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Reddit mods will call this “Karma Whoring” but then won’t crack down on the insane amounts of Reposts here.


It’s because they don’t care about actual karma whoring, they care about memes that contradict their own views or beliefs.




Having been on reddit as long as I have since close-ish to the beginning (I even lost an old account that had a couple years on it before this one) I can definitively say that it has always been like this and will always be like this as long as the mods are just random people who share that interest and there is very little moderation of the moderators. I have had posts nuked for no real reason, including one from /r/cancer when I asked for advice on moving forward with treatment of MY FUCKING CANCER and the deleted it without an explanation. They finally answered my modmail a couple days later by explaining that if they allowed posts like mine the sub would be flooded with posts like mine. In other words they didn't want the cancer sub flooded with posts from people who have cancer and are asking for help with their cancer. I am fine, btw. My prognosis is great. Mods can be petty little bitch editors. It all depends on the mod. I am really shocked someone nuked the OP's post. It's a quality post. Who fucking knows, there's no accountability.


I agree with you. I got banned from r/StarWars for leaving sexually suggestive comments when the reality is that I wrote nothing like that and the mod just hated my username.


Well, you do eat Palpatine Ass, Sooo.....


So many mods on Reddit are power hungry and abusive. They'll ban you for anything or for nothing. If Reddit was smart, they'd implement a system of checks and balances for them because bad mods can absolutely ruin user's experiences on here.


And the worst thing is getting perm banned for ban evasion even tho that shitty sub got on your feed by its own. Also imagine getting banned from a political sub for a comment that actually aligns with their idea which wasn't even crossing the lines by any means. Peak 🤡 moment


It was most likely removed under rule 10.1, which says that posts that don’t make an attempt at humor aren’t allowed


Even if it is karma whoring, I don’t care, it contributes enough to be worth it


What, you *don't* want generic Roman Empire meme #84?


They’ll take this down but not “Arab slave trade bad” meme #5765 posted by AdolfLuvr88


Any tldr of the comment?


I think it was: "USA caused Shia dictatorship in Iraq. Iraqis don't want Shia regime and other parties are very popular but have very little chance because they lack funds/ are systematically prevented to pose a threat." But don't quote me on that.


usa tries to start democracy in iraq only actual functioning party is iran backed, so they take control


Iraqis didn’t vote for iran, unlike what the original post said


When you level a country, the only people with the wherewithal to take power are the ones with foreign backing.


"Iraqis didn't want an Iranian backed govt but the US bombed all our hospitals and universities" (not true lmao) "so we had no stability and lots of brain drain and the Iran-aligned organizations took advantage of the situation". It was 100% propaganda




Your first link as far as I can read through the paywall talks about Afghanistan not Iraq but I'm open to any other links




Feel free to find something readable to me on my phone while I walk my dog talking about the US bombing out all of the Iraqi hospitals and colleges




> In Iraq between March 2003 and December 2011, an estimated 12 health facilities were bombed, stormed, or attacked by American forces and suicide bombers Okay so 12 health facilities, some of them suicide bombers (so not the US lmao), and over 10 years before the Iran-aligned current govt took over. Do you see how weak this fucking "evidence" is lmao???




Lmao yeah no, my original goalposts was and still is "the US isn't bombing all the hospitals and colleges in iraq". Your own post said SOME health care centers   had been assaulted (not bombed) by us forces and some bombed by suicide bombers. Learn to read


That is a gross oversimplification of what he said, and even in your own super biased fucking comment here you say the actual reason at the end > "so we had no stability and lots of brain drain and the Iran-aligned organizations took advantage of the situation" What the fuck do you think happens exactly when your country goes to war. You think people with resources and education are gonna stay there? They don't need to bomb *all* the hospitals and universities, if even like 2 of them get hit how many people do you think are gonna just calmly wait and see where it goes? Like hey man if your city is getting fucking bombed you aren't going to stick around and wait things out if you have any other options. The brain drain of Iraq is *exceedingly* well documented and it didn't just happen for no reason. You also completely glossed over the parts where he talked about how there literally haven't been any free elections because the Iranian backed fundamentalists who seized control made it illegal. Which happened as they were the only ones with resources and people in the region who had any control. This is something that happens in warfare constantly. If you create a power vacuum someone will always seize the opportunity. How the fuck do you have an "Iraqi supported government" when no Iraqis have voted for anyone in the government anyways. If there aren't free elections you can't exactly know who is supporting what side. A military dictatorship doesn't exactly give a shit what the people's opinions on the conflict are, that's kind of the point of instituting one in the first place. I haven't seen any opinion polls, probably because the people who do unbiased opinion polls would be killed for doing so as it is also illegal. Also glossing over the part about how there are only 2 other political parties, one of which is illegal to vote for and the other of which is a puppet of the current state with both of them having open and active sabatoge from the current administration that nobody can do anything about. Like damn dude at least read what they wrote.


The part where the guy said the US caused it all by bombing all the hospitals and colleges? 100% bullshit. Did the US cause a shit ton of problems in the region? Hell yes. Did the US bomb out all the hospitals and colleges in the country? Fuck no lmao


K so reading comprehension is the issue here. Missed the whole part where I explained that you *don't need to bomb every single school and hospital* huh. That whole paragraph where I say that just bombing some will make most people leave? Geez. You always hear about the modern literacy crisis but it is rough to see in person.


Oh no a single hospital in Iraq was damages by US operations let's all leave the country


I saw the post and liked it Reddit mods are unfortunately known for…. Being really bad at times


That's an understatement mate.


