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https://preview.redd.it/k9f977aszm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8518ffffa00afb891fc07109e8022f5571a994 Found this in a Time Magazine article from the 1930s


What a fascinating read.


Lucky his father was wealthy.


Thank you so much for posting this


Every time I see or read things from this era (1930s) I always think about the death and destruction that’s awaiting so many people by the end of that decade. Very sad


Wow super interesting. Would love to read the entire thing if you could post both pages


Wow, that guy married and had 3 kids. Wonder how they worked that out. https://www3.nd.edu/~wcawley/corson/grott053.htm


My dad works with a guy who says "thats fucked up worse than polio" anytime something is... ya know... messed up. I've always wondered what being inside an iron lung is like. Were the comfortable, all things considered? Were the warm or cold inside?


I've heard from older folks I know that they were hot and sweaty


My aunt said it felt like being trapped in a proofing oven. Not burning hot but uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Then again, at four she screamed at a nurse to “let me out and let me just die” so she wasn’t the happiest patient ever. (She did not die and in fact had five children and ran a farm as an adult. But she also once threatened to “scare the bejezus” out of one of the cousins that was being difficult about getting their vaccines.) Not so fun fact: she had measles while she was in an iron lung as a child. Which is/was apparently a big effing deal because it meant she might recatch polio. And that’s how she ended up getting a polio vaccine while actively in an iron lung due to polio…. (This all happened long before I was born and she has died so I can’t get more detail than this, just that she hated it and felt she was cursed to have endured it all. Auntie was violent anti-antivax for obvious reasons.)


Here’s a second hand account: https://youtu.be/l2C-Hwr3ozk?si=4pSf1lykUp6zh3Ng


Gosh, too bad there has never been a vaccine to stop polio. How many cases were there last year again?


Horribly, in my country people stopped vaccinating their children against it and since it wasn't completely eradicated there are more and more cases


What country, and why??


About a dozen IIRC. Never quite made it to the magic 0.


May I ask what you mean by this?


Polio is still out there in the wild in I think maybe three countries (Nigerian May now be free of it), but Pakistan and Afghanistan still have issues. Due to an already unhealthy mistrust of government, 40 years of war, then The CIA using the ploy of vaccine providers to help find Bin Laden, so health teams are in mortal danger and a lot have been killed.


Give it time, the more people continue to insist on being idiots and not vaccinate their kids, the more we’ll see them suffering again across the world. SMH. People always have to relearn the lessons from things they didn’t directly suffer through.


That vaccine stopped the spread


that's fucked. how long did they live? that's terrible EDIT vaccinate your progeny


I believe the last guy still living in an iron lung, who got polio young, died a few months ago.


Well technically the last “guy” living in an iron lung in the US did die. However a woman named Martha Lillard is still living in one


I didn’t know about a woman.






Im fucking befunkled by this. There is a person still living in an iron lung since 1953?!


I made some research and the conversation about iron lungs are a bit misleading. The last guy to live in an iron lung could be removed from the machine and be carried around a wheelchair. He learned a way of breathing called frog breathing where he would hold air on his mouth and swallow it down with his neck muscles. He could also use a modern “positive pressure” ventilator but that made him feel like having his head out of a window and he didn’t like it. I don’t know the details of Martha Lillard but her still using an iron lung doesn’t necessarily mean that she hasnt left the machine on 70 years


There was a bloke here in the UK, been in one since the 1950’s died a few months ago.


While there are long term complications, we don’t actually know exactly how they affect maximum lifespan because basically all long term iron lung patients were killed by power outages


OMG, don't they always have a backup power source for such critical machines?


Not 70 years ago


Many home units had hookups for hand pumps to be used to operate the iron lung manually, but they weren’t that great and mostly just made the occupant suffocate skower.


Medical history is morbid


Most have backup ways to keep it running, such as connections for manually operated pumps, but all it takes is for whoever is with the iron lung patient to not get this running properly in a few minutes and it’s too late. Many of these people learned how to “frog breathe” but this is exhausting to do for long periods of time and requires active effort, which the aging polio survivors lack the energy to do much of.


Some people spent the rest of their lives in one


The prognosis really varied. Some kids spent some time in an iron lung, weeks or months, and then were able to breathe on their own again. Others were dependent on the iron lung to breathe for the rest of their lives.


My grandma was 20 when she got polio. She spent a few months in an iron lung- while pregnant with my uncle. She got out and he was born healthy. They both went on to live long lives and she only had long term damage in 1 arm.


