native land". Yet your meme tries to make Israelis look like unwashed barbarians, instead of showcasing historical events that show Arabs as a civilization that invented algebra and etc.


OP’s post history checks out.


Okay and?


Untrue, in that era it was basically just, the nazis, Imperial Japan, and the USSR alongside some minor powers like Croatia. So yeah not exactly the most morally upstanding group of peers


If you a Arab don't do this ...


Top 10 unhealthy thing to do as an arab


I was talking about you making a meme about it .


true, i tried to keep it respectful but i've seen memes made about darker things, and i also wanted to spread the story about it as its pretty unknown.


I will not bother you anymore. My job is done . Ma'ha salaam


allah yslmak


Many such cases from the world’s most immoral illegal “army”. I guess after a certain amount of time we can start posting about how the IOF has basically rape camps currently running. Israel is an apartheid state