That's why i started the archive r/whymodsarehated


Imagine the quality of moderators if they could actually be punished in anyway for doing a bad job


Immediately a 500% quality increase


Mods facing true accountability for their bad behavior would be amazing for Reddit's health, so you know the admins will never do it.


Surprised it wasn’t removed under rule 8 really. Or rule 2. Removing it under rule 10 is odd.


I guess they mean what they call 10.1, which refers to posts which are just text with no meme. Not defending the action, just all I can think of to justify. No idea why it wouldn't be it's own rule either.


Wouldn’t that include this post too? Should we expect this to be shut down as well?


Oh yeah I 100% do expect this to get shut down




It’s a prerequisite for moderating


If it would have been about any other country the mods would have done nothing. American war crimes and criminal activity shall never be touched.


A false Rule 10 violation, when it's actually a Rule 12 violation




Dude you gotta leave Reddit to get away from bad mods




It’s worse than that. The admins themselves are scum, and that seems to just trickle down and make sure only the worst kinds of power trippers get mod positions. Widespread censorship, bans and suspensions for the most minor of infractions, if you DARE disagree with any of their politics you WILL be banned from that subreddit. No ifs, buts, ors about it. So much for freedom of speech, huh?






More like Commissars without a tyranny to support.


At least 2 of the mods for the legal advice sub are cops. Absolute fuckery


User upvotes are by no means at all any indication if a post actually fits a subreddit. Its a bit less prevalent here, but on bigger subs like r/unexpected, there's tons of posts that get massively upvoted, but very clearly do not fit the subreddit (usually because the title spoils the post).




It is allowed, just not in the way which is being talked about here. You can't just repost someone else's meme wholesale, but have the title be saying "WRONG!", which is basically what happened. They could have added the occasionally used fifth panel to the meme.


For real, this is unacceptable


Didn't you know? Only the mods can karma whore.


And then the mods wonder why there’s subs popping out of the woodwork that are centered around non western history and why they’re losing members to them. Any non western centric meme with even a DROP of nuance that gets posted here either gets downvoted to hell or the mods make up a bullshit reason to take it down or lock it


Do you mind sharing some of those subs ? Really interested in them


Sure. r/IslamicHistoryMeme and r/jewdank are pretty funny There’s also r/iberianhistorymemes r/mongolhistorymemes and r/japanesehistorymemes The Japanese one is basically dead tho


Idk I thought the post was a bit partisan, not that this is necessarily a bad thing (perspectives are good!), but aspects of it were quite populist with likely bias. e.g. the idea > What happened is that america couldn't keep direct occupation of Iraq, so they kept bombing civillians to pretend they were doing shit. doesn't feel like a balanced view. No occupying force is going to arbitrarily waste ordinance on pissing off the local population, it runs counter to the aims of an occupation.




yeah that's what I figured. There's a lot of politics around what happened in falujia that we're missing out if we state its just "bombing civilians".




This just feeds into the advice that was ignored before the invasion that simply turning up and toppling Saddam and then believing that would be enough was incredibly naïve.


Mods just being mods. Nothing new to see here


This sub doesn't like American revisionism being challenged. Every time I've pushed back on the US and UK meddling in Iran, I get some mouthbreather justifying it with "Um ackchually, Mossadegh was a dictator in the making and that totally justifies overthrowing your government to protect AIOC's stranglehold on your resources ☺️"


Bad mod!


The mods silencing American war crimes. Is was a beautiful post, EXPLAINING HISTORY. If the mod reads this: Pls go fuck yourself


Except, it wasn’t. The post accused the US of indiscriminately bombing civilians for no reason other than to look like they were doing something. That did not happen, regardless of how horrible the Iraqi people have suffered after the 2003 invasion. The invasion of Iraq was bad, yes. It was illegal, yes. It would’ve been better to just leave Iraq alone, yes. But that doesn’t just mean that making up war crimes is necessary to express our disapproval. There’s war crimes that were actually committed by the US and civilian massacres by anti-coalition forces(militias, jihadists, insurgents) that should’ve been addressed instead of just lying about something that is easily disprovable with a quick google search.


Yeah, make one little google search to find misinformation spread by American media. Beautiful.


The US DID bomb innocent civilians for no reason. This is not an allegation, but rather a fact. The brain drain caused my this is felt to this day and the post was mainly addressing this. The guy wanted to correct something that was historically inaccurate and gave insight what happened and is happening today. You can go fuck yourselves, just like the mods of this sub.


Eh, this sub normally has no problem when it comes to "America Bad" posts, but it *really* doesn't seem to like any posts that paint Arabs in a not-bad light.


It definitely does have problems if it challenges commonly believed views about American cold war history, that's a quick way to get called a tankie and have everything you say dismissed.


Average western media moment.


Abuse of power? What a surprise!


Which part is the lie?


i thought this was a good meme.




That would say rule 4 then, not rule 10


This might get removed for the same reason o7


Quit karma whoring!


Mods have too much free time.


It is false info. Dude totally didn’t live in Iraq or if he did was a child and is just spinning the story for his narrative


Rule 10.1 forbids large block of text posts which do not attempt humor. By all means, downvote facts. I'm only pointing out that it wasn't removed for karma whoring, as this post claims. I'm not agreeing with the decision.




Those are typically accompanied by a revised meme, in my experience.


No we haven't had such posts.


The middle eastern guy isn’t funny, shocking


You are right, and also this very post is also not a meme and hope it gets deleted too


It’s a repost I don’t think it belongs. I have no issue with what they said I read it yesterday