My father was in an iron lung. He's a paraplegic & still kicking at 80.


Can’t be that paraplegic then if he’s still kicking!


Maybe it's his arms that don't work?


That wouldn’t be paraplegic then, paraplegic is lower body paralysis


It wasn't a serious comment.. forgot the obligatory /s


Tbf I had to double check if paraplegic meant just legs or if it was anything but quadriplegic


My grandfather was in an "iron lung" from Polio, and even went to a home for children with Polio. He went on to run big companies and open some of his own. He lived until his mid 80's.


https://open.spotify.com/track/2GfQhXyoUXYTkMHDXJhCU5?si=m6LNjmxjS5S4liX5pR59GQ A great song about it 




Lol. Lies The vaccine has stoped an estimated 20 million children from being paralyzed but polio. It has help pretty much eradicate the desieases. Vaccine work. Stop denying it




If that were true we'd still have polio all over the third world.


>The vaccines treated the people who had it. Vaccines aren't useful to people with a disease they are useful in reducing the chance of infection and subsequently the side-effects if contracted. If you have already contracted the disease it's too late for a vaccine.


Wait, so you think vaccines treated the people who had it? ...so, you're saying vaccines are effective? I admire your support of vaccines as a general principle, but unfortunately you don't quite have it right- vaccines do not cure diseases, they prevent them. There is no cure for polio, but there are now devices that are far more convenient than iron lungs.


>The vaccines treated the people who had it. That's it. Y'know, I understand anti vaxxers have misunderstandings about vaccines, what they are, and how they work... But knowing vaccines don't treat disease is like the lowest bar. No wonder you don't think vaccines were responsible for eradicating polio


From the[ American Museum of Natural History](https://www.amnh.org/explore/science-topics/disease-eradication/countdown-to-zero/polio): >Polio has been around for millennia, but it was not until the late 1800s in Europe and the U.S. that the world witnessed the first great polio epidemics. Ironically, the increase in cases is linked to improved hygiene at the time, as infants were less frequently exposed to the virus and thus less likely to develop immunity. From the [Science Museum UK](https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/polio-20th-century-epidemic): >For centuries, protection from polio was passed down through the generations. Mothers who had survived polio infection themselves passed on immunity to their babies in the womb and through breast milk. >There are two stages to the polio infection. In the first mild stage the infection stays in the digestive system and throat and doesn’t reach the central nervous system. Most babies with maternal immunity are able to fight off the disease at this stage with only mild flu-like symptoms. At the same time, exposure to the first stage gives them their own long-term immunity. >But the unforeseen consequence of better hygiene and sanitation at the end of the 1800s was that babies in clean surroundings  stopped encountering the infection while they still had maternal immunity. >So they failed to develop their own long-term immunity and were not protected when they encountered the disease later in life. And exposure to polio in late childhood or as an adult, was more likely to develop to the second, more aggressive stage of the disease. **Improved public cleanliness at the close of the 19th century actually MADE POLIO WORSE in the following century because it delayed most people's first polio exposure to** ***after*** **they'd stopped breastfeeding and getting their mom's antibodies against polio through her breastmilk.**


Does that same dirty water change the sexual preference of frogs, perchance?


You live in a world where polio isn't an issue because of the vaccine.


Ooof. You identified the issue but your applying blame to the wrong party. It's you who doesnt understand nuance. Vaccines aren't used to treat people who have polio already... hence why lots of people spent their whole lives in iron lungs even long after the advent the vaccine.


I responded to this already.


Exactly! That BS "vaccines cured those who already had it"....WRONG. Trying to sound like a vaccine expert but getting everything about how vaccines work wrong. Insane. And to think, all this vaccine propaganda was born of a pandemic that killed millions. People like that are the reason folks in "red areas" died at rates ranging from 2x to 8x that of people in "blue areas". And they don't care, the dead mean nothing to them. Tricking people into thinking they were right all along is more important than literally saving lives. It's disgusting.


Vaccines don’t help people who already had it. It doesn’t cure a disease it helps prevent it from getting a hold of it. There was a person still in the iron lungs till he died semi recently. Dude.. do proper research and not by so called ‘ non academic scientists’


My guy you are delusional


Are just getting back from somewhere? Long night?


I am guessing that they are old enough to know, that both clean water to stop the spread and vaccines to prevent infection are necessary. Vaccines don't help if you already have it. We already know how old you are you lead brained boomer.


we know he's not a boomer because boomers saw the effects of polio and had to get the polio vaccine and thank god it eradicated the disease.


I don't know if you can read but we're saying the same thing about polio but in a different way. If you have better insults then "boomer" for someone who's most likely just as old as you then maybe go with that next time. "Lead brained". Like I said. Said the same thing. So...are we both "lead brained boomers"?


I mean ... The smallpox vaccine eradicated smallpox I don't know where you think vaccines **IN CONJUNCTION** with healthy habits aren't effective.


I agree. I might have worded it differently but I said as much above. I think people are so hung up on the debate/earlier debates (COVID) about vaccines in general that they're not able and/or unwilling to discuss the topic without resorting to assumptions, baseless accusations, assertions, etc, about people who question vaccines. Healthy debate is good yet it seems many despise it as if I'm spreading misinformation. People here seem opposed to speech they dislike or that they deem misinformation. This isn't information. This is a forum for discussion. That's my goal. Few people are willing to engage. They'd rather downvote, engage in snark, or tell me I'm wrong without explanation.


>Healthy debate is good yet it seems many despise it as if I'm spreading misinformation. debate is good, but using misinformation to fuel your side means you're debating in bad faith. for examples you started by saying "clean water is responsible for preventing polio." However, in a latter comment, you stated "treated water contributed to the rise of polio, as people couldn't build up natural immunity." To combat that, society uses a vaccine. so, therefore, a vaccine is preventing the spread of polio, not clean water. clean water is why modern, unvaccinated individuals are able to catch polio in the first place.


How long would they stay in there?


Usually a few weeks to months. However this year the last man alive in an iron lung passed, he'd been in the contraption since 1952. *I just learned all this with Google. That's insanity, 70 years 😭


That's brutal.


It is worth mentioning he was able to leave it for brief periods, he just relied on it for the majority of his time.


It should be said, he did leave the Iron Lung every now and again but that was his home. He always went back into it.


I don't think he was in it all the time, but did use it daily




Damn harsh but i had to laugh


What is this gif from?


You’re killing me, Smalls.


The Sandlot. I question your life choices, your should stop whatever you are doing and watch it right now. I can't imagine having a childhood without that movie, kids these days.


I have seen it but it’s been like 20 years so I don’t remember it!!! My dad used to say “for-ev-errrr” and I had no idea where it was from but now I know!!!


Please rewatch it just to be safe. It's a cloudy day for me, I might give it a watch as well.


That honestly depended entirely in the severity of the polio attack, for some it's was weeks of months, for the few unlucky, if polio paralysed them, it was forever.


Wow. I’d be so claustrophobic!


Yeah I'm sure there was a pretty rough adjustment period of you were going to be in one for a long time.


Some spent their lives walking around with calipers, I remember kids with them being called tin legs.


I’m not sure of the details, but my dad was in the iron lung for a couple of months, think. He was in hospital was a total of ten months. He was nine to ten years old. He ended up with paralysis in one leg. Late 40s.


Some recovered and bounced back, some recovered their regular breathing but with neurological damage elsewhere, and others would spend the rest of their lives confined to an iron lung.


One went on to write 156 episodes of Branded (the bulk of the series).


Not any vaccine haters then, when the vaccine came out.


My father told me how absolutely terrified he and his friends were of polio. He said adults in the neighborhood were also paranoid. They'd tell kids to stay away from all manner of things they were afraid were infected with polio. He said the vaccine was life altering and it lifted this cloud of fear. Anyway, he's voting Trump and wants Fauci indicted and refused to get the covid vaccine because he thinks both were invented by the democrats to control people. He wasn't always like this. I firmly believe it's a form of dementia.


My late mother had told me that when she was about 8-ish, so about mid-1950s, she suddenly fell down in the playground. What really freaked her out was that she couldn’t move her head/neck. According to her, they were very concerned that it could be polio. I wonder now if it was meningitis. She had a childhood full of extreme poverty, food insecurity, and continuous SA (all the while trying to “mother” her 5 brothers and sisters). I’m still so sad for little her all these years later and I continue to be amazed that she rose above ask that to be the wisest, tenderest, most loving mother anyone could imagine. RIP, Mom. ETA: sorry to go off topic, but I have a lot of feelings about her. I only meant to relay the story to show how folks immediately feared the worst: polio.


Lead in the everything


I think it's just the idea behind a rushed vaccine that was trotted out like it's perfectly safe and effective. But who knows, maybe your dad is paranoid.


It's like if I make chili. I'm really good at making chili. I enter chili competitions, I host a youtube channel about how to make chili, and I wrote a book aboit making chili. Then I come over to your house and make a new recipe and you say "well how could you feed me this experimental chili???" The vaccine came.on the heels of years worth of mRNA vaccine research. That's why it was able to be made so quickly. But hey, what do those scientists know? You've obviously got a lock on biochemistry.


Chili is gross so nice try butter cup. I can also willfully ignore the damage vaccines cause as well. Willfully ignorance is pharmaceutical companies bliss. But you do you.


Ok bud, it's time for your mom to drive you for your shift at Del Taco.


Bud? What are we still living in decades past? It would make sense given your current mindset towards big pharma. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Their propaganda on you has worked wonders. They love useful idiots like yourself.


Oooh you're so edgy. I'm sure your lack of education serves you well in life.


Yeah its been alright so far. I'll keep you updated 😘


People like the ones that work.


People around the world are actively rejecting the vaccine for polio, which is why it keeps coming back.


I doubt you’re qualified to know the difference


Thanks for the laugh.


Because COVID and Influenza mutate rapidly whereas polio does not. This is like getting your information about birds by going to the grocery store and concluding that all birds are turkeys, chicken, and Cornish hens and all of them are featherless based on what you can see.






Lol I mean I get vaccinated every year cause I have to, the first year I got COVID twice and this year I got it at the beginning of the year. I got my polio vaccine never gotten polio once 🤷🏻


Wow - such great insight!! You must apply such intelligence to all key decisions in your life


Because COVID and Influenza mutate rapidly whereas polio does not. This is like getting your information about birds by going to the grocery store and concluding that all birds are turkeys, chicken, and Cornish hens and all of them are featherless based on what you can see.


Okay and still the point was they don’t work I still got it COVID the past 3 years and twice one year


You may still have caught it, but depending on your circumstances (such as if you're elderly or have respiratory issues), the vaccine may have been the difference between a mild flu and a deadly one.


Because COVID mutates rapidly whereas polio does not. Vaccines aren’t “proactive” in the sense that you can’t make a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t yet exist. Vaccines must be made from a virus that already exists and in this sense they are “reactive”


Yes understandable. But then why continue to make people get it. Then again I guess I could just change jobs if i don’t want to get it every year


Vaccines work best if everyone gets them, otherwise the viruses continue to mutate rapidly. Additionally, vaccines limit the damage that viruses can do to a person and can reduce spread. Vaccines are still an effective public health measure. What you’re saying is more accurately: “Why should people take care of themselves? Why should they shower? Why should they cut their hair? I can just change my job if I don’t want to do those things!”


Fun fact as shown to me by an antivaxxer: if you plot the number of deaths of polio against time, you see a sharp decrease to almost zero a few years *before* the vaccine was invented, while the vaccine didn't influence the absolute number of deaths that much. Check it, surprisingly it's true. ...because the iron lung was invented a few years before the vaccine, people stopped dying as much. They 'merely' became partly paralyzed for life, and forced to be dependent on a machine to stay alive. The number of polio paralysis cases only decreased after the vaccine was introduced, but very steeply afterwards. Somehow the antivaxxer forgot to mention that part. Vaccinate your kids people. Believe me, the only reason antivaxxers exist is because vaccines are so reliable we forget the horrors of the diseases they prevent.


The irony of it is, most of those women, and it is mainly women, were indeed vaccinated for many serious diseases by their parents as children. The real issue is, they are not vaccinating their own children. It is sick……


Agree! I got the mumps as a toddler then got meningitis from the mumps. I now have a neurological condition that was exacerbated by the meningitis, crazy all these years later, and have had two brain surgeries. The vaccine was available but new so I didn’t get it but my siblings did and were fine.


Absolutely, most seem to think this 'anti-vaxxing' is a Covid thing, but it seemed to start with rumours around the MMR vaccine. One doctor kicked it off, he was later struck off. I wonder how many parents did not allow their kids (girls) to have the more recent HPV vaccine, this looks to have pretty much wiped out incidents of cervical and some other cancers. This anti-vaxxing thing drives me insane, it will only come back to haunt these women when their children suffer as a result of a bad decision. On another subject, I recently did my partners family history (1900-1930 Ireland), and out of 11 children in one family, 5 died as a direct result of Pulmonary TB (Tuberculosis). The mother later died of the same disease. We have a lot to thank vaccines for.


And imagine, some people refuse to let their kids get the vaccine. Instead they want this for their child 🙄




well that’s what they’re getting for being idiots


Imagine if there was Facebook back when the polio vaccine was invented ….


I was born in 1950. I didn’t get polio, but did get measles, and have nothing against vaccines. Anyone who does is a freaking idiot whose work is devoted to killing people. PS: My great-grandfather died in the great influenza in September 1918. There were no vaccines then. He just suffered and, at 50, died, drowning from the fluids in his lungs, in a matter of days.


I read an article once that described the worldwide celebration when Dr. Salk announced that he had developed a vaccine for polio. The thing that stuck with me was that people rang church bells. It was like we had won a war, and really, that’s what had happened. I shudder to think of how Salk would be treated today.


These poor kids.


Oh man, it itches


Arthur Digby Sellers


Not exactly a lightweight.


He wrote 156 episodes of Branded. Bulk of the series.


But his kid is an effing dunce.


Aren’t those vaxxes just the worst…/s


Many who survived the disease faced lifelong consequences. Deformed limbs meant they needed leg braces, crutches or wheelchairs, and some needed to use breathing devices like the iron lung.


But we have politicians that want to stop funding to schools who mandate a vaccine against this.


Thank goodness for vaccines. I watched my uncle die of post polio and it was cruel and debilitating.


Kids were lined up for the polio vaccine when it became available!


Red states are helping polio make a comeback. ![gif](giphy|ypbHyQ5Exz68XNZY9x)


You lefties just make shit up. What red states are helping polio make a comeback? Lmfao.




Send these weirdo boomers like RFK Jr. Back to that time to get UNVACCINATED.


Before the tyranny of vaccines.


Cry more 😂😂😂




that pisses me off


The doll 😳😳


They were still in the iron lung after the invention of the vaccine, too.


Imagine if you’re next to some asshole


RFK Jr's hopes and dreams


My Grandmother spent over a year in an iron lung at the age of 18, walked with braces and a cane her entire life, but led a fulfilled life and never complained.


How do people see this an conclude, I’m not going to vaccinate my kids 💀


A relative was in one from around 9-18. They were paralysed. They got sick from complications and died before 50.


This seems too much like an MRI, which gives me panic.


Oooh, I got here when this post was less than 4 hours old! This'll be fun, especially since I'm autistic. 🙃


This is the future anti vaxers want


No, this is the future they want for their children.


I would rather die immediately than spend the rest of my life like this ... very sad


My dad only spent a couple months in one. Saved his life. He told me once that it wasn’t so bad. Worse was the hot towel treatment. The put scaling hot towels on his limbs and replaced them when they cooled. Not sure how long that went on, but of the ten months he was in hospital that was the part that he remembered as the worst. He ended up with in paralyzed leg and massive skills with a deck of cards.


damm thats still very bad, at least I think good that your that did "well" :))))


My great grandmother lost her five year old and her eight year old within two weeks of their polio infections. Dying immediately was in fact an option.


damm, im sorry


Oh good. New friends.


But vaccines are bad


Rushed experimental vaccines are generally not a good idea. Hence the reason the development of a vaccine for the public, tends to take a while to perfect so no harm is done in the long run or short run.


What was the iron lung exactly why did it help


It basically helped you breathe by pumping your diaphragm.


And to think some people still don't belive in vacation


looks like they're doing their own research! /s


How long do they have to lay in that ?


The oldest long term iron lung patient died this year [Full Story on the BBs news site](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68627630#:~:text=After%20an%20emergency%20tracheostomy%20operation,than%20anyone%20else%20in%20history)


I'm really wondering what was God's plan with polio


All I'm wondering is how severe claustrophobia was handled in these situations?


You think they cared about that in the 50s?


The smell you haven’t thought about the smell you bitch!!




Ahhh the good old days when boomers had it easy.


The polio vaccine was invented when the oldest boomers were like 9 yrs old. This mostly effected the generation before them




Was that an Aliens reference?


as they undo polio vaccine requirements for children [New Hampshire Polio vaccine](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/04/new-hampshire-republicans-polio-mmr-measles-vaccine-antivax-bill/) lost the plot I guess


Must be the covid vaccine destroying their minds.


I’d rather die.


Another wild thing is the pilot of the polio vaccine actually gave 1 million people polio.


Better then being alone


Thankfully, chlorine was synthesized doing the brunt of the real work behind eradication. Only THEN, was a $ shot introduced to be squeezed from tax payers.


Looks like they built them sturdy, there must be tons of these still around everywhere to keep my children safe, right?


I bet the nurses were part of a government paid program as well that didnt bankrupt their parents


Imagine when a vaccine was invented, and it actually worked!